Why do democrats hate Donald Trump (I'm still new to American politics)

They were allowed the opportunity to contribute and they did

Sure they did. Right after Barry let them out of the back of the bus.

Sucks to be you.
Republicans were allowed on the bus

They chose not to ride

They were smart enough not to ride it off a cliff and lose 1,000 seats nation wide because of it


Some things are worth losing your seat over

Obamacare is one of them

View attachment 225784

I follow a lot of political pages on social media, and I noticed that all the democrat related pages are strongly anti-Trump.
Why do democrats hate him? Also, if democrats win, does that mean Trump is more likely to be impeached or resign or lose the next election?

Here is a typical anti-Trump post from a democrats page.
View attachment 225705

Why does it always have to be a democrat? It's always winger opinion in this place... How about I simply don't support the Orange Virus because I believe he's a shitty human being and leave it at that?
Because no one believes it.
I follow a lot of political pages on social media, and I noticed that all the democrat related pages are strongly anti-Trump.
Why do democrats hate him? Also, if democrats win, does that mean Trump is more likely to be impeached or resign or lose the next election?

Here is a typical anti-Trump post from a democrats page.
View attachment 225705

I'm not a Democrat. But my disgust with the Trump presidency isn't really about him - he's just a run-of-the-mill jackass. It's about the resurgence of fascism. It's a very persistent meme and it's happening worldwide. If liberals hope to defeat it, they need to do some real soul-searching and figure out why so many people have turned against them.

They know why people turned against them, they just refuse to change. That took place during the 8 years of Ears. They followed him right to the grave; first losing the Congress, lost many Governor seats across the country, and finally the Senate. They didn't change one iota during the entire time.

People are sick of the insults: racist, homophobe, xenophobe and so forth. The Deplorable remark by Hillary put the icing on the cake. Democrats simply refuse to give up power. They don't understand that personal attacks are just disgusting people.

I think it's more subtle than that, and it's been a happening for longer - since the "Reagan Democrats" really. In my view, the anchor holding the Democrats back is their fixation on identity politics (aka corporatism). Equal rights, especially in the civil rights era, was always a strong plank for Democrats. But they betrayed equal rights in favor of social engineering.

I had a flyer on my door tonight from the local Democrats. The values byline read: "Equality, Justice, Opportunity". They need to add Freedom to that list if they want to win back the voter's they've lost.
I follow a lot of political pages on social media, and I noticed that all the democrat related pages are strongly anti-Trump.
Why do democrats hate him? Also, if democrats win, does that mean Trump is more likely to be impeached or resign or lose the next election?

Here is a typical anti-Trump post from a democrats page.
View attachment 225705

I'm not a Democrat. But my disgust with the Trump presidency isn't really about him - he's just a run-of-the-mill jackass. It's about the resurgence of fascism. It's a very persistent meme and it's happening worldwide. If liberals hope to defeat it, they need to do some real soul-searching and figure out why so many people have turned against them.

They know why people turned against them, they just refuse to change. That took place during the 8 years of Ears. They followed him right to the grave; first losing the Congress, lost many Governor seats across the country, and finally the Senate. They didn't change one iota during the entire time.

People are sick of the insults: racist, homophobe, xenophobe and so forth. The Deplorable remark by Hillary put the icing on the cake. Democrats simply refuse to give up power. They don't understand that personal attacks are just disgusting people.

I think it's more subtle than that, and it's been a happening for longer - since the "Reagan Democrats" really. In my view, the anchor holding the Democrats back is their fixation on identity politics (aka corporatism). Equal rights, especially in the civil rights era, was always a strong plank for Democrats. But they betrayed equal rights in favor of social engineering.

I had a flyer on my door tonight from the local Democrats. The values byline read: "Equality, Justice, Opportunity". They need to add Freedom to that list if they want to win back the voter's they've lost.

Democrats don't believe in freedom. Democrats believe in government control.

For years Democrats have gotten away with doing things that made them look good on the outside but only benefited them. Now they are being more obvious about it.

Take the Kavanaugh thing for instance. Everybody knew this guy was as clean as the wind driven snow, and like they did with Romney, tried to turn him into the devil incarnate. About 30 or 40 years ago, they would get away with that crap. But now between Fox, the internet, AM radio, they no longer can tell everybody how to think. Instead, what they are secretly up to is discussed on those outlets and more and more people are becoming wise to their tricks.

People see how desperate they are for power. They turned their party into the anti-white party for long-term control over the government forever, and it's turning off a lot of former Democrat voters.
Among other reasons, because his election froze the entire "Progressive" agenda in the United States, and to a lesser degree globally; he has largely undone the presidency of Barack Obama, almost to the point of practical non-existence; and he has locked the Supreme Court in favor of constitutional mandates and against an acceptance of a socialist America for at least the next generation.

