Why do Democrats Trivialize The Threat From Radical Islam

Which "religion" cannot be seperated from "their form" of government (Hint: it is spelled Sharia).

Hint: it is spelled "Blue Laws"

And there I was thinking you had some credibility....:lol::lol::lol:

Seriously, are you saying that "blue laws" interfere with citizens' "rights" the way
Sharia interferes with citizens' rights?

Not any more, because they are slowly going away....thank goodness....but here are some examples of some laws that were based on Christianity:

Blue law - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And this is in a country where we have a secular government and freedom of religion. Can you imagine if we did not?
Islam and freedom are totally incompatable,And we the true patriots will NEVER give up our freedoms!
Let the liberals and thier muslim savage backward beasts know that!Burn the qurans or use them for ass wipe!!

You know it's been proven over and over in this thread that there is no ideological connection between American liberals and Radical Islamic types. I think the fundemental Christians have more in common with the radical Muslims than the American Liberals do.
lol.I dont hear any conservative Christains defend the evil cult of islam,Some LIBERAL Christians may defend them.

ROTF, so what? They're both examples of extreme supernaturalist.
Why do you people have to have to cloud the issue with all your stupidity? What is the topic of this thread?can't we stick to the issues here with out all the bull?

Kirk Lazarus: [to Tugg Speedman] What do you mean, "you people?"

Alpa Chino: [stares at Lazarus, and then gets angry] What do *you* mean, "you people?"

Kirk Lazarus: Huh?

But the problem is no one is denying that the radical element of Islam exist and are evil

Might I introduce you to Dr. Drock and MaggieMae?

Okay? Do either one ya'll deny that there is a radical element in Islam that truly wants to kill Americans and Westerners?

Hell no I don't deny that, never have, never will. Uncensored is the type who thinks if he repeats something enough it'll magically become truth.

But he should drop the word "radical." He's stated openly that he views all muslims the same, from peaceful american taxpaying muslims to osama bin laden. So muslim or radical muslim he doesn't differentiate. I do, that's why he has a problem with me. His enemy on this earth is whoever doesn't share his particular god.

One thing I'll deny until I'm hoarse though is that there's any chance whatsoever of the US falling under sharia law or any other version of radical islam. But then again that's common sense, I thought (prior to yesterday) that no one was dumb enough to think that.
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The better comparison is to compare biblican texts with texts from the Q'uran.

Just about every horrifying disgusting thing that the Q'uran says you can find the same thing or it's immoral equivalent or worse in the Bible.

That's what this thread is doing, comparing religions, so the religious books should be compared.

Show me a comparison:

“AMJA issued fatwa #2982:

In the name of Allah, all praise is for Allah, and may peace and blessing be upon the Messenger of Allah and his family. To proceed:

For a wife to abandon the bed of her husband without excuse is haram [forbidden]. It is one of the major sins and the angels curse her until the morning as we have been informed by the Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace). She is considered nashiz (rebellious) under these circumstances. As for the issue of forcing a wife to have sex, if she refuses, this would not be called rape, even though it goes against natural instincts and destroys love and mercy, and there is a great sin upon the wife who refuses; and Allah Almighty is more exalted and more knowledgeable.”

BTW: this is the same as a death sentence. If she is "rebellious", the men of Sharia can claim she is not living according to the faith, therefore must be put to death.

I've already pointed out that a "fatwa" is nothing more than an unenforceable rant, akin to a pox. Anyone can issue one.

But when Muslim Clerics issue them for the death of others? If those others are killed. Any onus on these Clerics?
Yeah.....:lol::lol::lol: I can understand why you guys keep saying that. I'd be embarrassed to by such a reactionary group.

Fred Phelps is a registered democrat. The church ran a "get out the vote" campaign for Obama.

Oh, and here's a hint, it wasn't the right spitting on troops returning from Vietnam - who do you SERIOUSLY think is going to piss of the graves of our war dead? Yep, that would be the dims...

BRACE YOURSELVES: Democrat Fred Phelps and Westboro Hate Group announce plans to picket 9-year-old shooting victim Christina Greene’s funeral. A new low for Democrat hate groups. « HillBuzz.org
So you edit my posts and then refuse to answer the questions asked of you? YOU said promote I asked you to define it and you can't even do that.

