Why do conservatives complain about being called out as racists so much?

Yes, it's a free country and the Democratic Party has a right to have conventions.

You like negros as long as they do as they are told, but you know what to do with an uppity one who thinks he can leave the Democratic plantation, don't you Grand Wizard?

So you are defending it and wonder why people accuse you of defending it?

What are you smoking?

So did you lynch any darkies today who tried to leave the plantation? Or were they good little negros for you today?


Mad about what? Is there any basis for your posts or do you intentionally post random shit?

So what did you do to become a Grand Wizard anyway? Do you have to lynch more blacks than your klanmates to get there?

i just wanted to know why you are defending it and wonder why people accuse you of defending it? Are you mad that people have eyes?

I didn't defend anything, that is'nt what I said. You're an idiot and you can't read.
The Southern Strategy is turning into the boogey man of Democratic political strategy. Evidently getting votes from blocks of the country is only bad if Republicans do it.

So its bad like Global Warming but its good like...huh?

You are the idiot blaming everything on this nefarious Republican Southern Strategy.

So the Southern Strategy is good like Global Warming or what?

Yes I understand that the entire Republican strategy is to exploit fear of black folks.

Kind of like Democrats strategy of making people fear the weather and a gas station.

What Are you saying?

I'm replying to your idiocy with more idiocy. If you can't figure that out, I suggest that the Hello Kitty Message board is more your speed.

See I knew you didnt know what you were saying and of course you're being stupid because I'm making you be stupid lol..

I'm fighting stupidity with stupidity.

Although your brand of stupid is intrinsic, unlike mine, which is for show.
So its bad like Global Warming but its good like...huh?

You are the idiot blaming everything on this nefarious Republican Southern Strategy.

So the Southern Strategy is good like Global Warming or what?

Yes I understand that the entire Republican strategy is to exploit fear of black folks.

Kind of like Democrats strategy of making people fear the weather and a gas station.

What Are you saying?

I'm replying to your idiocy with more idiocy. If you can't figure that out, I suggest that the Hello Kitty Message board is more your speed.

See I knew you didnt know what you were saying and of course you're being stupid because I'm making you be stupid lol..

I'm fighting stupidity with stupidity.

Although your brand of stupid is intrinsic, unlike mine, which is for show.

You are the idiot blaming everything on this nefarious Republican Southern Strategy.

So the Southern Strategy is good like Global Warming or what?

Kind of like Democrats strategy of making people fear the weather and a gas station.

What Are you saying?

I'm replying to your idiocy with more idiocy. If you can't figure that out, I suggest that the Hello Kitty Message board is more your speed.

See I knew you didnt know what you were saying and of course you're being stupid because I'm making you be stupid lol..

I'm fighting stupidity with stupidity.

Although your brand of stupid is intrinsic, unlike mine, which is for show.


Probably because there are more than a few liberals out there who are willing to slander people as being racists* when chances are what they've said isn't racist to begin with. It could also be true that some on the Left aren't above manipulating events or outright lying in order to stir people up to make them angry. It isn't hard to rile stupid people, either. Consider how, iirc, MSNBC edited a clip about a man carrying a gun whom they lied about, saying he was white, when he wasn't. Or maybe that one instance where MSNBC completely edited the George Zimmerman 911 call. Or maybe it's because people make a wealthy living doing everything they can to dump gasoline onto racial issues, like Al Sharpton and every single one of his cronies do.

Maybe if some on the Left used more critical thinking skills before horrendously rushing to judgment, maybe there'd be more cause to listen to some on the Left. Take out the race-baiters, dude. Stop listening to those who want a race war. Try questioning the motives each and every time someone lobs a can of gasoline when it comes to racial politics.

Maybe if some on the Left used more critical thinking skills...

i keep telling people, the left/libercrats do not have the ability to "think", they FEEEEEL, so you will have to appeal to their "emotional side", add a little whine to your voice, you can always bait them in with promises of tubs full of Tofu. :lmao: .... :up:
a rw blog for a source? :eusa_eh: A BLOG?!!! :mad-61: :lol:
We get upset partly because it's a lie, but mostly because there are a whole lot of stupid people who believe it. Like the OP for a perfect example.

Is it? Many people who are conservative feel that black people have to be treated differently by police. Or you get conservatives saying that blacks are stupid and are horrible people.

Not to mention the ethnic and cultural hatred for anything not white or Christian and yeah people make educated guesses that you're pretty racist.
We get upset partly because it's a lie, but mostly because there are a whole lot of stupid people who believe it. Like the OP for a perfect example.

Is it? Many people who are conservative feel that black people have to be treated differently by police. Or you get conservatives saying that blacks are stupid and are horrible people.

Not to mention the ethnic and cultural hatred for anything not white or Christian and yeah people make educated guesses that you're pretty racist.

Blah blah blah. There are all kinds of people in this world. Ignorant racists exist and they have to have a party to belong to. Only an idiot would label an entire party because of a few people.

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