Why do democrats want open borders? let's face facts

There's something about citizenship, (in addition to theyre very existence), that Dems / Socialists find repulsive.

Curious that we're told,

"Illegals don’t vote….PERIOD"

Which we know is false.
Your claim is untethered to reality.

You also make it a much bigger deal than it is. That is they can vote in about one sixth of one percent (0.06 %) of all the municipalities. Which statistically is very close to zero.
Show us the number of rapists, killers and kidnappers vs the ten million working their ass off to get ahead

10% of those entered since 2020 Election fraud. Or,
0.10 x 12million = 1.2 million new ones.
to go with the 4 million already up here. //
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So much false or misleading POLITICAL propaganda has lead to NO ONE WILLING too Honestly work on solving or voting to improve the problem.
More bigotry on your part
You sound like Trump

Your hurt feelings are your own.

It's a simple matter of assigning responsibility for the rapes, murders and crimes committed by Biden's illegals. Biden, with assistance from the Dems / Socialists have imported 10 million + illegals with little vetting. Millions of people with no job skills and little or no education who are already a huge burden on the middle class.

You people are fine with the horrors of "Lincoln" Riley as she is just a cost of doing business toward the end goal of a subservient welfare class.
Most of all of those policies lasted until the covid emergency was lifted in 2023. There is no open border policy. It is a standard GOP lie.

You should tell these folks.

Not an answer, sorry.

Actions speak with the utmost clarity.

Biden's EO's hsve made it clear he wants open borders and a future class of welfare dependent minions as future voters.
Really? Which EO(s) made that clear?

List of executive actions by Joe Biden

Encouraging criminals and terrorists is accomplished by treatment of the illegal immigrant killer of "Lincoln" Riley. Arrested, charges dropped and fled the state.
The killer had multiple run ins with state and federal agencies so it was not just Biden's failure but a broken system.
Really? Which EO(s) made that clear?

List of executive actions by Joe Biden

The killer had multiple run ins with state and federal agencies so it was not just Biden's failure but a broken system.

Look for the Biden EO's that revised the success that Trump had In limiting the illegals.

Oh, the "broken system", slogan. There's nothing broken about Dem / Socialist DA' who won't prosecute or leftist judges who turn criminal illegals loose. Those are the policies of Dem / Socialist Hell holes.
That is a complete leftard LIE.

Illegals can vote in federal elections with president-only ballots.

Federal law​

Federal law states that it is unlawful for a noncitizen to vote in federal elections and establishes the punishment of a fine, one year in prison, or both for violation of the law. The Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 states the following:

(a) It shall be unlawful for any alien to vote in any election held solely or in part for the purpose of electing a candidate for the office of President, Vice President, Presidential elector, Member of the Senate, Member of the House of Representatives, Delegate from the District of Columbia, or Resident Commissioner, unless—
(1) the election is held partly for some other purpose;(2) aliens are authorized to vote for such other purpose under a State constitution or statute or a local ordinance; and(3) voting for such other purpose is conducted independently of voting for a candidate for such Federal offices, in such a manner that an alien has the opportunity to vote for such other purpose, but not an opportunity to vote for a candidate for any one or more of such Federal offices.
(b) Any person who violates this section shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than one year, or both.[4]
The law includes the following exceptions:

(c) Subsection (a) does not apply to an alien if—
(1) each natural parent of the alien (or, in the case of an adopted alien, each adoptive parent of the alien) is or was a citizen (whether by birth or naturalization);(2) the alien permanently resided in the United States prior to attaining the age of 16; and(3) the alien reasonably believed at the time of voting in violation of such subsection that he or she was a citizen of the United States.[1][4]
Federal law also states that noncitizens who violate the law are inadmissible (ineligible to receive visas and ineligible to be admitted to the U.S.) and deportable.[5][6]

They can also vote in MANY leftard municipalities, like SF and much of the Bay area.
That is their choice. We do live in a democracy, at least for now.
Look for the Biden EO's that revised the success that Trump had In limiting the illegals.
I looked but didn't see it. Can you point it out or are you just parroting what lies you've been told?

Oh, the "broken system", slogan. There's nothing broken about Dem / Socialist DA' who won't prosecute or leftist judges who turn criminal illegals loose. Those are the policies of Dem / Socialist Hell holes.
Dems have been trying to reform our immigration system for years but the GOP just wants to keep the issue alive for political reasons. The latest example is the Senate bill Trump nixed. What did Trump do to fix the system when he was Pres and the GOP controlled Congress?
I looked but didn't see it. Can you point it out or are you just parroting what lies you've been told?

