Why do democrats hate poor black people and want them permanently on welfare?

Most stock holders aren't paying they much attention to CEO pay. They would only notice if the stock really tanks.

Most board members have a vested interest in the companies that they sit. I'm not going to keep a CEO that is going to hurt the stocks. That's my money I'll lose.

But most board members are also CEO's and have a vested interest in CEO pay increasing. Things really have to go bad for a CEO to get a pay cut or be fired.
no they get shares of stock and they want to make money off of that stock. Period. They give a shit about the pay of the CEO. They merely want a qualified CEO that earns them capital gains so they can invest, invest, invest. and make money. NOthing about salaries. you're lost.

this thread proves a couple things
1. that the defective liberal gene is alive and well
2. that liberal indoctrination has been effective with the marginally capable
3. that the liberal posters do not understand anything about our economy, money, employment, that stock market, or life in general

It seems the right doesn't understand economics or how the world really works.
sure, keep telling yourself that while the ones of us on the right correct the economic situation here by electing in the proper talent to prevail.
Sounds like you may be expecting life to be fair, and life is anything but fair.

Well stagnant wages slows an economy. I'd much rather workers were treated fairly so our economy could be stronger.
and obummer fail caused stagnate wages. why are you for something that ruins an economy if you are in here arguing otherwise? you're confused.

Wages have been stagnant since long before him.
no, they weren't. Bush failed to perform correctly at the end of his second term, the banks were the issue and still are the issue and the same issue exists today. but, obummer fail killed full time work and merit increases. sorry fella.

what is it you want a link of?
Most board members have a vested interest in the companies that they sit. I'm not going to keep a CEO that is going to hurt the stocks. That's my money I'll lose.

But most board members are also CEO's and have a vested interest in CEO pay increasing. Things really have to go bad for a CEO to get a pay cut or be fired.
no they get shares of stock and they want to make money off of that stock. Period. They give a shit about the pay of the CEO. They merely want a qualified CEO that earns them capital gains so they can invest, invest, invest. and make money. NOthing about salaries. you're lost.

this thread proves a couple things
1. that the defective liberal gene is alive and well
2. that liberal indoctrination has been effective with the marginally capable
3. that the liberal posters do not understand anything about our economy, money, employment, that stock market, or life in general

It seems the right doesn't understand economics or how the world really works.
sure, keep telling yourself that while the ones of us on the right correct the economic situation here by electing in the proper talent to prevail.

So far you seem to be going down the bush road. You aren't smart enough to learn from failure.
Well stagnant wages slows an economy. I'd much rather workers were treated fairly so our economy could be stronger.
and obummer fail caused stagnate wages. why are you for something that ruins an economy if you are in here arguing otherwise? you're confused.

Wages have been stagnant since long before him.
no, they weren't. Bush failed to perform correctly at the end of his second term, the banks were the issue and still are the issue and the same issue exists today. but, obummer fail killed full time work and merit increases. sorry fella.

what is it you want a link of?

The silliness you are typing. Can't back it up?
But most board members are also CEO's and have a vested interest in CEO pay increasing. Things really have to go bad for a CEO to get a pay cut or be fired.
no they get shares of stock and they want to make money off of that stock. Period. They give a shit about the pay of the CEO. They merely want a qualified CEO that earns them capital gains so they can invest, invest, invest. and make money. NOthing about salaries. you're lost.

this thread proves a couple things
1. that the defective liberal gene is alive and well
2. that liberal indoctrination has been effective with the marginally capable
3. that the liberal posters do not understand anything about our economy, money, employment, that stock market, or life in general

It seems the right doesn't understand economics or how the world really works.
sure, keep telling yourself that while the ones of us on the right correct the economic situation here by electing in the proper talent to prevail.

So far you seem to be going down the bush road. You aren't smart enough to learn from failure.
again, Bush listened to democrats like his father did. That was his failure. Dodd and Frank can explain through Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
and obummer fail caused stagnate wages. why are you for something that ruins an economy if you are in here arguing otherwise? you're confused.

Wages have been stagnant since long before him.
no, they weren't. Bush failed to perform correctly at the end of his second term, the banks were the issue and still are the issue and the same issue exists today. but, obummer fail killed full time work and merit increases. sorry fella.

what is it you want a link of?

