Why do cons care about Mollie Tibbits and not Celia Barquín Arozamena?

We all know about Mollie Tibbits . U of Iowa jogger killed by an illegal . Trump tweeted about it .

But did you know about Celia Barquín Arozamena? Eerily enough she was an Iowa State student murdered in a similar fashion as Molly. She was on the golf team out practicing on the course by herself . She was attacked and killed . Just a couple months after Molly.

But you didn’t see the president tweeting about it or conservatives making political hay out of her death .

Why? Cause she was murdered by a red blooded white American male !

Next time a con brings up Molly Tibbits . Be sure to ask them about Celia .

Acclaimed Iowa State golfer found stabbed to death, homeless man charged with murder

Because Mollies murder could have been easily prevented if the Illegal was not in the country. BUILD THE FUCKING WALL.

40% of illegals enter legally and then overstay . Wall does nothing . Plus, people get past walls too.

So you think stopping all or some of the remaining 60% is nothing?

And we can tighten up the Visa policing too

You make a false assumption that a wall would stop those people . We have walls n fences along more populated sections . Building walls in the middle of nowhere is a waste of limited immigration enforcement money . We’d be better off adding more courts, agents , judges , and lawyers .

Says the person that doesn't want to solve the problem.

What are you taking about . My post is an alternative that’s far better than a stupid wall.
Because Mollies murder could have been easily prevented if the Illegal was not in the country. BUILD THE FUCKING WALL.

40% of illegals enter legally and then overstay . Wall does nothing . Plus, people get past walls too.

So you think stopping all or some of the remaining 60% is nothing?

And we can tighten up the Visa policing too

You make a false assumption that a wall would stop those people . We have walls n fences along more populated sections . Building walls in the middle of nowhere is a waste of limited immigration enforcement money . We’d be better off adding more courts, agents , judges , and lawyers .

Says the person that doesn't want to solve the problem.

What are you taking about . My post is an alternative that’s far better than a stupid wall.
Wrong. By the time courts, agents, judges and lawyers get involved, the problem is already an order of magnitude more difficult. Keeping them out of the country is much easier than removing them from the country once they are in.

No one seriously believes the later proposed solution is better than the former. You propose it only because you want to give illegals every possible opportunity to get in. For one thing, douchebags like you Dims will never provide the proper funding needed for the method you propose to work.
Because Mollies murder could have been easily prevented if the Illegal was not in the country. BUILD THE FUCKING WALL.

40% of illegals enter legally and then overstay . Wall does nothing . Plus, people get past walls too.

So you think stopping all or some of the remaining 60% is nothing?

And we can tighten up the Visa policing too

You make a false assumption that a wall would stop those people . We have walls n fences along more populated sections . Building walls in the middle of nowhere is a waste of limited immigration enforcement money . We’d be better off adding more courts, agents , judges , and lawyers .

Says the person that doesn't want to solve the problem.

What are you taking about . My post is an alternative that’s far better than a stupid wall.
So you want to concentrate on 40% of the problem rather than 60% of the problem?

That's not a solution that's denial
Because Mollies murder could have been easily prevented if the Illegal was not in the country. BUILD THE FUCKING WALL.

40% of illegals enter legally and then overstay . Wall does nothing . Plus, people get past walls too.

So you think stopping all or some of the remaining 60% is nothing?

And we can tighten up the Visa policing too

You make a false assumption that a wall would stop those people . We have walls n fences along more populated sections . Building walls in the middle of nowhere is a waste of limited immigration enforcement money . We’d be better off adding more courts, agents , judges , and lawyers .

Says the person that doesn't want to solve the problem.

What are you taking about . My post is an alternative that’s far better than a stupid wall.

I'm talking about you being a lefties and lefties WANTING to see massive Third World Immigration.
40% of illegals enter legally and then overstay . Wall does nothing . Plus, people get past walls too.

So you think stopping all or some of the remaining 60% is nothing?

And we can tighten up the Visa policing too

You make a false assumption that a wall would stop those people . We have walls n fences along more populated sections . Building walls in the middle of nowhere is a waste of limited immigration enforcement money . We’d be better off adding more courts, agents , judges , and lawyers .

