Why do "debunkers' devote so much time to defending the Official 9/11 Story?

I'll assume that you are talking about the 9/11 forums on USMB. I went there originally to make the case for the OS. Now that I have, I've not been back. Occasionally I go there again when I'm bored and the thread looks interesting.

See above.

I would guess they do it for the debate.

Actually you have it backward. It isn't the debunkers that start threads, it's the truthers that attack the OS. It's the truthers that need to keep telling people.

Why do you keep asking the same question over and over?

Why do you keep asking the same questions?

Hello? Deja vu much?

First off there is no debating when it comes to a so-called 'debunker' about 9/11.

Secondly, according to you, it's the "truthers that need to keep telling people". That's because the Official 9/11 Story is an Official Lie, and the American people have been lied to, and if someone posted something that contradicts the OS, than you and the other so-called 'debunkers' feel compelled to attack to other person, and for what? Because that other person has a difference of belief that yours and government.

It's ironic that you referr to yourself as a "Truth Czar", yet you help to promote the lies of 9/11.

If you really believe that you "made the case for the OS", than you are really dilusional. You and the other so-called 'debunkers' are wrong, have been wrong, and will continue to be wrong about anything with regards to 9/11. Deal with it.

And yet you can not explain simple questions about your multitude or ignorant theories. Who Hijacked the aircraft? Why did hundreds of investigators in 3 separate States not only agree to lie about what they found but somehow keep quiet now for 11 years? If a drone was used in DC where did the plane go? What happened to the Passengers and crew? If building 7 was a controlled demolition how did intricate explosives get placed with out being seen and survive 8 hours of raging fires? If the twin towers were wired not only would there be explosives in the basement ( never seen no one heard construction) But in order to bring the building straight down more would have to be placed in locations through out the height of the building. No one saw anything, No one heard Construction, How did the explosives survive the raging FIRES WHERE THE PLANES HIT?


I'll start with this question first.
If building 7 was a controlled demolition how did intricate explosives get placed with out being seen and survive 8 hours of raging fires?

You sound like you really have doubts that Building 7 was rigged with explosives, prior to the attack. A moron could tell just by looking at the way the building collapsed that it was a controlled demolition. Just because work on Building 7 was not seen, does not mean that it did not happen.

You have questions for me, I have questions for you. Why did BBC report Building 7 had fell 20 minutes before it actually collapsed? Can you explain how the BBC knew that Building 7 was going to collapse?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ltP2t9nq9fI]ENHANCED VERSION: News Reports WTC7 Fell Before It Happens! - YouTube[/ame]

The Mysterious Demolition of Building 7

Many Americans are still unaware that for years Larry Silverstein owned only one building near the World Trade Center complex: Building 7. A mere two months before 9/11, he bought the entire complex; all seven of the buildings. Then he immediately took out a record insurance policy on them for over $3.5 billion, which he has since been paid. Interesting timing, to say the least.

(Note: Mr. Silvertstein later went to court and fought to receive a much higher monetary reward. He said that because each plane hit was a separate attack, he wanted to be awarded $3.5 billion for both plane strikes. He won his court case and has now been awarded over twice the amount of his original insurance sum; approximately $7.3 billion.)

Why is Building 7 so important? Because the official story is that two hijacked planes hit the Twin Towers, caught them on fire, and caused them to collapse—even though a modern steel building has never before in history collapsed from fire. But then we have Building 7 that was further away than any other building in the complex, and later that afternoon got a few small fires in it and mysteriously "collapsed." However, buildings that were closer to the destruction of the Twin Towers, but were not owned by Mr. Silverstein, went left unscathed. Strangely enough, only the buildings owned by Larry Silverstein were destroyed.
In a PBS documentary, Larry Silverstein commented on the demolition of Building 7 by saying:

"I remember getting a call from the fire department commander telling me that they weren't sure they were going to be able to contain the fire. And I said, 'You know, we've had such terrible loss of life, maybe the smartest thing to do is pull it.' And then they made that decision to pull, and then we watched the building collapse."

