Why do Democrats Trivialize The Threat From Radical Islam

So, because you're a pseudo-con you make up the facts as you go along.

If I made up facts as I went along, I'd be; well - you....

Let see, where and when did Islam declared war on the United States again.

Retention is not too good when you have a low, two digit IQ, huh?

Online NewsHour: Bin Laden's Fatwa

Again you prove my point, bin Laden's fatwa does not represent Islam declaring war on the United States, and saying that it does (as you obviously are doing here) doesn't make it so. That represents bin Laden declaring war on the United States. I'm sure he wishes that he spoke for all of Islam but he doesn't.

Got anything else?
I think it speaks volumes that whomever came up with the name "Tea Party" was too dumb to realize it would very quickly be dubbed "Teabaggers."

Yeah, your contempt for Samuel Adams is just no surprise to anyone. (Now Che is someone you REALLY regard highly...)

You do realize that in the original tea party they got drunk and painted themselve to look like native Americans in an attempt to frame innocent people because they were not as brave as the rewrites of history portray them to be, don't you??

There is a reason why samual adams is a brewery.
Or "Teabagger" in 2011.

I think it speaks volumes that whomever came up with the name "Tea Party" was too dumb to realize it would very quickly be dubbed "Teabaggers."

Most of the "Taxed Enough Already" demonstrators, did not know that term (and probably could have went the rest of their lives without learning that term), before the lowest forms of name calling lefties chose to try to humiliate them by using that term.

Ignorance is not a valid excuse. Although based on most of the right wingers in this thread it is the norm for them.

The same people that will use names like teabagger, racist, bigot, will not debate, will not present an alternative arguement, just hatred and names. Please don't break the trend, continue to show your depraved status in society (throwing yourself into gutter to pull others in with you).

Apparently you haven't been paying attention to the actual content of this thread where rightwinger after right winger has failed to provide the substance to back up their claims and would rather call people names than actually engage in a debate.
Please provide evidence or link of muslims stealing Jesus's cross.

Or once again; just admit that you made this nonsense up.

Waiting for your response. :cool:

History class.

Now do you want to address how muslims "got their lands"? Do you want to talk about the invasions of Europe that had to be stopped? Do you want to talk about how the muslims took the Northern coast of Africa?

I just want you to provide evidence or link to back up your statement:

"Why did Christians fight in the Crusades??????? Hint: the muslims invaded Jerusalem and stole the "cross" that was used to crucify Yeshua."

Or just admit that you made that nonsense up.

So which is it??? :doubt:

wikipedia "In 614 the Sassanid Emperor Khosrau II ("Chosroes") removed the part of the cross as a trophy, when he captured Jerusalem. Thirteen years later, in 628, the Byzantine Emperor Heraclius defeated Khosrau and regained the relic from Shahrbaraz. He placed the cross in Constantinople at first, and took it back to Jerusalem on 21 March 630.[11] Around 1009, Christians in Jerusalem hid part of the cross and it remained hidden until the city was taken by the European knights of the First Crusade. Arnulf Malecorne, the first Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, had the Greek Orthodox priests who were in possession of the Cross tortured in order to reveal its position.[12] The relic that Arnulf discovered was a small fragment of wood embedded in a golden cross, and it became the most sacred relic of the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem, with none of the controversy that had followed their discovery of the Holy Lance in Antioch. It was housed in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre under the protection of the Latin Patriarch, who marched with it ahead of the army before every battle.

It was captured by Saladin during the Battle of Hattin in 1187, and while some Christian rulers, like Richard the Lionheart [13], Byzantine emperor Isaac II Angelos and Tamar, Queen of Georgia, sought to ransom it from Saladin [14], the cross was not returned and subsequently disappeared from historical records."
Nice spin loser. Hoiwever, U2008 claimed he was an atheist so i provided something that shows that he is NOT what U2008 claimed him to be and at no time did I claim he was christian.

I didn't claim it, HE DID, in Time fucking magazine.

Dude, what you will do to support terrorists is astounding.

Are you Shiite or Sunni?

YOU posted the claim that he as an atheist and only AFTER you got called out for it and someone else pointed out that a story called him agnositc did your argument change.

McVey didn't do it for Christianity. That you have to make that leap shows how wrong you are.

{Timothy McVeigh, was a self-proclaimed atheist, whose mantra was "Science is my religion."}
American Thinker Blog: If Timothy McVeigh had been a Christian

Bodecea knows this, he's just lying for his party.

Such is the way of progressives.

Your post and your argument. Editing my posts because they expose your dishonesty will not make the facts change or go away. LOL You accused someone else of lying even as you lied.

BTW your quote comes from your blog not time magazine.

"In fact, Oklahoma City bomber, Timothy McVeigh, was a self-proclaimed atheist"

American Thinker Blog: If Timothy McVeigh had been a Christian

that came from your blog and I see no citation leading to time magazine. Imagine that, more lies from you. LOL

Furthermore, disagreeing with you and pointing out your dishonesty does in no way, shape, or form support the terrorists. That fact that you have to try to go that way out of sheer desperation and label those who dare to disagree with your BS shows that you know that you have nothing REAL to offer to the debate.
Senate to Hold Hearings on “Anti-Muslim Bigotry


Senate to Hold Hearings on “Anti-Muslim Bigotry”

On a day when Islamic jihadists exploded a bomb in Jerusalem that murdered at least one woman and wounded thirty, and when Islamic jihadists opened fire on and killed two Christians outside a church in Pakistan, Senator Richard Durbin (D-IL) announced that he was going to hold hearings on the rise in “anti-Muslim bigotry.”

