Why Do Donald Dorkers Believe All Of Donald's Lies?

I agree that 99% of MBAs on Wall Street should be fired for lying.
I presume you don’t bank your money with any of them.
They don’t. I was watching a Townhall that had a lot of Trump supporters in it and when they were asked how many would vote again for Trump half the audience applauded.
But when they were asked if Donald Trump tells the truth or is honest not a single person raised their hand or applauded. They know he’s a liar and they don’t care. That’s the sign of being a leader of a cult.


I understand that video was supposed to make Obama look bad but it made him look even better. To me sending a drone strike against terrorists is way better than sending American soldiers who could die. Unless Republicans care more about the drones than they do about young American soldiers. I don’t get it.
I understand that video was supposed to make Obama look bad but it made him look even better. To me sending a drone strike against terrorists is way better than sending American soldiers who could die. Unless Republicans care more about the drones than they do about young American soldiers. I don’t get it.

How many Americans has Trump sent into battle against Iran, dickweed?

Talk about strawman
He swears he never knew or met his victim. Photo's come out showing he is a liar and the Dork followers insist he is telling the truth. From his latest lies to earliest Presidential lies, the Dork followers insist on living in a delusional world or worse, being liar facilitators and liars themselves.

What explanation does anyone possibly have for this phenomenon?
Photoshop is great.
Are you claiming all the photo's of Donald Dork with his victim are photoshopped?
Bu...bu...bu...whad about Obama...
You mean they’re going to lay off Hillary for a while?

Why did you idiolt Moon Bats believe all the lies that Obama told you for eight years? How can anybody be that gulible? Then, on top of that, you dumb mutherfuckers believed all the lies and dishonesty of Crooked Hillary.

Can't help noticing all the Rumpbot answers to this thread consist of "b-but but waddabout...(fill in irrelevant deflection name here). " peppered with "aw fuck you".

Mister Zero inna house! Wield that paint-spray can, Mister Zero!


He swears he never knew or met his victim. Photo's come out showing he is a liar and the Dork followers insist he is telling the truth. From his latest lies to earliest Presidential lies, the Dork followers insist on living in a delusional world or worse, being liar facilitators and liars themselves.

What explanation does anyone possibly have for this phenomenon?
Photoshop is great.
Are you claiming all the photo's of Donald Dork with his victim are photoshopped?
Can you prove they aren't? Now, what will your reply be?

a. I'm a trumpbot
b. i'm a russian
c. i'm an uneducated loser.
d. So you've got nothing.
e. other.

Why did you idiolt Moon Bats believe all the lies that Obama told you for eight years? How can anybody be that gulible? Then, on top of that, you dumb mutherfuckers believed all the lies and dishonesty of Crooked Hillary.

Can't help noticing all the Rumpbot answers to this thread consist of "b-but but waddabout...(fill in irrelevant deflection name here). " peppered with "aw fuck you".

Mister Zero inna house!

Looks like in your zeal to lie you missed my post.
I seriously don't even care at this point.

Trump has not told me anything I believed anyway. I knew he was a clown, I've been calling him one for years. He just also happens to be the best fuckin president we've had in 30 years.

I didn't believe we'd see a massive wall build with mexican pesos. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt because barriers are being upgraded and installed. I'm mostly glad moonbats are foaming at the mouth with rage. As long as that is happening, you know the country is on the right track.

He swears he never knew or met his victim. Photo's come out showing he is a liar and the Dork followers insist he is telling the truth. From his latest lies to earliest Presidential lies, the Dork followers insist on living in a delusional world or worse, being liar facilitators and liars themselves.

What explanation does anyone possibly have for this phenomenon?

As long as it irritates the democrats, let them believe the Trump supporters believe in or care what Trump says
He swears he never knew or met his victim. Photo's come out showing he is a liar and the Dork followers insist he is telling the truth. From his latest lies to earliest Presidential lies, the Dork followers insist on living in a delusional world or worse, being liar facilitators and liars themselves.

What explanation does anyone possibly have for this phenomenon?
Do you realize that you make a total ignorant ass out of yourself when you post a thread title like that? I'm just letting you know, you dope

You're responding to a posting bot, if it had a frontal lobe and a sense of shame it would kill itself.
Why did you idiolt Moon Bats believe all the lies that Obama told you for eight years? How can anybody be that gulible? Then, on top of that, you dumb mutherfuckers believed all the lies and dishonesty of Crooked Hillary.