For those of you who may not know, to "pull" a building is a demolition term meaning to detonate the building floor by floor in order to bring it down at free fall speed. There is just one problem with Silverstein's recollection of the events: It takes weeks—WEEKS!—not mere hours, for a demolition team to rig a building with explosives in preparation to demolish it. Yet, somehow, Building 7 was already magically rigged with explosives on 9/11 when Mr. Silverstein chose to "pull it" later that afternoon.
I seem to recall seeing something about firefighters being concerned building 7 was going to collapse before it did, perhaps because of the unchecked fires inside. Could it be that BBC got reports mixed up, maybe hearing reports that the building was likely to collapse rather than it already had?

It seems monumentally stupid to make a claim about a building collapsing as part of some conspiracy and then show that same building still standing in the background.
Obama can't keep a secret for 2 years. Bush couldn't keep a secret for 6 months. But we are to believe some nefarious story about unseen, unheard construction in the twin Towers and Building 7. We are to believe that somehow intricate explosives and plans to bring down 3 high rises required only a couple guys No construction no pre laying and it all survived fire and destruction to go off on time.

We are to believe a drone or a small air craft hit the pentagon and no one knows what happened to the jet airliner, the crew and passengers or how their DNA got in the wreckage.

We are to believe that hundreds if not thousands of Investigators from County State and federal Government in 3 separate Locations and States all conspired to hide the evidence and that after 11 years not one of them has talked.

We are to believe that the Government secretly got a bunch of men to commit suicide for the plan by hijacking 4 aircraft and flying them into buildings.

Like I said, come up with a plausible conspiracy that actually might have worked and I will re read it. The crap you retards spew is beyond crazy.


In the early 1960s, America's top military leaders reportedly drafted plans to kill innocent people and commit acts of terrorism in U.S. cities to create public support for a war against Cuba.

(It's sounds alot like what happened at 9/11 doesn't it, except it wasn't a war against Cuba that they were craving, it was a war with Afghanistan & Iraq.)

Code named Operation Northwoods, the plans reportedly included the possible assassination of Cuban immigrants, sinking boats of Cuban refugees on the high seas, hijacking planes, blowing up a U.S. ship, and even orchestrating violent terrorism in U.S. cities.

The plans were developed as ways to trick the American public and the international community into supporting a war to oust Cuba's then new leader, communist Fidel Castro.

America's top military brass even contemplated causing U.S. military casualties, writing: "We could blow up a U.S. ship in Guantanamo Bay and blame Cuba," and, "casualty lists in U.S. newspapers would cause a helpful wave of national indignation."

The plans had the written approval of all of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and were presented to JFK and he turned them down.

Just because OPERATION NORTHWOODS was never implemented in the early 1960's, that does not mean that it could have been brought up later and used for 9/11. The plan, the notion, the idea was still there that our own government wanted to kill it's own people to further its own agenda.

No matter how anyone looks at it, the OS is an Official Lie!
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Some interesting questions are raised at those people who pretend to know more about 9/11 than investigators, scientists, researchers, doctors, even eyewitnesses. I'm talking about "debunkers".

Why do 'debunkers' devote so much time to defending the Official 9/11 story ??
BY: "thegameisup; a member of AboveTopSecret.com"

These are just a few curious questions asking why you 'debunkers' devote so many man hours to the OS cause.

If any members that disbelieve the OS have any similar questions for 'debunkers', then please join in and fire away.

It would be very interesting to see what each different 'debunker' has to say about why they are here, and why they spend so much time 'debunking' on 9/11 forums, and so much time defending the OS??.

This is not a thread asking why 'truthers' are here, anyone is welcome to make their own thread if they are not able to work that out themselves, it should be fairly obvious that 'truthers' disbelieve the OS.

Some questions for 'debunkers' :

What are 'debunker's' motives for being on 9/11 forums?

'Debunkers' what are your motives for devoting so much time to arguing with 'truthers'?

Some of you have spent many hours on 9/11 forums each day for years, constantly guarding the official reports, why would anyone bother to do that, if you believe the OS is correct?

