Why do democrats want open borders? let's face facts

Most of all of those policies lasted until the covid emergency was lifted in 2023. There is no open border policy. It is a standard GOP lie.

Stuff it you 3rd grade loon. They literally welded open entry gates. There are 141 gates along the newer wall. How many they welded open is not clear or reported...like all DEMwitted policy it is chaotic and hidden. All we see is the bottom line. 10 Millon illegals and 1.25
million criminals embedded. Get off the boards you dumb ignorant sack of human garbage.
Your claim is untethered to reality.

You also make it a much bigger deal than it is. That is they can vote in about one sixth of one percent (0.06 %) of all the municipalities. Which statistically is very close to zero.
Win by one vote and the Prog candidate voted prog socialist communist. We have Progs who will see their own people killed now.
An opinion piece from an internet tabloid.

Trump is not in office. Abandon your conspiracy theories.
The Washington post is a highly rated and credible news source The article is not an opinion piece. It is factual reporting on what Trump is saying,, I know Trump is not in office, I also know that he has a strangle hold on the Republican party Abandon you delusions and lies
The Washington post is a highly rated and credible news source The article is not an opinion piece. It is factual reporting on what Trump is saying,, I know Trump is not in office, I also know that he has a strangle hold on the Republican party Abandon you delusions and lies
Washington Post has a well earned reputation as a far left tabloid. The staff is among the most notorious for sensationalizing stories just as you might find in the lurid print tabloids at the supermarket check out line.
Washington Post has a well earned reputation as a far left tabloid. The staff is among the most notorious for sensationalizing stories just as you might find in the lurid print tabloids at the supermarket check out line.
So, it is your contention that the Republicans, at the behest of Trump, did not scuttle the border deal AS REPORTED IN NUMEROUS NEWS OUTLETS across the pollical spectrum? Perhaps you would like some help to dislodge your head from your rectum
So, it is your contention that the Republicans, at the behest of Trump, did not scuttle the border deal AS REPORTED IN NUMEROUS NEWS OUTLETS across the pollical spectrum? Perhaps you would like some help to dislodge your head from your rectum
The phony Dem / Socialist open border bill was a farce. The sponsors of the bill eventually advised against its passing.

The bill was a ploy to steal boatloads of taxpayer money for Ukraine while offering a pittance for border security.

Let's be honest and understand the Dems / Marxists ignore existing immigration law. The phony senate bill simply added more layers of laws the Dems / Marxists would choose to ignore.
The phony Dem / Socialist open border bill was a farce. The sponsors of the bill eventually advised against its passing.

The bill was a ploy to steal boatloads of taxpayer money for Ukraine while offering a pittance for border security.

Let's be honest and understand the Dems / Marxists ignore existing immigration law. The phony senate bill simply added more layers of laws the Dems / Marxists would choose to ignore.
Interesting how you never provide a source for your codswallop. I am willing to bet that you do not do any research either. You just regurgitate shit that you hear at Trump rallies and on Newsmax
How the hell can you describe this as an “open border bill”?
Unraveling Misinformation About Bipartisan Immigration Bill - FactCheck.org

The $118 billion bill, called the Emergency National Security Supplemental Appropriations Act, sought significant changes in border policy. It included money to build more border barriers, to greatly expand detention facilities, and to hire more Immigration and Customs Enforcement and Border Patrol agents, asylum officers and immigration judges to reduce the years-long backlog in cases to determine asylum eligibility.

It sought to expedite the asylum process, essentially ending — in most cases — the so-called “catch and release” policy whereby migrants are released into the U.S. pending asylum hearings. And it would have increased the standard of evidence needed to win asylum status.
The bill also would have supplied more funding to interdict fentanyl and human trafficking, and it included $60 billion in aid for Ukraine and $14 billion for Israel.
And Democrats made considerable concesions
“It doesn’t have everything in it I wanted, it doesn’t have everything it it my Democratic colleagues wanted,” one of the architects of the bill, Republican Sen. James Lankford, said from the Senate floor before the vote was taken. “But it definitely makes a difference.”
Any Republicans who withdrew support did so because Trump told then to. And Trump himself admitted that he did wanted it killed inorder to keep the border issue alive to hurt Biden. It takes a special kind of stupid to not know that

Lastly the vast majority of that Ukraine aide go to US defense industries and is strengthening our own defense and our economy
Ukraine Aid: Economic Impact on Individual States – Association of Defense Communities
Interesting how you never provide a source for your codswallop. I am willing to bet that you do not do any research either. You just regurgitate shit that you hear at Trump rallies and on Newsmax
How the hell can you describe this as an “open border bill”?
Unraveling Misinformation About Bipartisan Immigration Bill - FactCheck.org