The silliness you are typing. Can't back it up?
well you have to explain what you found in error that you wish a link for. can't you explain what it is you're looking for? Why did the banking industry need a bailout?
And the CEOs should be increasing worker pay with their own. That isn't happening however.

Report: CEOs Earn 331 Times As Much As Average Workers, 774 Times As Much As Minimum Wage Earners

Sounds like you may be expecting life to be fair, and life is anything but fair.

Well stagnant wages slows an economy. I'd much rather workers were treated fairly so our economy could be stronger.
and obummer fail caused stagnate wages. why are you for something that ruins an economy if you are in here arguing otherwise? you're confused.

Wages have been stagnant since long before him.
no, they weren't. Bush failed to perform correctly at the end of his second term, the banks were the issue and still are the issue and the same issue exists today. but, obummer fail killed full time work and merit increases. sorry fella.

And that's a false narrative. Obama added 200,000 FULL TIME jobs every month from 2011 up until March of 2017. Not even in office 3 months and already Republicans are killing Obama's job creation.
Sounds like you may be expecting life to be fair, and life is anything but fair.

Well stagnant wages slows an economy. I'd much rather workers were treated fairly so our economy could be stronger.
and obummer fail caused stagnate wages. why are you for something that ruins an economy if you are in here arguing otherwise? you're confused.

Wages have been stagnant since long before him.
no, they weren't. Bush failed to perform correctly at the end of his second term, the banks were the issue and still are the issue and the same issue exists today. but, obummer fail killed full time work and merit increases. sorry fella.

And that's a false narrative. Obama added 200,000 FULL TIME jobs every month from 2011 up until March of 2017. Not even in office 3 months and already Republicans are killing Obama's job creation.
Then why did the GDP not improve? why is he the only president to fail there? They weren't full time jobs, they were part time jobs. Post up a link.
Well stagnant wages slows an economy. I'd much rather workers were treated fairly so our economy could be stronger.
and obummer fail caused stagnate wages. why are you for something that ruins an economy if you are in here arguing otherwise? you're confused.

Wages have been stagnant since long before him.
no, they weren't. Bush failed to perform correctly at the end of his second term, the banks were the issue and still are the issue and the same issue exists today. but, obummer fail killed full time work and merit increases. sorry fella.

And that's a false narrative. Obama added 200,000 FULL TIME jobs every month from 2011 up until March of 2017. Not even in office 3 months and already Republicans are killing Obama's job creation.
Then why did the GDP not improve? why is he the only president to fail there? They weren't full time jobs, they were part time jobs. Post up a link.

Were they? Link?
Sounds like you may be expecting life to be fair, and life is anything but fair.

Well stagnant wages slows an economy. I'd much rather workers were treated fairly so our economy could be stronger.
and obummer fail caused stagnate wages. why are you for something that ruins an economy if you are in here arguing otherwise? you're confused.

Wages have been stagnant since long before him.
no, they weren't. Bush failed to perform correctly at the end of his second term, the banks were the issue and still are the issue and the same issue exists today. but, obummer fail killed full time work and merit increases. sorry fella.

And that's a false narrative. Obama added 200,000 FULL TIME jobs every month from 2011 up until March of 2017. Not even in office 3 months and already Republicans are killing Obama's job creation.

Aren't they mostly minimum wage jobs that Democrats are now complaining about?

Over 80% Of Jobs Added In January Were Minimum Wage Earners | Zero Hedge

What have Republicans ever done to help poor neighborhoods?

Imagine that
If they are so poor, it would seem easy for Republicans to offer something better

Why don't they?

when the dems control the city it's impossible for republicans to make any changes. Here in New Orleans our stupid mayor and council are more interested in removing historical statues than in doing anything about crime or poverty. But they do have measures in place to raise taxes----------on the poor who have no way to pay them.

Then win over the people in the city. Step one, put some fucking jobs there rather than sending them to the white burbs and Mexico. Step 2, hire black people.

Are you suggesting that most of the people in a black city get welfare? Then you are fool because they don't. So then most people in the city would go along with you and your fucked up ideas if they worked. They don't so even working black people reject you. We all reject you. I hate fish. LOL
people on welfare and foodstamps don't even vote. If they did Trump wouldn't have won

And what percent of Detroiters are on foodstamps?