Can't help noticing all the Rumpbot answers to this thread consist of "b-but but waddabout...(fill in irrelevant deflection name here). " peppered with "aw fuck you".

Mister Zero inna house!


Where is my $2500 a year in health care cost that the Negro promised me that I would get if Obamacare was passed. It was in effect for six years and my health care cost went up. The asshole lied to all of us.

The sonofabitch lied to me. He also lied about a whole lot of other things.

Here are some of his lies. If you voted for him you were a moron.

(***not a comprehensive list)
1. "I will have the most transparent administration."
2. "I have shovel ready jobs."
3. "The IRS is not targeting anyone."
4. "If four Americans get killed…uh…. it is not optimal." (Benghazi)
5. "ObamaCare will be good for America."
6. "If you like your doctor, you can keep him, period."
7. "Premiums will be lowered by $2500"
8. If you like your health insurance, you can keep it, period.
9. "I did not say you could keep your health care." (Regardless that 29 recorded videos show I did)
10. "No one making less than $250,000 will see their taxes raised one dime."
11. "Benghazi was because of a youtubevideo."
12. "If I had a son…"
13. "I am not a dictator."
14. "I will put an end to the type of politics that “breeds division, conflict and cynicism".
15. "You didn't build that."
16. "I will restore trust in Government."
17. "The Cambridge police acted stupidly."
18. "I am not after your guns."
19. "The fact that we are here today to debate raising America's debt limit is a sign of leadership failure." (Senator BO of 2006)
20. "I have been practicing...I bowled a 129. It's like -- it was like Special Olympics."
21. "I think when you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody."
22. "The Public Will Have 5 Days To Look At Every Bill That Lands On My Desk"
23. "It's not my red line it is the worlds red line."
24. "Whistleblowers will be protected."
25. "We got back every dime we used to rescue the banks, with interest."
26. "I will close Gitmo." (Guantanamo)
27. "The point I was making was not that Grandmother harbors any racial animosity. She doesn't, -- but she is a typical white person."
28. "I am not spying on American citizens."
30. Nelson Mandela funeral smart-phone "selfies"
31. Govnt shutdown is allll the GOP's fault
32. Still on vacation in Hawaii on the first day obamacare is supposed to begin
31. "ObamaCare will lower costs for everyone."
32. "More Americans will be insured under obamacare"
33. "Islam is the religion of peace and tolerance….Muslims are our friends" (then he bows to the muslim leaders)
34. “That’s thegood thing about being President, I can do whatever I want,”
35. "my father served in WW2"
36. 2011 Arab spring FAIL
37. America's 2010 Summer of recovery FAIL
38. Hiring a known palestinian terrorist to work on Obamacare in Illinois. Didn'tbother to check her on e-verify
39. “I promise 100% transparency in my administration.”
40. "Buying health care insurance will be like using Amazon."
41. “I will end Income Tax for seniors making less than $50K a year.”
42. "I will bring ALL of our troops home within ONE year."
43. “I’ll put the Health Care negotiations on CSPAN so everyone can see who is at the table!”
44. “I’ll have no lobbyists in my administration."
45. DOJ spying on the free press telephone calls
46. Blockingveterans from seeing their own WWII memorials during shutdown
47. Allowing illegals to protest on mall during the same govt shutdown
48. Shutting down white house (people's house)tours
49. Solyndra bankruptcy cost to taxpayer's
50. "Obamacarewill not be used to fund abortions."
51. Eric Holder -- tooooo much to list with this liar-incompetent
52. Millions losing health care coverage
53. RECORD welfare rolls
54. RECORD hollywood parties on the taxpayer's dime
55. RECORD campaign tours on the taxpayer's dime
56. RECORD exorbitant vacations on the taxpayer's dime
57. RECORD number of golf games of any president, on taxpayer's dime
58. RECORD secret service agents compared to ANY other president, on the taxpayer's dime
59. Unconstitutional obama recess appointment
60. Taking all credit for SEAL Team 6 success
61. Forcing businesses to violate their abortion religious beliefs with obamacare
62. Obamacare website no-bid contract website-cronyism that cost $634Mto build (and the website NEVER worked),amazon.com cost < $50M to build
63. Supporting the Muslim Brotherhood terrorists with arms and money in Syria, on the taxpayer's dime
64. NSA acting as Obama Gestapo, spying in ALL AMERICAN telephone calls.