And Democrats made considerable concesions

Any Republicans who withdrew support did so because Trump told then to. And Trump himself admitted that he did wanted it killed inorder to keep the border issue alive to hurt Biden. It takes a special kind of stupid to not know that

Lastly the vast majority of that Ukraine aide go to US defense industries and is strengthening our own defense and our economy
Ukraine Aid: Economic Impact on Individual States – Association of Defense Communities

What you're not understanding is the simple matter that the senate bill did little to address illegal immigration. The bill was drafted in the Schumer controlled senate to give the open border Dems / Marxists everything they wanted. There was so much left open to "discretion" on the part of Mayorkas and Biden that they could literally make up the rules as they went along.

What the Dems / Marxists don't want to acknowledge is that the lawless, open borders Biden politburo have reversed every single Trump policy that effectively managed illegal immigration. The Dems/ Marxists have completely abandoned adhering to existing immigration laws because they want illegals flooding the country. The Dems / Marxists were so anxious to import illegals that they included flying in some 320,000 that we know about.

You may be so gullible as to believe that layer upon layer of new laws would be adhered to by the open borders Dems/Marxists. Dont project that onto others. We have a history of lawlessness and corruption by the Biden politburo that demonstrates their intention to import a third-world voter class.
I believe we should increase legal immigration that vats people first that want to work in america. I think we should close our borders to illegals. I think 5-8 million per year legal green cards should be the goal for our economic and population interest.
What you're not understanding is the simple matter that the senate bill did little to address illegal immigration. The bill was drafted in the Schumer controlled senate to give the open border Dems / Marxists everything they wanted. There was so much left open to "discretion" on the part of Mayorkas and Biden that they could literally make up the rules as they went along.

What the Dems / Marxists don't want to acknowledge is that the lawless, open borders Biden politburo have reversed every single Trump policy that effectively managed illegal immigration. The Dems/ Marxists have completely abandoned adhering to existing immigration laws because they want illegals flooding the country. The Dems / Marxists were so anxious to import illegals that they included flying in some 320,000 that we know about.

You may be so gullible as to believe that layer upon layer of new laws would be adhered to by the open borders Dems/Marxists. Dont project that onto others. We have a history of lawlessness and corruption by the Biden politburo that demonstrates their intention to import a third-world voter class.
Holy shit on a shingle! What you’re not understanding is that you cannot just prattle on with your Gish Gallop stream of consciousness that you seem to pull out of your pie hole without any documentation You’re still just blathering on with rightwing/fascists /xenophobic sound bites that your porous skull is picking up from the blogosphere and which you are absorbing without thought of your own. You are like a well trained AI bot under the control of the moronic MAGA minions- indeed you are one of the MAGA minions. You have made the claim several times that Democrats want open borders, that they have reversed all of the Trump policies , that they do not follow existing immigration laws and that Biden id flying in hundreds of thousands of migrants without providing any actual evidence. It is beyond time that you put up or shut up
Holy shit on a shingle! What you’re not understanding is that you cannot just prattle on with your Gish Gallop stream of consciousness that you seem to pull out of your pie hole without any documentation You’re still just blathering on with rightwing/fascists /xenophobic sound bites that your porous skull is picking up from the blogosphere and which you are absorbing without thought of your own. You are like a well trained AI bot under the control of the moronic MAGA minions- indeed you are one of the MAGA minions. You have made the claim several times that Democrats want open borders, that they have reversed all of the Trump policies , that they do not follow existing immigration laws and that Biden id flying in hundreds of thousands of migrants without providing any actual evidence. It is beyond time that you put up or shut up

That was quite the saliva-slinging tirade.

When you’re unable to respond to some pretty basic points about the failures and inadequacies of the Dems/Marxists, an emotional meltdown is not a good look.
The Constitution says a count of all “persons” not “citizens”

Illegals to not vote so you do not have to worry.
Some states are looking at allowing noncitizens (legal) to vote in things like school board elections

Non-citizens shouldn't be voting in things like school board elections. If they are using US public educations they should consider it as a privilege or go back to their own country.
Non-citizens shouldn't be voting in things like school board elections. If they are using US public educations they should consider it as a privilege or go back to their own country.
They live in the community, pay school taxes and send their children to schools.
They should have a say on the education they receive

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