Why do "debunkers' devote so much time to defending the Official 9/11 Story?

9-11 conspiracy radicals desperately want to ignore the elephant in the room or in this case the jackass. If you are determined to play the 9-11 conspiracy game you have to deal with Bill Clinton. The first attack on the World Trade Center happened during Clinton's first term. He all but ignored it and made some throwaway statement about "foolish people". If the WTC was mined with explosives it would have to have happened after the 1st attack during the Clinton administration. 9-11 terrorists were going to flight school in the US while Clinton's A.G. was issuing an order that the FBI not share information with the CIA. If George W. Bush made any mistakes it was not firing every Clinton appointee in the "intelligence" and "justice" departments but he failed to do so and it was Clinton's people who ran the key agencies on that pretty September morning in 2000.

Just like the image above, it's how so-called 9/11 debunkers really are. AFRAID OF THE TRUTH.
First off there is no debating when it comes to a so-called 'debunker' about 9/11.

Secondly, according to you, it's the "truthers that need to keep telling people". That's because the Official 9/11 Story is an Official Lie, and the American people have been lied to, and if someone posted something that contradicts the OS, than you and the other so-called 'debunkers' feel compelled to attack to other person, and for what? Because that other person has a difference of belief that yours and government.

It's ironic that you referr to yourself as a "Truth Czar", yet you help to promote the lies of 9/11.

If you really believe that you "made the case for the OS", than you are really dilusional. You and the other so-called 'debunkers' are wrong, have been wrong, and will continue to be wrong about anything with regards to 9/11. Deal with it.

And yet you can not explain simple questions about your multitude or ignorant theories. Who Hijacked the aircraft? Why did hundreds of investigators in 3 separate States not only agree to lie about what they found but somehow keep quiet now for 11 years? If a drone was used in DC where did the plane go? What happened to the Passengers and crew? If building 7 was a controlled demolition how did intricate explosives get placed with out being seen and survive 8 hours of raging fires? If the twin towers were wired not only would there be explosives in the basement ( never seen no one heard construction) But in order to bring the building straight down more would have to be placed in locations through out the height of the building. No one saw anything, No one heard Construction, How did the explosives survive the raging FIRES WHERE THE PLANES HIT?


I'll start with this question first.
If building 7 was a controlled demolition how did intricate explosives get placed with out being seen and survive 8 hours of raging fires?

You sound like you really have doubts that Building 7 was rigged with explosives, prior to the attack. A moron could tell just by looking at the way the building collapsed that it was a controlled demolition. Just because work on Building 7 was not seen, does not mean that it did not happen.

You have questions for me, I have questions for you. Why did BBC report Building 7 had fell 20 minutes before it actually collapsed? Can you explain how the BBC knew that Building 7 was going to collapse?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ltP2t9nq9fI]ENHANCED VERSION: News Reports WTC7 Fell Before It Happens! - YouTube[/ame]

The Mysterious Demolition of Building 7

Many Americans are still unaware that for years Larry Silverstein owned only one building near the World Trade Center complex: Building 7. A mere two months before 9/11, he bought the entire complex; all seven of the buildings. Then he immediately took out a record insurance policy on them for over $3.5 billion, which he has since been paid. Interesting timing, to say the least.

(Note: Mr. Silvertstein later went to court and fought to receive a much higher monetary reward. He said that because each plane hit was a separate attack, he wanted to be awarded $3.5 billion for both plane strikes. He won his court case and has now been awarded over twice the amount of his original insurance sum; approximately $7.3 billion.)

Why is Building 7 so important? Because the official story is that two hijacked planes hit the Twin Towers, caught them on fire, and caused them to collapse—even though a modern steel building has never before in history collapsed from fire. But then we have Building 7 that was further away than any other building in the complex, and later that afternoon got a few small fires in it and mysteriously "collapsed." However, buildings that were closer to the destruction of the Twin Towers, but were not owned by Mr. Silverstein, went left unscathed. Strangely enough, only the buildings owned by Larry Silverstein were destroyed.
In a PBS documentary, Larry Silverstein commented on the demolition of Building 7 by saying:

"I remember getting a call from the fire department commander telling me that they weren't sure they were going to be able to contain the fire. And I said, 'You know, we've had such terrible loss of life, maybe the smartest thing to do is pull it.' And then they made that decision to pull, and then we watched the building collapse."