They hate his every success.

They hate him because everything he's done has been a success and they can't stand it.

Sucks to be them.

You have a very low bar for success.
Among other reasons, because his election froze the entire "Progressive" agenda in the United States, and to a lesser degree globally; he has largely undone the presidency of Barack Obama, almost to the point of practical non-existence; and he has locked the Supreme Court in favor of constitutional mandates and against an acceptance of a socialist America for at least the next generation.

They hate his every success.

They hate him because everything he's done has been a success and they can't stand it.

Sucks to be them.

You have a very low bar for success.

As long as that bar is above Obama's, we're good with it.
I follow a lot of political pages on social media, and I noticed that all the democrat related pages are strongly anti-Trump.
Why do democrats hate him? Also, if democrats win, does that mean Trump is more likely to be impeached or resign or lose the next election?

Here is a typical anti-Trump post from a democrats page.
View attachment 225705

Why does it always have to be a democrat? It's always winger opinion in this place... How about I simply don't support the Orange Virus because I believe he's a shitty human being and leave it at that?
You lie through your teeth.

I lie about my own opinion? Lol. :auiqs.jpg:Guess I don't get my own opinions anymore, amirite, you fucking nutcase?
I follow a lot of political pages on social media, and I noticed that all the democrat related pages are strongly anti-Trump.
Why do democrats hate him? Also, if democrats win, does that mean Trump is more likely to be impeached or resign or lose the next election?

Here is a typical anti-Trump post from a democrats page.
View attachment 225705

Why does it always have to be a democrat? It's always winger opinion in this place... How about I simply don't support the Orange Virus because I believe he's a shitty human being and leave it at that?
Because no one believes it.

I do. Go ahead, ask me, I'll tell you.
I follow a lot of political pages on social media
well, that's kinda like following the stock market on a ouiga board

Why do democrats hate him?

Beacuse they've no game ,and need to point blame at someone

Both parties do it, and most of us buy into it

It's grand political theather , the press goes nuts, all sells like hotcakes

But the truth is, we're a nation circling the drain

Bread and Circuses rule

Liberals did not always hate Trump. He used to be a Democrat that wrote big checks to their party. He was also a Democrat who trashed George W. Bush. Yet somehow when Trump decided to run against Democrats, Republicans, and Washington, Liberals deemed him a lifelong racist overnight.

He wasn't a racist then either.... in fact, he was very popular in the Rap community and Hollywood, they loved him, Jimmy kimmel, and Jimmy fallon and seth meyer, they loved Trump too, as did David Letterman, and of course....Oprah Winfrey...who had him on her show over and over again and he was one of the guests on her last show...

Funny how the enlightened Oprah had no idea he was a racist back then.....of course, it was only revealed when he decided to run against a democrat, in particular, hilary....

This is why Trump will win again.......Liberals continually show themselves to be full of shit.
Why do democrats hate Donald Trump (I'm still new to American politics)

There are many reasons - but mostly because he's governing based on division, fear, hate, and violence. He caters to his white nationalist base. He represents the dumbest among us - not the smartest. He is setting America back decades.

I follow a lot of political pages on social media, and I noticed that all the democrat related pages are strongly anti-Trump.
Why do democrats hate him? Also, if democrats win, does that mean Trump is more likely to be impeached or resign or lose the next election?

Here is a typical anti-Trump post from a democrats page.
View attachment 225705
---------------------------------------------------------- to answer the Headline question . Its just everything anout TRUMP that Real Americans love IMiss .
I follow a lot of political pages on social media, and I noticed that all the democrat related pages are strongly anti-Trump.
Why do democrats hate him? Also, if democrats win, does that mean Trump is more likely to be impeached or resign or lose the next election?

Here is a typical anti-Trump post from a democrats page.
View attachment 225705

I'm not a Democrat. But my disgust with the Trump presidency isn't really about him - he's just a run-of-the-mill jackass. It's about the resurgence of fascism. It's a very persistent meme and it's happening worldwide. If liberals hope to defeat it, they need to do some real soul-searching and figure out why so many people have turned against them.

They know why people turned against them, they just refuse to change. That took place during the 8 years of Ears. They followed him right to the grave; first losing the Congress, lost many Governor seats across the country, and finally the Senate. They didn't change one iota during the entire time.

People are sick of the insults: racist, homophobe, xenophobe and so forth. The Deplorable remark by Hillary put the icing on the cake. Democrats simply refuse to give up power. They don't understand that personal attacks are just disgusting people.

I think it's more subtle than that, and it's been a happening for longer - since the "Reagan Democrats" really. In my view, the anchor holding the Democrats back is their fixation on identity politics (aka corporatism). Equal rights, especially in the civil rights era, was always a strong plank for Democrats. But they betrayed equal rights in favor of social engineering.