65. Proposed amnesty for illegal law breakers
66. Spying on Americans, on American soil, with drones
67. NEVER having a balanced budget
68. CONSTANTLY contracting economy under Obama
69. The Russians invaded Ukraine, (and obama does NOTHING)
70. 6 million people losing their healthcare thanks to obamacare.
71. "The United States maintains a 'rock-solid' commitment to Israel"
72. Illegal fundraising for obamacare by Katherine Sebelius (solicitation of money from the companies she regulates) (and obama does NOTHING)
73. Katherine Sebelius TOTAL incompetence in rolling out obamacare (and obama does NOTHING)
74. ex-IRS official Lerner takes 5th
75. Failed to fund our Nation’s military
76. Higher Spending and No Balanced Budget—EVER
77. $1.2 Trillion in Higher Taxes
78. known obama supporter appointed to investigate IRS targeting scandal
79. Buying clothes at The Gap: "Oh wow; credit card machines had electronic signature pads"
80. former Soviet union laughs at Obama's ukraine sanctions.
81. >70% of obamacare signups from people who LOST their insurance BECAUSE OF obamacare in the first place!!
82. In Maryland: Obama celebrates 60,000 obamacare signups…. BUT 73,000 lost insurance BECAUSE OF Obamacare!!
83. Obama did NOTHING to prevent some 150,000 people being killed in Syria, and he and the LIBERALS are silent on the matter.
84. On April 6th, 2014 obama gave a speech on the 20th anniversary of the genocide in Rwanda lecturing about “the world’s failure to respond more quickly” and that “we always have a choice . . . we must never be indifferent.”
85. Obama demands "equality" but only pays women 88 percent of what it pays men
86. "We're focused like lasers on job creation!!!"
87. "Jobs are our number one priority!!!!"
88. 6 million full time US workers sustain 149 million "benefit takers" in the USA under the "obama recovery."
89. "Republicans still can’t bring themselves to admit that the Affordable Care Act is working."
90. "If Republicans want to spend all their time talking about repealing a law that’s working, that’s their business."
91. 169th round of golf on 4/19/14 while Putin re-assembles the USSR and jews are being ordered to report in the Ukraine.
92. Syria uses chemical weapons crossing obama's "red line" and Obama is SILENT on the matter.
93. 04/21/2014 Obama delays the keystone pipeline for the 45th time.
94. China has become the #1 economy with "ObamaNomics."
95. Iran WILL have a nuclear bomb under Obama.
96. there are 92 million unemployed (may 2014) THAT IS 51% UNEMPLOYMENT RATE, including retirees
97. in 2013, under the direction of Barack Obama, The Immigration and Customs Enforcement custody 36,000 illegal immigrants who had been convicted of murder, sexual assault, kidnapping, and aggravated assault, and drunk or drugged driving.
98. incompetence at the Veterans Affairs Administration. Our veterans died…..obama hires a "coverup" specialist Rob Nabors to assist in the White House’s reputation for deception.
99. Almost every photo of Obama at the White house shows obama with his feet on the historically significant antique furniture….no respect for its historical significance
100. >40 veteran patients die after being placed on a hidden waiting list that could last for up to a year, while officials at the hospital shredded documents and faked evidence to make it seem as if waiting times were under control.
101. New Horizons in Presidential Dignity: President Obama does the "Shake Shack Shimmy" during his visit to the sandwich joint in Washington Friday May 17th 2014. U6 unemployment rate: 17.8%
102. May 17th 2014: Greater than Fifty million working-age Americans aren’t working, according to the labor department, and Obama pushes immigration plan.
104. King Barry's "executive actions"
105. Russia signs a contract with Iran to build two more nuclear reactors at its Bushehr power plant as part of a broader deal for up to eight reactors in the Islamic state.
106. New Record: Price of Gas Above $3 Gallon for 1,245 Days…
107. Incomprehensible!! 5-30-14 ILLEGAL negotiation with terrorists: 5 gitmo Taliban terrorist leaders ILLEGALLY released for one American ARMY DESERTER: BOWE BERGDAHL
108. Obama negotiates with terrorists to release an army deserter because "we can't leave an American Behind" but does nothing for the Marine being detained illegally in Mexico, less than 1 mile away.
Why did you idiolt Moon Bats believe all the lies that Obama told you for eight years? How can anybody be that gulible? Then, on top of that, you dumb mutherfuckers believed all the lies and dishonesty of Crooked Hillary.