For those of you who may not know, to "pull" a building is a demolition term meaning to detonate the building floor by floor in order to bring it down at free fall speed. There is just one problem with Silverstein's recollection of the events: It takes weeks—WEEKS!—not mere hours, for a demolition team to rig a building with explosives in preparation to demolish it. Yet, somehow, Building 7 was already magically rigged with explosives on 9/11 when Mr. Silverstein chose to "pull it" later that afternoon.

A moron could tell just by looking at the way the building collapsed that it was a controlled demolition.

We agree on one thing, you are a moron.
And yet you can not explain simple questions about your multitude or ignorant theories. Who Hijacked the aircraft? Why did hundreds of investigators in 3 separate States not only agree to lie about what they found but somehow keep quiet now for 11 years? If a drone was used in DC where did the plane go? What happened to the Passengers and crew? If building 7 was a controlled demolition how did intricate explosives get placed with out being seen and survive 8 hours of raging fires? If the twin towers were wired not only would there be explosives in the basement ( never seen no one heard construction) But in order to bring the building straight down more would have to be placed in locations through out the height of the building. No one saw anything, No one heard Construction, How did the explosives survive the raging FIRES WHERE THE PLANES HIT?


I'll start with this question first.
If building 7 was a controlled demolition how did intricate explosives get placed with out being seen and survive 8 hours of raging fires?

You sound like you really have doubts that Building 7 was rigged with explosives, prior to the attack. A moron could tell just by looking at the way the building collapsed that it was a controlled demolition. Just because work on Building 7 was not seen, does not mean that it did not happen.

You have questions for me, I have questions for you. Why did BBC report Building 7 had fell 20 minutes before it actually collapsed? Can you explain how the BBC knew that Building 7 was going to collapse?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ltP2t9nq9fI]ENHANCED VERSION: News Reports WTC7 Fell Before It Happens! - YouTube[/ame]

The Mysterious Demolition of Building 7

Many Americans are still unaware that for years Larry Silverstein owned only one building near the World Trade Center complex: Building 7. A mere two months before 9/11, he bought the entire complex; all seven of the buildings. Then he immediately took out a record insurance policy on them for over $3.5 billion, which he has since been paid. Interesting timing, to say the least.

(Note: Mr. Silvertstein later went to court and fought to receive a much higher monetary reward. He said that because each plane hit was a separate attack, he wanted to be awarded $3.5 billion for both plane strikes. He won his court case and has now been awarded over twice the amount of his original insurance sum; approximately $7.3 billion.)

Why is Building 7 so important? Because the official story is that two hijacked planes hit the Twin Towers, caught them on fire, and caused them to collapse—even though a modern steel building has never before in history collapsed from fire. But then we have Building 7 that was further away than any other building in the complex, and later that afternoon got a few small fires in it and mysteriously "collapsed." However, buildings that were closer to the destruction of the Twin Towers, but were not owned by Mr. Silverstein, went left unscathed. Strangely enough, only the buildings owned by Larry Silverstein were destroyed.
In a PBS documentary, Larry Silverstein commented on the demolition of Building 7 by saying:

"I remember getting a call from the fire department commander telling me that they weren't sure they were going to be able to contain the fire. And I said, 'You know, we've had such terrible loss of life, maybe the smartest thing to do is pull it.' And then they made that decision to pull, and then we watched the building collapse."

For those of you who may not know, to "pull" a building is a demolition term meaning to detonate the building floor by floor in order to bring it down at free fall speed. There is just one problem with Silverstein's recollection of the events: It takes weeks—WEEKS!—not mere hours, for a demolition team to rig a building with explosives in preparation to demolish it. Yet, somehow, Building 7 was already magically rigged with explosives on 9/11 when Mr. Silverstein chose to "pull it" later that afternoon.

A moron could tell just by looking at the way the building collapsed that it was a controlled demolition.

We agree on one thing, you are a moron.


And what does the douchbag with a bad perm believe? Did fire bring down Building 7?

If that's what you believe than you should be put down like a sick animal.
I'm going to assume you actually want an answer to your question.

The reason I defend the official 9-11 report is because it's the closest to the truth we'll ever get. Is it 100% correct? Of course not. The reason it hasn't dotted all the "i"s and crossed all the "t"s is because they had to piece it together from scratch after the fact.

It fits what we know to be true, but because it doesn't cover all the bases, and because a great deal of evidence has been lost or destroyed in the event, it has holes in the story. The people who don't believe the official report can list all of those holes in the story and make any kind of claim they want to but the one thing they cannot do is come up with any other story that in any way resembles the truth or fits what we know to be true.

