Why do Democrats Trivialize The Threat From Radical Islam

No they are not.

Yes, they are - as you well know.

Atheist, agnostic, infidel, skeptic refer to persons not inclined toward religious belief or a particular form of religious belief. An atheist is one who denies the existence of a deity or of divine beings. An agnostic is one who believes it impossible to know anything about God or about the creation of the universe and refrains from commitment to any religious doctrine. Infidel means an unbeliever, especially a nonbeliever in Islam or Christianity. A skeptic doubts and is critical of all accepted doctrines and creeds.}

Atheist | Define Atheist at Dictionary.com

Stop lying - Obama won't reward you in the after-life.

Now I am an agnostic, not an atheist - I lack the faith needed to be an atheist. This makes a difference to me.

It makes a difference to a Baptist to not be called a Mackerel Snapper - but in common parlance, they're all just Christians.

You know this, but choose to lie about it.
Nobody's saying they're "equal." That's the problem with this thread and Uncensored's absurdities. All any of us have been arguing is that religious tolerance is not only mandated by the Constitution, but it's common sense in a world of 3 billion Muslims

Does it hurt to be that stupid? I mean actual, physical pain?

Oh yay!!! Score one for UC!! This is what I get when I don't check my facts FIRST. See how that works? We now have close to 500 posts in this thread, roughly every other one by you, and all but one of yours is inaccurate. Does that make you a winner? Oh okay, here's your gold star.

One correct
You know nothing about why the Crusades began, do you?

You're going to lie about the Crusades?

Are you kidding?

{Thus, after Arab armies had consolidated their hold on North Africa and begun converting the interior's Berbers to Islam, the Arab-Turkish Muslim Amir (commander) Tariq, crossed over to Gibraltar (Jabal-Tariq, the mountain of Tariq), and launched a nine-year conquest of Iberia up to the Pyrenees (711-20), annihilating the Visigothic state. Provence and Aquitane were now raided frequently. During the same years, on Islam's northeastern borders, adventurous Amirs conquered Transoxiana, beyond the Oxus River, and the Oxus delta by 715, while in the south, Sind, in present-day Pakistan, was taken by 713. Back in the European sphere, only Charles Martel's defeat of Muslim forces in the Battle of Tours near Poitiers in 732, combined with Leo III's defeat of Muslim besiegers at Constantinople in 717, halted the new religious polity's advances, until ninth century forays into the Mediterranean.}

SparkNotes: Early Middle Ages (475-1000): Islamic Expansion and Political Evolution, 632-1000

You know that history can be verified? Lying for Obama may get you into paradise, but it sure makes you look foolish...
And your response is a quote that basically says the Nazi's kept so much secret that nobody really knows...except YOU of course!!! :lol:

So was it Downs Syndrome? Nah, those people are generally sweet - you're kinda nasty. Autism? You don't exhibit any savant characteristics...

Oh, to your retardation, everyone who has done any study at all is aware that the final solution was kept to the inner circle.

Here, you can get some in-depth information;

The rise and fall of the Third Reich: a history of Nazi Germany [Book]
I don't deny there are incidents of that kind of violence, so stop projecting your thoughts as though they're mine.

I'm surprised that you didn't claim the photo was fake or that George W. was the one orchestrating it...

So do you think that's okay? She was an adulteress, got raped by someone not her husband. Do you think she deserved it?
Or "Teabagger" in 2011.

I think it speaks volumes that whomever came up with the name "Tea Party" was too dumb to realize it would very quickly be dubbed "Teabaggers."

Most of the "Taxed Enough Already" demonstrators, did not know that term (and probably could have went the rest of their lives without learning that term), before the lowest forms of name calling lefties chose to try to humiliate them by using that term. The same people that will use names like teabagger, racist, bigot, will not debate, will not present an alternative arguement, just hatred and names. Please don't break the trend, continue to show your depraved status in society (throwing yourself into gutter to pull others in with you).

Oh puleeze, the greatest number of clowns attending those tea party protests represented the great unwashed. They most certainly knew the cliché "teabagger" had another, more perverse meaning.

It's interesting that you decided to go on a rant, however, assuming you KNOW how I feel about the Tea Party movement, when of course you do not. Once again, I think the ones who are thinkers, not assholes, are worth listening to and I encourage their voices.

"Depravity" comes from the idiots who presume to know what someone else is thinking and they act like holier-than-thou pricks about it. That'd be you and your ilk.
Ok...I actually expect more from you on this. You don't think we should be looking into muslim radicalization in our prison system? You think that is a witch-hunt? The Japanese internment was done by a Democrat, although that’s not really relevant here and I don't know why you would even bring it up, generally the dems play politics with this issue there a couple such as Joe Lieberman who understand but most could care less it all about power, sad but true

i'm a lawyer first. I have a real problem with those types of constitutional violations. I do. There is no excuse for it and every time we do the witch hunt, we regret it as a society. If there is cause to investigate specific people or specific groups then the "patriot act" gives broad latitude to engage in searches. We have people in all kinds of places with their ears to the ground. it seems to me that when they actually choose to look at the intel, we are able to diffuse pretty much everything. I feel the same way about the loons who talk about their second amendment remedies... dangerous idiots who should be put away.

