Why Do Donald Dorkers Believe All Of Donald's Lies?

For the same reason Obamabots believed everything he told them.

I tells ya what. I won't charge you for Pogo's Law if you can show the class where O'bama --- or hell, anybody on earth anywhere --- ever tried to tell is the fucking Bronx is "a very wonderful place in Germany".

Or that it wasn't raining when it was.

Or that "thousands and thousands of people were dancing on rooftops" when they weren't.

Or how 'bout the time O'bama claimed to be "John Miller" AND "John Baron" to plant his own sex scandal stories?

Go ahead. Oughta be fun.

You'll have to forgive Mr. Trump for not being as well groomed as the politicians that typically feed you your bullshit.

So you're saying the fact that the Bronx is NOT a very wonderful place in Germany is a matter of "grooming"?

See what I mean about zero cojones?

I'm saying he's not a polished ivy league politician that has spent his life learning how to tell you what you want to hear. Yes he says some bizarre shit sometimes. That's because he's an actual unfiltered person.

Why can't you just admit he's a fucking wacko completely disconnected from reality?

WHO moves the Bronx five thousand miles east for literally no reason? What do you think Fred would say about that?
clinton truly is.
What I don’t understand is how long Trump thinks he can continue to blame Democrats for his fuk ups? He’s even trying to say that Obama was the one who put kids in cages and Trump stopped that terrible practice.

Why can't you just admit he's a fucking wacko completely disconnected from reality?

In a struggle for survival you don't always get the weapon you want. Sometimes you have to grab an ugly looking rock and bash somebody in the fucking head with it.

WHO moves the Bronx five thousand miles east for literally no reason?

Your president, apparently.
What I don’t understand is how long Trump thinks he can continue to blame Democrats for his fuk ups? He’s even trying to say that Obama was the one who put kids in cages and Trump stopped that terrible practice.

He’s even trying to say that Obama was the one who put kids in cages and Trump stopped that terrible practice.

what isn't true about that? gotcha!!
They don’t. I was watching a Townhall that had a lot of Trump supporters in it and when they were asked how many would vote again for Trump half the audience applauded.
But when they were asked if Donald Trump tells the truth or is honest not a single person raised their hand or applauded. They know he’s a liar and they don’t care. That’s the sign of being a leader of a cult.

No, the difference is we understand his lies only hurt him. Obummers lies hurt tens of millions of Americans. The cultist is YOU, because you didn't care about your fellow citizens who were being harmed by his lies.

I know multiple lies about our healthcare and they looked the other way.
Why did you idiolt Moon Bats believe all the lies that Obama told you for eight years? How can anybody be that gulible? Then, on top of that, you dumb mutherfuckers believed all the lies and dishonesty of Crooked Hillary.
That’s the sign of being a leader of a cult.

Cult followers tend to believe their leaders, actually. I see Donald Trump more as a giant middle finger from people that are tired of your shit.
So your solution is to give us vomit to combat the shit That's your cure ?

I'll take a real populist over some corporate status quo shill every time. Elite society did not want Trump to be our president. That's all you had to tell me.

Of course they didn't. That would result in some shit like, I dunno, hiring the CEO of Exxon to be Secretary of State or some shit. And what kind of fucking moron would do that.

>> At least 187 Trump political appointees have been federal lobbyists, and despite President Trump’s campaign pledge to “drain the swamp,” many are now overseeing the industries they once lobbied on behalf of. We’ve also discovered ethics waivers that allow Trump staffers to work on subjects in which they have financial conflicts of interest. In addition, at least 254 appointees affiliated with Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign and at least 125 staffers from prominent conservative think tanks are now working in the federal government, many of whom are on teams to repeal Obama-era regulations.

... We also did a more limited version of this project in 2009, at the start of the Obama administration. As part of this year’s analysis, we compared the number of appointees in the first year of both the Obama and Trump administrations who had been active lobbyists in the two years prior to their nomination for Senate-confirmed government jobs. Even though the Trump administration has lagged significantly behind previous administrations in appointing people for such positions, more Trump appointees were recent lobbyists than Obama appointees: Trump had 18 in his first year, while Obama had 14. << -- Rump's "Drained Swamp"​

Some "real populist over corporate status quo shill" there, huh. Say, did you enroll in Rump's Fraud University too? The one where "you don't sell products, benefits or solutions --- you sell FEELINGS"?