The reason you defend the official 9-11 report is because you want it to be true. The reason it hasn't dotted all the "i"s and crossed all the "t"s is because they couldn't if they tried against an opposition showing them why they can't. THEY DON'T HAVE TO. They sold a hoax on that day and most believed it.

It fits what you accept as true, but because a hoax could never be proven and a great deal of evidence proves no planes and demos that turned the towers to dust, the official myth is just that. The people who disprove the official report can list all of those holes in the story and prove that idiots who support the official story could not ever prove it in the real world.
I'll start with this question first.
If building 7 was a controlled demolition how did intricate explosives get placed with out being seen and survive 8 hours of raging fires?

You sound like you really have doubts that Building 7 was rigged with explosives, prior to the attack. A moron could tell just by looking at the way the building collapsed that it was a controlled demolition. Just because work on Building 7 was not seen, does not mean that it did not happen.

You have questions for me, I have questions for you. Why did BBC report Building 7 had fell 20 minutes before it actually collapsed? Can you explain how the BBC knew that Building 7 was going to collapse?

ENHANCED VERSION: News Reports WTC7 Fell Before It Happens! - YouTube

The Mysterious Demolition of Building 7

Many Americans are still unaware that for years Larry Silverstein owned only one building near the World Trade Center complex: Building 7. A mere two months before 9/11, he bought the entire complex; all seven of the buildings. Then he immediately took out a record insurance policy on them for over $3.5 billion, which he has since been paid. Interesting timing, to say the least.

(Note: Mr. Silvertstein later went to court and fought to receive a much higher monetary reward. He said that because each plane hit was a separate attack, he wanted to be awarded $3.5 billion for both plane strikes. He won his court case and has now been awarded over twice the amount of his original insurance sum; approximately $7.3 billion.)

Why is Building 7 so important? Because the official story is that two hijacked planes hit the Twin Towers, caught them on fire, and caused them to collapse—even though a modern steel building has never before in history collapsed from fire. But then we have Building 7 that was further away than any other building in the complex, and later that afternoon got a few small fires in it and mysteriously "collapsed." However, buildings that were closer to the destruction of the Twin Towers, but were not owned by Mr. Silverstein, went left unscathed. Strangely enough, only the buildings owned by Larry Silverstein were destroyed.
In a PBS documentary, Larry Silverstein commented on the demolition of Building 7 by saying:

"I remember getting a call from the fire department commander telling me that they weren't sure they were going to be able to contain the fire. And I said, 'You know, we've had such terrible loss of life, maybe the smartest thing to do is pull it.' And then they made that decision to pull, and then we watched the building collapse."

For those of you who may not know, to "pull" a building is a demolition term meaning to detonate the building floor by floor in order to bring it down at free fall speed. There is just one problem with Silverstein's recollection of the events: It takes weeks—WEEKS!—not mere hours, for a demolition team to rig a building with explosives in preparation to demolish it. Yet, somehow, Building 7 was already magically rigged with explosives on 9/11 when Mr. Silverstein chose to "pull it" later that afternoon.

A moron could tell just by looking at the way the building collapsed that it was a controlled demolition.

We agree on one thing, you are a moron.


And what does the douchbag with a bad perm believe? Did fire bring down Building 7?

If that's what you believe than you should be put down like a sick animal.

Fire and the fact that a huge chunk of the building was taken out by the falling Towers.

Now put your head back up your ass, no one wants to look at your stupid face anymore.
Hey Wildcard,

You are mistaken. They don't really defend it, but insist it's true because the goverment and mass fake media told us it was.:cuckoo:
A moron could tell just by looking at the way the building collapsed that it was a controlled demolition.

We agree on one thing, you are a moron.


And what does the douchbag with a bad perm believe? Did fire bring down Building 7?

If that's what you believe than you should be put down like a sick animal.

Fire and the fact that a huge chunk of the building was taken out by the falling Towers.

Now put your head back up your ass, no one wants to look at your stupid face anymore.

Why don't you explain again, 7forever, how there were no actual planes on 9/11, all the video recording of the event was doctored and the witnesses are wrong or lying, and it was actually orbs?


And truthers wonder why many of us find them ridiculous.....
Why don't you explain again, 7forever, how there were no actual planes on 9/11, all the video recording of the event was doctored and the witnesses are wrong or lying, and it was actually orbs?


