why do conservatives care about other peoples abortions?

This is not about woman and children being killed in broad daylight dumb fuck. This is about a woman and her reproduction System get the fuck out of her life and let her and her quack decide control freak , mother fucker

The child is just as dead when it is ripped out of its mother's womb and thrown into the dumpster as if the mother had thrown it off a bridge, you dumb fuck.

A woman does not have the moral right to kill another person for the sake of convenience. She is the one that is trying to be a control freak by killing her child, you stupid mutherfvcker. It is not her body that she is controlling. It is putting another human being to death and that is wrong.

It is better to chose life over convenience and if you don't understand that then you are no better than the Nazis with their program of mass killings.
You need to understand that those that support abortion do not consider a first trimester fetus a human being. I do not agree with it....but I understand why they think that.

Do you realize that you can hear the heartbeat of a fetus when the woman is two months pregnant?
If you can hear a heartbeat that is a human being and not just a lump of cells like the left are telling women.
But at the same time, whereas you can hear a heartbeat, most of the vital organs are not developed. So whereas I agree with your thinking, I understand why others do not see it as a human being.

My problem is that the women are being told that it is just cells and a lump when it isn't.
At 8 weeks -
  • The embryo is measures about 18 mm (3/4 inch) in length.
  • Their arms and legs are growing and location of the elbows and toes are visible..
  • The feet and hand buds have appeared.
  • Starts to practice moving (not felt by mom till week 20)
  • The stomach is being made from part of the gut.
  • The face is beginning to take shape.
  • Your baby's mouth and nostrils are starting to develop.
  • Teeth begin to develop under the gums.
  • The eyes can now be seen as small hollows on each side of the head.
Now if they are fully informed about this before they make their decisions that is fine with me.
It is the left who are fighting against giving women this information.
When they want something, suddenly it's a right that someone else has to pay for when they can't.

The sad thing is that we have allowed the government to be an instrument of greed and thievery. If you want something all you have to do is vote for some dickhead like Obama to get it for you.
Ignorant, hyperbolic nonsense.

No one has allowed, nor seeks, “the government to be an instrument of greed and thievery.”

Conservative dogma can be truly ridiculous.

The people that go to the government in order to get money earned by someone else are greedy.

YES its still a lump of cells as we all are maybe *lump* is not the right word , collection / group might be a better word to use . you have just defined what those cells are forming thats all its not a human until its fully developed and birthed then its a legal human with the same rights as you and i

murder is a legal term for killing a person ... A FETUS IS NOT A HUMAN sorry, it will become one( a person ) if nursed to completion ..
Last edited:
The child is just as dead when it is ripped out of its mother's womb and thrown into the dumpster as if the mother had thrown it off a bridge, you dumb fuck.

A woman does not have the moral right to kill another person for the sake of convenience. She is the one that is trying to be a control freak by killing her child, you stupid mutherfvcker. It is not her body that she is controlling. It is putting another human being to death and that is wrong.

It is better to chose life over convenience and if you don't understand that then you are no better than the Nazis with their program of mass killings.
You need to understand that those that support abortion do not consider a first trimester fetus a human being. I do not agree with it....but I understand why they think that.

Do you realize that you can hear the heartbeat of a fetus when the woman is two months pregnant?
If you can hear a heartbeat that is a human being and not just a lump of cells like the left are telling women.
But at the same time, whereas you can hear a heartbeat, most of the vital organs are not developed. So whereas I agree with your thinking, I understand why others do not see it as a human being.

My problem is that the women are being told that it is just cells and a lump when it isn't.
At 8 weeks -
  • The embryo is measures about 18 mm (3/4 inch) in length.
  • Their arms and legs are growing and location of the elbows and toes are visible..
  • The feet and hand buds have appeared.
  • Starts to practice moving (not felt by mom till week 20)
  • The stomach is being made from part of the gut.
  • The face is beginning to take shape.
  • Your baby's mouth and nostrils are starting to develop.
  • Teeth begin to develop under the gums.
  • The eyes can now be seen as small hollows on each side of the head.
Now if they are fully informed about this before they make their decisions that is fine with me.
It is the left who are fighting against giving women this information.
When they want something, suddenly it's a right that someone else has to pay for when they can't.

The sad thing is that we have allowed the government to be an instrument of greed and thievery. If you want something all you have to do is vote for some dickhead like Obama to get it for you.
Ignorant, hyperbolic nonsense.

No one has allowed, nor seeks, “the government to be an instrument of greed and thievery.”

Conservative dogma can be truly ridiculous.

The people that go to the government in order to get money earned by someone else are greedy.