Gullible's Travels. Oh by the way I have a bridge for sale. You in or what?

Didn't see your big edit. I don't have an issue with Obama so much as I have an issue with Hillary. I like Elizabeth Warren and Bernie too.

I think Trump's presidency will ultimately bring more good than Hillary's would have. Hillary would have brought Democrats further to the right.

My 'big edit' was just an expansion detail about what the shorter original post made obvious. How gullible do you have to be to think Agent Orange was "draining the swamp" just because he started the chant, the same way he defrauded all those people at Fraud University, the same way he defrauded all those casino investors? How many times does it take to sink in that you're dealing with a con artist?

NONE of this has anything to do with any "Hillary" or any "politics". This is personal Pied Piper psychology. That's what the entire thread is about --- looking at outright denial of reality and agreeing to agree that the Emperor really IS wearing clothes.

Politics are negotiable. Attitudes of what laws should do what, what taxes should go where, that's all negotiable.

REALITY IS NOT. The Bronx is NOT, and NEVER CAN BE, a "very wonderful place in Germany", PERIOD. It can't even be a shithole in Germany. IT'S NOT IN GERMANY. The entire world knows this.
Cult followers tend to believe their leaders, actually. I see Donald Trump more as a giant middle finger from people that are tired of your shit.
So your solution is to give us vomit to combat the shit That's your cure ?

I'll take a real populist over some corporate status quo shill every time. Elite society did not want Trump to be our president. That's all you had to tell me.

Of course they didn't. That would result in some shit like, I dunno, hiring the CEO of Exxon to be Secretary of State or some shit. And what kind of fucking moron would do that.

>> At least 187 Trump political appointees have been federal lobbyists, and despite President Trump’s campaign pledge to “drain the swamp,” many are now overseeing the industries they once lobbied on behalf of. We’ve also discovered ethics waivers that allow Trump staffers to work on subjects in which they have financial conflicts of interest. In addition, at least 254 appointees affiliated with Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign and at least 125 staffers from prominent conservative think tanks are now working in the federal government, many of whom are on teams to repeal Obama-era regulations.

... We also did a more limited version of this project in 2009, at the start of the Obama administration. As part of this year’s analysis, we compared the number of appointees in the first year of both the Obama and Trump administrations who had been active lobbyists in the two years prior to their nomination for Senate-confirmed government jobs. Even though the Trump administration has lagged significantly behind previous administrations in appointing people for such positions, more Trump appointees were recent lobbyists than Obama appointees: Trump had 18 in his first year, while Obama had 14. << -- Rump's "Drained Swamp"​

Some "real populist over corporate status quo shill" there, huh. Say, did you enroll in Rump's Fraud University too? The one where "you don't sell products, benefits or solutions --- you sell FEELINGS"?

Gullible's Travels. Oh by the way I have a bridge for sale. You in or what?

Didn't see your big edit. I don't have an issue with Obama so much as I have an issue with Hillary. I like Elizabeth Warren and Bernie too.

I think Trump's presidency will ultimately bring more good than Hillary's would have. Hillary would have brought Democrats further to the right.

My 'big edit' was just an expansion detail about what the shorter original post made obvious. How gullible do you have to be to think Agent Orange was "draining the swamp" just because he started the chant, the same way he defrauded all those people at Fraud University, the same way he defrauded all those casino investors? How many times does it take to sink in that you're dealing with a con artist?

NONE of this has anything to do with any "Hillary" or any "politics". This is personal Pied Piper psychology. That's what the entire thread is about --- looking at outright denial of reality and agreeing to agree that the Emperor really IS wearing clothes.

Politics are negotiable. Attitudes of what laws should do what, what taxes should go where, that's all negotiable.

REALITY IS NOT. The Bronx is NOT, and NEVER CAN BE, a "very wonderful place in Germany", PERIOD. It can't even be a shithole in Germany. IT'S NOT IN GERMANY. The entire world knows this.

Been using mind alterning drugs again today, eh Pogo?
What I don’t understand is how long Trump thinks he can continue to blame Democrats for his fuk ups? He’s even trying to say that Obama was the one who put kids in cages and Trump stopped that terrible practice.


