Why Do Democrats Want the Poor to Starve Just to Make It Easy for Illegals to Enter?

Must be why the democrats increased the hardship on the middle class to support the ACA. Because they “care”.
of course you believe a lot of crap about it. 75% of those on the exchanges pay less than $100 a month. Guaranteed health plans, dingbat. Except in red states where they have no Medicaid.
The middle class pay anywhere from 500-1000 a month for premiums with 2500 and up deductibles. See democrats need the young and the healthy to pay into this ponzie scheme without using it themselves so the bottom feeders and illegals can have minimal healthcare.
Everyone should have Healthcare and it is getting cheaper now. Plus you are brainwashed with garbage.
No it’s not. As a matter of fact premiums are going up. The only difference is people aren’t going to be penalized for not buying it anymore.
When are you ever going to figure out that everything you know is garbage propaganda? Even with GOP sabotaged, premiums are going down and its approval is going up. Sorry about your luck, brainwashed functional moron...
Federal Obamacare exchange premiums to drop 1.5% in 2019 - Modern Healthcare
Modern Healthcare › article › NEWS

Oct 11, 2018 · Federal Obamacare exchange premiums to drop 1.5% in 2019. Premiums for benchmark silver plans on the federal individual market exchanges will drop in 2019, marking the first decrease since the Affordable Care Act was implemented, CMS Administrator Seema Verma announced on Thursday.
Obamacare premiums to drop for the first time - CNNPolitics - CNN.com
CNN.com › 2018/10/11 › politics

Dec 4, 2018 · It will cost a little less to buy Obamacare coverage in 2019.
Obamacare premiums: Some federal marketplace rates dropping in 2019
Too bad your propaganda machine doesn't cover news it doesn't like...
the child tax credits that Obama continued. For one. Then cut in half.
They could have just cut taxes on the middle class...
Must be why the democrats increased the hardship on the middle class to support the ACA. Because they “care”.
of course you believe a lot of crap about it. 75% of those on the exchanges pay less than $100 a month. Guaranteed health plans, dingbat. Except in red states where they have no Medicaid.
The middle class pay anywhere from 500-1000 a month for premiums with 2500 and up deductibles. See democrats need the young and the healthy to pay into this ponzie scheme without using it themselves so the bottom feeders and illegals can have minimal healthcare.
Obama did not originally want a mandate, Congress changed that. Life's a b****. 75% of those on the exchanges paid less then $100 a month. I do believe you are full of Republican propaganda.

Only because they were given federal subsidies. Those who didn’t qualify paid huge premiums with high deductibles. And were issued penalties on their income taxes for not being covered.
Do some research on who gives the poor jobs lol might help you out
Mainly the upper middle class and small business 70% of new jobs ... Not the really rich dot-dot-dot what the country needs is demand for product, the rich are totally bloated. We need tax cuts for the middle class and working class. And hikes on the rich. right now paying the same as the middle class percentage-wise, a disgrace.

Why not a flat tax with fewer loopholes?
Because everyone but Republicans knows that flat taxes are unfair and lead to bloated rich people with all the money. Like the United States has been doing for 35 years now. Falling apart.

Please explain how
I am not a global warming scientist or an economist.

Yet you opine as such. Interesting.
Millions could face severe cuts to food stamps due to government shutdown.

Why do the Left put illegals ahead of immigrants who follow our laws and the needs of Americans who are in need of help?
I'll tell you what, you people sure work overtime with your BS.

Right wingers who go on about illegals coming here and killing border agents or letting Americans starve and they want to waste money on a wall. That money should be used for better weapons, a fence, body armor, drones, sensors, training and more staff.

Not some fuking and idiotic cement wall you could scale with a ladder. Spend the money where it's needed. Not wasted on nonsense.

If you can defeat it with a ladder, then 20 to 75 billion is nonsense. Waste all your money on nonsense, you put border guards in danger. The money isn't unlimited. It needs to be spent wisely, not thrown away on sand and dirt.