I had a flyer on my door tonight from the local Democrats. The values byline read: "Equality, Justice, Opportunity". They need to add Freedom to that list if they want to win back the voter's they've lost.
Among other reasons, because his election froze the entire "Progressive" agenda in the United States, and to a lesser degree globally; he has largely undone the presidency of Barack Obama, almost to the point of practical non-existence; and he has locked the Supreme Court in favor of constitutional mandates and against an acceptance of a socialist America for at least the next generation.

They hate his every success.

They hate him because everything he's done has been a success and they can't stand it.

Sucks to be them.

You have a very low bar for success.

As long as that bar is above Obama's, we're good with it.

Trump’s bar is so much lower than Obama’s that Trump can step over it. He can’t even reach the bar Obama created.

Obama saved the US economy and the world economy from utter collapse. Trump is busily destroying it and doing a damn good job of it.
I follow a lot of political pages on social media, and I noticed that all the democrat related pages are strongly anti-Trump.
Why do democrats hate him? Also, if democrats win, does that mean Trump is more likely to be impeached or resign or lose the next election?

Here is a typical anti-Trump post from a democrats page.
View attachment 225705

I'm not a Democrat. But my disgust with the Trump presidency isn't really about him - he's just a run-of-the-mill jackass. It's about the resurgence of fascism. It's a very persistent meme and it's happening worldwide. If liberals hope to defeat it, they need to do some real soul-searching and figure out why so many people have turned against them.

They know why people turned against them, they just refuse to change. That took place during the 8 years of Ears. They followed him right to the grave; first losing the Congress, lost many Governor seats across the country, and finally the Senate. They didn't change one iota during the entire time.

People are sick of the insults: racist, homophobe, xenophobe and so forth. The Deplorable remark by Hillary put the icing on the cake. Democrats simply refuse to give up power. They don't understand that personal attacks are just disgusting people.

I think it's more subtle than that, and it's been a happening for longer - since the "Reagan Democrats" really. In my view, the anchor holding the Democrats back is their fixation on identity politics (aka corporatism). Equal rights, especially in the civil rights era, was always a strong plank for Democrats. But they betrayed equal rights in favor of social engineering.

I had a flyer on my door tonight from the local Democrats. The values byline read: "Equality, Justice, Opportunity". They need to add Freedom to that list if they want to win back the voter's they've lost.
Among other reasons, because his election froze the entire "Progressive" agenda in the United States, and to a lesser degree globally; he has largely undone the presidency of Barack Obama, almost to the point of practical non-existence; and he has locked the Supreme Court in favor of constitutional mandates and against an acceptance of a socialist America for at least the next generation.

They hate his every success.

They hate him because everything he's done has been a success and they can't stand it.

Sucks to be them.

You have a very low bar for success.

As long as that bar is above Obama's, we're good with it.

Trump’s bar is so much lower than Obama’s that Trump can step over it. He can’t even reach the bar Obama created.

Obama saved the US economy and the world economy from utter collapse. Trump is busily destroying it and doing a damn good job of it.
---------------------------------- USA Economy is doing nicely right now under the TRUMP and as far as the rest of YOU foreigners and you economies . Well fix your economy same as the TRUMP fixed our American Economy DLady !!
I follow a lot of political pages on social media, and I noticed that all the democrat related pages are strongly anti-Trump.
Why do democrats hate him? Also, if democrats win, does that mean Trump is more likely to be impeached or resign or lose the next election?

Here is a typical anti-Trump post from a democrats page.
View attachment 225705

I'm not a Democrat. But my disgust with the Trump presidency isn't really about him - he's just a run-of-the-mill jackass. It's about the resurgence of fascism. It's a very persistent meme and it's happening worldwide. If liberals hope to defeat it, they need to do some real soul-searching and figure out why so many people have turned against them.

They know why people turned against them, they just refuse to change. That took place during the 8 years of Ears. They followed him right to the grave; first losing the Congress, lost many Governor seats across the country, and finally the Senate. They didn't change one iota during the entire time.

People are sick of the insults: racist, homophobe, xenophobe and so forth. The Deplorable remark by Hillary put the icing on the cake. Democrats simply refuse to give up power. They don't understand that personal attacks are just disgusting people.

I think it's more subtle than that, and it's been a happening for longer - since the "Reagan Democrats" really. In my view, the anchor holding the Democrats back is their fixation on identity politics (aka corporatism). Equal rights, especially in the civil rights era, was always a strong plank for Democrats. But they betrayed equal rights in favor of social engineering.

I had a flyer on my door tonight from the local Democrats. The values byline read: "Equality, Justice, Opportunity". They need to add Freedom to that list if they want to win back the voter's they've lost.
Among other reasons, because his election froze the entire "Progressive" agenda in the United States, and to a lesser degree globally; he has largely undone the presidency of Barack Obama, almost to the point of practical non-existence; and he has locked the Supreme Court in favor of constitutional mandates and against an acceptance of a socialist America for at least the next generation.