YES its still a lump of cells as we all are maybe *lump* is not the right word collection / group might discribe it better you have just defined what those cells are forming its not a human until its fully developed and birthed registered as a human a

murder is a legal term for killing a person ... A FETUS IS NOT A HUMAN sorry, it will become one( a person ) if nursed to completion ..

you are stating your opinion. Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one. Most disagree with yours.
The child is just as dead when it is ripped out of its mother's womb and thrown into the dumpster as if the mother had thrown it off a bridge, you dumb fuck.

A woman does not have the moral right to kill another person for the sake of convenience. She is the one that is trying to be a control freak by killing her child, you stupid mutherfvcker. It is not her body that she is controlling. It is putting another human being to death and that is wrong.

It is better to chose life over convenience and if you don't understand that then you are no better than the Nazis with their program of mass killings.
You need to understand that those that support abortion do not consider a first trimester fetus a human being. I do not agree with it....but I understand why they think that.

Do you realize that you can hear the heartbeat of a fetus when the woman is two months pregnant?
If you can hear a heartbeat that is a human being and not just a lump of cells like the left are telling women.
But at the same time, whereas you can hear a heartbeat, most of the vital organs are not developed. So whereas I agree with your thinking, I understand why others do not see it as a human being.

My problem is that the women are being told that it is just cells and a lump when it isn't.
At 8 weeks -
  • The embryo is measures about 18 mm (3/4 inch) in length.
  • Their arms and legs are growing and location of the elbows and toes are visible..
  • The feet and hand buds have appeared.
  • Starts to practice moving (not felt by mom till week 20)
  • The stomach is being made from part of the gut.
  • The face is beginning to take shape.
  • Your baby's mouth and nostrils are starting to develop.
  • Teeth begin to develop under the gums.
  • The eyes can now be seen as small hollows on each side of the head.
Now if they are fully informed about this before they make their decisions that is fine with me.
It is the left who are fighting against giving women this information.
When they want something, suddenly it's a right that someone else has to pay for when they can't.

The sad thing is that we have allowed the government to be an instrument of greed and thievery. If you want something all you have to do is vote for some dickhead like Obama to get it for you.
Ignorant, hyperbolic nonsense.

No one has allowed, nor seeks, “the government to be an instrument of greed and thievery.”

Conservative dogma can be truly ridiculous.

The people that go to the government in order to get money earned by someone else are greedy.

YES its still a lump of cells as we all are maybe *lump* is not the right word collection / group might discribe it better you have just defined what those cells are forming its not a human until its fully developed and birthed registered as a human a

murder is a legal term for killing a person ... A FETUS IS NOT A HUMAN sorry, it will become one( a person ) if nursed to completion ..

Matter of opinion.
Not just abortion though.

There have always been meddlers who think they should have a say in other people's business. There have always been people looking over the back fence, Peeping Tom's who disprove of what goes on in other people's bedroom and they have always had excuses for why they should have control of others.

Interesting to me is that they will tell you they want smaller government but in fact, they want very invasive laws controlling almost everything we do.

To me, most important is that we keep government and religion out of our private lives.

Yeah....why stop other violent acts.....murder....beatings....stabbings....rape.....that is just meddling in other peoples business don't yah know.....
So you do dispute direct knowledge and witnessing something happen. Apparently the training you recieved didn't teach you that someone that sees it happen is a far better source than someone like you that wants to believe it didn't. Seems your training is faulty fuckhead. You don't have to believe me for it to be true. That's not a requirement. However, if you're going to question the authenticity of someone that was part of it happening, you're not worth the piece of paper you claim to have received. Prove that you have that training.

My training and experience far exceeds yours. I know from direct knowledge that an interview of two, who both saw the same event, are not always in sync. I also know from direct experience that interviews of one person a couple of days apart can elicit different and sometimes contradictory information.

I needn't prove anything to you, or anyone who chooses to call me "fuckhead", or any of the other popular pejoratives used by the dishonest and arrogant. Your use of the word "fuckhead" suggests you lack the skills to discuss things rationally and are in fact childish.

That I don't believe stories posted on this forum isn't news, the internet is filled with lies, half-truths and populated by mendacious ideologues, as well as honest, rational normal people. My skills allow me to the ability to discern between them.
and exactly why no one believes anything you post.

BTW, your post is nominated for the most stupid post of the day! I think you have really good odds at a win with this latest post.

I like your skillset to more stupid, is best I've seen in a while. Congrats on the nomination.

