Why do "debunkers' devote so much time to defending the Official 9/11 Story?

and another by his lover fellow agent troll rat in the ass as well who has an obsession with me as proven how he replys IMMEDIATELY to my posts.

I rest my case.how long did that take? one minute it looks like.the only mystery is how long the next one will be.not long I guarantee.

must suck to be rat in the ass.Being someone who is so predictable and transparent.the proof is in the pudding just like i called it.he has such an obsession over me he replys within minutes of my posts all the time.lol.TWICE today in under a minute.hee hee.
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So I am being paid by the government? LOL. Stupid son of a bitch. You really are shit for brains huh?


who are you ?

Who are you?

LOL ok you stupid sack of shit. Why don't you just fucking leave you shit eater?

well find out soon enough.if you start devoting your entire time here night and day telling lies constantly for the next several months all the time like dawgshit,gomer pyle ollie,gamolon and candyass do,then you will have exposed your one of them as well.

for the moment.you have the benefit of the doubt that your just like predfan,montrovent,whitehall,colin and most the others that have posted on this thread,just a loyal Bush dupe afraid of the truth who only sees what he WANTS to see. Like I said,a few months down the road we'll find out which one you are.one of them you are for sure beyond a doubt.

Or put honestly, if you post here disagreeing with the truthers often enough to bother him, 9/11 IJ will say you are a paid troll because it makes him feel better. None of these conspiracy theorists can provide any actual evidence that the people they claim are paid government agents are what they say they are. They also lie about their posting habits or at least ignore the fact that the posters spend plenty of time in other forums.

It's the usual repetitive bs from the same posters. :)


Montrovent troll has been called for the liar he is in the fact I have NEVER called loyal Bush dupes like predfran,whitehall,retired sargent a PAID troll.a troll yeah,but NOT a paid troll. those are three posters that are long time posters here that I have NEVER called a paid troll.yeah long time paid trolls that are government agents are gomer pyle ollie,dawgshit and rat in the ass,they expose themselves because all they ever do is tell lies here when they are cornered and cant refute facts and devote their lives coming here day and night posting lies.

those other three i mentioned dont tell lies,they just cowardly run off when people like eots corner them with facts they cant refute or if they DO stay around,they change the subject evading facts. oh and he is lying again as well,we have never said they dont spend anytime in other forums,please find where anyone of us has said that.you cant and you wont.of course they go to other sections of the forum to post,they got to get a breather from their constant ass beatings they get here all the time.:cuckoo:

again the evidence is there gomer ollie,rat in the ass,and dawgshit are paid trolls in the fact all they do is LIE all the time evading facts and changing the subject like the lying paid trolls they are.AGAIN thats how paid trolls like them operate.AGAIN,people like non paid trolls who are just in denial and afraid of the truth like whitehall,predfan and retired sargent are not paid trolls,they are just bush dupes that have been brainwashed and area fraid of the truth in the fact they dont come here very often and tell ies when they are cornered,they just evade facts and change the subject.major difference there.:cuckoo:
to create a useful terror event allowing for a budget of word conquest and nation building proportions

I was ready to nuke somebody after I saw the plane hit the second tower.
WTC 7 wasn't needed for that.

WTC 7 Specifically...I could only through out guesses..could be an after thought as it was damaged..could of been to destroy documents from pending wall street investigations...could be more than one reason the decision was made to.. pull it

Right, because no one ever has electronic versions of important documents.
And the easiest way to destroy paper documents is to blow up the building they're stored in, after ramming two jumbo jets into nearby buildings.
That would make me forget that I wanted to investigate something.
I'd never try to get new copies of the documents.

When I say that out loud, it doesn't sound like I'm nuttier than 10 pounds of squirrel shit in a five pound bag, does it?
who are you ?

Who are you?

LOL ok you stupid sack of shit. Why don't you just fucking leave you shit eater?

Or put honestly, if you post here disagreeing with the truthers often enough to bother him, 9/11 IJ will say you are a paid troll because it makes him feel better. None of these conspiracy theorists can provide any actual evidence that the people they claim are paid government agents are what they say they are. They also lie about their posting habits or at least ignore the fact that the posters spend plenty of time in other forums.

It's the usual repetitive bs from the same posters. :)


Montrovent troll has been called for the liar he is in the fact I have NEVER called loyal Bush dupes like predfran,whitehall,retired sargent a PAID troll.a troll yeah,but NOT a paid troll. those are three posters that are long time posters here that I have NEVER called a paid troll.yeah long time paid trolls that are government agents are gomer pyle ollie,dawgshit and rat in the ass,they expose themselves because all they ever do is tell lies here when they are cornered and cant refute facts and devote their lives coming here day and night posting lies.