If the OS is as sound and correct as you always claim, then why the need to keep telling people?

Why are you on a 9/11 'conspiracy theory' websites if you believe the OS?

Why would you care to 'debunk' anything if the OS stands up for itself?

Why would you care what a 9/11 'conspiracy theorist 'or 'truther' says if the OS is correct?

If the OS was so water tight then surely you would not be worried about what 9/11 'conspiracy theorists' think?

Why do you spend so much time on 9/11 forums if there is nothing for you to gain?

Feel free to pose your own questions to 'debunkers'

Stay on topic, have fun, and fire away.....

Why do 'debunkers' devote so much time to defending the Official 9/11 story??

Why do you ask the same question over and over in the same post ?
First off there is no debating when it comes to a so-called 'debunker' about 9/11.

Secondly, according to you, it's the "truthers that need to keep telling people". That's because the Official 9/11 Story is an Official Lie, and the American people have been lied to, and if someone posted something that contradicts the OS, than you and the other so-called 'debunkers' feel compelled to attack to other person, and for what? Because that other person has a difference of belief that yours and government.

It's ironic that you referr to yourself as a "Truth Czar", yet you help to promote the lies of 9/11.

If you really believe that you "made the case for the OS", than you are really dilusional. You and the other so-called 'debunkers' are wrong, have been wrong, and will continue to be wrong about anything with regards to 9/11. Deal with it.

And yet you can not explain simple questions about your multitude or ignorant theories. Who Hijacked the aircraft? Why did hundreds of investigators in 3 separate States not only agree to lie about what they found but somehow keep quiet now for 11 years? If a drone was used in DC where did the plane go? What happened to the Passengers and crew? If building 7 was a controlled demolition how did intricate explosives get placed with out being seen and survive 8 hours of raging fires? If the twin towers were wired not only would there be explosives in the basement ( never seen no one heard construction) But in order to bring the building straight down more would have to be placed in locations through out the height of the building. No one saw anything, No one heard Construction, How did the explosives survive the raging FIRES WHERE THE PLANES HIT?


I'll start with this question first.
If building 7 was a controlled demolition how did intricate explosives get placed with out being seen and survive 8 hours of raging fires?

You sound like you really have doubts that Building 7 was rigged with explosives, prior to the attack. A moron could tell just by looking at the way the building collapsed that it was a controlled demolition. Just because work on Building 7 was not seen, does not mean that it did not happen.

You have questions for me, I have questions for you. Why did BBC report Building 7 had fell 20 minutes before it actually collapsed? Can you explain how the BBC knew that Building 7 was going to collapse?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ltP2t9nq9fI]ENHANCED VERSION: News Reports WTC7 Fell Before It Happens! - YouTube[/ame]

The Mysterious Demolition of Building 7

Many Americans are still unaware that for years Larry Silverstein owned only one building near the World Trade Center complex: Building 7. A mere two months before 9/11, he bought the entire complex; all seven of the buildings. Then he immediately took out a record insurance policy on them for over $3.5 billion, which he has since been paid. Interesting timing, to say the least.

(Note: Mr. Silvertstein later went to court and fought to receive a much higher monetary reward. He said that because each plane hit was a separate attack, he wanted to be awarded $3.5 billion for both plane strikes. He won his court case and has now been awarded over twice the amount of his original insurance sum; approximately $7.3 billion.)

Why is Building 7 so important? Because the official story is that two hijacked planes hit the Twin Towers, caught them on fire, and caused them to collapse—even though a modern steel building has never before in history collapsed from fire. But then we have Building 7 that was further away than any other building in the complex, and later that afternoon got a few small fires in it and mysteriously "collapsed." However, buildings that were closer to the destruction of the Twin Towers, but were not owned by Mr. Silverstein, went left unscathed. Strangely enough, only the buildings owned by Larry Silverstein were destroyed.
In a PBS documentary, Larry Silverstein commented on the demolition of Building 7 by saying:

"I remember getting a call from the fire department commander telling me that they weren't sure they were going to be able to contain the fire. And I said, 'You know, we've had such terrible loss of life, maybe the smartest thing to do is pull it.' And then they made that decision to pull, and then we watched the building collapse."

