Why Do Conservatives Hate George Soros?

I should add, other than this man being Jewish, why do conservatives so hate George Soros? What has this man done that brings forth such contempt from conservatives towards him?

Why do you hate the Murdoch's?

I don't hate the Murdoch's, you don't see me walking around with signs saying I hate them, or thinking they are part of some global conspiracy, I just know they are shrewd business people who know there are gullible Americans to take advantage of. It's a business decision for them to lie and divide a country because they can make a lot of money doing it.

So what it is with Soros?

Get off it. The Left HATES the Murdoch's for the same reason the Right hates Soro's. hey all use their money to bend things as they want them to be. Me?
Soro's the Jew made his money betraying other Jew's.
I believe in loyalty and friendship. If you truly wanted to know you can do a simple Google search, Soros is a Traitor to humanity.

False equivalency. And I should add, a poor attempt at deflection.

Nope. You're a twit, nothing more.

I accept your surrender.
These six countries?

  1. Pakistan
  2. Poland
  3. Turkey
  4. Russia
  5. Hungary
  6. Philippines
I'd throw big tech and left wing propaganda media in .. (along with Soro's) .. all serious threats to constitutional rights and economic stability...

Alas, the wealthy in general have bought off a threatening percentage of political left wing bumpkins as well..

mmm .. okay .. rino's as well ..
George Soros is hated because he is the most wicked man now alive, except perhaps Charles Manson or other people on death row.
I should add, other than this man being Jewish, why do conservatives so hate George Soros? What has this man done that brings forth such contempt from conservatives towards him?

Why do you hate the Murdoch's?

Oh stuff it Clayton, you're a hack.

I don't hate the Murdoch's but they are lying sons of bitches who promote Republican lies because they (the Murdochs) benefit financially from the tax cuts.
I should add, other than this man being Jewish, why do conservatives so hate George Soros? What has this man done that brings forth such contempt from conservatives towards him?
He went after a friend of America in a way that would destroy them for all time. Fortunately, the British financial sector survived the intentional fiscal assault. The Brits watched our backs when Hitler's Navy were so severe against our trade ships that he drew us into war with Germany which was horrible for us. The Continental Congress chose the national language to be English that won over the German language by only 3 votes. I do not hate George Soros, but the way he destroys people he hates is in ways bad for world peace and when it is against American friends, who does he think he is. Getting even is not the reward people wrongfully think it is. I believe in the Kingdom of God, and revenge is verboten according to writings in both testaments because human vengeance is discouraged when seeking to practice up for entering the kingdom of God's love and mercy. If we live any other way but mercifully, it could hurt our souls' journey in life. Sobeit in God's kingdom. :thup:
I should add, other than this man being Jewish, why do conservatives so hate George Soros? What has this man done that brings forth such contempt from conservatives towards him?
we can start with him helping the nazis collect jewish treasures and turning in other jews and go from there,,,

not to mention several countries have him designated as an economical terrorist,,

You do know that George Soros was 9 years old when WWII started and 15 years old when it ended so any stories of his "Nazi collaberations" were entirely ficticious.
I should add, other than this man being Jewish, why do conservatives so hate George Soros? What has this man done that brings forth such contempt from conservatives towards him?
we can start with him helping the nazis collect jewish treasures and turning in other jews and go from there,,,

not to mention several countries have him designated as an economical terrorist,,

You do know that George Soros was 9 years old when WWII started and 15 years old when it ended so any stories of his "Nazi collaberations" were entirely ficticious.
he admitted to it you ignorant skank,,,

try reading his book sometime,,
I should add, other than this man being Jewish, why do conservatives so hate George Soros? What has this man done that brings forth such contempt from conservatives towards him?
He went after a friend of America in a way that would destroy them for all time. Fortunately, the British financial sector survived the intentional fiscal assault. The Brits watched our backs when Hitler's Navy were so severe against our trade ships that he drew us into war with Germany which was horrible for us. The Continental Congress chose the national language to be English that won over the German language by only 3 votes. I do not hate George Soros, but the way he destroys people he hates is in ways bad for world peace and when it is against American friends, who does he think he is. Getting even is not the reward people wrongfully think it is. I believe in the Kingdom of God, and revenge is verboten according to writings in both testaments because human vengeance is discouraged when seeking to practice up for entering the kingdom of God's love and mercy. If we live any other way but mercifully, it could hurt our souls' journey in life. Sobeit in God's kingdom. :thup:

I repeat. George Soros was 15 years old when WWII ended. All of this bullshit about his activities ono behalf of the Nazi's during WWII are right wing fantasies.
I should add, other than this man being Jewish, why do conservatives so hate George Soros? What has this man done that brings forth such contempt from conservatives towards him?
He went after a friend of America in a way that would destroy them for all time. Fortunately, the British financial sector survived the intentional fiscal assault. The Brits watched our backs when Hitler's Navy were so severe against our trade ships that he drew us into war with Germany which was horrible for us. The Continental Congress chose the national language to be English that won over the German language by only 3 votes. I do not hate George Soros, but the way he destroys people he hates is in ways bad for world peace and when it is against American friends, who does he think he is. Getting even is not the reward people wrongfully think it is. I believe in the Kingdom of God, and revenge is verboten according to writings in both testaments because human vengeance is discouraged when seeking to practice up for entering the kingdom of God's love and mercy. If we live any other way but mercifully, it could hurt our souls' journey in life. Sobeit in God's kingdom. :thup:

I repeat. George Soros was 15 years old when WWII ended. All of this bullshit about his activities ono behalf of the Nazi's during WWII are right wing fantasies.
he admitted to it you ignorant skank,,
I should add, other than this man being Jewish, why do conservatives so hate George Soros? What has this man done that brings forth such contempt from conservatives towards him?