And truthers wonder why many of us find them ridiculous.....

You will NEVER explain again how no amateur or professional filmed a boeing with markings on 911 because it's not possible to explain. You work from a position of assumption, only. All the plane video recording of the event was laughably altered and rendered nothing but black blobs with missing wings and numerous other impossibilites.


It's no wonder why you can't exist outside of some silly forums filled with idiots who can't spell or write properly.

Hah! Now I don't exist outside of the forums? :rofl:

You can't prove a negative, and will never try. My focus prevents you from debating my accurate look at 911 reality. You can point to all the fake evidence you like but will never get past that no real airliner was filmed impacting any building on 911. You are defeated and delusional.:cuckoo:
A moron could tell just by looking at the way the building collapsed that it was a controlled demolition.

We agree on one thing, you are a moron.


And what does the douchbag with a bad perm believe? Did fire bring down Building 7?

If that's what you believe than you should be put down like a sick animal.

Fire and the fact that a huge chunk of the building was taken out by the falling Towers.

Now put your head back up your ass, no one wants to look at your stupid face anymore.

The falling debris did not weaken the building according to NIST the failure of column 79 due to fire was the initiation of the collapse...you should try reading it sometime
9-11 conspiracy radicals desperately want to ignore the elephant in the room or in this case the jackass. If you are determined to play the 9-11 conspiracy game you have to deal with Bill Clinton. The first attack on the World Trade Center happened during Clinton's first term. He all but ignored it and made some throwaway statement about "foolish people". If the WTC was mined with explosives it would have to have happened after the 1st attack during the Clinton administration. 9-11 terrorists were going to flight school in the US while Clinton's A.G. was issuing an order that the FBI not share information with the CIA. If George W. Bush made any mistakes it was not firing every Clinton appointee in the "intelligence" and "justice" departments but he failed to do so and it was Clinton's people who ran the key agencies on that pretty September morning in 2000.

what has any of that got to do with the fact buildings do not fall like building 7 did from office fires ???
First off there is no debating when it comes to a so-called 'debunker' about 9/11.

Secondly, according to you, it's the "truthers that need to keep telling people". That's because the Official 9/11 Story is an Official Lie, and the American people have been lied to, and if someone posted something that contradicts the OS, than you and the other so-called 'debunkers' feel compelled to attack to other person, and for what? Because that other person has a difference of belief that yours and government.

It's ironic that you referr to yourself as a "Truth Czar", yet you help to promote the lies of 9/11.

If you really believe that you "made the case for the OS", than you are really dilusional. You and the other so-called 'debunkers' are wrong, have been wrong, and will continue to be wrong about anything with regards to 9/11. Deal with it.

And yet you can not explain simple questions about your multitude or ignorant theories. Who Hijacked the aircraft? Why did hundreds of investigators in 3 separate States not only agree to lie about what they found but somehow keep quiet now for 11 years? If a drone was used in DC where did the plane go? What happened to the Passengers and crew? If building 7 was a controlled demolition how did intricate explosives get placed with out being seen and survive 8 hours of raging fires? If the twin towers were wired not only would there be explosives in the basement ( never seen no one heard construction) But in order to bring the building straight down more would have to be placed in locations through out the height of the building. No one saw anything, No one heard Construction, How did the explosives survive the raging FIRES WHERE THE PLANES HIT?


I'll start with this question first.
If building 7 was a controlled demolition how did intricate explosives get placed with out being seen and survive 8 hours of raging fires?

You sound like you really have doubts that Building 7 was rigged with explosives, prior to the attack. A moron could tell just by looking at the way the building collapsed that it was a controlled demolition. Just because work on Building 7 was not seen, does not mean that it did not happen.

You have questions for me, I have questions for you. Why did BBC report Building 7 had fell 20 minutes before it actually collapsed? Can you explain how the BBC knew that Building 7 was going to collapse?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ltP2t9nq9fI]ENHANCED VERSION: News Reports WTC7 Fell Before It Happens! - YouTube[/ame]

The Mysterious Demolition of Building 7

Many Americans are still unaware that for years Larry Silverstein owned only one building near the World Trade Center complex: Building 7. A mere two months before 9/11, he bought the entire complex; all seven of the buildings. Then he immediately took out a record insurance policy on them for over $3.5 billion, which he has since been paid. Interesting timing, to say the least.