You left out "no balls". Cue thousands of Tweeter whines triggered by the vaguest criticism.

Even in this photo he's emulating a vagina with his hands. It's symbolic.
So your solution is to give us vomit to combat the shit That's your cure ?

I'll take a real populist over some corporate status quo shill every time. Elite society did not want Trump to be our president. That's all you had to tell me.

Of course they didn't. That would result in some shit like, I dunno, hiring the CEO of Exxon to be Secretary of State or some shit. And what kind of fucking moron would do that.

>> At least 187 Trump political appointees have been federal lobbyists, and despite President Trump’s campaign pledge to “drain the swamp,” many are now overseeing the industries they once lobbied on behalf of. We’ve also discovered ethics waivers that allow Trump staffers to work on subjects in which they have financial conflicts of interest. In addition, at least 254 appointees affiliated with Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign and at least 125 staffers from prominent conservative think tanks are now working in the federal government, many of whom are on teams to repeal Obama-era regulations.

... We also did a more limited version of this project in 2009, at the start of the Obama administration. As part of this year’s analysis, we compared the number of appointees in the first year of both the Obama and Trump administrations who had been active lobbyists in the two years prior to their nomination for Senate-confirmed government jobs. Even though the Trump administration has lagged significantly behind previous administrations in appointing people for such positions, more Trump appointees were recent lobbyists than Obama appointees: Trump had 18 in his first year, while Obama had 14. << -- Rump's "Drained Swamp"​

Some "real populist over corporate status quo shill" there, huh. Say, did you enroll in Rump's Fraud University too? The one where "you don't sell products, benefits or solutions --- you sell FEELINGS"?

Gullible's Travels. Oh by the way I have a bridge for sale. You in or what?

Didn't see your big edit. I don't have an issue with Obama so much as I have an issue with Hillary. I like Elizabeth Warren and Bernie too.

I think Trump's presidency will ultimately bring more good than Hillary's would have. Hillary would have brought Democrats further to the right.

My 'big edit' was just an expansion detail about what the shorter original post made obvious. How gullible do you have to be to think Agent Orange was "draining the swamp" just because he started the chant, the same way he defrauded all those people at Fraud University, the same way he defrauded all those casino investors? How many times does it take to sink in that you're dealing with a con artist?

NONE of this has anything to do with any "Hillary" or any "politics". This is personal Pied Piper psychology. That's what the entire thread is about --- looking at outright denial of reality and agreeing to agree that the Emperor really IS wearing clothes.

Politics are negotiable. Attitudes of what laws should do what, what taxes should go where, that's all negotiable.

REALITY IS NOT. The Bronx is NOT, and NEVER CAN BE, a "very wonderful place in Germany", PERIOD. It can't even be a shithole in Germany. IT'S NOT IN GERMANY. The entire world knows this.

Been using mind alterning drugs again today, eh Pogo?

I will admit to coffee. :coffee:

French Roast, from a French Press, trés fort. Comme tous les jours.
He swears he never knew or met his victim. Photo's come out showing he is a liar and the Dork followers insist he is telling the truth. From his latest lies to earliest Presidential lies, the Dork followers insist on living in a delusional world or worse, being liar facilitators and liars themselves.

What explanation does anyone possibly have for this phenomenon?
Yes, they do believe all his lies.
And they don't care That makes them members of the Trump cult
He swears he never knew or met his victim. Photo's come out showing he is a liar and the Dork followers insist he is telling the truth. From his latest lies to earliest Presidential lies, the Dork followers insist on living in a delusional world or worse, being liar facilitators and liars themselves.

What explanation does anyone possibly have for this phenomenon?
Yes, they do believe all his lies.
what lies? been asking and so far, nadda. seems you all are lying. oh the irony.

It's just their normal fake news thread; they post thousands of them around the boards every day. All they got is spam.
He swears he never knew or met his victim. Photo's come out showing he is a liar and the Dork followers insist he is telling the truth. From his latest lies to earliest Presidential lies, the Dork followers insist on living in a delusional world or worse, being liar facilitators and liars themselves.

What explanation does anyone possibly have for this phenomenon?
Yes, they do believe all his lies.
And they don't care That makes them members of the Trump cult
All president's lie. I refused to vote for Reagan because of his lies about a balanced budget.