Read back through the conversation I had with WryCatcher. He claims what I posted, something of which I had direct knowledge, is false and does so based on training he claims to have. He says that since I have provided no proof of my claim, it can't be validated. However, when I asked for proof of his training, his response was "I needn't provide you anything". In other words, to him my claim is false because of no proof yet I'm supposed to acknowledge his training despite no proof. Typical of his kind.
And why nomination as most stupid post of the day is so strong. My guidance for you is to let the poor guy go along his stupid path and call it what it is, stupid. There isn't a one of em that deserves any of our knowledge. They still haven't provided the experiment that will prove adding 120 PPM of CO2 to 280 PPM does anything to temperature. See I have Herr Koch 1901's test that proves our side. So we have the game and they have stupid!!!!

psst, and that's all of the left.

He's the typical all I have to do is say it but you have to prove it type.

You've proved the meaning of Wil's phrase very well: ""The lady doth protest too much, methinks".

My former next door neighbor's wife, told my sister-in-law that her uncle knew of Conservative who was once know as Flubber. Embarrassed by the name, which is an idiom meaning one who smells the bicycle seats at school yards, conservative moved out of his parents basement when he was 36, and now rents a room paid for by SSI. He has a brother who supports him as long as Flub ... err, conservative remains out of the state where he was raised. Flub uses the computer at the local library, funny, he never pays taxes but uses the services paid for by others in the community.

See Flub, err, well ... if your going to stalk me you might as well make an effort to make your hurt little feelings interesting.
My training and experience far exceeds yours. I know from direct knowledge that an interview of two, who both saw the same event, are not always in sync. I also know from direct experience that interviews of one person a couple of days apart can elicit different and sometimes contradictory information.

I needn't prove anything to you, or anyone who chooses to call me "fuckhead", or any of the other popular pejoratives used by the dishonest and arrogant. Your use of the word "fuckhead" suggests you lack the skills to discuss things rationally and are in fact childish.

That I don't believe stories posted on this forum isn't news, the internet is filled with lies, half-truths and populated by mendacious ideologues, as well as honest, rational normal people. My skills allow me to the ability to discern between them.
and exactly why no one believes anything you post.

BTW, your post is nominated for the most stupid post of the day! I think you have really good odds at a win with this latest post.

I like your skillset to more stupid, is best I've seen in a while. Congrats on the nomination.

Read back through the conversation I had with WryCatcher. He claims what I posted, something of which I had direct knowledge, is false and does so based on training he claims to have. He says that since I have provided no proof of my claim, it can't be validated. However, when I asked for proof of his training, his response was "I needn't provide you anything". In other words, to him my claim is false because of no proof yet I'm supposed to acknowledge his training despite no proof. Typical of his kind.
And why nomination as most stupid post of the day is so strong. My guidance for you is to let the poor guy go along his stupid path and call it what it is, stupid. There isn't a one of em that deserves any of our knowledge. They still haven't provided the experiment that will prove adding 120 PPM of CO2 to 280 PPM does anything to temperature. See I have Herr Koch 1901's test that proves our side. So we have the game and they have stupid!!!!

psst, and that's all of the left.

He's the typical all I have to do is say it but you have to prove it type.

You've proved the meaning of Wil's phrase very well: ""The lady doth protest too much, methinks".

My former next door neighbor's wife, told my sister-in-law that her uncle knew of Conservative who was once know as Flubber. Embarrassed by the name, which is an idiom meaning one who smells the bicycle seats at school yards, conservative moved out of his parents basement when he was 36, and now rents a room paid for by SSI. He has a brother who supports him as long as Flub ... err, conservative remains out of the state where he was raised. Flub uses the computer at the local library, funny, he never pays taxes but uses the services paid for by others in the community.

See Flub, err, well ... if your going to stalk me you might as well make an effort to make your hurt little feelings interesting.
The difference is your story involve hearsay evidecne passed along by many people. Mine was between two people directly involved. That you can't see that proves your training is invalid or it's a false claim. Still haven't seen proof of it.
Not just abortion though.

There have always been meddlers who think they should have a say in other people's business. There have always been people looking over the back fence, Peeping Tom's who disprove of what goes on in other people's bedroom and they have always had excuses for why they should have control of others.

Interesting to me is that they will tell you they want smaller government but in fact, they want very invasive laws controlling almost everything we do.

To me, most important is that we keep government and religion out of our private lives.

Yeah....why stop other violent acts.....murder....beatings....stabbings....rape.....that is just meddling in other peoples business don't yah know.....
I doubt she does!
My training and experience far exceeds yours. I know from direct knowledge that an interview of two, who both saw the same event, are not always in sync. I also know from direct experience that interviews of one person a couple of days apart can elicit different and sometimes contradictory information.

I needn't prove anything to you, or anyone who chooses to call me "fuckhead", or any of the other popular pejoratives used by the dishonest and arrogant. Your use of the word "fuckhead" suggests you lack the skills to discuss things rationally and are in fact childish.