And notwithstanding your need to make it a dem/repub issue, to me it's a legal issue. And you don't want to get me started on Joe Lieberman.

oh... and i keep telling you, i'm not a neocon. I have no patience for blanket hatred of entire groups of people. Do you see Israelis running around holding "hearings" on radicalization of islam. they know there's radicalization. they know why.

what's to hold hearings on other than to humiliate an entire group of people? i dunno.. maybe where you live isn't as mixed as where i live. we have every type of person imaginable here. and to tell the truth, i think it's wrong for people who demand the protections of the first amendment try to deprive other people of it.

Still using the term "witch hunt" with no proof that is happening. Please back up your statement or stop using it. It is misleading and deceptive. There are hearings on EVERYTHING in congress. It does not mean, much. As far as humiliating entire groups of people, don't you do that when someone disagrees with the lefties? Don't you call them names and try to insult them, personally, while never discussing the issue? A lawyer, I should have expected as much.

witch-hunt also witch hunt (wchhnt)

An investigation carried out ostensibly to uncover subversive activities but actually used to harass and undermine those with differing views.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright ©2000
Where in the Quran is pedophilia "encouraged"?

Just in case anyone forgot that you are numbingly stupid...

{Volume 7, Book 62, Number 18:

Narrated 'Ursa:

The Prophet asked Abu Bakr for 'Aisha's hand in marriage. Abu Bakr said "But I am your brother." The Prophet said, "You are my brother in Allah's religion and His Book, but she (Aisha) is lawful for me to marry." }

Oh, she was 6...

Dancing boys?

Surah 76:19
And round about them will serve boys of perpetual freshness: if thou seest them, thou wouldst think them scattered pearls.


Are you Lot's wife? I ask because you have about the same level of intellect as a pillar of salt....

LOOK MA, a religious joke! See, I was listening in all those years of Sunday School! (Which is why I rejected all that shit...)

Altar Boys? They're both at risk of being raped by frustrated perverts, and those kind come in all colors, religions and nationalities.

So post the verses from the Bible authorizing priests to have sex with alter boys?

I mean, unless you're just lying?
Those creeps are Christian homophobes and... leftists too? Yowza, now there's a combination for ya. Kinda like being a Christian Muslim.

One thing that even you and I can probably agree on is that they are creeps - reprehensible scum.
I've already pointed out that a "fatwa" is nothing more than an unenforceable rant, akin to a pox.

Yes, but then you're as stupid as a fucking stone.

Anyone can issue one.

{An analogy might be made to the issue of legal opinions from courts in common-law systems. Fatwās generally contain the details of the scholar's reasoning, typically in response to a particular case, and are considered binding precedent by those Muslims who have bound themselves to that scholar, including future Muftis; mere rulings can be compared to memorandum opinions. The primary difference between common-law opinions and fatwās, however, is that fatwās are not universally binding; as the Sharia is not universally consistent and Islam is very non-hierarchical in structure, fatwās do not carry the sort of weight that secular common-law opinions do.}


Good gawd but you're fucking stupid.

I mean that most sincerely.

In your quote you made my case! Thanks! (Now, who is it that's fucking stupid?)
But the problem is no one is denying that the radical element of Islam exist and are evil

Might I introduce you to Dr. Drock and MaggieMae?

Okay? Do either one ya'll deny that there is a radical element in Islam that truly wants to kill Americans and Westerners?

Are you asking me? Of course there are. But they are an extremely small percentage of the Muslim people, which is what Dr. Drock, myself, and a few others have been trying to get through the thick skulls of Un and his fellow tunnel-visioned pests.
I don't know why dems don't give more concern over terrorist , but if your talking about internment camps for American muslims like we did with the Japaneses during WWII that was a big enough fuck up of paranoia that doesn't need repeating ,

we don't need a return to McCarthyism either .

The concern is there, but the difference in the discussion about it is that I, personally, trust that the NSA, the FBI, and the CIA stay on top of the terrorism issue and their activities are, for good reason, rarely made public. What can I as an individual do? Run around screaming my head off that any day now bin Laden will lob a nuke at us or cringe in fear that the lady coming toward me dressed in Muslim garb has a bomb hidden beneath her gown? Geezus, even Bush warned against becoming overreactive toward Muslim people following the 911 attacks.

Who is overreacting? We are trying to have a "truthful" discussion.

You don't want the truth. And you ARE overreacting. All of you who see evil Muslims behind every tree and a Commie behind every statue in Washington. There will always be people who thrive on fear, and when there is none, they'll stir up some trouble. Anything to remain miserable, which in their contorted minds is equal to happiness.
The concern is there, but the difference in the discussion about it is that I, personally, trust that the NSA, the FBI, and the CIA stay on top of the terrorism issue and their activities are, for good reason, rarely made public. What can I as an individual do? Run around screaming my head off that any day now bin Laden will lob a nuke at us or cringe in fear that the lady coming toward me dressed in Muslim garb has a bomb hidden beneath her gown? Geezus, even Bush warned against becoming overreactive toward Muslim people following the 911 attacks.

Who is overreacting? We are trying to have a "truthful" discussion.

You don't want the truth. And you ARE overreacting. All of you who see evil Muslims behind every tree and a Commie behind every statue in Washington. There will always be people who thrive on fear, and when there is none, they'll stir up some trouble. Anything to remain miserable, which in their contorted minds is equal to happiness.
Your a hopeless stupid musilm ass kissing liberal.Its because liberal scum like you let those islamic evil beasts in this nation that 9/11 happened.Yes I blame YOU liberal!

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