WHY Do Democrats, Fake News Media, & Snowflakes Tell The DUMBEST, Most-Easily Debunked Lies?


WHY Do Republicans , cry, complain and whine incessantly, but never do a damn thing?​

In 1930's and 1940's Nazi Germany, Jews would congregate in secret in homes and well hidden hiding places where they would gather to talk of the wicked and evil Nazis. Hands raised to the air, they would defiantly and most quietly, belch out their anger and angst against the Nazis. For years they would meet in their homes and in these well hidden, secret chambers to voice their hatred and contempt for the Nazis.

Yet, they never took any action beyond talk as the Nazis gained strength and power.

It was all to no avail. They were eventually hunted down, dragged from their hiding places and put to death in concentration camps.
Finally and eternally silenced. No more complaints against the Nazis would be heard.
For all their years of complaints, not ONE Jew was spared attributable to their complaints.
6 million died.
History repeats.
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