Can't help noticing all the Rumpbot answers to this thread consist of "b-but but waddabout...(fill in irrelevant deflection name here). " peppered with "aw fuck you".

Mister Zero inna house!


Where is my $2500 a year in health care cost that the Negro promised me that I would get if Obamacare was passed. It was in effect for six years and my health care cost went up. The asshole lied to all of us.

The sonofabitch lied to me. He also lied about a whole lot of other things.

Here are some of his lies. If you voted for him you were a moron.

(***not a comprehensive list)
1. "I will have the most transparent administration."
2. "I have shovel ready jobs."
3. "The IRS is not targeting anyone."
4. "If four Americans get killed…uh…. it is not optimal." (Benghazi)
5. "ObamaCare will be good for America."
6. "If you like your doctor, you can keep him, period."
7. "Premiums will be lowered by $2500"
8. If you like your health insurance, you can keep it, period.
9. "I did not say you could keep your health care." (Regardless that 29 recorded videos show I did)
10. "No one making less than $250,000 will see their taxes raised one dime."
11. "Benghazi was because of a youtubevideo."
12. "If I had a son…"
13. "I am not a dictator."
14. "I will put an end to the type of politics that “breeds division, conflict and cynicism".
15. "You didn't build that."
16. "I will restore trust in Government."
17. "The Cambridge police acted stupidly."
18. "I am not after your guns."
19. "The fact that we are here today to debate raising America's debt limit is a sign of leadership failure." (Senator BO of 2006)
20. "I have been practicing...I bowled a 129. It's like -- it was like Special Olympics."
21. "I think when you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody."
22. "The Public Will Have 5 Days To Look At Every Bill That Lands On My Desk"
23. "It's not my red line it is the worlds red line."
24. "Whistleblowers will be protected."
25. "We got back every dime we used to rescue the banks, with interest."
26. "I will close Gitmo." (Guantanamo)
27. "The point I was making was not that Grandmother harbors any racial animosity. She doesn't, -- but she is a typical white person."
28. "I am not spying on American citizens."
30. Nelson Mandela funeral smart-phone "selfies"
31. Govnt shutdown is allll the GOP's fault
32. Still on vacation in Hawaii on the first day obamacare is supposed to begin
31. "ObamaCare will lower costs for everyone."
32. "More Americans will be insured under obamacare"
33. "Islam is the religion of peace and tolerance….Muslims are our friends" (then he bows to the muslim leaders)
34. “That’s thegood thing about being President, I can do whatever I want,”
35. "my father served in WW2"
36. 2011 Arab spring FAIL
37. America's 2010 Summer of recovery FAIL
38. Hiring a known palestinian terrorist to work on Obamacare in Illinois. Didn'tbother to check her on e-verify
39. “I promise 100% transparency in my administration.”
40. "Buying health care insurance will be like using Amazon."
41. “I will end Income Tax for seniors making less than $50K a year.”
42. "I will bring ALL of our troops home within ONE year."
43. “I’ll put the Health Care negotiations on CSPAN so everyone can see who is at the table!”
44. “I’ll have no lobbyists in my administration."
45. DOJ spying on the free press telephone calls
46. Blockingveterans from seeing their own WWII memorials during shutdown
47. Allowing illegals to protest on mall during the same govt shutdown
48. Shutting down white house (people's house)tours
49. Solyndra bankruptcy cost to taxpayer's
50. "Obamacarewill not be used to fund abortions."
51. Eric Holder -- tooooo much to list with this liar-incompetent
52. Millions losing health care coverage
53. RECORD welfare rolls
54. RECORD hollywood parties on the taxpayer's dime
55. RECORD campaign tours on the taxpayer's dime
56. RECORD exorbitant vacations on the taxpayer's dime
57. RECORD number of golf games of any president, on taxpayer's dime
58. RECORD secret service agents compared to ANY other president, on the taxpayer's dime
59. Unconstitutional obama recess appointment
60. Taking all credit for SEAL Team 6 success
61. Forcing businesses to violate their abortion religious beliefs with obamacare
62. Obamacare website no-bid contract website-cronyism that cost $634Mto build (and the website NEVER worked),amazon.com cost < $50M to build
63. Supporting the Muslim Brotherhood terrorists with arms and money in Syria, on the taxpayer's dime
