why do conservatives care about other peoples abortions?

I don't think liberals WANT abortions (maybe a very few, but I have a hard time believing that.) I think most just believe abortions should be available and that sex education (not legislation) is the way to decrease the number.

Personally, I'm against abortion because I believe a fetus is a human being who is entitled to protection under our legal system.

So I guess I'm a pro-lifer, but I hate to be associated with so many who are pro-lifers. Look, if we are going to make progress, we are going to have to win more people over to our side. In order to do that:

Pro-Lifers, Please Stop:
Bombing clinics and killing doctors
Harassing women who are already having a horrible day
talking about "legitimate rape"
Calling people names (like murderer)
Crying about free condoms. (The schools can hand 'em out, but it's the parent's job to attach the moral lesson to their use or non-use.)

Pro-Lifers Please Start:
Talking about the support you can offer the mother and child - the support that makes birthing the child a real option for so many who get abortions because they feel they don't have any other real choice.

Reach out to meet those who disagree with respectful, secular, and well-reasoned points of view that promote thought not vitrol.
You Can Use proper grammar all you want JC but I also have Terry and dawn so remind me again JC why I need to go back to school and study English? I have it all :)


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My problem is that the women are being told that it is just cells and a lump when it isn't.
At 8 weeks -
  • The embryo is measures about 18 mm (3/4 inch) in length.
  • Their arms and legs are growing and location of the elbows and toes are visible..
  • The feet and hand buds have appeared.
  • Starts to practice moving (not felt by mom till week 20)
  • The stomach is being made from part of the gut.
  • The face is beginning to take shape.
  • Your baby's mouth and nostrils are starting to develop.
  • Teeth begin to develop under the gums.
  • The eyes can now be seen as small hollows on each side of the head.
Now if they are fully informed about this before they make their decisions that is fine with me.
It is the left who are fighting against giving women this information.
The people that go to the government in order to get money earned by someone else are greedy.

YES its still a lump of cells as we all are maybe *lump* is not the right word collection / group might discribe it better you have just defined what those cells are forming its not a human until its fully developed and birthed registered as a human a

murder is a legal term for killing a person ... A FETUS IS NOT A HUMAN sorry, it will become one( a person ) if nursed to completion ..

you are stating your opinion. Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one. Most disagree with yours.

of course its my opinion but there are facts to back it up it doesnt t have a s/s till its born, not counted on the registry til its born, not recognized by the state as a *person *till its born
yes these are facts....

were are the facts to back up the *opinion* that there is a god no facts just words in a old book of fables

The car my wife recently bought a new car. While it was not registered for warranty until we bought it nor registered with the State until we put a tag on it, it was still a car while on the lot. Those are facts.

Those things you call facts deal with "registration" and "recognition" on paper. Much like my wife's car, it was a human before it came out and more of one that you'll ever be. That's a fact.

personal insults will get you nowhere in the discussion just proves the kind of individual you are .. ill not communnicate with you until you learn to behave ...
Yet you insult what I believe then whine like a bitch.
Because like our national debt the number of abortions are nearing 18 trillion.
Ok maybe not that many but probably close.
I feel most Libs would like to see more abortions performed not less but many not so many this year.
over 55 million since 1973.
You Can Use proper grammar all you want JC but I also have Terry and dawn so remind me again JC why I need to go back to school and study English? I have it all :)
Bear, me thinks you have me confused with someone else. Not sure your rage at the moment. It would help if you took a deep breath and explained the rage at me. it'd help me respond.

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