Why do democrats want open borders? let's face facts

They live in the community, pay school taxes and send their children to schools.
They should have a say on the education they receive

Actually, illegals working “under the table” is common. They exploit taxpayer services but add nothing.

What other country allows illegals to vote in local elections?
What difference does it make

If you live in a community, pay taxes and send your kids to school ….
You should be able to vote for those who make decisions about your kids
OK, please read all the way before responding

congressional districts are determined by population counts from the census, illegals are counted in the census. So the more illegals allowed in the country the more congressional districts are created.
How many congressional districts do you think will be created this year?
That was quite the saliva-slinging tirade.

When you’re unable to respond to some pretty basic points about the failures and inadequacies of the Dems/Marxists, an emotional meltdown is not a good look.
Your failure to respond to any of the points that I have made is not a good look. Your inability to provide any documentation to support the inane claims that you made is not a good look. Your steady stream of blatherskite devoid of any documentation is not a good look . And, your mindless bot –like repetition of Republican/ Fascist lies is certainly not a good look
What difference does it make

If you live in a community, pay taxes and send your kids to school ….
You should be able to vote for those who make decisions about your kids
please look up the definition of Citizen and post it. Non-citizens do not have the right to vote in any country, including this one.
Your failure to respond to any of the points that I have made is not a good look. Your steady stream of blatherskite devoid of any documentation is not a good look . And, your mindless bot –like repetition of Republican/ Fascist lies is certainly not a good look
give us a list of the lies or STFU
Your failure to respond to any of the points that I have made is not a good look. Your inability to provide any documentation to support the inane claims that you made is not a good look. Your steady stream of blatherskite devoid of any documentation is not a good look . And, your mindless bot –like repetition of Republican/ Fascist lies is certainly not a good look
You poor, dear.

Your attempts at making a point were weak and ineffectual.

These emotional outbursts of yours are a bad look.
What difference does it make

If you live in a community, pay taxes and send your kids to school ….
You should be able to vote for those who make decisions about your kids

That's a failed attempt at argument.

If you live in a community, work under the table, don't pay taxes and send a portion of your earnings to a foreign country, you are a burden to services paid for by taxpaying citizens.
OK, please read all the way before responding

congressional districts are determined by population counts from the census, illegals are counted in the census. So the more illegals allowed in the country the more congressional districts are created. The dems think that the majority of illegals will vote dem because dem policies allowed them to illegally enter our country. The whole open border bullshit is being done to create more democrat congressional districts and allow democrats to control the house of representatives. That is all this has ever been about. Dems are not worried about the plight of illegals or their welfare. They are only concerned with increasing their power to dictate their socialist woke agenda to the entire country. They are willing to let american citizens be raped and murdered in order to increase their power. They must be stopped and right now voting for Trump is the only way to stop them.

The USA has had "open borders" since its inception.

Unless you refuse to allow anyone in or out of your country - your borders are "open".

Democrats have ALWAYS fought against undocumented workers getting into the USA. Republicans are the party who have refused to reform immigration. They get too many votes by keeping you in a constant state of rage about the border.

So take your "open borders" lie and shove it up your ass. Illegal border crossings were at a 50 year low when Trump took office. Trump is the guy who created the National Emergency on the Southern Border in 2019, so he could justify building his dumb wall, and Trump is the guy who told his party not to pass immigration reform so he could run on it.
That's a failed attempt at argument.

If you live in a community, work under the table, don't pay taxes and send a portion of your earnings to a foreign country, you are a burden to services paid for by taxpaying citizens.
You are again confusing illegal aliens with those who have VISA’s

Legal aliens in this country work and pay taxes in the communities they live
What you're not understanding is the simple matter that the senate bill did little to address illegal immigration. The bill was drafted in the Schumer controlled senate to give the open border Dems / Marxists everything they wanted. There was so much left open to "discretion" on the part of Mayorkas and Biden that they could literally make up the rules as they went along.

What the Dems / Marxists don't want to acknowledge is that the lawless, open borders Biden politburo have reversed every single Trump policy that effectively managed illegal immigration. The Dems/ Marxists have completely abandoned adhering to existing immigration laws because they want illegals flooding the country. The Dems / Marxists were so anxious to import illegals that they included flying in some 320,000 that we know about.

You may be so gullible as to believe that layer upon layer of new laws would be adhered to by the open borders Dems/Marxists. Dont project that onto others. We have a history of lawlessness and corruption by the Biden politburo that demonstrates their intention to import a third-world voter class.

Your entire post is unmitigated BULLSHIT. Trump did NOTHING to stem illegal immigration and the border was in no way "closed". The ONLY reason that illegal crossings dropped in 2020 was because of covid.

Look at the numbers 2019 when Trump declared his National Emergency. Trump OWNS the 2019 numbers. He created that surge to justify his Wall.

So please, bitch. Stop pretending that Trump was anything but an disaster at the Southern Border. Republicans want that chaos so they can blame Democrats.


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That's a failed attempt at argument.

If you live in a community, work under the table, don't pay taxes and send a portion of your earnings to a foreign country, you are a burden to services paid for by taxpaying citizens.
You haven't even attempted to make an argument. You just keep regurgitating Trump's lies about the Southern Border.

Immigration is driving your economy at the moment. Illegal or otherwise, immigrants CREATE jobs for your economy.

But keep going with Trump's lies. They're working so well for you.
That's a failed attempt at argument.

If you live in a community, work under the table, don't pay taxes and send a portion of your earnings to a foreign country, you are a burden to services paid for by taxpaying citizens.

You have no argument at all. Undocumented workers don't hire themselves. You place all blame for the situation on the workers, and none on those who employ them. Why don't you want their employers arrested and prosecuted.

Employers are the ones driving illegal immigtation. Democrats prosecute employers and people stop coming because there are no jobs. Trump stopped all prosecution of employers, and the numbers skyrocketed. He did that on purpose.

As for Obama:


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