That I don't believe stories posted on this forum isn't news, the internet is filled with lies, half-truths and populated by mendacious ideologues, as well as honest, rational normal people. My skills allow me to the ability to discern between them.
and exactly why no one believes anything you post.

BTW, your post is nominated for the most stupid post of the day! I think you have really good odds at a win with this latest post.

I like your skillset to more stupid, is best I've seen in a while. Congrats on the nomination.

Read back through the conversation I had with WryCatcher. He claims what I posted, something of which I had direct knowledge, is false and does so based on training he claims to have. He says that since I have provided no proof of my claim, it can't be validated. However, when I asked for proof of his training, his response was "I needn't provide you anything". In other words, to him my claim is false because of no proof yet I'm supposed to acknowledge his training despite no proof. Typical of his kind.
And why nomination as most stupid post of the day is so strong. My guidance for you is to let the poor guy go along his stupid path and call it what it is, stupid. There isn't a one of em that deserves any of our knowledge. They still haven't provided the experiment that will prove adding 120 PPM of CO2 to 280 PPM does anything to temperature. See I have Herr Koch 1901's test that proves our side. So we have the game and they have stupid!!!!

psst, and that's all of the left.

He's the typical all I have to do is say it but you have to prove it type.

You've proved the meaning of Wil's phrase very well: ""The lady doth protest too much, methinks".

My former next door neighbor's wife, told my sister-in-law that her uncle knew of Conservative who was once know as Flubber. Embarrassed by the name, which is an idiom meaning one who smells the bicycle seats at school yards, conservative moved out of his parents basement when he was 36, and now rents a room paid for by SSI. He has a brother who supports him as long as Flub ... err, conservative remains out of the state where he was raised. Flub uses the computer at the local library, funny, he never pays taxes but uses the services paid for by others in the community.

See Flub, err, well ... if your going to stalk me you might as well make an effort to make your hurt little feelings interesting.
thanks for the more stupid! I didn't think you could make more stupid, but badabing here you are with more stupid. thanks for confirming the more stupid left is doing well.
and exactly why no one believes anything you post.

BTW, your post is nominated for the most stupid post of the day! I think you have really good odds at a win with this latest post.

I like your skillset to more stupid, is best I've seen in a while. Congrats on the nomination.

Read back through the conversation I had with WryCatcher. He claims what I posted, something of which I had direct knowledge, is false and does so based on training he claims to have. He says that since I have provided no proof of my claim, it can't be validated. However, when I asked for proof of his training, his response was "I needn't provide you anything". In other words, to him my claim is false because of no proof yet I'm supposed to acknowledge his training despite no proof. Typical of his kind.
And why nomination as most stupid post of the day is so strong. My guidance for you is to let the poor guy go along his stupid path and call it what it is, stupid. There isn't a one of em that deserves any of our knowledge. They still haven't provided the experiment that will prove adding 120 PPM of CO2 to 280 PPM does anything to temperature. See I have Herr Koch 1901's test that proves our side. So we have the game and they have stupid!!!!

psst, and that's all of the left.

He's the typical all I have to do is say it but you have to prove it type.

You've proved the meaning of Wil's phrase very well: ""The lady doth protest too much, methinks".

My former next door neighbor's wife, told my sister-in-law that her uncle knew of Conservative who was once know as Flubber. Embarrassed by the name, which is an idiom meaning one who smells the bicycle seats at school yards, conservative moved out of his parents basement when he was 36, and now rents a room paid for by SSI. He has a brother who supports him as long as Flub ... err, conservative remains out of the state where he was raised. Flub uses the computer at the local library, funny, he never pays taxes but uses the services paid for by others in the community.

See Flub, err, well ... if your going to stalk me you might as well make an effort to make your hurt little feelings interesting.
thanks for the more stupid! I didn't think you could make more stupid, but badabing here you are with more stupid. thanks for confirming the more stupid left is doing well.

Thanks for sharing, Your use of syntax is enlightening. I do wonder, have you completed the 6th grade? Posted below for your edification:

You need to understand that those that support abortion do not consider a first trimester fetus a human being. I do not agree with it....but I understand why they think that.

Do you realize that you can hear the heartbeat of a fetus when the woman is two months pregnant?
If you can hear a heartbeat that is a human being and not just a lump of cells like the left are telling women.
But at the same time, whereas you can hear a heartbeat, most of the vital organs are not developed. So whereas I agree with your thinking, I understand why others do not see it as a human being.

