Why do "debunkers' devote so much time to defending the Official 9/11 Story?

I know a building can not collapse due to fires as NIST describes.. the motives can only truly be known by the perpetrators and I could only offer speculation on that topic..but I would like to determine if you have any understanding of what the explanation NIST is and how those conclusions were reached

I could only offer speculation on that topic..

Excellent! What is your speculation?

to create a useful event allowing for a budget of word conquest and nation building proportions
I don't know about word conquest, but I thought the buildings fell because terrorists flew airplanes into them in a way that would cause them to fall after about an hour or two of terror as people fled, but hero firefighters and policemen were still looking for survivors when the building did finally collapse. :(
I know a building can not collapse due to fires as NIST describes.. the motives can only truly be known by the perpetrators and I could only offer speculation on that topic..but I would like to determine if you have any understanding of what the explanation NIST is and how those conclusions were reached

I could only offer speculation on that topic..

Excellent! What is your speculation?

to create a useful terror event allowing for a budget of word conquest and nation building proportions

I was ready to nuke somebody after I saw the plane hit the second tower.
WTC 7 wasn't needed for that.
I could only offer speculation on that topic..

Excellent! What is your speculation?

to create a useful terror event allowing for a budget of word conquest and nation building proportions

I was ready to nuke somebody after I saw the plane hit the second tower.
WTC 7 wasn't needed for that.

WTC 7 Specifically...I could only through out guesses..could be an after thought as it was damaged..could of been to destroy documents from pending wall street investigations...could be more than one reason the decision was made to.. pull it
I could only offer speculation on that topic..

Excellent! What is your speculation?

to create a useful event allowing for a budget of word conquest and nation building proportions
I don't know about word conquest, but I thought the buildings fell because terrorists flew airplanes into them in a way that would cause them to fall after about an hour or two of terror as people fled, but hero firefighters and policemen were still looking for survivors when the building did finally collapse. :(

firefighters made it to the impact zone and reported to small fires...no plane hit wtc 7
These people are most likely PAID DISINFORMATION AGENTS to try and keep people CONFUSED AND AWAY FROM THE TRUTH!!!! (Really no other reason someone who disagrees would stay on a site where everyone didnt believe)

So I am being paid by the government? LOL. Stupid son of a bitch. You really are shit for brains huh?


who are you ?
IF debunkers are correcting incorrect DATA, then they are doing a public service.

IF conspiracy theorists are correcting incorrect DATA, then THEY are doing a public service.

UNLESS WE have access to superior DATA, not ONE OF US are qualified to decide WHOSE DATA is correct.

That is why DEBATING issues like these is mostly pointless.

Each side appeals to different authorities (different data) ergo each can be entirely logical, and still be diametrically opposed to each other's narrative.

What's a LAYMAN do do?
These people are most likely PAID DISINFORMATION AGENTS to try and keep people CONFUSED AND AWAY FROM THE TRUTH!!!! (Really no other reason someone who disagrees would stay on a site where everyone didnt believe)

So I am being paid by the government? LOL. Stupid son of a bitch. You really are shit for brains huh?


who are you ?

Who are you?

These people are most likely PAID DISINFORMATION AGENTS to try and keep people CONFUSED AND AWAY FROM THE TRUTH!!!! (Really no other reason someone who disagrees would stay on a site where everyone didnt believe)

So I am being paid by the government? LOL. Stupid son of a bitch. You really are shit for brains huh?


well find out soon enough.if you start devoting your entire time here night and day telling lies constantly for the next several months all the time like dawgshit,gomer pyle ollie,gamolon and candyass do,then you will have exposed your one of them as well.

for the moment.you have the benefit of the doubt that your just like predfan,montrovent,whitehall,colin and most the others that have posted on this thread,just a loyal Bush dupe afraid of the truth who only sees what he WANTS to see. Like I said,a few months down the road we'll find out which one you are.one of them you are for sure beyond a doubt.

LOL ok you stupid sack of shit. Why don't you just fucking leave you shit eater?

So I am being paid by the government? LOL. Stupid son of a bitch. You really are shit for brains huh?


well find out soon enough.if you start devoting your entire time here night and day telling lies constantly for the next several months all the time like dawgshit,gomer pyle ollie,gamolon and candyass do,then you will have exposed your one of them as well.

for the moment.you have the benefit of the doubt that your just like predfan,montrovent,whitehall,colin and most the others that have posted on this thread,just a loyal Bush dupe afraid of the truth who only sees what he WANTS to see. Like I said,a few months down the road we'll find out which one you are.one of them you are for sure beyond a doubt.

Or put honestly, if you post here disagreeing with the truthers often enough to bother him, 9/11 IJ will say you are a paid troll because it makes him feel better. None of these conspiracy theorists can provide any actual evidence that the people they claim are paid government agents are what they say they are. They also lie about their posting habits or at least ignore the fact that the posters spend plenty of time in other forums.

It's the usual repetitive bs from the same posters. :)

to create a useful event allowing for a budget of word conquest and nation building proportions
I don't know about word conquest, but I thought the buildings fell because terrorists flew airplanes into them in a way that would cause them to fall after about an hour or two of terror as people fled, but hero firefighters and policemen were still looking for survivors when the building did finally collapse. :(

firefighters made it to the impact zone and reported to small fires...no plane hit wtc 7

thats what all the official conspiracy theory apologists on here such as retired sargent and others who posted in the beginning on this thread are dense about obviously of the fact that NIST said building 7 collapsed due to fires and the debris from the twin towers ignoring the fact mentioned many times throughout this thread but ignored every single time like it never got posted,the fact that there were buildings in the area much closer to building 7 with far more severe damage to them than bld 7 and far more extensive fires as well yet they did not collapse and were not owned by silverstein as was bld 7 and the towers.:cuckoo:
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firefighters made it to the impact zone and reported to small fires...no plane hit wtc 7

What floors did they make it to?

Let me help you out.

They made it to floor 78, the beginning of the impact zone that was hit with the wingtip. The impact zone extended up above floor 84. Funny you left out those details and just stuck with "impact zone".

So you want everyone to believe that what was viewed on floor 78 was indicative of the rest of the floors?

to create a useful terror event allowing for a budget of word conquest and nation building proportions

I was ready to nuke somebody after I saw the plane hit the second tower.
WTC 7 wasn't needed for that.

WTC 7 Specifically...I could only through out guesses..could be an after thought as it was damaged..could of been to destroy documents from pending wall street investigations...could be more than one reason the decision was made to.. pull it
another grasping at straws comment there were no secret or sensitive documents in wtc7
if there had been they would have been protected better...
to create a useful event allowing for a budget of word conquest and nation building proportions
I don't know about word conquest, but I thought the buildings fell because terrorists flew airplanes into them in a way that would cause them to fall after about an hour or two of terror as people fled, but hero firefighters and policemen were still looking for survivors when the building did finally collapse. :(

firefighters made it to the impact zone and reported to small fires...no plane hit wtc 7
this is one of eots favorite half truths.... he's attempting to make it seem as if the planes had nothing to do with the collapse of wtc7.
that's blatant misrepresentation..
and another by his lover fellow agent troll rat in the ass as well who has an obsession with me as proven how he replys IMMEDIATELY to my posts.
and another by his lover fellow agent troll rat in the ass as well who has an obsession with me as proven how he replys IMMEDIATELY to my posts.

I rest my case.how long did that take? one minute it looks like.the only mystery is how long the next one will be.not long I guarantee.

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