For those of you who may not know, to "pull" a building is a demolition term meaning to detonate the building floor by floor in order to bring it down at free fall speed. There is just one problem with Silverstein's recollection of the events: It takes weeks—WEEKS!—not mere hours, for a demolition team to rig a building with explosives in preparation to demolish it. Yet, somehow, Building 7 was already magically rigged with explosives on 9/11 when Mr. Silverstein chose to "pull it" later that afternoon.

You admit months of planning and prep work to bring a high rise down. With obvious construction on multiple floors then claim that such occurred in 3 builds with absolutely no evidence any construction occurred in the buildings. No records no eyewitnesses and no materials recovered.

Explain again how after 8 hours of raging fires in building 7 the wiring and the explosives required to bring it down still worked? Building 7 was heavily damaged by debris from the twin towers.

I ask again if it is a great conspiracy how has the Government kept HUNDREDS of witnesses silent for 11 years?
Come on folks! Don't knock truthers too much. After all, USMB wouldn't be half the fun it is now with people like 9/11 inside job and Wildcard to laugh at.
All I know is this

The more I look at the 9-11 event -- either in New York's WTC buildings or the Pentagon -- the less credible the "offical" story is.

Beyond those observations that suggest the "official" story makes no sense, I have no theory to explain the events.

I think debting the story is largely a waste of time since:

1. Few of us are experts in any of the fields needed to offer expert opinions; and

2. None of us can really count on the evidence we're offered because? See item 1.
If the US Government ordered a "Stand Down" in Benghazi then the US Government could have also ordered one on 9/11.

But I doubt many Americans wanna' even try to come to grips with that.
Why do "debunkers' devote so much time to defending the Official 9/11 Story?
Some interesting questions are raised at those people who pretend to know more about 9/11 than investigators, scientists, researchers, doctors, even eyewitnesses. I'm talking about "debunkers".

Watching the tin foil hat crowd spin themselves into a tizzy is admittedly a self indulgence which can border on a hobby.
Some questions for 'debunkers' :

What are 'debunker's' motives for being on 9/11 forums?

I'll assume that you are talking about the 9/11 forums on USMB. I went there originally to make the case for the OS. Now that I have, I've not been back. Occasionally I go there again when I'm bored and the thread looks interesting.

See above.

I would guess they do it for the debate.

Actually you have it backward. It isn't the debunkers that start threads, it's the truthers that attack the OS. It's the truthers that need to keep telling people.

Why do you keep asking the same question over and over?

Why do you keep asking the same questions?

Why would you care what a 9/11 'conspiracy theorist 'or 'truther' says if the OS is correct?

Hello? Deja vu much?

First off there is no debating when it comes to a so-called 'debunker' about 9/11.

Secondly, according to you, it's the "truthers that need to keep telling people". That's because the Official 9/11 Story is an Official Lie, and the American people have been lied to, and if someone posted something that contradicts the OS, than you and the other so-called 'debunkers' feel compelled to attack to other person, and for what? Because that other person has a difference of belief that yours and government.

It's ironic that you referr to yourself as a "Truth Czar", yet you help to promote the lies of 9/11.

If you really believe that you "made the case for the OS", than you are really dilusional. You and the other so-called 'debunkers' are wrong, have been wrong, and will continue to be wrong about anything with regards to 9/11. Deal with it.

You asked the questions and I gave you answers. You don't recall that YOU ASKED? Now you are attacking me for answering your questions?
Some interesting questions are raised at those people who pretend to know more about 9/11 than investigators, scientists, researchers, doctors, even eyewitnesses. I'm talking about "debunkers".

Why do 'debunkers' devote so much time to defending the Official 9/11 story ??
BY: "thegameisup; a member of AboveTopSecret.com"

These are just a few curious questions asking why you 'debunkers' devote so many man hours to the OS cause.

If any members that disbelieve the OS have any similar questions for 'debunkers', then please join in and fire away.