My problem is that the women are being told that it is just cells and a lump when it isn't.
At 8 weeks -
  • The embryo is measures about 18 mm (3/4 inch) in length.
  • Their arms and legs are growing and location of the elbows and toes are visible..
  • The feet and hand buds have appeared.
  • Starts to practice moving (not felt by mom till week 20)
  • The stomach is being made from part of the gut.
  • The face is beginning to take shape.
  • Your baby's mouth and nostrils are starting to develop.
  • Teeth begin to develop under the gums.
  • The eyes can now be seen as small hollows on each side of the head.
Now if they are fully informed about this before they make their decisions that is fine with me.
It is the left who are fighting against giving women this information.
When they want something, suddenly it's a right that someone else has to pay for when they can't.

The sad thing is that we have allowed the government to be an instrument of greed and thievery. If you want something all you have to do is vote for some dickhead like Obama to get it for you.
Ignorant, hyperbolic nonsense.

No one has allowed, nor seeks, “the government to be an instrument of greed and thievery.”

Conservative dogma can be truly ridiculous.

The people that go to the government in order to get money earned by someone else are greedy.

YES its still a lump of cells as we all are maybe *lump* is not the right word collection / group might discribe it better you have just defined what those cells are forming its not a human until its fully developed and birthed registered as a human a

murder is a legal term for killing a person ... A FETUS IS NOT A HUMAN sorry, it will become one( a person ) if nursed to completion ..

you are stating your opinion. Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one. Most disagree with yours.

of course its my opinion but there are facts to back it up it doesnt t have a s/s till its born, not counted on the registry til its born, not recognized by the state as a *person *till its born
yes these are facts....

were are the facts to back up the *opinion* that there is a god no facts just words in a old book of fables
Do you realize that you can hear the heartbeat of a fetus when the woman is two months pregnant?
If you can hear a heartbeat that is a human being and not just a lump of cells like the left are telling women.
But at the same time, whereas you can hear a heartbeat, most of the vital organs are not developed. So whereas I agree with your thinking, I understand why others do not see it as a human being.

My problem is that the women are being told that it is just cells and a lump when it isn't.
At 8 weeks -
  • The embryo is measures about 18 mm (3/4 inch) in length.
  • Their arms and legs are growing and location of the elbows and toes are visible..
  • The feet and hand buds have appeared.
  • Starts to practice moving (not felt by mom till week 20)
  • The stomach is being made from part of the gut.
  • The face is beginning to take shape.
  • Your baby's mouth and nostrils are starting to develop.
  • Teeth begin to develop under the gums.
  • The eyes can now be seen as small hollows on each side of the head.
Now if they are fully informed about this before they make their decisions that is fine with me.
It is the left who are fighting against giving women this information.
The sad thing is that we have allowed the government to be an instrument of greed and thievery. If you want something all you have to do is vote for some dickhead like Obama to get it for you.
Ignorant, hyperbolic nonsense.

No one has allowed, nor seeks, “the government to be an instrument of greed and thievery.”

Conservative dogma can be truly ridiculous.

The people that go to the government in order to get money earned by someone else are greedy.

YES its still a lump of cells as we all are maybe *lump* is not the right word collection / group might discribe it better you have just defined what those cells are forming its not a human until its fully developed and birthed registered as a human a

murder is a legal term for killing a person ... A FETUS IS NOT A HUMAN sorry, it will become one( a person ) if nursed to completion ..

you are stating your opinion. Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one. Most disagree with yours.

of course its my opinion but there are facts to back it up it doesnt t have a s/s till its born, not counted on the registry til its born, not recognized by the state as a *person *till its born
yes these are facts....

were are the facts to back up the *opinion* that there is a god no facts just words in a old book of fables

The car my wife recently bought a new car. While it was not registered for warranty until we bought it nor registered with the State until we put a tag on it, it was still a car while on the lot. Those are facts.

Those things you call facts deal with "registration" and "recognition" on paper. Much like my wife's car, it was a human before it came out and more of one that you'll ever be. That's a fact.
Read back through the conversation I had with WryCatcher. He claims what I posted, something of which I had direct knowledge, is false and does so based on training he claims to have. He says that since I have provided no proof of my claim, it can't be validated. However, when I asked for proof of his training, his response was "I needn't provide you anything". In other words, to him my claim is false because of no proof yet I'm supposed to acknowledge his training despite no proof. Typical of his kind.
And why nomination as most stupid post of the day is so strong. My guidance for you is to let the poor guy go along his stupid path and call it what it is, stupid. There isn't a one of em that deserves any of our knowledge. They still haven't provided the experiment that will prove adding 120 PPM of CO2 to 280 PPM does anything to temperature. See I have Herr Koch 1901's test that proves our side. So we have the game and they have stupid!!!!

psst, and that's all of the left.

He's the typical all I have to do is say it but you have to prove it type.

You've proved the meaning of Wil's phrase very well: ""The lady doth protest too much, methinks".