Back quoting is "editing your posts?"


You're pretty fucking desperate, about now...

Keep running away form your own words. Watching you spin like this is hilarious. LOL

Dude, put down the bong and pay attention.

YOU attack anyone who criticizes Muslims for their terrorist behavior - that IS promoting.

Yeah.....:lol::lol::lol: I can understand why you guys keep saying that. I'd be embarrassed to by such a reactionary group.

Fred Phelps is a registered democrat. The church ran a "get out the vote" campaign for Obama.

Oh, and here's a hint, it wasn't the right spitting on troops returning from Vietnam - who do you SERIOUSLY think is going to piss of the graves of our war dead? Yep, that would be the dims...

BRACE YOURSELVES: Democrat Fred Phelps and Westboro Hate Group announce plans to picket 9-year-old shooting victim Christina Greene’s funeral. A new low for Democrat hate groups. « HillBuzz.org

I very much want proof of that one.
So mcveigh wasn't an atheist as u2008 claimed earlier? Thanks for coutnering u2008s argument. LOL

McVeigh identified himself as an agnostic. Sorry that doesn't meet with your bigotry, it's still the truth. It doesn't mean you can't hate Christians - you just can't hang McVeigh on them.
Why did Christians fight in the Crusades??????? Hint: the muslims invaded Jerusalem and stole the "cross" that was used to crucify Yeshua. .

Please provide evidence or link of muslims stealing Jesus's cross.

Or once again; just admit that you made this nonsense up.

Waiting for your response. :cool:

History class.

Now do you want to address how muslims "got their lands"? Do you want to talk about the invasions of Europe that had to be stopped? Do you want to talk about how the muslims took the Northern coast of Africa?
I'd love to see your historical link for that intriguing piece of information.

No you wouldn't - you just think your can distract and blow smoke to obscure the point.

Endl"sung was highly classified, only the top echelon of the SS were privy to the plans and implementation of the extermination.

{As for the implementation of the "Final Solution" and the murder of other undesirable elements, the situation was different. The Nazis attempted to keep the murders a secret and, therefore, took precautionary measures to ensure that they would not be publicized.}

36 Questions About the Holocaust (1-18)

Had you made it into Jr. High, you would know this already.

Ah, but the hive cares for you and instructs you in your every utterance and behavior.

(Hey, your BEE-havior!)

Here is your post

Well, there you go. That settles it!


Say Maggie, do you happen to know the percentage of Nazi party members who were involved in the "final solution?"

Would it surprise you to learn that it was less than 1%?

The other 99% of Nazis were not involved in genocide.

Dayum, using "stupid as a fucking pile of bricks" logic, which you use with terrorists, that would make Nazis the "fascism of peace."

Do you see how your response to maggies question does nothing to actually answer maggie's question and show proof of your claims??

The fact that you constantly have to try and tear others down for questioning your baseless opinions should really tell you something about yourself.
Many on the Left see the War on Terrorism not as a war of Good versus Evil, but...Muslim resistance to foreigners who seek influence over the region's geopolitical assets and vital resources. This resistance typically takes the form of asymmetrical warfare, e.g., "terrorism". Why? -because long-colonialized regions have been denied the right to develop sophisticated weaponry.

Which is to say: The Left has a different interpretation of the War on Terrorism. They think Washington Bureaucrats strategically use national security threats (real or exaggerated) to insulate their decision making from poular review so they can create policies which, after the damage has been done, fail the smell test, like Iraq.

The Left wants the talk radio listener to think more about the very complex reality of American Power, and how that power has shaped certain regions in ways that occasionally lead to blowback, e.g., attacks against US military, financial, and foreign assets like Israel, the Pentagon, and the Twin Towers. This interpretation doesn't stem from hating America - which is the Right's favorite straw man - rather, the Left believes you can hate a Government policy (like Vietnam Iraq Kosovo Libya or the the New Deal) but still love the country. The ability to disagree with a government policy is the cornerstone of a free society.