(Note: Mr. Silvertstein later went to court and fought to receive a much higher monetary reward. He said that because each plane hit was a separate attack, he wanted to be awarded $3.5 billion for both plane strikes. He won his court case and has now been awarded over twice the amount of his original insurance sum; approximately $7.3 billion.)

Why is Building 7 so important? Because the official story is that two hijacked planes hit the Twin Towers, caught them on fire, and caused them to collapse—even though a modern steel building has never before in history collapsed from fire. But then we have Building 7 that was further away than any other building in the complex, and later that afternoon got a few small fires in it and mysteriously "collapsed." However, buildings that were closer to the destruction of the Twin Towers, but were not owned by Mr. Silverstein, went left unscathed. Strangely enough, only the buildings owned by Larry Silverstein were destroyed.
In a PBS documentary, Larry Silverstein commented on the demolition of Building 7 by saying:

"I remember getting a call from the fire department commander telling me that they weren't sure they were going to be able to contain the fire. And I said, 'You know, we've had such terrible loss of life, maybe the smartest thing to do is pull it.' And then they made that decision to pull, and then we watched the building collapse."

For those of you who may not know, to "pull" a building is a demolition term meaning to detonate the building floor by floor in order to bring it down at free fall speed. There is just one problem with Silverstein's recollection of the events: It takes weeks—WEEKS!—not mere hours, for a demolition team to rig a building with explosives in preparation to demolish it. Yet, somehow, Building 7 was already magically rigged with explosives on 9/11 when Mr. Silverstein chose to "pull it" later that afternoon.
wtc 7 is the best proof that only morons think wtc was a CD.
Obama can't keep a secret for 2 years. Bush couldn't keep a secret for 6 months. But we are to believe some nefarious story about unseen, unheard construction in the twin Towers and Building 7. We are to believe that somehow intricate explosives and plans to bring down 3 high rises required only a couple guys No construction no pre laying and it all survived fire and destruction to go off on time.

We are to believe a drone or a small air craft hit the pentagon and no one knows what happened to the jet airliner, the crew and passengers or how their DNA got in the wreckage.

We are to believe that hundreds if not thousands of Investigators from County State and federal Government in 3 separate Locations and States all conspired to hide the evidence and that after 11 years not one of them has talked.

We are to believe that the Government secretly got a bunch of men to commit suicide for the plan by hijacking 4 aircraft and flying them into buildings.

Like I said, come up with a plausible conspiracy that actually might have worked and I will re read it. The crap you retards spew is beyond crazy.


In the early 1960s, America's top military leaders reportedly drafted plans to kill innocent people and commit acts of terrorism in U.S. cities to create public support for a war against Cuba.

(It's sounds alot like what happened at 9/11 doesn't it, except it wasn't a war against Cuba that they were craving, it was a war with Afghanistan & Iraq.)

Code named Operation Northwoods, the plans reportedly included the possible assassination of Cuban immigrants, sinking boats of Cuban refugees on the high seas, hijacking planes, blowing up a U.S. ship, and even orchestrating violent terrorism in U.S. cities.

The plans were developed as ways to trick the American public and the international community into supporting a war to oust Cuba's then new leader, communist Fidel Castro.

America's top military brass even contemplated causing U.S. military casualties, writing: "We could blow up a U.S. ship in Guantanamo Bay and blame Cuba," and, "casualty lists in U.S. newspapers would cause a helpful wave of national indignation."

The plans had the written approval of all of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and were presented to JFK and he turned them down.

Just because OPERATION NORTHWOODS was never implemented in the early 1960's, that does not mean that it could have been brought up later and used for 9/11. The plan, the notion, the idea was still there that our own government wanted to kill it's own people to further its own agenda.

No matter how anyone looks at it, the OS is an Official Lie!
ANOTHER CLASSIC STEAMING PILE ...there is no evidence linking ON to 9/11.
I'll start with this question first.
If building 7 was a controlled demolition how did intricate explosives get placed with out being seen and survive 8 hours of raging fires?

You sound like you really have doubts that Building 7 was rigged with explosives, prior to the attack. A moron could tell just by looking at the way the building collapsed that it was a controlled demolition. Just because work on Building 7 was not seen, does not mean that it did not happen.

You have questions for me, I have questions for you. Why did BBC report Building 7 had fell 20 minutes before it actually collapsed? Can you explain how the BBC knew that Building 7 was going to collapse?