My former next door neighbor's wife, told my sister-in-law that her uncle knew of Conservative who was once know as Flubber. Embarrassed by the name, which is an idiom meaning one who smells the bicycle seats at school yards, conservative moved out of his parents basement when he was 36, and now rents a room paid for by SSI. He has a brother who supports him as long as Flub ... err, conservative remains out of the state where he was raised. Flub uses the computer at the local library, funny, he never pays taxes but uses the services paid for by others in the community.

See Flub, err, well ... if your going to stalk me you might as well make an effort to make your hurt little feelings interesting.
thanks for the more stupid! I didn't think you could make more stupid, but badabing here you are with more stupid. thanks for confirming the more stupid left is doing well.

Thanks for sharing, Your use of syntax is enlightening. I do wonder, have you completed the 6th grade? Posted below for your edification:

Hey Wry, I'm still waiting on the proof of your training you claim to have. Remember, no proof = no training. Bet you won't show it but bet you'll still keep claiming you have it.
Do you realize that you can hear the heartbeat of a fetus when the woman is two months pregnant?
If you can hear a heartbeat that is a human being and not just a lump of cells like the left are telling women.
But at the same time, whereas you can hear a heartbeat, most of the vital organs are not developed. So whereas I agree with your thinking, I understand why others do not see it as a human being.

My problem is that the women are being told that it is just cells and a lump when it isn't.
At 8 weeks -
  • The embryo is measures about 18 mm (3/4 inch) in length.
  • Their arms and legs are growing and location of the elbows and toes are visible..
  • The feet and hand buds have appeared.
  • Starts to practice moving (not felt by mom till week 20)
  • The stomach is being made from part of the gut.
  • The face is beginning to take shape.
  • Your baby's mouth and nostrils are starting to develop.
  • Teeth begin to develop under the gums.
  • The eyes can now be seen as small hollows on each side of the head.
Now if they are fully informed about this before they make their decisions that is fine with me.
It is the left who are fighting against giving women this information.
The sad thing is that we have allowed the government to be an instrument of greed and thievery. If you want something all you have to do is vote for some dickhead like Obama to get it for you.
Ignorant, hyperbolic nonsense.

No one has allowed, nor seeks, “the government to be an instrument of greed and thievery.”

Conservative dogma can be truly ridiculous.

The people that go to the government in order to get money earned by someone else are greedy.

YES its still a lump of cells as we all are maybe *lump* is not the right word collection / group might discribe it better you have just defined what those cells are forming its not a human until its fully developed and birthed registered as a human a

murder is a legal term for killing a person ... A FETUS IS NOT A HUMAN sorry, it will become one( a person ) if nursed to completion ..

you are stating your opinion. Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one. Most disagree with yours.

of course its my opinion but there are facts to back it up it doesnt t have a s/s till its born, not counted on the registry til its born, not recognized by the state as a *person *till its born
yes these are facts....

were are the facts to back up the *opinion* that there is a god no facts just words in a old book of fables
So are you saying that the minute before a baby is delivered, it is still not a baby because, per the facts, it is not counted on the registry and not recognized by the state as a person?

I think you are apply the wrong "facts" to support your position.
Do you realize that you can hear the heartbeat of a fetus when the woman is two months pregnant?
If you can hear a heartbeat that is a human being and not just a lump of cells like the left are telling women.
But at the same time, whereas you can hear a heartbeat, most of the vital organs are not developed. So whereas I agree with your thinking, I understand why others do not see it as a human being.

My problem is that the women are being told that it is just cells and a lump when it isn't.
At 8 weeks -
  • The embryo is measures about 18 mm (3/4 inch) in length.
  • Their arms and legs are growing and location of the elbows and toes are visible..
  • The feet and hand buds have appeared.
  • Starts to practice moving (not felt by mom till week 20)
  • The stomach is being made from part of the gut.
  • The face is beginning to take shape.
  • Your baby's mouth and nostrils are starting to develop.
  • Teeth begin to develop under the gums.
  • The eyes can now be seen as small hollows on each side of the head.
Now if they are fully informed about this before they make their decisions that is fine with me.
It is the left who are fighting against giving women this information.
The sad thing is that we have allowed the government to be an instrument of greed and thievery. If you want something all you have to do is vote for some dickhead like Obama to get it for you.
Ignorant, hyperbolic nonsense.

No one has allowed, nor seeks, “the government to be an instrument of greed and thievery.”

Conservative dogma can be truly ridiculous.

The people that go to the government in order to get money earned by someone else are greedy.

