Why do Democrats Trivialize The Threat From Radical Islam

Okay? Do either one ya'll deny that there is a radical element in Islam that truly wants to kill Americans and Westerners?

I think they take the position of "not that there's anything wrong with that..."

We know you want to believe that to be the case. It allows you to demonize us as well as all muslims.

As for BlindBoo's question...of course there is a radical element in Islam that truly wants to kill Americans and Westerners. There is no doubt about it. I don't think you will find anyone who denies it. (Tho you will have silly people like Uncensored who want to pretend for their own fearful self-affirming reasons)
Why did Christians fight in the Crusades??????? Hint: the muslims invaded Jerusalem and stole the "cross" that was used to crucify Yeshua.

Actually, the Muslims had pushed into Northern France, Spain was occupied territory and the Vatican itself was at peril.

The Crusades were a matter of survival for Western Europe.
Why did Christians fight in the Crusades??????? Hint: the muslims invaded Jerusalem and stole the "cross" that was used to crucify Yeshua.

Actually, the Muslims had pushed into Northern France, Spain was occupied territory and the Vatican itself was at peril.

The Crusades were a matter of survival for Western Europe.


You know nothing about why the Crusades began, do you?
Senate to Hold Hearings on “Anti-Muslim Bigotry


Senate to Hold Hearings on “Anti-Muslim Bigotry”

On a day when Islamic jihadists exploded a bomb in Jerusalem that murdered at least one woman and wounded thirty, and when Islamic jihadists opened fire on and killed two Christians outside a church in Pakistan, Senator Richard Durbin (D-IL) announced that he was going to hold hearings on the rise in “anti-Muslim bigotry.”

Durbin, of course, was retaliating for the hearings recently conducted by Rep. Peter King (R-NY), who himself bowed to politically correct pressure and dropped several witnesses that he had originally announced his intention to call, including ex-Muslim human rights activist Ayaan Hirsi Ali and terror analyst Walid Phares.

Not only was the timing of Durbin’s announcement ironic, but also the fact that his retaliatory hearings were unnecessary in the first place. King, after all, gave a prime platform at his hearings to the weepy Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN), whose pilgrimage to Mecca was paid for with $13,350 from the Muslim American Society, the Muslim Brotherhood ‘s chief operating arm in the U.S.

Ellison used the bully pulpit King gave him to paint a lurid picture of Muslim victimhood, all the while saying nothing (of course) about the sharp increase in jihad terror plots in this country over the last two years. How can Durbin top that?

Senate to Hold Hearings on

Your question should be "Why do normal folks not act like chicken little when it comes to radical Islam".

And here's why. Take away outside forces trying to interfere with their way of life and/or them trying to radicalise their own countries, they are no threat to other parts of the world. When they do become a threat (and if you can show me one Islamsist country that is bent on expansionism in the past 50 years I'm all ears), then you deal with them.
I'd love to see your historical link for that intriguing piece of information.

No you wouldn't - you just think your can distract and blow smoke to obscure the point.

Endl"sung was highly classified, only the top echelon of the SS were privy to the plans and implementation of the extermination.

{As for the implementation of the "Final Solution" and the murder of other undesirable elements, the situation was different. The Nazis attempted to keep the murders a secret and, therefore, took precautionary measures to ensure that they would not be publicized.}

36 Questions About the Holocaust (1-18)

Had you made it into Jr. High, you would know this already.

Ah, but the hive cares for you and instructs you in your every utterance and behavior.

(Hey, your BEE-havior!)

You are just too goofy to get mad at. Here's what you originally SAID:

Say Maggie, do you happen to know the percentage of Nazi party members who were involved in the "final solution?"

Would it surprise you to learn that it was less than 1%?

The other 99% of Nazis were not involved in genocide.

And your response is a quote that basically says the Nazi's kept so much secret that nobody really knows...except YOU of course!!! :lol:

I invite everyone else to read your link, bud, because it will prove what a clueless big mouth you really are.
How many different quotes do you want on the Bible saying rape is ok or encouraged? 1 is too easy, you give me a number and I'll happily oblige to further educate you on your own religious book.

When was the last time a Christian community stoned a woman to death for being raped?

(In fairness, it's been almost a week for the Muslims.)


Now Maggie Mae will show her support for woman's rights by lying to cover up the atrocities by Muslims!

I don't deny there are incidents of that kind of violence, so stop projecting your thoughts as though they're mine. That's another little trick insignificant people like you try to pass on as "smart."
i'm a lawyer first. I have a real problem with those types of constitutional violations. I do. There is no excuse for it and every time we do the witch hunt, we regret it as a society. If there is cause to investigate specific people or specific groups then the "patriot act" gives broad latitude to engage in searches. We have people in all kinds of places with their ears to the ground. it seems to me that when they actually choose to look at the intel, we are able to diffuse pretty much everything. I feel the same way about the loons who talk about their second amendment remedies... dangerous idiots who should be put away.

What Constitutional violations might that be? Did you support the Patriot Act?

