Why do "debunkers' devote so much time to defending the Official 9/11 Story?

I seem to recall seeing something about firefighters being concerned building 7 was going to collapse before it did, perhaps because of the unchecked fires inside. Could it be that BBC got reports mixed up, maybe hearing reports that the building was likely to collapse rather than it already had?

It seems monumentally stupid to make a claim about a building collapsing as part of some conspiracy and then show that same building still standing in the background.

Could it be that BBC got reports mixed up, maybe hearing reports that the building was likely to collapse rather than it already had?

LOL. On a live report they got the report mixed up, yeah sure whatever you say. Excuses, excuses, excuses. Was that supposed to be your feudal weak assed attempt at debunking? If that's what you believe than tell me something. Why when the BBC was questioned about that footage about Building 7 being reported to have collapsed 20 minutes before it actually did, they made the ridiculous statement that all live coverage on 9/11 had been lost. What stupid answer could you give this time, maybe they misplaced them you would probaly say.

Live is when reports are most likely to be mistaken. There is no time to go over what is being said. Do you not understand that simple fact?

Again, when they are reporting that a building fell when standing in front of video of that building standing.....someone fucked up. It doesn't matter if there was a conspiracy or not, claiming the building has collapsed when it is in the shot in the background clearly means a mistake in communication was made somewhere.

I wasn't trying to debunk anything. You brought something up, I commented about it. If you think that reporting on the collapse of a building before it happens, when there is supposedly live video of that building in the background still standing, is evidence of a conspiracy, good for you. I disagree. It COULD be as you say, but it's far from ironclad evidence. Live news reports are screwed up, sometimes in spectacular fashion.

That you feel the need to become so antagonistic and abrasive with me after such an innocuous question is telling.
These people are most likely PAID DISINFORMATION AGENTS to try and keep people CONFUSED AND AWAY FROM THE TRUTH!!!! (Really no other reason someone who disagrees would stay on a site where everyone didnt believe)
thats the understatement of the century.

whats surprising though is none of them have posted on this thread yet.you would think this thread would draw them like flys on shit.lol so far,the only ones that have posted on this thread are loyal Bush dupes in denial and are afraid of the truth who only see what they want to see.you know they are not agents like Dawgshit-aka sayit is for instance,cause they seldom come to this section and post the ones that have posted on this thread so far.

You are right 9/11 ISJ.

Dawgshit, GomerOllie, SAYIT, Moron-in-the-hat, CandyAss, even Turdsterpatriot all have not answered a single one of those questions that I listed in the first post. Why, probaly they would have to try and be honest in their response, and that is something that none of them is accustomed to, being honest.

'Debunkers' are scared of the truth about 9/11, that's why they keep on repeating lies and attacking others for challenging the OS and posting something that contradicts it.


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MMzd40i8TfA]You can't handle the truth! (Jack Nicholson) - YouTube[/ame]
fire and the fact that a huge chunk of the building was taken out by the falling towers.

Now put your head back up your ass, no one wants to look at your stupid face anymore.

the falling debris did not weaken the building according to nist the failure of column 79 due to fire was the initiation of the collapse...you should try reading it sometime
attention all posters.. The above is a typical not really true statement by eots, when reading his posts, take care as he has a talent for misrepresentation. That is all....

nothing is misrepresented.. These are the facts according to nist the failure of column 79 from fire was the initiation of the collapse sequnce and the failure of that column under any circumstance would have resulted in a progressive collapse
tell me, who took down wtc-7? Why?

first you tell me why nist says it collapsed

You won't tell me the reason behind the secret conspiracy?
What are you afraid of?

What are you afraid of.. showing your complete ignorance of the NIST report on the collapse of building 7 ?

The speculated motives of the perpetrators is not relevant to the fact that the collapse of wtc 7 could only be the result of a controlled demolition..
You asked the questions and I gave you answers. You don't recall that YOU ASKED? Now you are attacking me for answering your questions?

That's how mental illness works.

No what's mental is how so-called 'debunkers' like Daws 101 aka Dawgshit, Predfan, Gomer Ollie, Turdersterpatriot, Crap-in-the-hat, to name a few actually believes the OS to be true and factual.


No mental illness 'aka' the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result. Example. Copy and pasting other people's conspiracy theories. And when you don't get the result you want starting another identical thread every other day.
that's how mental illness works.

no what's mental is how so-called 'debunkers' like daws 101 aka dawgshit, predfan, gomer ollie, turdersterpatriot, crap-in-the-hat, to name a few actually believes the os to be true and factual.


no mental illness 'aka' the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result. Example. Copy and pasting other people's conspiracy theories. And when you don't get the result you want starting another identical thread every other day.

you are not able to be in a discussion that critically examines the nist report and its conclusions for accuracy and reason...without calliing people mental
These people are most likely PAID DISINFORMATION AGENTS to try and keep people CONFUSED AND AWAY FROM THE TRUTH!!!! (Really no other reason someone who disagrees would stay on a site where everyone didnt believe)
thats the understatement of the century.

whats surprising though is none of them have posted on this thread yet.you would think this thread would draw them like flys on shit.lol so far,the only ones that have posted on this thread are loyal Bush dupes in denial and are afraid of the truth who only see what they want to see.you know they are not agents like Dawgshit-aka sayit is for instance,cause they seldom come to this section and post the ones that have posted on this thread so far.

You are right 9/11 ISJ.

Dawgshit, GomerOllie, SAYIT, Moron-in-the-hat, CandyAss, even Turdsterpatriot all have not answered a single one of those questions that I listed in the first post. Why, probaly they would have to try and be honest in their response, and that is something that none of them is accustomed to, being honest.