YES its still a lump of cells as we all are maybe *lump* is not the right word collection / group might discribe it better you have just defined what those cells are forming its not a human until its fully developed and birthed registered as a human a

murder is a legal term for killing a person ... A FETUS IS NOT A HUMAN sorry, it will become one( a person ) if nursed to completion ..

you are stating your opinion. Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one. Most disagree with yours.

of course its my opinion but there are facts to back it up it doesnt t have a s/s till its born, not counted on the registry til its born, not recognized by the state as a *person *till its born
yes these are facts....

were are the facts to back up the *opinion* that there is a god no facts just words in a old book of fables
you are a sick human being, I feel sorry for you.

I could make the smart ass comment all you are doing is killing off 300,000 potential democrats a year, but I won't.

Why do you care? A right leaning supreme court said it was legal, so why care?

I don't.

Because short-sighted and stupid has always described conservative logic.

Most of the abortions are for economic reasons. In other words, poor people have more sabortions than not-poor people. So by objecting to abortions conservatives are making more poor people. And since poor people are disproportionately Democrats, they're only shooting themselves in the foot.

I've long said the political positions about abortion seem reversed. Democrats are for abortions, making less Democrats, and Republicans are against it making more Democrats. :) Instead, Dems should be against abortion ensuring more Democrats, and Republicans for abortion making less Democrats.
Do you realize that you can hear the heartbeat of a fetus when the woman is two months pregnant?
If you can hear a heartbeat that is a human being and not just a lump of cells like the left are telling women.
But at the same time, whereas you can hear a heartbeat, most of the vital organs are not developed. So whereas I agree with your thinking, I understand why others do not see it as a human being.

My problem is that the women are being told that it is just cells and a lump when it isn't.
At 8 weeks -
  • The embryo is measures about 18 mm (3/4 inch) in length.
  • Their arms and legs are growing and location of the elbows and toes are visible..
  • The feet and hand buds have appeared.
  • Starts to practice moving (not felt by mom till week 20)
  • The stomach is being made from part of the gut.
  • The face is beginning to take shape.
  • Your baby's mouth and nostrils are starting to develop.
  • Teeth begin to develop under the gums.
  • The eyes can now be seen as small hollows on each side of the head.
Now if they are fully informed about this before they make their decisions that is fine with me.
It is the left who are fighting against giving women this information.
The sad thing is that we have allowed the government to be an instrument of greed and thievery. If you want something all you have to do is vote for some dickhead like Obama to get it for you.
Ignorant, hyperbolic nonsense.

No one has allowed, nor seeks, “the government to be an instrument of greed and thievery.”

Conservative dogma can be truly ridiculous.

The people that go to the government in order to get money earned by someone else are greedy.

YES its still a lump of cells as we all are maybe *lump* is not the right word collection / group might discribe it better you have just defined what those cells are forming its not a human until its fully developed and birthed registered as a human a

murder is a legal term for killing a person ... A FETUS IS NOT A HUMAN sorry, it will become one( a person ) if nursed to completion ..

you are stating your opinion. Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one. Most disagree with yours.

of course its my opinion but there are facts to back it up it doesnt t have a s/s till its born, not counted on the registry til its born, not recognized by the state as a *person *till its born
yes these are facts....

were are the facts to back up the *opinion* that there is a god no facts just words in a old book of fables

The "facts" about when a child reaches the stage of development that he or she merits legal protection, is whenever we - as a society - decide it is.

It is everyone's right to have their say and to try to get others to decide that time in a little different way than we have in the past. It's called progress.
But at the same time, whereas you can hear a heartbeat, most of the vital organs are not developed. So whereas I agree with your thinking, I understand why others do not see it as a human being.

My problem is that the women are being told that it is just cells and a lump when it isn't.
At 8 weeks -
  • The embryo is measures about 18 mm (3/4 inch) in length.
  • Their arms and legs are growing and location of the elbows and toes are visible..
  • The feet and hand buds have appeared.
  • Starts to practice moving (not felt by mom till week 20)
  • The stomach is being made from part of the gut.
  • The face is beginning to take shape.
  • Your baby's mouth and nostrils are starting to develop.
  • Teeth begin to develop under the gums.
  • The eyes can now be seen as small hollows on each side of the head.
Now if they are fully informed about this before they make their decisions that is fine with me.
It is the left who are fighting against giving women this information.
Ignorant, hyperbolic nonsense.

No one has allowed, nor seeks, “the government to be an instrument of greed and thievery.”

Conservative dogma can be truly ridiculous.

The people that go to the government in order to get money earned by someone else are greedy.