It would be very interesting to see what each different 'debunker' has to say about why they are here, and why they spend so much time 'debunking' on 9/11 forums, and so much time defending the OS??.

This is not a thread asking why 'truthers' are here, anyone is welcome to make their own thread if they are not able to work that out themselves, it should be fairly obvious that 'truthers' disbelieve the OS.

Some questions for 'debunkers' :

What are 'debunker's' motives for being on 9/11 forums?

'Debunkers' what are your motives for devoting so much time to arguing with 'truthers'?

Some of you have spent many hours on 9/11 forums each day for years, constantly guarding the official reports, why would anyone bother to do that, if you believe the OS is correct?

If the OS is as sound and correct as you always claim, then why the need to keep telling people?

Why are you on a 9/11 'conspiracy theory' websites if you believe the OS?

Why would you care to 'debunk' anything if the OS stands up for itself?

Why would you care what a 9/11 'conspiracy theorist 'or 'truther' says if the OS is correct?

If the OS was so water tight then surely you would not be worried about what 9/11 'conspiracy theorists' think?

Why do you spend so much time on 9/11 forums if there is nothing for you to gain?

Feel free to pose your own questions to 'debunkers'

Stay on topic, have fun, and fire away.....

Why do 'debunkers' devote so much time to defending the Official 9/11 story??

Why do you ask the same question over and over in the same post ?

I asked him the same question. Got no answer.
All I know is this

The more I look at the 9-11 event -- either in New York's WTC buildings or the Pentagon -- the less credible the "offical" story is.

Beyond those observations that suggest the "official" story makes no sense, I have no theory to explain the events.

I think debting the story is largely a waste of time since:

1. Few of us are experts in any of the fields needed to offer expert opinions; and

2. None of us can really count on the evidence we're offered because? See item 1.

The official version doesn't cover all of the bases, it doesn't explain all of the phenomena, and there are still many questions left unanswered. But there is a perfectly reasonable explanation for that. the investigation was done forenzically, after the fact. After much vital evidence was lost in the blaze and the collapse of the buildings. BUT, the official verson fits what we do know to be true and unlike the conspiracy theories, it doesn't defy logic and reason.
Why do "debunkers' devote so much time to defending the Official 9/11 Story?
Some interesting questions are raised at those people who pretend to know more about 9/11 than investigators, scientists, researchers, doctors, even eyewitnesses. I'm talking about "debunkers".

Watching the tin foil hat crowd spin themselves into a tizzy is admittedly a self indulgence which can border on a hobby.

Maybe even an addiction!
Some questions for 'debunkers' :

What are 'debunker's' motives for being on 9/11 forums?

I'll assume that you are talking about the 9/11 forums on USMB. I went there originally to make the case for the OS. Now that I have, I've not been back. Occasionally I go there again when I'm bored and the thread looks interesting.

See above.

I would guess they do it for the debate.

Actually you have it backward. It isn't the debunkers that start threads, it's the truthers that attack the OS. It's the truthers that need to keep telling people.

Why do you keep asking the same question over and over?

Why do you keep asking the same questions?

Why would you care what a 9/11 'conspiracy theorist 'or 'truther' says if the OS is correct?

Hello? Deja vu much?

First off there is no debating when it comes to a so-called 'debunker' about 9/11.

Secondly, according to you, it's the "truthers that need to keep telling people". That's because the Official 9/11 Story is an Official Lie, and the American people have been lied to, and if someone posted something that contradicts the OS, than you and the other so-called 'debunkers' feel compelled to attack to other person, and for what? Because that other person has a difference of belief that yours and government.

It's ironic that you referr to yourself as a "Truth Czar", yet you help to promote the lies of 9/11.