Says the person that doesn't want to solve the problem.

What are you taking about . My post is an alternative that’s far better than a stupid wall.
So you want to concentrate on 40% of the problem rather than 60% of the problem?

That's not a solution that's denial

Lefties like Tim, want to talk about the problem in circles, delaying action, year after year while more and more illegals pour in, turning the country more and more into a Third World Hellhole.
Hmmm, no, what the open-borders scumbags politicians "realized" is that it would actually works, and Dims wanted Hispanics to vote for them.

Well, no, everyone realized that walls and fences were stupid idea because you can get around them in any number of ways...

As long as we have shit jobs Americans don't want to do, you will have immigrants willing to do them. Has always been the case in America. Always will be.

I assume you have no doors or windows on your trailer, Comrade Stalin? After all, keeping out the uninvited is a stupid idea, according to drooling assholes like you....
We all know about Mollie Tibbits . U of Iowa jogger killed by an illegal . Trump tweeted about it .

But did you know about Celia Barquín Arozamena? Eerily enough she was an Iowa State student murdered in a similar fashion as Molly. She was on the golf team out practicing on the course by herself . She was attacked and killed . Just a couple months after Molly.

But you didn’t see the president tweeting about it or conservatives making political hay out of her death .

Why? Cause she was murdered by a red blooded white American male !

Next time a con brings up Molly Tibbits . Be sure to ask them about Celia .

Acclaimed Iowa State golfer found stabbed to death, homeless man charged with murder

Those who call themselves "conservatives" don't care about women and girls who are murdered or go missing unless their cases offer some chance for political gain. This shows up time and again.

A red-blooded, European-descended white guy just pleaded guilty to murdering the woman he was married to and had impregnated three times and their two little daughters. Apparently because he was cheating on his marriage vows and did not want the third baby. But this didn't involve people from other countries, so "our president," who ran newspaper ads calling for the death penalty for the boys later found innocent of the attack on the Central Park jogger, is not interested enough to tweet.

You mean all the women and girls who are raped in the "caravan," Hysteria?

Hypocrisy much?

You don't give a fuck about women, you seek to further the agenda of leftism.
We all know about Mollie Tibbits . U of Iowa jogger killed by an illegal . Trump tweeted about it .

But did you know about Celia Barquín Arozamena? Eerily enough she was an Iowa State student murdered in a similar fashion as Molly. She was on the golf team out practicing on the course by herself . She was attacked and killed . Just a couple months after Molly.

But you didn’t see the president tweeting about it or conservatives making political hay out of her death .

Why? Cause she was murdered by a red blooded white American male !

Next time a con brings up Molly Tibbits . Be sure to ask them about Celia .

Acclaimed Iowa State golfer found stabbed to death, homeless man charged with murder

Those who call themselves "conservatives" don't care about women and girls who are murdered or go missing unless their cases offer some chance for political gain. This shows up time and again.

A red-blooded, European-descended white guy just pleaded guilty to murdering the woman he was married to and had impregnated three times and their two little daughters. Apparently because he was cheating on his marriage vows and did not want the third baby. But this didn't involve people from other countries, so "our president," who ran newspaper ads calling for the death penalty for the boys later found innocent of the attack on the Central Park jogger, is not interested enough to tweet.

That a rapist admitted to raping the jogger, does not mean Central Park "boys" did not also rape or assist in raping too.

That that dna evidence was used as an excuse to let those rapists walk free, is massive injustice.
Wrong, shit for brains. Only those desperately looking for an excuse not to build them claimed they don't work. Anyone with sense knows they do work. We have abundant empirical evidence that they work. Not only that, but they are cost effective.

Except they don't work... and there's really no example of one that stretches hundred of miles...

The claim that Americans don't want to do those jobs is also open-borders bullshit. Americans don't want to do them at the same rate the Mexicans accustomed to third world wages are willing to do them. That's one of the main reasons for limiting immigration from Mexico.

Except no one is going to really want to wash dishes or pick lettuce no matter how much you pay them...