About 1 in 7 Michigan residents get food stamps

In 2005, about 9 percent of Michigan households participated in SNAP, according to U.S. Census estimates.

That increased to 19 percent by the end of 2010. Right after the Bush recession fully kicked in.

Currently, about 15 percent of Michigan residents -- slightly under 1.5 million people -- receive benefits.

I want to see Trump fix this. He said he would. What's he going to do? Looks like you are blaming the citizens on foodstamps. Typical.
Well stagnant wages slows an economy. I'd much rather workers were treated fairly so our economy could be stronger.
and obummer fail caused stagnate wages. why are you for something that ruins an economy if you are in here arguing otherwise? you're confused.

Wages have been stagnant since long before him.
no, they weren't. Bush failed to perform correctly at the end of his second term, the banks were the issue and still are the issue and the same issue exists today. but, obummer fail killed full time work and merit increases. sorry fella.

And that's a false narrative. Obama added 200,000 FULL TIME jobs every month from 2011 up until March of 2017. Not even in office 3 months and already Republicans are killing Obama's job creation.

Aren't they mostly minimum wage jobs that Democrats are now complaining about?

Over 80% Of Jobs Added In January Were Minimum Wage Earners | Zero Hedge


No excuses.
How have the Democrats lifted blacks over the last 30 years? I can think of nothing, Obama sure didn't help.
Barack Obama's presidency did not improve the lives of black Americans

How Obama Failed Black Americans

Democrats hate poor blacks the proof keep coming.
What have Republicans done to win them over?

I can tell you liberal companies during the time of affirmative action hired a lot of blacks they might not normally hired because they didn't speak or dress well. No republican is giving that black person a chance. You aren't hiring them as an importer/exporter even back when Bush was president and your industry was one of the rare industries that did better under Bush than Clinton.
How have the Democrats lifted blacks over the last 30 years? I can think of nothing, Obama sure didn't help.
Barack Obama's presidency did not improve the lives of black Americans

How Obama Failed Black Americans

Democrats hate poor blacks the proof keep coming.

How have republicans?

The topic is why do Democrats hate poor black people and want them permanently on welfare? Democrats have championed themselves saviors to the black community, but really have done nothing. Why is that? Why have the Democrats failed the black community?
How have the Democrats lifted blacks over the last 30 years? I can think of nothing, Obama sure didn't help.
Barack Obama's presidency did not improve the lives of black Americans

How Obama Failed Black Americans

Democrats hate poor blacks the proof keep coming.

How have republicans?

signed by President John F. Kennedy on 6 March 1961, which included a provision that government contractors "take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed, and employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race, creed, color, or national origin."[19] It was used to promote actions that achieve non-discrimination. In 1965, President Lyndon B. Johnson issued Executive Order 11246 which required government employers to take "affirmative action" to "hire without regard to race, religion and national origin". This prevented employers from discriminating against members of disadvantaged groups. In 1967, gender was added to the anti-discrimination list.[20]

Affirmative action is intended to promote the opportunities of defined minority groups within a society to give them equal access to that of the majority population.[21]

It is often instituted for government and educational settings to ensure that certain designated "minority groups" within a society are able to participate in all provided opportunities including promotional, educational, and training opportunities.[22]

The stated justification for affirmative action by its proponents is that it helps to compensate for past discrimination, persecution or exploitation by the ruling class of a culture,[23] and to address existing discrimination.[24]

Us liberals came up with this stuff and it was conservatives who fought it. They said by helping a disadvantaged black you were hurt a poor white person who may or may not be more qualified for the job. Oh poooor white people. We got it tough.
How have the Democrats lifted blacks over the last 30 years? I can think of nothing, Obama sure didn't help.
Barack Obama's presidency did not improve the lives of black Americans

How Obama Failed Black Americans

Democrats hate poor blacks the proof keep coming.

How have republicans?

The topic is why do Democrats hate poor black people and want them permanently on welfare? Democrats have championed themselves saviors to the black community, but really have done nothing. Why is that? Why have the Democrats failed the black community?

Democrats have tried with varied success. I'm not sure republicans even try. They control the government and so far not much.

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