If you really believe that you "made the case for the OS", than you are really dilusional. You and the other so-called 'debunkers' are wrong, have been wrong, and will continue to be wrong about anything with regards to 9/11. Deal with it.


you'll never get anywhere with troll Predfan.This brainwashed deluded soul STILL thinks oswald was the lone assassin even though another government investigation in the 70's,the house select committe on assassinations concluded the warren commission was wrong and that his death was the result of a probable conspiracy and that a second shooter was involved.:D:lmao: yeah thats comedy gold that he actually considers himself a truth czar.:lmao:
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And yet you can not explain simple questions about your multitude or ignorant theories. Who Hijacked the aircraft? Why did hundreds of investigators in 3 separate States not only agree to lie about what they found but somehow keep quiet now for 11 years? If a drone was used in DC where did the plane go? What happened to the Passengers and crew? If building 7 was a controlled demolition how did intricate explosives get placed with out being seen and survive 8 hours of raging fires? If the twin towers were wired not only would there be explosives in the basement ( never seen no one heard construction) But in order to bring the building straight down more would have to be placed in locations through out the height of the building. No one saw anything, No one heard Construction, How did the explosives survive the raging FIRES WHERE THE PLANES HIT?


I'll start with this question first.
If building 7 was a controlled demolition how did intricate explosives get placed with out being seen and survive 8 hours of raging fires?

You sound like you really have doubts that Building 7 was rigged with explosives, prior to the attack. A moron could tell just by looking at the way the building collapsed that it was a controlled demolition. Just because work on Building 7 was not seen, does not mean that it did not happen.

You have questions for me, I have questions for you. Why did BBC report Building 7 had fell 20 minutes before it actually collapsed? Can you explain how the BBC knew that Building 7 was going to collapse?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ltP2t9nq9fI]ENHANCED VERSION: News Reports WTC7 Fell Before It Happens! - YouTube[/ame]

The Mysterious Demolition of Building 7

Many Americans are still unaware that for years Larry Silverstein owned only one building near the World Trade Center complex: Building 7. A mere two months before 9/11, he bought the entire complex; all seven of the buildings. Then he immediately took out a record insurance policy on them for over $3.5 billion, which he has since been paid. Interesting timing, to say the least.

(Note: Mr. Silvertstein later went to court and fought to receive a much higher monetary reward. He said that because each plane hit was a separate attack, he wanted to be awarded $3.5 billion for both plane strikes. He won his court case and has now been awarded over twice the amount of his original insurance sum; approximately $7.3 billion.)

Why is Building 7 so important? Because the official story is that two hijacked planes hit the Twin Towers, caught them on fire, and caused them to collapse—even though a modern steel building has never before in history collapsed from fire. But then we have Building 7 that was further away than any other building in the complex, and later that afternoon got a few small fires in it and mysteriously "collapsed." However, buildings that were closer to the destruction of the Twin Towers, but were not owned by Mr. Silverstein, went left unscathed. Strangely enough, only the buildings owned by Larry Silverstein were destroyed.
In a PBS documentary, Larry Silverstein commented on the demolition of Building 7 by saying:

"I remember getting a call from the fire department commander telling me that they weren't sure they were going to be able to contain the fire. And I said, 'You know, we've had such terrible loss of life, maybe the smartest thing to do is pull it.' And then they made that decision to pull, and then we watched the building collapse."

For those of you who may not know, to "pull" a building is a demolition term meaning to detonate the building floor by floor in order to bring it down at free fall speed. There is just one problem with Silverstein's recollection of the events: It takes weeks—WEEKS!—not mere hours, for a demolition team to rig a building with explosives in preparation to demolish it. Yet, somehow, Building 7 was already magically rigged with explosives on 9/11 when Mr. Silverstein chose to "pull it" later that afternoon.

You admit months of planning and prep work to bring a high rise down. With obvious construction on multiple floors then claim that such occurred in 3 builds with absolutely no evidence any construction occurred in the buildings. No records no eyewitnesses and no materials recovered.

Explain again how after 8 hours of raging fires in building 7 the wiring and the explosives required to bring it down still worked? Building 7 was heavily damaged by debris from the twin towers.

I ask again if it is a great conspiracy how has the Government kept HUNDREDS of witnesses silent for 11 years?

Dude where did you come up with that claim that he said there was no evidence that any constuction occured? He never said that anywhere in this post of his you qouted. surviving witnesses that were office workers there in fact reported that months before the event,there was a lot of construction going on in the towers saying they saw many signs that said-construction going on,keep out. they got away with the operation because the workers did not have access to these floors they were working on and and could not enter them.