Again, worked in a company where they hired (probably undocumented) Mexicans for the scrub work. Then a bigger company bought them out, and they had to find some white people, but the only white people they could find were meth-heads no one else would hire. They usually only lasted a week before they got high again, and they scared the crap out of the regular employees.
We all know about Mollie Tibbits . U of Iowa jogger killed by an illegal . Trump tweeted about it .

But did you know about Celia Barquín Arozamena? Eerily enough she was an Iowa State student murdered in a similar fashion as Molly. She was on the golf team out practicing on the course by herself . She was attacked and killed . Just a couple months after Molly.

But you didn’t see the president tweeting about it or conservatives making political hay out of her death .

Why? Cause she was murdered by a red blooded white American male !

Next time a con brings up Molly Tibbits . Be sure to ask them about Celia .

Acclaimed Iowa State golfer found stabbed to death, homeless man charged with murder

Those who call themselves "conservatives" don't care about women and girls who are murdered or go missing unless their cases offer some chance for political gain. This shows up time and again.

A red-blooded, European-descended white guy just pleaded guilty to murdering the woman he was married to and had impregnated three times and their two little daughters. Apparently because he was cheating on his marriage vows and did not want the third baby. But this didn't involve people from other countries, so "our president," who ran newspaper ads calling for the death penalty for the boys later found innocent of the attack on the Central Park jogger, is not interested enough to tweet.
The thugs who raped the Central Park Jogger are not innocent. They are guilty as sin. The evidence against them was not refuted by the confession of Reyes:

- What You Won't Read in the Papers About the 'Central Park Five'

Good grief! This is a piece in the right-wing rag sheet written by ann coulter, the queen of white trash!!! The orange whore ran newspaper ads calling for their execution. Get a grip.

I notice that you said nothing about Chris Watts, the adulterous husband who did not want a third child, but impregnated his wife anyway, and then killed her and their children. I think that he is a white boy, born here. And we've still got a missing 13-year-old out there somewhere. And the orange whore appointed betsy-bitch to lead the department of education, where she can fleece us for money to fund her cult indoctrination centers and make rape easier for the perps.
Wrong, shit for brains. Only those desperately looking for an excuse not to build them claimed they don't work. Anyone with sense knows they do work. We have abundant empirical evidence that they work. Not only that, but they are cost effective.

Except they don't work... and there's really no example of one that stretches hundred of miles...

The claim that Americans don't want to do those jobs is also open-borders bullshit. Americans don't want to do them at the same rate the Mexicans accustomed to third world wages are willing to do them. That's one of the main reasons for limiting immigration from Mexico.

Except no one is going to really want to wash dishes or pick lettuce no matter how much you pay them...

Again, worked in a company where they hired (probably undocumented) Mexicans for the scrub work. Then a bigger company bought them out, and they had to find some white people, but the only white people they could find were meth-heads no one else would hire. They usually only lasted a week before they got high again, and they scared the crap out of the regular employees.

Except they do work, and the Israeli wall is 400 miles long.

Your anecdotes mean nothing. Americans used to do most of those jobs. I washed dishes when I was in college, so don't tell me know native born Americans will not do that.
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I assume you have no doors or windows on your trailer, Comrade Stalin? After all, keeping out the uninvited is a stupid idea, according to drooling assholes like you....

Again, the whole country isn't mine...and someone wants these people in, which is why they come here.

Maybe you need to talk to the people who keep hiring them.

Who cares if someone wants them in? The majority of Americans want them out.
We all know about Mollie Tibbits . U of Iowa jogger killed by an illegal . Trump tweeted about it .

But did you know about Celia Barquín Arozamena? Eerily enough she was an Iowa State student murdered in a similar fashion as Molly. She was on the golf team out practicing on the course by herself . She was attacked and killed . Just a couple months after Molly.

But you didn’t see the president tweeting about it or conservatives making political hay out of her death .

Why? Cause she was murdered by a red blooded white American male !

Next time a con brings up Molly Tibbits . Be sure to ask them about Celia .