The conflation of government policy with "the country" or "the people" is a species of fascism (which the far Right has always been sympathetic to because they are more likely to believe in an inviolable set of absolute, universal values that all must share, typically embodied in a centralized power like God or one of His earthly interlocutors like Ronald Reagan. Does the Rightwing voter ever notice how messianic Reagan, Bush, or Obama sound when they're saving the world from evil barbarians? They are so clearly trying to stamp the harsh realities of geopolitical hardball with a divine mandate)

Getting back to my point about different interpretations. The Left offers historical evidence of how Washington (a place we think you trust too much) has used military, CIA, and economic leverage to over-manage the affairs of others, e.g., Iran 1953; the Carter Doctrine which declared that the US will use military force to protect its energy interests; Reagan's support of Hussein or the mujahideen in the 80s; Reagan arming monsters on several continents from Iran to the Contras; Washington's longstanding financial and weapons support to places like Saudi Arabia & Libya; and a pattern of supporting ruthless regimes so that they will protect our regional interests. Not to mention the dizzying array of Pentagon protected business alliances, like that between Ken Lay and the Taliban when they were trying to run a pipeline through Afghanistan and Pakistan to the Indian Ocean. All of these things add immense complexity to the "good versus evil" narrative told to women, children, and republicans in order to insulate them from the evil men must do in the outlying colonies.

Needless to say: the Left realizes that when Washington Bureaucrats try to control political outcomes in places like (say) Iran, Afghanistan, or Saudi Arabia, there is likely to be harsh resistance, some of which calcifies into violent proto-military groups like Hezzbolla or Al Qaeda.

The Right sees all this conspiratorial geopolitical talk as lies or exaggerations, even though our military and financial support of "bad" regimes is on the official record, and easily researched.

So I agree with the OP that this story is tragic. I also hope the guilty party is brought to justice, harsh justice. I just wish the OP wouldn't accept Washington's framing of The War on Terrorism because we need critical thinkers who understand our long complicated history in the region. We need the OP to have a detailed understanding of the policies that have been initiated at least since Eisenhower. He doesn't.

One of the reasons Washington (since WWII) has been allowed to waste so much blood and money on failed military intervention is because The Bureaucrats have created useful idiots who buy into simplistic stories.

This was a thoughtful and interesting post. Thank you

One thing: "Washington (a place we think you trust too much) ", if this is so, why do lefties want to give those bureaucrats control over our personal lives by handing control of healthcare (amongst other things) to the same untrustworthy government?
Yeah.....:lol::lol::lol: I can understand why you guys keep saying that. I'd be embarrassed to by such a reactionary group.

Fred Phelps is a registered democrat. The church ran a "get out the vote" campaign for Obama.

Oh, and here's a hint, it wasn't the right spitting on troops returning from Vietnam - who do you SERIOUSLY think is going to piss of the graves of our war dead? Yep, that would be the dims...

BRACE YOURSELVES: Democrat Fred Phelps and Westboro Hate Group announce plans to picket 9-year-old shooting victim Christina Greene’s funeral. A new low for Democrat hate groups. « HillBuzz.org

So what? Anybody can register with any political party.

A new low for you however by claiming Democrats are going to piss on the graves of our war dead?

I have no word to express my disgust at this type of lying tactic.
Hint: it is spelled "Blue Laws"

And there I was thinking you had some credibility....:lol::lol::lol:

Seriously, are you saying that "blue laws" interfere with citizens' "rights" the way
Sharia interferes with citizens' rights?

Not any more, because they are slowly going away....thank goodness....but here are some examples of some laws that were based on Christianity:

Blue law - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And this is in a country where we have a secular government and freedom of religion. Can you imagine if we did not?

"Seriously, are you saying that "blue laws" interfere with citizens' "rights" the way
Sharia interferes with citizens' rights?"
Why did Christians fight in the Crusades??????? Hint: the muslims invaded Jerusalem and stole the "cross" that was used to crucify Yeshua. .

Please provide evidence or link of muslims stealing Jesus's cross.

Or once again; just admit that you made this nonsense up.

Waiting for your response. :cool:

History class.

Now do you want to address how muslims "got their lands"? Do you want to talk about the invasions of Europe that had to be stopped? Do you want to talk about how the muslims took the Northern coast of Africa?

I just want you to provide evidence or link to back up your statement:

"Why did Christians fight in the Crusades??????? Hint: the muslims invaded Jerusalem and stole the "cross" that was used to crucify Yeshua."

Or just admit that you made that nonsense up.

So which is it??? :doubt:

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