Seriously, what the fuk are these people thinking? Are they insane? What?
of course you believe a lot of crap about it. 75% of those on the exchanges pay less than $100 a month. Guaranteed health plans, dingbat. Except in red states where they have no Medicaid.
The middle class pay anywhere from 500-1000 a month for premiums with 2500 and up deductibles. See democrats need the young and the healthy to pay into this ponzie scheme without using it themselves so the bottom feeders and illegals can have minimal healthcare.
Everyone should have Healthcare and it is getting cheaper now. Plus you are brainwashed with garbage.
No it’s not. As a matter of fact premiums are going up. The only difference is people aren’t going to be penalized for not buying it anymore.
When are you ever going to figure out that everything you know is garbage propaganda? Even with GOP sabotaged, premiums are going down and its approval is going up. Sorry about your luck, brainwashed functional moron...
Federal Obamacare exchange premiums to drop 1.5% in 2019 - Modern Healthcare
Modern Healthcare › article › NEWS

Oct 11, 2018 · Federal Obamacare exchange premiums to drop 1.5% in 2019. Premiums for benchmark silver plans on the federal individual market exchanges will drop in 2019, marking the first decrease since the Affordable Care Act was implemented, CMS Administrator Seema Verma announced on Thursday.
Obamacare premiums to drop for the first time - CNNPolitics - CNN.com
CNN.com › 2018/10/11 › politics

Dec 4, 2018 · It will cost a little less to buy Obamacare coverage in 2019.
Obamacare premiums: Some federal marketplace rates dropping in 2019
Too bad your propaganda machine doesn't cover news it doesn't like...
Ho hum...

Premiums for Affordable Care Act individual insurance coverage are set to rise much more modestly in 2019 than in previous years. Consumers will pay premiums that are 3.6% higher on average in 2019, according to an analysis of proposed and approved premiums across 47 states and Washington, D.C., by the Associated Press and consulting firm Avalere Health.

Premium increases projected to be modest in 2019

This would be the sixth consecutive year with a 5% increase, with premiums and out-of-pocket costs for employees and their dependents averaging $14,800 next year. Fortunately, employers continue to cover 70% of that tab, on average, with workers picking up the rest.

Employers said that high-cost claimants, specialty pharmacy and the treatment of specific diseases or conditions (such as cancer or musculoskeletal conditions) were key drivers of the cost increases for 2019.

Most employers will continue to offer high-deductible plans paired with a health savings account in 2019

Cost of Employer Health Coverage to Rise 5% in 2019
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The middle class pay anywhere from 500-1000 a month for premiums with 2500 and up deductibles. See democrats need the young and the healthy to pay into this ponzie scheme without using it themselves so the bottom feeders and illegals can have minimal healthcare.
Everyone should have Healthcare and it is getting cheaper now. Plus you are brainwashed with garbage.
No it’s not. As a matter of fact premiums are going up. The only difference is people aren’t going to be penalized for not buying it anymore.
When are you ever going to figure out that everything you know is garbage propaganda? Even with GOP sabotaged, premiums are going down and its approval is going up. Sorry about your luck, brainwashed functional moron...
Federal Obamacare exchange premiums to drop 1.5% in 2019 - Modern Healthcare
Modern Healthcare › article › NEWS

Oct 11, 2018 · Federal Obamacare exchange premiums to drop 1.5% in 2019. Premiums for benchmark silver plans on the federal individual market exchanges will drop in 2019, marking the first decrease since the Affordable Care Act was implemented, CMS Administrator Seema Verma announced on Thursday.
Obamacare premiums to drop for the first time - CNNPolitics - CNN.com
CNN.com › 2018/10/11 › politics

Dec 4, 2018 · It will cost a little less to buy Obamacare coverage in 2019.
Obamacare premiums: Some federal marketplace rates dropping in 2019
Too bad your propaganda machine doesn't cover news it doesn't like...
Ho hum...

Premiums for Affordable Care Act individual insurance coverage are set to rise much more modestly in 2019 than in previous years. Consumers will pay premiums that are 3.6% higher on average in 2019, according to an analysis of proposed and approved premiums across 47 states and Washington, D.C., by the Associated Press and consulting firm Avalere Health.