'Debunkers' are scared of the truth about 9/11, that's why they keep on repeating lies and attacking others for challenging the OS and posting something that contradicts it.


Not only that,but what I think is so funny is not ONE of them has even tried to answer your two excellent posts on page two of this thread that you posed to retired sargent or my post that elaboarted on your two posts on the next page post # 36.

they are following the instructions their handlers instruct them to do,evade,evade and evade,and change the subject.:clap2::lmao:
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the falling debris did not weaken the building according to nist the failure of column 79 due to fire was the initiation of the collapse...you should try reading it sometime
attention all posters.. The above is a typical not really true statement by eots, when reading his posts, take care as he has a talent for misrepresentation. That is all....

nothing is misrepresented.. These are the facts according to nist the failure of column 79 from fire was the initiation of the collapse sequnce and the failure of that column under any circumstance would have resulted in a progressive collapse
which you wrongly interpret as a explosion..... and that is a misrepresentation.
I WIN...
first you tell me why nist says it collapsed

You won't tell me the reason behind the secret conspiracy?
What are you afraid of?

What are you afraid of.. showing your complete ignorance of the NIST report on the collapse of building 7 ?

The speculated motives of the perpetrators is not relevant to the fact that the collapse of wtc 7 could only be the result of a controlled demolition..

another classic misrepresentation and specious speculation based on a false premise and no evidence.
and don't say they did not look...they did
no what's mental is how so-called 'debunkers' like daws 101 aka dawgshit, predfan, gomer ollie, turdersterpatriot, crap-in-the-hat, to name a few actually believes the os to be true and factual.


no mental illness 'aka' the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result. Example. Copy and pasting other people's conspiracy theories. And when you don't get the result you want starting another identical thread every other day.

you are not able to be in a discussion that critically examines the nist report and its conclusions for accuracy and reason...without calliing people mental
what discussion? you make false, cherry picked, intentionally misrepresent facts and make out of context declarations like (must be a CD ) constantly if that's not insanity .it's an amazing simulation of it.
thats the understatement of the century.

whats surprising though is none of them have posted on this thread yet.you would think this thread would draw them like flys on shit.lol so far,the only ones that have posted on this thread are loyal Bush dupes in denial and are afraid of the truth who only see what they want to see.you know they are not agents like Dawgshit-aka sayit is for instance,cause they seldom come to this section and post the ones that have posted on this thread so far.

You are right 9/11 ISJ.

Dawgshit, GomerOllie, SAYIT, Moron-in-the-hat, CandyAss, even Turdsterpatriot all have not answered a single one of those questions that I listed in the first post. Why, probaly they would have to try and be honest in their response, and that is something that none of them is accustomed to, being honest.

'Debunkers' are scared of the truth about 9/11, that's why they keep on repeating lies and attacking others for challenging the OS and posting something that contradicts it.


Not only that,but what I think is so funny is not ONE of them has even tried to answer your two excellent posts on page two of this thread that you posed to retired sargent or my post that elaboarted on your two posts on the next page post # 36.

they are following the instructions their handlers instruct them to do,evade,evade and evade,and change the subject.:clap2::lmao:
answer to post# 22 #24#34. happy now?
You won't tell me the reason behind the secret conspiracy?
What are you afraid of?

What are you afraid of.. showing your complete ignorance of the NIST report on the collapse of building 7 ?

The speculated motives of the perpetrators is not relevant to the fact that the collapse of wtc 7 could only be the result of a controlled demolition..

another classic misrepresentation and specious speculation based on a false premise and no evidence.
and don't say they did not look...they did


You are so fucking stupid that you probaly believe fire caused a steel and concrete tower(WTC-7) to collapse, without any CD's. :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
What are you afraid of.. showing your complete ignorance of the NIST report on the collapse of building 7 ?

The speculated motives of the perpetrators is not relevant to the fact that the collapse of wtc 7 could only be the result of a controlled demolition..

another classic misrepresentation and specious speculation based on a false premise and no evidence.
and don't say they did not look...they did


You are so fucking stupid that you probaly believe fire caused a steel and concrete tower(WTC-7) to collapse, without any CD's. :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
it did also I don't" believe it, it's fact, you asshats are the believers :

to have confidence in the truth, the existence, or the reliability of something, although without absolute proof that one is right .

there is no evidence of a CD...
first you tell me why nist says it collapsed

You won't tell me the reason behind the secret conspiracy?
What are you afraid of?

What are you afraid of.. showing your complete ignorance of the NIST report on the collapse of building 7 ?

The speculated motives of the perpetrators is not relevant to the fact that the collapse of wtc 7 could only be the result of a controlled demolition..

What are you afraid of..

I'm afraid of the motive and so are you.

So why not tell me?
no mental illness 'aka' the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result. Example. Copy and pasting other people's conspiracy theories. And when you don't get the result you want starting another identical thread every other day.

you are not able to be in a discussion that critically examines the nist report and its conclusions for accuracy and reason...without calliing people mental
what discussion? you make false, cherry picked, intentionally misrepresent facts and make out of context declarations like (must be a cd ) constantly if that's not insanity .it's an amazing simulation of it.

such as ?
attention all posters.. The above is a typical not really true statement by eots, when reading his posts, take care as he has a talent for misrepresentation. That is all....

nothing is misrepresented.. These are the facts according to nist the failure of column 79 from fire was the initiation of the collapse sequnce and the failure of that column under any circumstance would have resulted in a progressive collapse
which you wrongly interpret as a explosion..... and that is a misrepresentation.
I WIN...

I Interpret it as it is stated.the failure of column 79 under any circumstance would of resulted in a progressive of collapse of WTC 7 according to NIST
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