The construction workers-CIA plants disguised as workers-they got plants like them everywhere in the country you know? oh you never do any research so you wouldnt know that though would you? the workers used service elevaters which the office workers did not have access to so they could not see what was going on. you'll probably come back and do the toto thing and say something in reply to this information like-Thats unsubstantianed circumstantial evidence or something like that im sure which is really funny because thats all the governments explanation is,unsubstantiated with no proof or evidence to back up their claims.lol.

oh and they found samples that thermite was used which is a melting device which explains why most the steel was melted.after all,jet fuel fires cant melt steel so why were there pools of molten steel everywhere? whats really funny about you OCTA's who insist the fires brought them down is you always say the fires did not melt them,they just weakened them.well then again,why were there pools of molten steel found everywhere?lol oh and the majority of the explosion of the jet fuel took place OUTSIDE the towers as the photos show so they were hardly hot enough to even weaken the steel as many trolls here claim.:lmao:

oh and Eots has talked about this before,that you dont have to wire the buildings for explosions,they have sophisticated devices now that dont require any wiring,that you can do is with just a switch.

oh and again you show you have not done any research into this.If you had,you would know the testimony of barry jennings who was in bld 7 and talked about going there in the morning BEFORE the towers collapsed and he heard EXPLOSIONS in the basement ans then some firefighters came to try and get him out and while trying to get him out,thats when the towers started to collapse.I would post the video for you but you have confessed you never watch videos which proves you are not a serious reseaercher.:cuckoo: witness testimonys mean nothing to apparently.lol.

To no surprise,you ignored the fact he brought up as well that there were other buildings in the area much closer to the towers with far more severe damage to them than bld 7 with far more extensive fires to them as well ,yet they did not collapse.nice dodge.

as well as ignoring that the BBC knew building 7 would collapse way in advance before it did.nice dodge there as well.

I ask again if it is a great conspiracy how has the Government kept HUNDREDS of witnesses silent for 11 years?[/QUOTE]

Damn you really are dense.If your talking about people who were involved in planting explosives,then they sure as hell arent going to talk.they get well paid for their silence. I imiagibe 20 years or so from now you probably will hear people involved in the palling of the demolitions come forward and confess when they get much older and are on their deathbed as CIA operative E Howard Hunt did in the JFK assassination.

For years,many researchers,that Hunt was in dallas that day because of a photograph taken that day of three tramps with one of them looking very much like E Howard Hunt.For over 30 years,Hunt denied that was him or he was in dallas that day but on his deathbed confession when he died about 5 years ago,his son tape recorded him giving a deathbed confession that that picture WAS him and that he was in dallas that day as part of a CIA operation to kill JFK. He confessed it not cause he felt guilty,but because he was proud of that fact and wanted to set the record straight.thats why i say 20 years from now,expect whistle blowers like Hunt to come forward and confess.

Oh and here is something else for you to answer but you'll ignore as well im sure.ther same pattern of the JFK assassination is present in 9/11.many witnesses in the JFK assassination who came forward and gave versions of events different than the governments,wound up dying in mysterious deaths.because of that,until the mid 80's or so,many witnesses that were there that day in dallas in 1963,kept quiet for over 20 years because they were afraid of what would happen to them if they came forward.But since they were so close to death and would not be around much longer,they broke their silece and came forward talking about seeing a second gunman behind the picket fence which photos show them to be telling the truth.

well same thing with 9/11.Many witnesses who came forward talking about hearing explosivs go off in the basements of the towers,have died mysterious deaths.One of them in fact was a lady who went on alex jones show telling listeners she heard explosions in the basements of the towers before the collapse,she also said on Jones show,that she would never take her own life,so if she died,not to believe the official version.well later on after that interview with Jones,she was found hanging from her ceiling at home and the official version of her death they said was a suicide.yep no foul play there,and no coverup going on.:cuckoo:
These people are most likely PAID DISINFORMATION AGENTS to try and keep people CONFUSED AND AWAY FROM THE TRUTH!!!! (Really no other reason someone who disagrees would stay on a site where everyone didnt believe)
thats the understatement of the century.