ENHANCED VERSION: News Reports WTC7 Fell Before It Happens! - YouTube

The Mysterious Demolition of Building 7

Many Americans are still unaware that for years Larry Silverstein owned only one building near the World Trade Center complex: Building 7. A mere two months before 9/11, he bought the entire complex; all seven of the buildings. Then he immediately took out a record insurance policy on them for over $3.5 billion, which he has since been paid. Interesting timing, to say the least.

(Note: Mr. Silvertstein later went to court and fought to receive a much higher monetary reward. He said that because each plane hit was a separate attack, he wanted to be awarded $3.5 billion for both plane strikes. He won his court case and has now been awarded over twice the amount of his original insurance sum; approximately $7.3 billion.)

Why is Building 7 so important? Because the official story is that two hijacked planes hit the Twin Towers, caught them on fire, and caused them to collapse—even though a modern steel building has never before in history collapsed from fire. But then we have Building 7 that was further away than any other building in the complex, and later that afternoon got a few small fires in it and mysteriously "collapsed." However, buildings that were closer to the destruction of the Twin Towers, but were not owned by Mr. Silverstein, went left unscathed. Strangely enough, only the buildings owned by Larry Silverstein were destroyed.
In a PBS documentary, Larry Silverstein commented on the demolition of Building 7 by saying:

"I remember getting a call from the fire department commander telling me that they weren't sure they were going to be able to contain the fire. And I said, 'You know, we've had such terrible loss of life, maybe the smartest thing to do is pull it.' And then they made that decision to pull, and then we watched the building collapse."

For those of you who may not know, to "pull" a building is a demolition term meaning to detonate the building floor by floor in order to bring it down at free fall speed. There is just one problem with Silverstein's recollection of the events: It takes weeks—WEEKS!—not mere hours, for a demolition team to rig a building with explosives in preparation to demolish it. Yet, somehow, Building 7 was already magically rigged with explosives on 9/11 when Mr. Silverstein chose to "pull it" later that afternoon.

A moron could tell just by looking at the way the building collapsed that it was a controlled demolition.

We agree on one thing, you are a moron.


And what does the douchbag with a bad perm believe? Did fire bring down Building 7?

If that's what you believe than you should be put down like a sick animal.
douchbag? bad perm? you don't even know"WHO" that is! lol!
I'll start with this question first.
If building 7 was a controlled demolition how did intricate explosives get placed with out being seen and survive 8 hours of raging fires?

You sound like you really have doubts that Building 7 was rigged with explosives, prior to the attack. A moron could tell just by looking at the way the building collapsed that it was a controlled demolition. Just because work on Building 7 was not seen, does not mean that it did not happen.

You have questions for me, I have questions for you. Why did BBC report Building 7 had fell 20 minutes before it actually collapsed? Can you explain how the BBC knew that Building 7 was going to collapse?

ENHANCED VERSION: News Reports WTC7 Fell Before It Happens! - YouTube

The Mysterious Demolition of Building 7

Many Americans are still unaware that for years Larry Silverstein owned only one building near the World Trade Center complex: Building 7. A mere two months before 9/11, he bought the entire complex; all seven of the buildings. Then he immediately took out a record insurance policy on them for over $3.5 billion, which he has since been paid. Interesting timing, to say the least.

(Note: Mr. Silvertstein later went to court and fought to receive a much higher monetary reward. He said that because each plane hit was a separate attack, he wanted to be awarded $3.5 billion for both plane strikes. He won his court case and has now been awarded over twice the amount of his original insurance sum; approximately $7.3 billion.)

Why is Building 7 so important? Because the official story is that two hijacked planes hit the Twin Towers, caught them on fire, and caused them to collapse—even though a modern steel building has never before in history collapsed from fire. But then we have Building 7 that was further away than any other building in the complex, and later that afternoon got a few small fires in it and mysteriously "collapsed." However, buildings that were closer to the destruction of the Twin Towers, but were not owned by Mr. Silverstein, went left unscathed. Strangely enough, only the buildings owned by Larry Silverstein were destroyed.
In a PBS documentary, Larry Silverstein commented on the demolition of Building 7 by saying:

"I remember getting a call from the fire department commander telling me that they weren't sure they were going to be able to contain the fire. And I said, 'You know, we've had such terrible loss of life, maybe the smartest thing to do is pull it.' And then they made that decision to pull, and then we watched the building collapse."

wtc 7 is the best proof that only morons think wtc was a CD.

WTC 7 is the best proof that only morons could think 7 was NOT a controlled demo.

O KING OF delusion......

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