those other three i mentioned dont tell lies,they just cowardly run off when people like eots corner them with facts they cant refute or if they DO stay around,they change the subject evading facts. oh and he is lying again as well,we have never said they dont spend anytime in other forums,please find where anyone of us has said that.you cant and you wont.of course they go to other sections of the forum to post,they got to get a breather from their constant ass beatings they get here all the time.:cuckoo:

again the evidence is there gomer ollie,rat in the ass,and dawgshit are paid trolls in the fact all they do is LIE all the time evading facts and changing the subject like the lying paid trolls they are.AGAIN thats how paid trolls like them operate.AGAIN,people like non paid trolls who are just in denial and afraid of the truth like whitehall,predfan and retired sargent are not paid trolls,they are just bush dupes that have been brainwashed and area fraid of the truth in the fact they dont come here very often and tell ies when they are cornered,they just evade facts and change the subject.major difference there.:cuckoo:

I wonder if 9/11 will ever provide an explanation for why Ollie posts so often outside of this particular forum of USMB if he is being paid to post here.....:eusa_whistle:
I was ready to nuke somebody after I saw the plane hit the second tower.
WTC 7 wasn't needed for that.

WTC 7 Specifically...I could only through out guesses..could be an after thought as it was damaged..could of been to destroy documents from pending wall street investigations...could be more than one reason the decision was made to.. pull it

Right, because no one ever has electronic versions of important documents.
And the easiest way to destroy paper documents is to blow up the building they're stored in, after ramming two jumbo jets into nearby buildings.
That would make me forget that I wanted to investigate something.
I'd never try to get new copies of the documents.

When I say that out loud, it doesn't sound like I'm nuttier than 10 pounds of squirrel shit in a five pound bag, does it?
not when you say it, but try reciting any of eot's bullshit.
nutty, talking to themselves street people say it's crazy!
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Who are you?

LOL ok you stupid sack of shit. Why don't you just fucking leave you shit eater?


Montrovent troll has been called for the liar he is in the fact I have NEVER called loyal Bush dupes like predfran,whitehall,retired sargent a PAID troll.a troll yeah,but NOT a paid troll. those are three posters that are long time posters here that I have NEVER called a paid troll.yeah long time paid trolls that are government agents are gomer pyle ollie,dawgshit and rat in the ass,they expose themselves because all they ever do is tell lies here when they are cornered and cant refute facts and devote their lives coming here day and night posting lies.

those other three i mentioned dont tell lies,they just cowardly run off when people like eots corner them with facts they cant refute or if they DO stay around,they change the subject evading facts. oh and he is lying again as well,we have never said they dont spend anytime in other forums,please find where anyone of us has said that.you cant and you wont.of course they go to other sections of the forum to post,they got to get a breather from their constant ass beatings they get here all the time.:cuckoo:

again the evidence is there gomer ollie,rat in the ass,and dawgshit are paid trolls in the fact all they do is LIE all the time evading facts and changing the subject like the lying paid trolls they are.AGAIN thats how paid trolls like them operate.AGAIN,people like non paid trolls who are just in denial and afraid of the truth like whitehall,predfan and retired sargent are not paid trolls,they are just bush dupes that have been brainwashed and area fraid of the truth in the fact they dont come here very often and tell ies when they are cornered,they just evade facts and change the subject.major difference there.:cuckoo:

I wonder if 9/11 will ever provide an explanation for why Ollie posts so often outside of this particular forum of USMB if he is being paid to post here.....:eusa_whistle:
I wonder if he'll ever learn to spell?
WTC 7 Specifically...I could only through out guesses..could be an after thought as it was damaged..could of been to destroy documents from pending wall street investigations...could be more than one reason the decision was made to.. pull it

Right, because no one ever has electronic versions of important documents.
And the easiest way to destroy paper documents is to blow up the building they're stored in, after ramming two jumbo jets into nearby buildings.
That would make me forget that I wanted to investigate something.
I'd never try to get new copies of the documents.

No one said the documents where paper ..it effected the investigations

When I say that out loud, it doesn't sound like I'm nuttier than 10 pounds of squirrel shit in a five pound bag, does it?
not when you say it, but try reciting any of eot's bullshit.
nutty, talking to themselves street people say it's crazy!

I never claimed it to be the reason or the sole reason as I said it could of been a number of reasons the decision was made to pull it...but it is all irrelevant to the fact NIST failed to come up with any plausible theory to explain the collapse of building 7 or the towers
the Bush dupe cant explain these facts about bld 7-that barry jennings testified that there were explosions in the basement in bld 7 before the towers fell down which shreads to pieces the lies of the government that the debris from the towers caused bld 7 to collapse.:lmao:

conveintly for the government,Jennings died just a few days before the NIST report came out.very conveinient for NIST since his testimony again would have shreadded to pieces the lies of the NIST report.yep no conspiracy and coverup there.:cuckoo:
and he will run off with his tail between his legs like they always do ignoring the fact there were other buildings in the area much closer to the towers with far more extensives damage to them and much worse fires,yet they did not collapse and that bld 7 and the towers were all ownd by zionist jew larry silverstein who proffited in the millions from the attacks and that all the other buildings which were not owned by silverstein,did not collapse.you got to love the logic of the coincidence theorists.:cuckoo::lmao:

Like everybody else,he always runs off when countered with these facts acting like they were never posted.
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