64. NSA acting as Obama Gestapo, spying in ALL AMERICAN telephone calls.
65. Proposed amnesty for illegal law breakers
66. Spying on Americans, on American soil, with drones
67. NEVER having a balanced budget
68. CONSTANTLY contracting economy under Obama
69. The Russians invaded Ukraine, (and obama does NOTHING)
70. 6 million people losing their healthcare thanks to obamacare.
71. "The United States maintains a 'rock-solid' commitment to Israel"
72. Illegal fundraising for obamacare by Katherine Sebelius (solicitation of money from the companies she regulates) (and obama does NOTHING)
73. Katherine Sebelius TOTAL incompetence in rolling out obamacare (and obama does NOTHING)
74. ex-IRS official Lerner takes 5th
75. Failed to fund our Nation’s military
76. Higher Spending and No Balanced Budget—EVER
77. $1.2 Trillion in Higher Taxes
78. known obama supporter appointed to investigate IRS targeting scandal
79. Buying clothes at The Gap: "Oh wow; credit card machines had electronic signature pads"
80. former Soviet union laughs at Obama's ukraine sanctions.
81. >70% of obamacare signups from people who LOST their insurance BECAUSE OF obamacare in the first place!!
82. In Maryland: Obama celebrates 60,000 obamacare signups…. BUT 73,000 lost insurance BECAUSE OF Obamacare!!
83. Obama did NOTHING to prevent some 150,000 people being killed in Syria, and he and the LIBERALS are silent on the matter.
84. On April 6th, 2014 obama gave a speech on the 20th anniversary of the genocide in Rwanda lecturing about “the world’s failure to respond more quickly” and that “we always have a choice . . . we must never be indifferent.”
85. Obama demands "equality" but only pays women 88 percent of what it pays men
86. "We're focused like lasers on job creation!!!"
87. "Jobs are our number one priority!!!!"
88. 6 million full time US workers sustain 149 million "benefit takers" in the USA under the "obama recovery."
89. "Republicans still can’t bring themselves to admit that the Affordable Care Act is working."
90. "If Republicans want to spend all their time talking about repealing a law that’s working, that’s their business."
91. 169th round of golf on 4/19/14 while Putin re-assembles the USSR and jews are being ordered to report in the Ukraine.
92. Syria uses chemical weapons crossing obama's "red line" and Obama is SILENT on the matter.
93. 04/21/2014 Obama delays the keystone pipeline for the 45th time.
94. China has become the #1 economy with "ObamaNomics."
95. Iran WILL have a nuclear bomb under Obama.
96. there are 92 million unemployed (may 2014) THAT IS 51% UNEMPLOYMENT RATE, including retirees
97. in 2013, under the direction of Barack Obama, The Immigration and Customs Enforcement custody 36,000 illegal immigrants who had been convicted of murder, sexual assault, kidnapping, and aggravated assault, and drunk or drugged driving.
98. incompetence at the Veterans Affairs Administration. Our veterans died…..obama hires a "coverup" specialist Rob Nabors to assist in the White House’s reputation for deception.
99. Almost every photo of Obama at the White house shows obama with his feet on the historically significant antique furniture….no respect for its historical significance
100. >40 veteran patients die after being placed on a hidden waiting list that could last for up to a year, while officials at the hospital shredded documents and faked evidence to make it seem as if waiting times were under control.
101. New Horizons in Presidential Dignity: President Obama does the "Shake Shack Shimmy" during his visit to the sandwich joint in Washington Friday May 17th 2014. U6 unemployment rate: 17.8%
102. May 17th 2014: Greater than Fifty million working-age Americans aren’t working, according to the labor department, and Obama pushes immigration plan.
104. King Barry's "executive actions"
105. Russia signs a contract with Iran to build two more nuclear reactors at its Bushehr power plant as part of a broader deal for up to eight reactors in the Islamic state.
106. New Record: Price of Gas Above $3 Gallon for 1,245 Days…
107. Incomprehensible!! 5-30-14 ILLEGAL negotiation with terrorists: 5 gitmo Taliban terrorist leaders ILLEGALLY released for one American ARMY DESERTER: BOWE BERGDAHL
108. Obama negotiates with terrorists to release an army deserter because "we can't leave an American Behind" but does nothing for the Marine being detained illegally in Mexico, less than 1 mile away.