Durbin, of course, was retaliating for the hearings recently conducted by Rep. Peter King (R-NY), who himself bowed to politically correct pressure and dropped several witnesses that he had originally announced his intention to call, including ex-Muslim human rights activist Ayaan Hirsi Ali and terror analyst Walid Phares.

Not only was the timing of Durbin’s announcement ironic, but also the fact that his retaliatory hearings were unnecessary in the first place. King, after all, gave a prime platform at his hearings to the weepy Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN), whose pilgrimage to Mecca was paid for with $13,350 from the Muslim American Society, the Muslim Brotherhood ‘s chief operating arm in the U.S.

Ellison used the bully pulpit King gave him to paint a lurid picture of Muslim victimhood, all the while saying nothing (of course) about the sharp increase in jihad terror plots in this country over the last two years. How can Durbin top that?

Senate to Hold Hearings on
Because the left are anti-american socialist idiots that hate what this country was founded on. If they say different they are lying because they prove it all the time, like voting in obamaturd who is the worst president in history.
Liberals don't trivialize the threat of radical Islam, they prioritize it. Liberalism is a collectivist religion. Collectivism means sameness. That means you have the same money and the same power. The greatest skewing of power in the world is the one Superpower. So the United States is currently a greater threat to a worldwide collectivism then radical Islam is. Think about it, who do they attack for money? Those who have the most. Who do they attack for power? The one with the most.
Like I said before, they are socialists. Liberals do minimize terror threats because they are too scared to do anything about it, if you say different, you are an idiot, idiot.
Iam proud to hate islam,islam is a backward 7th century deathcult.muhammad was a murdering
caravan thief and child molesting pervert.The evil quran orders the murder of non muslims.islam
should be banned here in USA.Bloodlusting deathcults are not protected by our constitution.
Yet the liberals love to lick the balls of muslim fascists.
So true.
what exactly is the threat, really?
Remember 9/11 and the Ft.Hood shootings.All done in the name of islam.
Thats just part of thousands of attacks from the evil islamic beasts!
Never trust a muslim!

i'm not going to say those weren't horrible, because they were, but honestly if we're talking pure loss of life and we take all the deaths in the US due to radical Islam since 9/11you're talking an average of around 1 person a day. 1 person.

And don't think I'm trivializing that but in a nation of 300,000,000 that's a statistically insignificant number.

so forgive me if i'm not shitting myself in fear over the threat of radical islam.
Good, means Bush's policies worked.
The better comparison is to compare biblical texts with texts from the Q'uran.

Just about every horrifying disgusting thing that the Q'uran says you can find the same thing or it's immoral equivalent or worse in the Bible.

That's what this thread is doing, comparing religions, so the religious books should be compared.

Wrong... the actions of the followers of the religion should be compared.
All religions are equally stupid to me, but you see how scared american christians are of muslims, imagine how scared arab muslims must be of christians.
Where the hell do you get off making a statement like that? In every muslim country the native christians are terrorized by the islamic fundamentalists, and when a christian church is burned to the ground, the public remains mum and the perpetrators are celebrated. And as far as muslim victims are concerned, how many more are dying at the hands of other muslims, whether it be fundamentalists or the so-called "secular" crackpot dictators?

That was such an idiotic statement you made.
That is what idiots do, they blame Christianity. The Muslims started the whole war against the Christians years ago and cry they are persecuted, idiot satan worshipers.
Funny how YOUR argument has now shifted from he "was a self-proclaimed atheist" to he "is agnostic." and somehow believe that your dishonesty and lack of integrity reflect poorly on me. LOL

The terms are used interchangeably in common parlance, dumbass.

Your desperation is showing.

No they are not. People who know what they mean know they are different.

(OK, stupid people use them interchangeably)
He was identified as being one of the perpetrators of the 1993 bombings, and tracked down eventually being captured in Pakistan on March 3, 2003 (two weeks BEFORE the invasion of Iraq).

Confirming that he was NOT captured and tried by Clinton's team in the 93' bombing case and validating that what you claimed was false.

But your initial statement implied Clinton sat on his ass and diddle Monica. Which was a lie.

Yep, you're right that that's a lie - I made no such statement. You indeed lied. You lie a lot, but your leftist - dogs shit in the yard, leftists lie.

Yes, I wholeheartedly agree. I think I'll alert DHS that there are wild-eyed reactionaries like you who are a combination of sociopaths and narcissists, a deadly combination, and you should be tracked down and locked up before you can do bodily harm.

Well there you go, defend the terrorists and seek to put Americans in gulags. Who would expect anything different from you? You are a Stalinist, after all....
Uh you do realize that u2008 who you thanked previously is doing just that don't you?? He and others are arguing that all of islam is radical and therefore any comparison made between islam and chrisitianity is comparing christianity to radical islam in their minds. So thanks for calling them delusional. LOL

That makes no sense.

You switched from Chronic to Crack, dinja?

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