And notwithstanding your need to make it a dem/repub issue, to me it's a legal issue. And you don't want to get me started on Joe Lieberman.

I didn't the politicians do, it shouldn't be that way but it is...So now you don't like Lieberman? Why because he didn't support Obama? So if a liberal goes with his conscious and doesn't support your chosen candidate he's no good?

oh... and i keep telling you, i'm not a neocon. I have no patience for blanket hatred of entire groups of people. Do you see Israelis running around holding "hearings" on radicalization of islam. they know there's radicalization. they know why.

Labels don't mean anything to me, talking points and Israel doesn't have all these left wing groups like the ACLU to worry about, most Israelis know the threat they live it and they also support Conservative Republicans much more then any liberal Democrat.

what's to hold hearings on other than to humiliate an entire group of people? i dunno.. maybe where you live isn't as mixed as where i live. we have every type of person imaginable here. and to tell the truth, i think it's wrong for people who demand the protections of the first amendment try to deprive other people of it.

Really so this guy is humilating his people right?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KpRgqDMrD4M]YouTube - Dr. Zuhdi Jasser's testimony before the Committee on Homeland Security[/ame]

And I live here...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Smw9QuH1xkA]YouTube - Arab Festival 2010: Dearborn Police Defending Islam against the Constitution[/ame]
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i don't think democrats "understate the threat". I think that it offends us when we see our country do the type of witch hunt that was done during the mccarthy era and the type of thing that was done to the japanese during WWII.

I'm all for rooting out threats. I'm not for witch hunts.

And if they were looking for all threats, I'd say it was a good thing. But they aren't.

Ok...I actually expect more from you on this. You don't think we should be looking into muslim radicalization in our prison system? You think that is a witch-hunt? The Japanese internment was done by a Democrat, although that’s not really relevant here and I don't know why you would even bring it up, generally the dems play politics with this issue there a couple such as Joe Lieberman who understand but most could care less it all about power, sad but true

i'm a lawyer first. I have a real problem with those types of constitutional violations. I do. There is no excuse for it and every time we do the witch hunt, we regret it as a society. If there is cause to investigate specific people or specific groups then the "patriot act" gives broad latitude to engage in searches. We have people in all kinds of places with their ears to the ground. it seems to me that when they actually choose to look at the intel, we are able to diffuse pretty much everything. I feel the same way about the loons who talk about their second amendment remedies... dangerous idiots who should be put away.

And notwithstanding your need to make it a dem/repub issue, to me it's a legal issue. And you don't want to get me started on Joe Lieberman.

oh... and i keep telling you, i'm not a neocon. I have no patience for blanket hatred of entire groups of people. Do you see Israelis running around holding "hearings" on radicalization of islam. they know there's radicalization. they know why.

what's to hold hearings on other than to humiliate an entire group of people? i dunno.. maybe where you live isn't as mixed as where i live. we have every type of person imaginable here. and to tell the truth, i think it's wrong for people who demand the protections of the first amendment try to deprive other people of it.

Best post I've ever seen you do, Jill. :clap2:

Will the voices of reason ever return this time? I wonder.
You do realize that in the original tea party they got drunk and painted themselve to look like native Americans in an attempt to frame innocent people because they were not as brave as the rewrites of history portray them to be, don't you??

There is a reason why samual adams is a brewery.

Wow, just wow.....
Apparently you haven't been paying attention to the actual content of this thread where rightwinger after right winger has failed to provide the substance to back up their claims and would rather call people names than actually engage in a debate.

Are you thinking you did real well in this debate? Or Maggie?

Please list for me the murders that have been done in the last 50 years while screaming "Jesus is Lord"!! List for me the countries that are populated predominately with Christians that: own slaves, murder women by stoning on the word of one other, murder homosexuals, rape men and women found alone, promote pedophilia (dancing boys), etc, and the population that welcomes and celebrates that culture by pilgrimaging to a giant rock for a yearly ritual.
Show me the places in the New Testament that openly encourages the "rape" of every woman around you, including aunts and cousins. Quote chapter and verse please, because "your" statement implies that all this is so with Christianity. Show your hand, or fold.

You've forgotten the Catholic priesthood?

Please show me "Catholic teachings" that encourage pedophilia. Where are priests "permitted" and accepted for doing that crime? I am not saying it doesn't happen. It does and it is a blasphamy against the Lord. It is a crime and those doing it should be punished as crimminals (though that will not compare to what the Lord's punishment will be).

Where in the Quran is pedophilia "encouraged"? Dancing boys? Altar Boys? They're both at risk of being raped by frustrated perverts, and those kind come in all colors, religions and nationalities.
YOU posted the claim that he as an atheist and only AFTER you got called out for it and someone else pointed out that a story called him agnositc did your argument change.

Are you drunk or just a fucking idiot?

I posted the article naming McVeigh an atheist after some stupid fucking bigot - I think it was you, claimed he was a Christian.

You've whined ever since, despite two more citations confirming that McVeigh was an agnostic/atheist.

Dude, you should be embarrassed - I mean *I* am embarrassed for you...

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