Why Do Conservatives Hate George Soros?

I should add, other than this man being Jewish, why do conservatives so hate George Soros? What has this man done that brings forth such contempt from conservatives towards him?

He's a Jew in name only, and he's a fascist. Why do you like him? He made his money by cheating public employee's out of their retirements.

He's the definition of robber baron, and he has destroyed the lives of millions of middle class people the world over.

So.. why do you like him?

I know very little about him. I've heard he has donated money to liberal causes, and I have no idea where or how he acquired his money. I also have no idea why conservatives hate this man so much. I have nothing against Jewish people at all, in fact, many are very intelligent and many are very successful. I have never understood the hatred of Jews, either.

I have no reason to believe any of your accusations.

He ain't a Jew. Just because he was born one, doesn't make him one. He is atheist, and he turned Jews in to the Nazi's and when asked about that in a 60 Minutes interview he proclaimed it to be the best time of his life.

He is evil personified. But hey, so long as he gives to statist (fascist) causes, he can't be all bad....right?o_O
I should add, other than this man being Jewish, why do conservatives so hate George Soros? What has this man done that brings forth such contempt from conservatives towards him?

Soros donated large sums of money to liberal causes like Planned Parenthood, and Southern Poverty Law Centre. Things that cons hate. And he's Jewish.

Notice how many of the extreme right really hate Jews. One of the Repubican conspiracy theories being promoted by the right was that Soros was funding the Caravans coming from Central America.

Actually most Conservatives are Christians and believe Israel to be the Holy Land and believe Jews are god's people. Gosh you are confused. Now a bit about Soros:

GyÃrgy Schwartz, better known to the world as George Soros, was born August 12, 1930 in Hungary . Soros' father, Tivadar, was a fervent practitioner of the Esperanto language invented in 1887, and designed to be the first global language, free of any national identity. The Schwartz's, who were non-practicing Jews, changed the family name to Soros, in order to facilitate assimilation into the Gentile population, as the Nazis spread into Hungary during the 1930s.

When Hitler's henchman, Adolf Eichmann arrived in Hungary , to oversee the murder of that country's Jews, George Soros ended up with a man whose job was confiscating property from the Jewish population. Soros went with him on his rounds .

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Soros funds organizations that promote freedom and democracy for people that "conservatives" hate and/or wish to subjugate. These same "conservatives" love "Christian" billionaires who fund anti-freedom, anti-democracy organizations. Apparently "conservatives" think that there is something wrong with being Jewish except for those Jews who give big bucks to the republican party.
I should add, other than this man being Jewish, why do conservatives so hate George Soros? What has this man done that brings forth such contempt from conservatives towards him?

Soros donated large sums of money to liberal causes like Planned Parenthood, and Southern Poverty Law Centre. Things that cons hate. And he's Jewish.

Notice how many of the extreme right really hate Jews. One of the Repubican conspiracy theories being promoted by the right was that Soros was funding the Caravans coming from Central America.
that was proven a fact not a theory,,

I love it when you prove me right.
I should add, other than this man being Jewish, why do conservatives so hate George Soros? What has this man done that brings forth such contempt from conservatives towards him?
we can start with him helping the nazis collect jewish treasures and turning in other jews and go from there,,,

not to mention several countries have him designated as an economical terrorist,,

You do know that George Soros was 9 years old when WWII started and 15 years old when it ended so any stories of his "Nazi collaberations" were entirely ficticious.
he admitted to it you ignorant skank,,,

try reading his book sometime,,

Talk about an ignorant skank. You should try fact checking FuckBoi.

He admitted no such thing. George Soros was born in born in 1930. He was 9 years old when WWII started and 15 when it ended.

Stupid skank here is Soros admitting to stealing from Jews as a teen, no remorse.
Soros funds organizations that promote freedom and democracy for people that "conservatives" hate and/or wish to subjugate. These same "conservatives" love "Christian" billionaires who fund anti-freedom, anti-democracy organizations. Apparently "conservatives" think that there is something wrong with being Jewish except for those Jews who give big bucks to the republican party.
Nope he wants to destroy the USA, and other countries.
I should add, other than this man being Jewish, why do conservatives so hate George Soros? What has this man done that brings forth such contempt from conservatives towards him?
we can start with him helping the nazis collect jewish treasures and turning in other jews and go from there,,,

not to mention several countries have him designated as an economical terrorist,,

You do know that George Soros was 9 years old when WWII started and 15 years old when it ended so any stories of his "Nazi collaberations" were entirely ficticious.
he admitted to it you ignorant skank,,,

try reading his book sometime,,

Talk about an ignorant skank. You should try fact checking FuckBoi.