But Trump's MO makes his unique. He actually creates crises just to entertain his faithful, and then he claims to solve them, thereby saving the world from certain destruction, only to just walk away and leave them smoldering. North Korea was the most entertaining.

The problem with Iran is that his advisors really do want a humanitarian crisis in Iran will destabilize the regime. This isn't just another Donnie Two Tone bait and switch University thing. Bolton and Pompeo are dangerous people. What is more likely to emerge in Iran is a MORE authoritarian state rather than some flowering of democracy. It's as naïve as Obama's arab spring. And Netanyahu is hardly a voice for reason and peace.
For the same reason Obamabots believed everything he told them.

I tells ya what. I won't charge you for Pogo's Law if you can show the class where O'bama --- or hell, anybody on earth anywhere --- ever tried to tell is the fucking Bronx is "a very wonderful place in Germany".

Or that it wasn't raining when it was.

Or that "thousands and thousands of people were dancing on rooftops" when they weren't.

Or how 'bout the time O'bama claimed to be "John Miller" AND "John Baron" to plant his own sex scandal stories?

Go ahead. Oughta be fun.
I won’t tell what you can do with Pogos law I will simply point out the obvious to you as clearly can’t or won’t see it. Trump and Obama supporters believe what each man says because they want to they are being told what they want to hear doesn’t matter what it’s about rather it’s Mexico paying for a wall or getting to keep your doctor and healthcare plan. That’s it end of story case closed we’re done here have a nice day.
He swears he never knew or met his victim. Photo's come out showing he is a liar and the Dork followers insist he is telling the truth. From his latest lies to earliest Presidential lies, the Dork followers insist on living in a delusional world or worse, being liar facilitators and liars themselves.

What explanation does anyone possibly have for this phenomenon?
Yes, they do believe all his lies.
And they don't care That makes them members of the Trump cult
All president's lie. I refused to vote for Reagan because of his lies about a balanced budget.

But Trump's MO makes his unique. He actually creates crises just to entertain his faithful, and then he claims to solve them, thereby saving the world from certain destruction, only to just walk away and leave them smoldering. North Korea was the most entertaining.

The problem with Iran is that his advisors really do want a humanitarian crisis in Iran will destabilize the regime. This isn't just another Donnie Two Tone bait and switch University thing. Bolton and Pompeo are dangerous people. What is more likely to emerge in Iran is a MORE authoritarian state rather than some flowering of democracy. It's as naïve as Obama's arab spring. And Netanyahu is hardly a voice for reason and peace.
trump embellishes, that is what he does. we accept it. most every person does that, even everyone of you fkers in here.
He swears he never knew or met his victim. Photo's come out showing he is a liar and the Dork followers insist he is telling the truth. From his latest lies to earliest Presidential lies, the Dork followers insist on living in a delusional world or worse, being liar facilitators and liars themselves.

What explanation does anyone possibly have for this phenomenon?
Why does anyone read your posts?

When did you first realize you were addicted to LibTardism?
Politicians lie. Its not news. Its not something to base votes on.
How can you tell when they are lying? (When their lips move)
If the dems want to find something to base votes on, try policies that matter, not Kavanaugh style bullshit.
What I don’t understand is how long Trump thinks he can continue to blame Democrats for his fuk ups? He’s even trying to say that Obama was the one who put kids in cages and Trump stopped that terrible practice.

Dodd/Frank....Obamacare......mmmmmmmmmm, gotz to have me some of dem Progs...
He swears he never knew or met his victim. Photo's come out showing he is a liar and the Dork followers insist he is telling the truth. From his latest lies to earliest Presidential lies, the Dork followers insist on living in a delusional world or worse, being liar facilitators and liars themselves.

What explanation does anyone possibly have for this phenomenon?
Why does anyone read your posts?

When did you first realize you were addicted to LibTardism?
Why do you believe Donald Dork lies?
He swears he never knew or met his victim. Photo's come out showing he is a liar and the Dork followers insist he is telling the truth. From his latest lies to earliest Presidential lies, the Dork followers insist on living in a delusional world or worse, being liar facilitators and liars themselves.

What explanation does anyone possibly have for this phenomenon?
Why does anyone read your posts?

When did you first realize you were addicted to LibTardism?
Why do you believe Donald Dork lies?
what lies? oh, the ones you're telling. yes I believe you lie.

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