Acclaimed Iowa State golfer found stabbed to death, homeless man charged with murder

Those who call themselves "conservatives" don't care about women and girls who are murdered or go missing unless their cases offer some chance for political gain. This shows up time and again.

A red-blooded, European-descended white guy just pleaded guilty to murdering the woman he was married to and had impregnated three times and their two little daughters. Apparently because he was cheating on his marriage vows and did not want the third baby. But this didn't involve people from other countries, so "our president," who ran newspaper ads calling for the death penalty for the boys later found innocent of the attack on the Central Park jogger, is not interested enough to tweet.
The thugs who raped the Central Park Jogger are not innocent. They are guilty as sin. The evidence against them was not refuted by the confession of Reyes:

- What You Won't Read in the Papers About the 'Central Park Five'

Good grief! This is a piece in the right-wing rag sheet written by ann coulter, the queen of white trash!!! The orange whore ran newspaper ads calling for their execution. Get a grip.

I notice that you said nothing about Chris Watts, the adulterous husband who did not want a third child, but impregnated his wife anyway, and then killed her and their children. I think that he is a white boy, born here. And we've still got a missing 13-year-old out there somewhere. And the orange whore appointed betsy-bitch to lead the department of education, where she can fleece us for money to fund her cult indoctrination centers and make rape easier for the perps.
Attacking the source. Ad hominem fallacy. No one cares about your biased and idiotic opinion of Coulter. Either what she wrote is factual or isn't.

The fact that some native born American committed murder is irrelevant. We can't deport native born Americans. We can deport illegals.
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We all know about Mollie Tibbits . U of Iowa jogger killed by an illegal . Trump tweeted about it .

But did you know about Celia Barquín Arozamena? Eerily enough she was an Iowa State student murdered in a similar fashion as Molly. She was on the golf team out practicing on the course by herself . She was attacked and killed . Just a couple months after Molly.

But you didn’t see the president tweeting about it or conservatives making political hay out of her death .

Why? Cause she was murdered by a red blooded white American male !

Next time a con brings up Molly Tibbits . Be sure to ask them about Celia .

Acclaimed Iowa State golfer found stabbed to death, homeless man charged with murder

Those who call themselves "conservatives" don't care about women and girls who are murdered or go missing unless their cases offer some chance for political gain. This shows up time and again.

A red-blooded, European-descended white guy just pleaded guilty to murdering the woman he was married to and had impregnated three times and their two little daughters. Apparently because he was cheating on his marriage vows and did not want the third baby. But this didn't involve people from other countries, so "our president," who ran newspaper ads calling for the death penalty for the boys later found innocent of the attack on the Central Park jogger, is not interested enough to tweet.
The thugs who raped the Central Park Jogger are not innocent. They are guilty as sin. The evidence against them was not refuted by the confession of Reyes:

- What You Won't Read in the Papers About the 'Central Park Five'

Good grief! This is a piece in the right-wing rag sheet written by ann coulter, the queen of white trash!!! The orange whore ran newspaper ads calling for their execution. Get a grip.

YOur inability to refute her points is accepted.

How can you admit that you cannot refute a single point of hers, and not realize that means she is right?
Except they do work, and the Israeli wall is 400 miles long.

The Zionist entity is an Apartheid police state... while that might give you a chubby, most decent people don't want to live like that.

There was an abundance of evidence, moron. they even confessed to it. You don't know a damn thing about the case.

Confessions that were coerced aren't evidence. Give me a rubber hose, I can get you to confess to having sex with space aliens.
Where does the constitution mention sanctuary cities, and non-us citizens having the right to vote?

It doesn't, and none of these issues are at issue here with the census.

Here, in the hope of educating you..

Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other Persons. The actual Enumeration shall be made within three Years after the first Meeting of the Congress of the United States, and within every subsequent Term of ten Years, in such Manner as they shall by Law direct.

In short, they have to count everyone.. Citizen, Resident alien and even undocumented aliens. Every last person in the country.

Trump is trying to avoid counting undocumented immigrants. It will fail, the constitution says what it says,not what Trump wants it to say.

Oh I taught joe something again
then why is the left scared of the citizen question?



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