Dems have been trying to reform our immigration system for years but the GOP just wants to keep the issue alive for political reasons. The latest example is the Senate bill Trump nixed. What did Trump do to fix the system when he was Pres and the GOP controlled Congress?

Play the "I don't understand" game with someone else.

Trump did not nix any bill.

Why is Biden ignoring existing immigration law?
bullshit. watch a news channel that actually reports what is really happening. CNN and MSNBC are lying to you, Biden is lying to you, Mayorkas is lying to you. KJP is lying to you. Wake up before the US becomes Haiti.
So that is your response. You can’t show that Democrats want open borders, or that they are ,in fact open. So all that you can do is claim –without evidence- is that everyone ( except you and your ilk) are lying.
Let me ask you this, Bubba. WHO THE FUCK WAS IT.....that killed the bi partisan border bill in which Democrats made considerable concessions, and that would have INCREASED border security? YOU PEOPLE need to stop lying
No. It was never to the point that they needed to take over hotels and kids schools to sleep and live in.
Why do you always take the Bullshit side? what the fuck is wrong with you? stop lying just to be different... its really a crock of shit.

There was no border walls during Reagan.
Why is Biden ignoring existing immigration law?
More horseshit'

Claim 2: President Biden signed an executive order prohibiting the detention of individuals who enter the United States illegally

The claim is untrue. As we previously reported, over 796,000 migrants have been deported and over 287,400 arrests have been made since Biden took office in 2021, according to ICE statistics. Of those arrests over 273,700 were removed or deported from the U.S.
According to a 2023 study from the CATO Institute, migrants were more likely to be released by the Trump DHS compared to Biden.

Of the 5 million border encounters, 2.7 million migrants have been removed in over two years by the Biden administration DHS, compared to 1.3 million encounters with 647,437 removals under Trump in two years.

Contrary to posts on social media, the Biden administration is not refusing to detain or remove migrants who illegally enter the country.
There was no border walls during Reagan.

But the situation is nothing the same. Expectations of the "migrants" themselves was much different then. Now we have people coming here from places like Syria, China, Iran, and we really dont know who they are because we dont have the manpower to physically sort out who everyone is.
This puts us at greater risk than ever, and we are recieving more of these people than ever who are taking advantage of the LAX attitude that was implemented on day one of the Biden administration.
Now that anyone and everyone South of the border seems to think they will be released into the U.S. without a hitch if they simply show up and say they are seeking assylum. The whole concept has been watered down and basically an open corridor has been opened up that has not existed under any president.
Why under Reagan then did you not see Migrants sleeping in school buildings and hotels, or living out on the streets in the conditions they are today? Or if not that they are now being giving housing and food credits that should be going to needy Americans..
8 million in 4 years now, is nothing like we have ever seen before and there is no will to stop it. Democrats cannot come up with a stand alone border proposal because they are not serious about the situation.
Much like yourself. You see no problem. They see no problem. ...ahhh all except for the mayors of towns who are being swamped and seeing their budgets decimated...
So that is your response. You can’t show that Democrats want open borders, or that they are ,in fact open. So all that you can do is claim –without evidence- is that everyone ( except you and your ilk) are lying.
Let me ask you this, Bubba. WHO THE FUCK WAS IT.....that killed the bi partisan border bill in which Democrats made considerable concessions, and that would have INCREASED border security? YOU PEOPLE need to stop lying
Fake news eagle1462010 ??? Where the fuck is the fake news? Answer the quetion. WHO killed the deal? It takes a speciao kind of stupid to not know that answer
But the situation is nothing the same. Expectations of the "migrants" themselves was much different then. Now we have people coming here from places like Syria, China, Iran, and we really dont know who they are because we dont have the manpower to physically sort out who everyone is.
This puts us at greater risk than ever, and we are recieving more of these people than ever who are taking advantage of the LAX attitude that was implemented on day one of the Biden administration.
Now that anyone and everyone South of the border seems to think they will be released into the U.S. without a hitch if they simply show up and say they are seeking assylum. The whole concept has been watered down and basically an open corridor has been opened up that has not existed under any president.
Why under Reagan then did you not see Migrants sleeping in school buildings and hotels, or living out on the streets in the conditions they are today? Or if not that they are now being giving housing and food credits that should be going to needy Americans..
8 million in 4 years now, is nothing like we have ever seen before and there is no will to stop it. Democrats cannot come up with a stand alone border proposal because they are not serious about the situation.
Much like yourself. You see no problem. They see no problem. ...ahhh all except for the mayors of towns who are being swamped and seeing their budgets decimated...
There iz problems and it began with amnesty in 1986.

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