Why do good, real Americans firmly oppose the ‘free shit’ ideologies of today’s politicians?

Doing things to help the American People is not “free shit”

Doing things to help billionaires is FREE SHIT

Yes and No rightwinger
1. if BOTH are imposing on taxpayers paying in
without representing their TERMS and CONSENT for paying taxes
then these are BOTH infringing on taxpayer rights to representation

2. BIG DIFFERENCE though rightwinger
A. if people are not paying in but in conflict over how the money paid by others is paid out
B. if people are PAYING IN and in conflict over HOW MUCH OF THEIR INCOME THEY GENERATED by their own labor is either paid into government, or deducted, and if it is deducted then what are the terms and conditions

There is a BIG DIFFERENCE between
1. tax credits or "corporate or social welfare" (either one)
where recipients receive MORE THAN THEY PAID IN so this is paid by OTHER taxpayers
2. receiving back either social security or tax deductions from MONEY THAT PERSON EARNED AND PAID IN

Do you understand the difference between the two?

As for corporate and social welfare, it's not either or.
If taxpayers paying this out of their own taxes don't
agree on terms of conditions of handouts, it's a violation
of "no taxation without representation" and consent of the governed.

NOTE: If we address BOTH the abuses of corporate OR social welfare
to make sure the representation of taxpayers affected is included equally,
that would be fair, and more effective instead of dividing and competing politically
to address one and not the other. However, only targeting violations in one case
while DENYING and OBSTRUCTING justice for taxpayers abused by the other
is preventing BOTH from being corrected by creating a THIRD abuse of
"discrimination by creed" and only enforcing laws protecting due process and
equal protection of taxpayers for SOME people but not ALL PEOPLE with grievances.

We need to address ALL THREE.
Not treat these like "either / or" and spinning our wheels
arguing over which one needs to be addressed and corrected.
BOTH types of violations of taxpayer consent and abuses of tax money
need to be resolved. NOT EITHER OR. where playing that game is causing additional
injustice that enables abuses of BOTH TYPES to continue unchecked...
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Conversely, on what basis do the proponents of free shit firmly believe they, as adults should expect others to pay their way, for their bad choices, for their children they themselves can’t afford, for their booze, for the cigarettes, their weed, their flatscreen t.v.’s..etc etc?
I’m genuinely curious how at any point one can arrive at “others OWE me a better life” and how such an ideology can be championed by so many?
What about this state of mind is AMERICAN in any way?

So America's farmers are not "good, real" Americans?

Why Trump’s new $16B farmer bailout could hurt agriculture
This is where I remind assholes on the left that the 'rich' already pay the lions share of taxes in this country. They talk about 'fair share' yet the 'rich' are already paying far more than a fair share. The Nazi's demonized Jews as the bad guy, liberals demonize the 'rich' and corporations.

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