whats surprising though is none of them have posted on this thread yet.you would think this thread would draw them like flys on shit.lol so far,the only ones that have posted on this thread are loyal Bush dupes in denial and are afraid of the truth who only see what they want to see.you know they are not agents like Dawgshit-aka sayit is for instance,cause they seldom come to this section and post the ones that have posted on this thread so far.
You have to have a plate in your head to think that Ollie isnt getting paid to keep an eye on this forum.......clearly a paid debunker. If the only fucking forum he posts in........mofu is getting paid in here.:up::up::eusa_dance:
You have to have a plate in your head to think that Ollie isnt getting paid to keep an eye on this forum.......clearly a paid debunker. If the only fucking forum he posts in........mofu is getting paid in here.:up::up::eusa_dance:

Didn't you say you weren't a believer in conspiracy theories?

This is absolutely not the only forum Ollie posts in. That you haven't seen his posts anywhere else means not a thing. I can easily attest to the fact that he posts regularly elsewhere, and I'm sure a simple search of his posts will show anyone who cares the same.

Now, if I have missed what should have been obvious sarcasm, well, just pretend I didn't make this post. :redface:
Some interesting questions are raised at those people who pretend to know more about 9/11 than investigators, scientists, researchers, doctors, even eyewitnesses. I'm talking about "debunkers".

Why do 'debunkers' devote so much time to defending the Official 9/11 story ??
BY: "thegameisup; a member of AboveTopSecret.com"

These are just a few curious questions asking why you 'debunkers' devote so many man hours to the OS cause.

If any members that disbelieve the OS have any similar questions for 'debunkers', then please join in and fire away.

It would be very interesting to see what each different 'debunker' has to say about why they are here, and why they spend so much time 'debunking' on 9/11 forums, and so much time defending the OS??.

This is not a thread asking why 'truthers' are here, anyone is welcome to make their own thread if they are not able to work that out themselves, it should be fairly obvious that 'truthers' disbelieve the OS.

Some questions for 'debunkers' :

What are 'debunker's' motives for being on 9/11 forums?

'Debunkers' what are your motives for devoting so much time to arguing with 'truthers'?

Some of you have spent many hours on 9/11 forums each day for years, constantly guarding the official reports, why would anyone bother to do that, if you believe the OS is correct?

If the OS is as sound and correct as you always claim, then why the need to keep telling people?

Why are you on a 9/11 'conspiracy theory' websites if you believe the OS?

Why would you care to 'debunk' anything if the OS stands up for itself?

Why would you care what a 9/11 'conspiracy theorist 'or 'truther' says if the OS is correct?

If the OS was so water tight then surely you would not be worried about what 9/11 'conspiracy theorists' think?

Why do you spend so much time on 9/11 forums if there is nothing for you to gain?

Feel free to pose your own questions to 'debunkers'

Stay on topic, have fun, and fire away.....

Why do 'debunkers' devote so much time to defending the Official 9/11 story??

Why do you ask the same question over and over in the same post ?

I asked him the same question. Got no answer.

This post doesn't even deserve a response, but I'll give you one anyways. So you and Earlycuyler want to know why I'm asking the same question over and over in the same post. I'm not, if both you or Earlycuyler had been paying attention, I wouldn't have to explain this remidial crap to you and him.

What does it say under the title Why do 'debunkers' devote so much time to defending the Official 9/11 story ?? It says: BY: "thegameisup; a member of AboveTopSecret.com", and at the bottom of the post can you tell me what there is, (try not to strain your brain) if you guessed a link, then you're right. If both you and Early had bothered to clicked on to that link, it would have taken you to the exact same post from "thegameisup who is a member of Abovetopsecret.com and the originator of that post.

So if you and Early are curious as to why some questions are being repeated, go to abovetopsecret.com, become a member, find "thegameisup" and ask him/her. Stop asking me stupid questions!

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