Premium increases projected to be modest in 2019

This would be the sixth consecutive year with a 5% increase, with premiums and out-of-pocket costs for employees and their dependents averaging $14,800 next year. Fortunately, employers continue to cover 70% of that tab, on average, with workers picking up the rest.

Employers said that high-cost claimants, specialty pharmacy and the treatment of specific diseases or conditions (such as cancer or musculoskeletal conditions) were key drivers of the cost increases for 2019.

Most employers will continue to offer high-deductible plans paired with a health savings account in 2019

Cost of Employer Health Coverage to Rise 5% in 2019
That has been superseded in the three months before my links came in. Duh.
Why Do Democrats Want the Poor to Starve Just to Make It Easy for Illegals to Enter?

Because Dem leaders are traitors who have sided with foreigners who sneak into our country illegally. They should ROT IN HELL!

You and Trump should ROT IN HELL!

^^^ one of the traitors.
Try and remain calm. You are brainwashed and misinformed.
Medicaid,Medicare both increasing Premiums.

Medicare Plan B Premiums to Increase Slightly in 2019
Why Do Democrats Want the Poor to Starve Just to Make It Easy for Illegals to Enter?

Because Dem leaders are traitors who have sided with foreigners who sneak into our country illegally. They should ROT IN HELL!

You and Trump should ROT IN HELL!

^^^ one of the traitors.
Try and remain calm. You are brainwashed and misinformed.
Medicaid,Medicare both increasing Premiums.

Medicare Plan B Premiums to Increase Slightly in 2019
Medicaid is free.
Because Dem leaders are traitors who have sided with foreigners who sneak into our country illegally. They should ROT IN HELL!

You and Trump should ROT IN HELL!

^^^ one of the traitors.
Try and remain calm. You are brainwashed and misinformed.
Medicaid,Medicare both increasing Premiums.

Medicare Plan B Premiums to Increase Slightly in 2019
Medicaid is free.

Nope it’s based on income. Try again.

medicaid costs

Each state has the option of setting premiums, deductibles and out-of-pocket costs for some Medicaid beneficiaries.

Higher earners with Medicaid, meaning those with incomes at or above 150% of the poverty level, may pay more for the following health services:

  • For prescriptions, states may charge coinsurance of up to 20% of each drug’s cost to encourage the use of lower-cost drugs.
  • If people in this group use the emergency room in a non-emergency situation, they could also be charged up to full price for care. In this case, the hospital’s physicians must determine whether the visit was an emergency.
Some higher earners could also pay small monthly premiums for Medicaid. For example, children in California households earning 160% to 266% of the federal poverty level pay a monthly premium of $13 per child, says Tony Cava, a spokesman for Medi-Cal, California’s Medicaid program. Working people with disabilities in California can earn up to 250% of the federal poverty level and still “receive full-scope Medi-Cal by paying a low monthly premium based on countable income,” Cava says.

Medicaid Eligibility, Costs and Benefits - NerdWallet

Cost Sharing | Medicaid.gov
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You and Trump should ROT IN HELL!

^^^ one of the traitors.
Try and remain calm. You are brainwashed and misinformed.
Medicaid,Medicare both increasing Premiums.

Medicare Plan B Premiums to Increase Slightly in 2019
Medicaid is free.

Nope it’s based on income. Try again.

medicaid costs

Each state has the option of setting premiums, deductibles and out-of-pocket costs for some Medicaid beneficiaries.

Higher earners with Medicaid, meaning those with incomes at or above 150% of the poverty level, may pay more for the following health services:

  • For prescriptions, states may charge coinsurance of up to 20% of each drug’s cost to encourage the use of lower-cost drugs.
  • If people in this group use the emergency room in a non-emergency situation, they could also be charged up to full price for care. In this case, the hospital’s physicians must determine whether the visit was an emergency.
Some higher earners could also pay small monthly premiums for Medicaid. For example, children in California households earning 160% to 266% of the federal poverty level pay a monthly premium of $13 per child, says Tony Cava, a spokesman for Medi-Cal, California’s Medicaid program. Working people with disabilities in California can earn up to 250% of the federal poverty level and still “receive full-scope Medi-Cal by paying a low monthly premium based on countable income,” Cava says.