Soros isn't Jewish at all, so that is irrelevant. The man is actually a devout atheist.

Soros is from Hungary, and they really know what he's up to there. Prime Minister Orban has sought anti-Soros legislation, he recognizes what a piece of shit he country produced.
He went after a friend of America in a way that would destroy them for all time. Fortunately, the British financial sector survived the intentional fiscal assault. The Brits watched our backs when Hitler's Navy were so severe against our trade ships that he drew us into war with Germany which was horrible for us. The Continental Congress chose the national language to be English that won over the German language by only 3 votes. I do not hate George Soros, but the way he destroys people he hates is in ways bad for world peace and when it is against American friends, who does he think he is. Getting even is not the reward people wrongfully think it is. I believe in the Kingdom of God, and revenge is verboten according to writings in both testaments because human vengeance is discouraged when seeking to practice up for entering the kingdom of God's love and mercy. If we live any other way but mercifully, it could hurt our souls' journey in life. Sobeit in God's kingdom. :thup:

I repeat. George Soros was 15 years old when WWII ended. All of this bullshit about his activities ono behalf of the Nazi's during WWII are right wing fantasies.

The sad part about it is those who peddle these malicious lies knows the mouth breathers and droolers they are telling them to will believe them without question. That is why the Dumbing Down of America has such dire consequences.
I should add, other than this man being Jewish, why do conservatives so hate George Soros? What has this man done that brings forth such contempt from conservatives towards him?

Soros isn't Jewish at all, so that is irrelevant. The man is actually a devout atheist.

Soros is from Hungary, and they really know what he's up to there. Prime Minister Orban has sought anti-Soros legislation, he recognizes what a piece of shit he country produced.

Just admit it, you and those who hate Soros are, at your core, anti semitic. Whilst anti-semitism has been around for many centuries, it took a far more sinister turn in the last 100 years.
I should add, other than this man being Jewish, why do conservatives so hate George Soros? What has this man done that brings forth such contempt from conservatives towards him?
His Jewish heiratige is irrelevant....to freedom folks like me...and to Soros himself. He apparently helped the NAZIs.

But, the to the question....if you have to ask, it is fruitless to discuss it with you.
I should add, other than this man being Jewish, why do conservatives so hate George Soros? What has this man done that brings forth such contempt from conservatives towards him?
we can start with him helping the nazis collect jewish treasures and turning in other jews and go from there,,,

not to mention several countries have him designated as an economical terrorist,,

You do know that George Soros was 9 years old when WWII started and 15 years old when it ended so any stories of his "Nazi collaberations" were entirely ficticious.
he admitted to it you ignorant skank,,,

try reading his book sometime,,

Talk about an ignorant skank. You should try fact checking FuckBoi.

He admitted no such thing. George Soros was born in born in 1930. He was 9 years old when WWII started and 15 when it ended.

I should add, other than this man being Jewish, why do conservatives so hate George Soros? What has this man done that brings forth such contempt from conservatives towards him?

Soros isn't Jewish at all, so that is irrelevant. The man is actually a devout atheist.

Soros is from Hungary, and they really know what he's up to there. Prime Minister Orban has sought anti-Soros legislation, he recognizes what a piece of shit he country produced.

Just admit it, you and those who hate Soros are, at your core, anti semitic. Whilst anti-semitism has been around for many centuries, it took a far more sinister turn in the last 100 years.
Shut the fuck up.
I should add, other than this man being Jewish, why do conservatives so hate George Soros? What has this man done that brings forth such contempt from conservatives towards him?
we can start with him helping the nazis collect jewish treasures and turning in other jews and go from there,,,

not to mention several countries have him designated as an economical terrorist,,

You do know that George Soros was 9 years old when WWII started and 15 years old when it ended so any stories of his "Nazi collaberations" were entirely ficticious.
he admitted to it you ignorant skank,,,

try reading his book sometime,,

Talk about an ignorant skank. You should try fact checking FuckBoi.

He admitted no such thing. George Soros was born in born in 1930. He was 9 years old when WWII started and 15 when it ended.

dont try fooling me with your fake sources,,,

the gig is up buttercup,,
I should add, other than this man being Jewish, why do conservatives so hate George Soros? What has this man done that brings forth such contempt from conservatives towards him?
we can start with him helping the nazis collect jewish treasures and turning in other jews and go from there,,,

not to mention several countries have him designated as an economical terrorist,,

You do know that George Soros was 9 years old when WWII started and 15 years old when it ended so any stories of his "Nazi collaberations" were entirely ficticious.
he admitted to it you ignorant skank,,,

try reading his book sometime,,

Talk about an ignorant skank. You should try fact checking FuckBoi.

He admitted no such thing. George Soros was born in born in 1930. He was 9 years old when WWII started and 15 when it ended.

dont try fooling me with your fake sources,,,

the gig is up buttercup,,

And this proves me correct in post #40. Take a bow, sir.

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