He admitted no such thing. George Soros was born in born in 1930. He was 9 years old when WWII started and 15 when it ended.

Stupid skank here is Soros admitting to stealing from Jews as a teen, no remorse.

I dont expect her to watch it,, it would damage her emotionally,,,
He went after a friend of America in a way that would destroy them for all time. Fortunately, the British financial sector survived the intentional fiscal assault.

You don't know what you are talking about.

George Soros bet against the government pegged currency rate of exchange between the pound and the mark.

Can I repeat that again.

George Soros bet against


that was


of the British pound


But it's not convenient for you to know this, because you need to demonize people to reinforce your ideology regardless of facts and truth.

And I bet you think you are for freedom, liberty and limited government lol
I had no idea, Mr. Toro. Thanks for the information. I still think if America is being threatened, that job should be handled by the Executive Branch, not private citizens.
Democrats don't see the danger with George Soros or they refuse to see the problem. If they did, they would be just as opposed to him as anyone else. They just do not have that much character.

Soros Loses Challenge to Insider Trading Conviction


Who broke the Bank of England?
Black Wednesday is widely known as the day that billionaire currency trader George Soros broke the Bank of England and made over $1 billion. But, the real lessons are found by analyzing the underlying causes of the crisis and how they quickly led to problems.
Black Wednesday: George Soros' Bet Against Britain


Published February 27, 2012
Last Update May 6, 2015
George Soros -- the rich man who is hated around the world

By Dan Gainor, | Fox News
In his book “Open Society,” Soros credits his foundation with “mobilizing civil society” against the government in Slovakia and Croatia, among others. He readily calls himself “an active participant in the revolution that swept away the Soviet system.”

So when Soros talks of chaos, it’s a subject he knows well. The only question is his involvement.

Most everywhere Soros, his foundations or his investment money has gone, trouble has followed.

He’s helped start revolutions, undermined national currencies and funded radicals around the world.

Soros has been convicted of insider dealing in France and fined $3 million, fined another $2 million in his native Hungary.

His “foundations have been accused of shielding spies and breaking currency laws” and his investing strategy has been targeted for harming several national currencies.


George Soros also has set up various foundations that enable him and other people to donate to causes they prefer the world not know.

Quotes from George Soros
The main obstacle to a stable and just world order is the United States.
George Soros
It is sort of a disease when you consider yourself some kind of god, the creator of everything, but I feel comfortable about it now since I began to live it out.
George Soros
The sovereignty of states must be subordinated to international law and international institutions.
George Soros
In politics, manipulating reality can take precedence over finding reality
George Soros
  1. Pakistan
  2. Poland
  3. Turkey
  4. Russia
  5. Hungary
  6. Philippines

You could add Trumpistan as number 7. I think the root cause is he is Jewish, and far right conservatives need a face for Jewry, and Soros is it.
Horseshit. Anti-Semitism is found among the right only on the fringes.

Anti-Semitism on the left, however, has become mainstream.

Of course it is.
Your acknowledgment of reality is neither expected nor required.
I still don't know why all these false stories are circulating about George Soros. I can only surmise that this virulent into-semitism that is prevalent amongst the conservative right needs a face to pin on their anti-semitism, and somehow Soros became that face.
Nobody gives a shit about Soros' religion. Have you ever considered thinking for yourself?
I should add, other than this man being Jewish, why do conservatives so hate George Soros? What has this man done that brings forth such contempt from conservatives towards him?

He's a Jew in name only, and he's a fascist. Why do you like him? He made his money by cheating public employee's out of their retirements.

He's the definition of robber baron, and he has destroyed the lives of millions of middle class people the world over.

So.. why do you like him?
He's been told to.
I should add, other than this man being Jewish, why do conservatives so hate George Soros? What has this man done that brings forth such contempt from conservatives towards him?

He's a Jew in name only, and he's a fascist. Why do you like him? He made his money by cheating public employee's out of their retirements.

He's the definition of robber baron, and he has destroyed the lives of millions of middle class people the world over.

So.. why do you like him?

I know very little about him. I've heard he has donated money to liberal causes, and I have no idea where or how he acquired his money. I also have no idea why conservatives hate this man so much. I have nothing against Jewish people at all, in fact, many are very intelligent and many are very successful. I have never understood the hatred of Jews, either.