Medicaid Eligibility, Costs and Benefits - NerdWallet

Cost Sharing | Medicaid.gov
California is a very advanced State. Exception that proves the rule probably.
^^^ one of the traitors.
Try and remain calm. You are brainwashed and misinformed.
Medicaid,Medicare both increasing Premiums.

Medicare Plan B Premiums to Increase Slightly in 2019
Medicaid is free.

Nope it’s based on income. Try again.

medicaid costs

Each state has the option of setting premiums, deductibles and out-of-pocket costs for some Medicaid beneficiaries.

Higher earners with Medicaid, meaning those with incomes at or above 150% of the poverty level, may pay more for the following health services:

  • For prescriptions, states may charge coinsurance of up to 20% of each drug’s cost to encourage the use of lower-cost drugs.
  • If people in this group use the emergency room in a non-emergency situation, they could also be charged up to full price for care. In this case, the hospital’s physicians must determine whether the visit was an emergency.
Some higher earners could also pay small monthly premiums for Medicaid. For example, children in California households earning 160% to 266% of the federal poverty level pay a monthly premium of $13 per child, says Tony Cava, a spokesman for Medi-Cal, California’s Medicaid program. Working people with disabilities in California can earn up to 250% of the federal poverty level and still “receive full-scope Medi-Cal by paying a low monthly premium based on countable income,” Cava says.

Medicaid Eligibility, Costs and Benefits - NerdWallet

Cost Sharing | Medicaid.gov
California is a very advanced State. Exception that proves the rule probably.
And you would be wrong.
That’s just not the democratic way. The USA is supposed to take it up the ass because we are baaad.
We shall see what happens as the orange one would say... But giving the rich more tax cuts is ridiculous. And has done very little.the GOP has never done a damn thing for the Non rich. Except by mistake.
Do some research on who gives the poor jobs lol might help you out
Mainly the upper middle class and small business 70% of new jobs ... Not the really rich dot-dot-dot what the country needs is demand for product, the rich are totally bloated. We need tax cuts for the middle class and working class. And hikes on the rich. right now paying the same as the middle class percentage-wise, a disgrace.
Again taxing the job creators creates less jobs,, why can’t you get simple math?
Simple math for simpletons and the brainwashed.... Trickle-down does not work
Ahhh so jobs don’t work lol wtf .. democrats need to be put in interment camps
Only Europeans over stay,, I’m ok with that

The Democrat talking points have gone out. I have noticed on twitter and elsewhere that all the most servile chat leftists are moaning about visas being overstayed.
More sophistry. But its really interesting to watch the talking points come down from above and spread. These are people who do what they are told.
Yep I brought that up earlier. You can tell when they keep posing the same bumper sticker arguments over and over that they don’t have anything else to say.

So why dont we see democrats going after people who "overstay their visas"?
Because they are full of shit.
Are Republicans going after them? they are in power for crying out loud and they're not... you people have no idea what you're talking about LOL. Your propaganda machine is fos, proof being no one takes them seriously in the entire world except you chumps.
Every jobless crime ridden town in America is run by democrats
The Democrat talking points have gone out. I have noticed on twitter and elsewhere that all the most servile chat leftists are moaning about visas being overstayed.
More sophistry. But its really interesting to watch the talking points come down from above and spread. These are people who do what they are told.
Yep I brought that up earlier. You can tell when they keep posing the same bumper sticker arguments over and over that they don’t have anything else to say.

So why dont we see democrats going after people who "overstay their visas"?
Because they are full of shit.
Are Republicans going after them? they are in power for crying out loud and they're not... you people have no idea what you're talking about LOL. Your propaganda machine is fos, proof being no one takes them seriously in the entire world except you chumps.
Every jobless crime ridden town in America is run by democrats
Every city and every town in the USA has crime-duh..

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