See what I mean? There's not one, not two, but 109 examples of the same waddabout deflections.

Let's see, 109 times 5 cents ... you owe me five dollars and forty-five cents for Pogo's Law. In one post. I take PayPal.

No wonder I'm so rich. I'm really, really rich. The beauty of me is that I'm so rich.

Good to know you're so ballless about being able to answer the OP that you're willing to say so 109 times. What a megawimp. :gay:
That’s the sign of being a leader of a cult.

Cult followers tend to believe their leaders, actually. I see Donald Trump more as a giant middle finger from people that are tired of your shit.
So your solution is to give us vomit to combat the shit That's your cure ?

You asshole Libtards gave us Mr. Lying Hope and Change so what the hell are you bitching about?

If it wasn't for the good sense of the American people we would have had to endure that lying piece of shit Crooked Hillary that you Moon Bat assholes all voted for.
That’s the sign of being a leader of a cult.

Cult followers tend to believe their leaders, actually. I see Donald Trump more as a giant middle finger from people that are tired of your shit.
So your solution is to give us vomit to combat the shit That's your cure ?

I'll take a real populist over some corporate status quo shill every time. Elite society did not want Trump to be our president. That's all you had to tell me.
That’s the sign of being a leader of a cult.

Cult followers tend to believe their leaders, actually. I see Donald Trump more as a giant middle finger from people that are tired of your shit.
So your solution is to give us vomit to combat the shit That's your cure ?

I'll take a real populist over some corporate status quo shill every time. Elite society did not want Trump to be our president. That's all you had to tell me.

Of course they didn't. That would result in some shit like, I dunno, hiring the CEO of Exxon to be Secretary of State or some shit. And what kind of fucking moron would do that.

>> At least 187 Trump political appointees have been federal lobbyists, and despite President Trump’s campaign pledge to “drain the swamp,” many are now overseeing the industries they once lobbied on behalf of. We’ve also discovered ethics waivers that allow Trump staffers to work on subjects in which they have financial conflicts of interest. In addition, at least 254 appointees affiliated with Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign and at least 125 staffers from prominent conservative think tanks are now working in the federal government, many of whom are on teams to repeal Obama-era regulations.

... We also did a more limited version of this project in 2009, at the start of the Obama administration. As part of this year’s analysis, we compared the number of appointees in the first year of both the Obama and Trump administrations who had been active lobbyists in the two years prior to their nomination for Senate-confirmed government jobs. Even though the Trump administration has lagged significantly behind previous administrations in appointing people for such positions, more Trump appointees were recent lobbyists than Obama appointees: Trump had 18 in his first year, while Obama had 14. << -- Rump's "Drained Swamp"​

Some "real populist over corporate status quo shill" there, huh. Say, did you enroll in Rump's Fraud University too? The one where "you don't sell products, benefits or solutions --- you sell FEELINGS"?

Gullible's Travels. Oh by the way I have a bridge for sale. You in or what?
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After my mom lost her insurance and her doctor, she avoided the new doctors her new plans provided because she didn't like them. After she got acute leukemia that killed her in a matter of weeks I hold you assholes and your moonbat messiah partially responsible. You're all pieces of shit to me.
That’s the sign of being a leader of a cult.

Cult followers tend to believe their leaders, actually. I see Donald Trump more as a giant middle finger from people that are tired of your shit.
So your solution is to give us vomit to combat the shit That's your cure ?

I'll take a real populist over some corporate status quo shill every time. Elite society did not want Trump to be our president. That's all you had to tell me.

Of course they didn't. That would result in some shit like, I dunno, hiring the CEO of Exxon to be Secretary of State or some shit.

After the dust from Trump's circus has settled the waves sent out by it might invoke something worthy. The Republican party will never be the same. It might be over for them after Trump is done.

I didn't believe Hillary was capable of shaking things up. Trump is. I'm interested to see what comes of all of his rattling.

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