I have no reason to believe any of your accusations.
We've explained why we oppose Soros.

You keep bitterly clinging to your ridiculous stereotypes of conservatives.
Soros funds organizations that promote freedom and democracy for people that "conservatives" hate and/or wish to subjugate. These same "conservatives" love "Christian" billionaires who fund anti-freedom, anti-democracy organizations. Apparently "conservatives" think that there is something wrong with being Jewish except for those Jews who give big bucks to the republican party.
That's horseshit.
Democrats don't see the danger with George Soros or they refuse to see the problem. If they did, they would be just as opposed to him as anyone else. They just do not have that much character.

Soros Loses Challenge to Insider Trading Conviction


Who broke the Bank of England?
Black Wednesday is widely known as the day that billionaire currency trader George Soros broke the Bank of England and made over $1 billion. But, the real lessons are found by analyzing the underlying causes of the crisis and how they quickly led to problems.
Black Wednesday: George Soros' Bet Against Britain


Published February 27, 2012
Last Update May 6, 2015
George Soros -- the rich man who is hated around the world

By Dan Gainor, | Fox News
In his book “Open Society,” Soros credits his foundation with “mobilizing civil society” against the government in Slovakia and Croatia, among others. He readily calls himself “an active participant in the revolution that swept away the Soviet system.”

So when Soros talks of chaos, it’s a subject he knows well. The only question is his involvement.

Most everywhere Soros, his foundations or his investment money has gone, trouble has followed.

He’s helped start revolutions, undermined national currencies and funded radicals around the world.

Soros has been convicted of insider dealing in France and fined $3 million, fined another $2 million in his native Hungary.

His “foundations have been accused of shielding spies and breaking currency laws” and his investing strategy has been targeted for harming several national currencies.


George Soros also has set up various foundations that enable him and other people to donate to causes they prefer the world not know.

Quotes from George Soros
The main obstacle to a stable and just world order is the United States.
George Soros
It is sort of a disease when you consider yourself some kind of god, the creator of everything, but I feel comfortable about it now since I began to live it out.
George Soros
The sovereignty of states must be subordinated to international law and international institutions.
George Soros
In politics, manipulating reality can take precedence over finding reality
George Soros
Democrats support Soros because they share a common enemy: The United States of America.
With all of this fussing over Soros and what he does or doesn't fund, you'd think that he has some ties with the John Birch Society like some other millionaire/billionaire political donors do.
Democrats don't see the danger with George Soros or they refuse to see the problem. If they did, they would be just as opposed to him as anyone else. They just do not have that much character.

Soros Loses Challenge to Insider Trading Conviction


Who broke the Bank of England?
Black Wednesday is widely known as the day that billionaire currency trader George Soros broke the Bank of England and made over $1 billion. But, the real lessons are found by analyzing the underlying causes of the crisis and how they quickly led to problems.
Black Wednesday: George Soros' Bet Against Britain


Published February 27, 2012
Last Update May 6, 2015
George Soros -- the rich man who is hated around the world

By Dan Gainor, | Fox News
In his book “Open Society,” Soros credits his foundation with “mobilizing civil society” against the government in Slovakia and Croatia, among others. He readily calls himself “an active participant in the revolution that swept away the Soviet system.”

So when Soros talks of chaos, it’s a subject he knows well. The only question is his involvement.

Most everywhere Soros, his foundations or his investment money has gone, trouble has followed.

He’s helped start revolutions, undermined national currencies and funded radicals around the world.

Soros has been convicted of insider dealing in France and fined $3 million, fined another $2 million in his native Hungary.

His “foundations have been accused of shielding spies and breaking currency laws” and his investing strategy has been targeted for harming several national currencies.


George Soros also has set up various foundations that enable him and other people to donate to causes they prefer the world not know.

Quotes from George Soros
The main obstacle to a stable and just world order is the United States.
George Soros
It is sort of a disease when you consider yourself some kind of god, the creator of everything, but I feel comfortable about it now since I began to live it out.
George Soros
The sovereignty of states must be subordinated to international law and international institutions.
George Soros
In politics, manipulating reality can take precedence over finding reality
George Soros
Democrats support Soros because they share a common enemy: The United States of America.

Why do you say stupid things like supporters of the Democratic Party are enemies of the U.S.? This is the sort of meaningless idiocy that contributes to divisiveness.

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