Why do cons care about Mollie Tibbits and not Celia Barquín Arozamena?

You learned it from me two days ago idiot...you didn't know it was going to the supreme Court..

Oh, I'm sure it will... and hopefully, they will do their jobs and tell Trump to pound sand. Roberts is already getting sick of Trump's shit.
I'm surprised any democrats care about the woman who was stabbed they usually only care about people murdered with a gun in a mass shooting
You going to lose, nothing wrong asking that question .

Other than it defeats the purpose of having a census at all?

I'm surprised any democrats care about the woman who was stabbed they usually only care about people murdered with a gun in a mass shooting

Given more people are killed with guns, we have to spend more time worrying about your dick compensators.
You going to lose, nothing wrong asking that question .

Other than it defeats the purpose of having a census at all?

I'm surprised any democrats care about the woman who was stabbed they usually only care about people murdered with a gun in a mass shooting

Given more people are killed with guns, we have to spend more time worrying about your dick compensators.

More people are killed with knives than rifles of any kind including the black ones you are so afraid of
Where does the constitution mention sanctuary cities, and non-us citizens having the right to vote?

It doesn't, and none of these issues are at issue here with the census.

Here, in the hope of educating you..

Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other Persons. The actual Enumeration shall be made within three Years after the first Meeting of the Congress of the United States, and within every subsequent Term of ten Years, in such Manner as they shall by Law direct.

In short, they have to count everyone.. Citizen, Resident alien and even undocumented aliens. Every last person in the country.

Trump is trying to avoid counting undocumented immigrants. It will fail, the constitution says what it says,not what Trump wants it to say.

Oh I taught joe something again
then why is the left scared of the citizen question?



Joe also didn't want to answer the question of where in the law it say's immigration status can't be asked on the census.
Except they do work, and the Israeli wall is 400 miles long.

The Zionist entity is an Apartheid police state... while that might give you a chubby, most decent people don't want to live like that.

Sorry, you racist douchebag, but decent people don't share your hatred Jews and Israel. Don't believe no one noticed that you attempted a logical fallacy here by attacking the source. The theory that nothing Israel does can be any good because you and your ilk hate Israel couldn't be more absurd.

There was an abundance of evidence, moron. they even confessed to it. You don't know a damn thing about the case.

Confessions that were coerced aren't evidence. Give me a rubber hose, I can get you to confess to having sex with space aliens.

Their confessions were not coerced. If they were, the case would have been overturned on appeal. It wasn't. Everything you "know" about this case is wrong. You are comfortable with your delusions, so there is no hope for you.
Except they do work, and the Israeli wall is 400 miles long.

The Zionist entity is an Apartheid police state... while that might give you a chubby, most decent people don't want to live like that.

There was an abundance of evidence, moron. they even confessed to it. You don't know a damn thing about the case.

Confessions that were coerced aren't evidence. Give me a rubber hose, I can get you to confess to having sex with space aliens.

You democrats seek to finish what Hitler started.

Any Jew supporting democrats is supporting a party that seeks genocide of Jews and the destruction of Israel.
More people are killed with knives than rifles of any kind including the black ones you are so afraid of

Funny, we never hear about the 'mass stabbing' at a school where a dozen kids are stabbed to death... Probable because it takes an effort to stab someone to death.

Funny the only "black' think you would like is a gun.

Sorry, you racist douchebag, but decent people don't share your hatred Jews and Israel. Don't believe no one noticed that you attempted a logical fallacy here by attacking the source. The theory that nothing Israel does can be any good because you and your ilk hate Israel couldn't be more absurd.

Actually, the Zionist Entity is hated in most of the world except for the US, where the dumb-asses in JesusLand think that it needs to be there so Jesus can come back.

For the Zionist invaders to live safely among the people they stole the land from, they need to be a defacto police state. I'm not sure I'd want to live like that, and given how you whine about the smallest government program, you wouldn't either.

Their confessions were not coerced. If they were, the case would have been overturned on appeal. It wasn't. Everything you "know" about this case is wrong. You are comfortable with your delusions, so there is no hope for you.

The cases were overturned when they other guy confessed,and it still took too long. And they got millions of dollars... so it was kind of an expensive fuckup.

The police convicted 5 innocent young men, Trump called for their legal murder, and no one really wants to admit they fucked up.
You democrats seek to finish what Hitler started.

Any Jew supporting democrats is supporting a party that seeks genocide of Jews and the destruction of Israel.

Actually, for most liberal Jews (80% of them vote Democratic) the Zionist Entity is kind of an embarrassment. Kind of like Crazy Uncle Moshe who screams about Hitler to your goyim friends at your Bat Mitzvah Party.

The Zionists are like abused children who've gotten big enough to beat up on someone else. It's just not a pretty sight.
More people are killed with knives than rifles of any kind including the black ones you are so afraid of

Funny, we never hear about the 'mass stabbing' at a school where a dozen kids are stabbed to death... Probable because it takes an effort to stab someone to death.

Funny the only "black' think you would like is a gun.

Sorry, you racist douchebag, but decent people don't share your hatred Jews and Israel. Don't believe no one noticed that you attempted a logical fallacy here by attacking the source. The theory that nothing Israel does can be any good because you and your ilk hate Israel couldn't be more absurd.

Actually, the Zionist Entity is hated in most of the world except for the US, where the dumb-asses in JesusLand think that it needs to be there so Jesus can come back.

For the Zionist invaders to live safely among the people they stole the land from, they need to be a defacto police state. I'm not sure I'd want to live like that, and given how you whine about the smallest government program, you wouldn't either.

Their confessions were not coerced. If they were, the case would have been overturned on appeal. It wasn't. Everything you "know" about this case is wrong. You are comfortable with your delusions, so there is no hope for you.

The cases were overturned when they other guy confessed,and it still took too long. And they got millions of dollars... so it was kind of an expensive fuckup.

The police convicted 5 innocent young men, Trump called for their legal murder, and no one really wants to admit they fucked up.

MAss shootings account for less than 1% of all murders

your obsession with mass shootings only confirms you really don't give a shit about the murder rate because if you did you would be concentrating on the largest art of the problem not the smallest
MAss shootings account for less than 1% of all murders

your obsession with mass shootings only confirms you really don't give a shit about the murder rate because if you did you would be concentrating on the largest art of the problem not the smallest

Actually, that would be the easiest part to fix... that's why it's a good target.
MAss shootings account for less than 1% of all murders

your obsession with mass shootings only confirms you really don't give a shit about the murder rate because if you did you would be concentrating on the largest art of the problem not the smallest

Actually, that would be the easiest part to fix... that's why it's a good target.

And it wouldn't lower the the murder rate one iota
You learned it from me two days ago idiot...you didn't know it was going to the supreme Court..

Oh, I'm sure it will... and hopefully, they will do their jobs and tell Trump to pound sand. Roberts is already getting sick of Trump's shit.

You going to lose, nothing wrong asking that question .
Nothing wrong with upgrading Ellis Island and ensuring all foreign nationals have a federal id. not a State id.

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