They hate his every success.

They hate him because everything he's done has been a success and they can't stand it.

Sucks to be them.

You have a very low bar for success.

As long as that bar is above Obama's, we're good with it.

Trump’s bar is so much lower than Obama’s that Trump can step over it. He can’t even reach the bar Obama created.

Obama saved the US economy and the world economy from utter collapse. Trump is busily destroying it and doing a damn good job of it.
---------------------------------- USA Economy is doing nicely right now under the TRUMP and as far as the rest of YOU foreigners and you economies . Well fix your economy same as the TRUMP fixed our American Economy DLady !!
The Obama economic miracle continues
I follow a lot of political pages on social media, and I noticed that all the democrat related pages are strongly anti-Trump.
Why do democrats hate him? Also, if democrats win, does that mean Trump is more likely to be impeached or resign or lose the next election?

Here is a typical anti-Trump post from a democrats page.
View attachment 225705

I'm not a Democrat. But my disgust with the Trump presidency isn't really about him - he's just a run-of-the-mill jackass. It's about the resurgence of fascism. It's a very persistent meme and it's happening worldwide. If liberals hope to defeat it, they need to do some real soul-searching and figure out why so many people have turned against them.

They know why people turned against them, they just refuse to change. That took place during the 8 years of Ears. They followed him right to the grave; first losing the Congress, lost many Governor seats across the country, and finally the Senate. They didn't change one iota during the entire time.

People are sick of the insults: racist, homophobe, xenophobe and so forth. The Deplorable remark by Hillary put the icing on the cake. Democrats simply refuse to give up power. They don't understand that personal attacks are just disgusting people.

I think it's more subtle than that, and it's been a happening for longer - since the "Reagan Democrats" really. In my view, the anchor holding the Democrats back is their fixation on identity politics (aka corporatism). Equal rights, especially in the civil rights era, was always a strong plank for Democrats. But they betrayed equal rights in favor of social engineering.

I had a flyer on my door tonight from the local Democrats. The values byline read: "Equality, Justice, Opportunity". They need to add Freedom to that list if they want to win back the voter's they've lost.
Among other reasons, because his election froze the entire "Progressive" agenda in the United States, and to a lesser degree globally; he has largely undone the presidency of Barack Obama, almost to the point of practical non-existence; and he has locked the Supreme Court in favor of constitutional mandates and against an acceptance of a socialist America for at least the next generation.

They hate his every success.

They hate him because everything he's done has been a success and they can't stand it.

Sucks to be them.

You have a very low bar for success.

As long as that bar is above Obama's, we're good with it.

Trump’s bar is so much lower than Obama’s that Trump can step over it. He can’t even reach the bar Obama created.

Obama saved the US economy and the world economy from utter collapse. Trump is busily destroying it and doing a damn good job of it.

Sure, sounds like someone is spending way too much time IN the bars.
I'm not a Democrat. But my disgust with the Trump presidency isn't really about him - he's just a run-of-the-mill jackass. It's about the resurgence of fascism. It's a very persistent meme and it's happening worldwide. If liberals hope to defeat it, they need to do some real soul-searching and figure out why so many people have turned against them.

They know why people turned against them, they just refuse to change. That took place during the 8 years of Ears. They followed him right to the grave; first losing the Congress, lost many Governor seats across the country, and finally the Senate. They didn't change one iota during the entire time.

People are sick of the insults: racist, homophobe, xenophobe and so forth. The Deplorable remark by Hillary put the icing on the cake. Democrats simply refuse to give up power. They don't understand that personal attacks are just disgusting people.

I think it's more subtle than that, and it's been a happening for longer - since the "Reagan Democrats" really. In my view, the anchor holding the Democrats back is their fixation on identity politics (aka corporatism). Equal rights, especially in the civil rights era, was always a strong plank for Democrats. But they betrayed equal rights in favor of social engineering.

I had a flyer on my door tonight from the local Democrats. The values byline read: "Equality, Justice, Opportunity". They need to add Freedom to that list if they want to win back the voter's they've lost.
They hate him because everything he's done has been a success and they can't stand it.

Sucks to be them.

You have a very low bar for success.

As long as that bar is above Obama's, we're good with it.

Trump’s bar is so much lower than Obama’s that Trump can step over it. He can’t even reach the bar Obama created.

Obama saved the US economy and the world economy from utter collapse. Trump is busily destroying it and doing a damn good job of it.
---------------------------------- USA Economy is doing nicely right now under the TRUMP and as far as the rest of YOU foreigners and you economies . Well fix your economy same as the TRUMP fixed our American Economy DLady !!
The Obama economic miracle continues

Sure does...the miracle is that we survived that fricken clown.

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