YES its still a lump of cells as we all are maybe *lump* is not the right word collection / group might discribe it better you have just defined what those cells are forming its not a human until its fully developed and birthed registered as a human a

murder is a legal term for killing a person ... A FETUS IS NOT A HUMAN sorry, it will become one( a person ) if nursed to completion ..

you are stating your opinion. Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one. Most disagree with yours.

of course its my opinion but there are facts to back it up it doesnt t have a s/s till its born, not counted on the registry til its born, not recognized by the state as a *person *till its born
yes these are facts....

were are the facts to back up the *opinion* that there is a god no facts just words in a old book of fables

The "facts" about when a child reaches the stage of development that he or she merits legal protection, is whenever we - as a society - decide it is.

It is everyone's right to have their say and to try to get others to decide that time in a little different way than we have in the past. It's called progress.

My wife was born at 25 weeks. There are people that support abortion after that time period and based it on viability. I can tell you that despite being petite, she's fully developed.
Do you realize that you can hear the heartbeat of a fetus when the woman is two months pregnant?
If you can hear a heartbeat that is a human being and not just a lump of cells like the left are telling women.
But at the same time, whereas you can hear a heartbeat, most of the vital organs are not developed. So whereas I agree with your thinking, I understand why others do not see it as a human being.

My problem is that the women are being told that it is just cells and a lump when it isn't.
At 8 weeks -
  • The embryo is measures about 18 mm (3/4 inch) in length.
  • Their arms and legs are growing and location of the elbows and toes are visible..
  • The feet and hand buds have appeared.
  • Starts to practice moving (not felt by mom till week 20)
  • The stomach is being made from part of the gut.
  • The face is beginning to take shape.
  • Your baby's mouth and nostrils are starting to develop.
  • Teeth begin to develop under the gums.
  • The eyes can now be seen as small hollows on each side of the head.
Now if they are fully informed about this before they make their decisions that is fine with me.
It is the left who are fighting against giving women this information.
The sad thing is that we have allowed the government to be an instrument of greed and thievery. If you want something all you have to do is vote for some dickhead like Obama to get it for you.
Ignorant, hyperbolic nonsense.

No one has allowed, nor seeks, “the government to be an instrument of greed and thievery.”

Conservative dogma can be truly ridiculous.

The people that go to the government in order to get money earned by someone else are greedy.

YES its still a lump of cells as we all are maybe *lump* is not the right word collection / group might discribe it better you have just defined what those cells are forming its not a human until its fully developed and birthed registered as a human a

murder is a legal term for killing a person ... A FETUS IS NOT A HUMAN sorry, it will become one( a person ) if nursed to completion ..

you are stating your opinion. Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one. Most disagree with yours.

of course its my opinion but there are facts to back it up it doesnt t have a s/s till its born, not counted on the registry til its born, not recognized by the state as a *person *till its born
yes these are facts....

were are the facts to back up the *opinion* that there is a god no facts just words in a old book of fables

then why is someone who murders a pregnant woman charged with two counts of murder?
My problem is that the women are being told that it is just cells and a lump when it isn't.
At 8 weeks -
  • The embryo is measures about 18 mm (3/4 inch) in length.
  • Their arms and legs are growing and location of the elbows and toes are visible..
  • The feet and hand buds have appeared.
  • Starts to practice moving (not felt by mom till week 20)
  • The stomach is being made from part of the gut.
  • The face is beginning to take shape.
  • Your baby's mouth and nostrils are starting to develop.
  • Teeth begin to develop under the gums.
  • The eyes can now be seen as small hollows on each side of the head.
Now if they are fully informed about this before they make their decisions that is fine with me.
It is the left who are fighting against giving women this information.
The people that go to the government in order to get money earned by someone else are greedy.

YES its still a lump of cells as we all are maybe *lump* is not the right word collection / group might discribe it better you have just defined what those cells are forming its not a human until its fully developed and birthed registered as a human a

murder is a legal term for killing a person ... A FETUS IS NOT A HUMAN sorry, it will become one( a person ) if nursed to completion ..

you are stating your opinion. Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one. Most disagree with yours.

of course its my opinion but there are facts to back it up it doesnt t have a s/s till its born, not counted on the registry til its born, not recognized by the state as a *person *till its born
yes these are facts....

were are the facts to back up the *opinion* that there is a god no facts just words in a old book of fables

The "facts" about when a child reaches the stage of development that he or she merits legal protection, is whenever we - as a society - decide it is.

It is everyone's right to have their say and to try to get others to decide that time in a little different way than we have in the past. It's called progress.

My wife was born at 25 weeks. There are people that support abortion after that time period and based it on viability. I can tell you that despite being petite, she's fully developed.

Well, I think we always understood that applying the standard "viability" was going to produce a moving target. Medical advances make it inevitable that mark is gonna move.

Personally, I prefer the standard, "At the moment characteristics that are uniquely human appear"

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