Why do GOP presidents increase the deficit while Dem Decrease it?

Every day, you confirm your abject ignorance and stupidity.

Every area of the economy performs better under Democrats than under Republicans. The only things Republicans do is to reduce taxes for the wealthy, but at this point, they've gone too far. Corporations are awash in cash and using tax breaks to buy back shares, not investing in plant, machinery, or expansion. Companies can't expand in a global economy after Trump tore up all of your trade deals and didn't replace them before he left office.
Stay in Canada. You know nothing about my country
No I am not "dismissed." Leftists always point to the most bleak times in Trump's administration, and unfairly attribute those to him. Had it not been for a CCP biological weapon that they lost control of, President Trump's economy would have been historic. Hell, it was historic, even in spite of COVID.

But no: The left can't keep themselves from blaming Trump for COVID, or anything else they see fit.
They didnt lose control of it, it was intentional, because without the Kung Flu the Democrats wouldnt of been able to steal the 2020 election, and China would still be under extreme pressures from President Trumps tarriffs.
They didnt lose control of it, it was intentional, because without the Kung Flu the Democrats wouldnt of been able to steal the 2020 election, and China would still be under extreme pressures from President Trumps tarriffs.

I was giving the dog-eating bastards the benefit of the doubt. Whether it was accidental or was part of a "color revolution" to get rid of Trump, the Democrats took full advantage of it.
There is that word salad again. Reduced spending, which still he spent 1.25 trillion a year on average, thus increasing the national debt by 9.5 trillion dollars.
Basically doubling our National Debt from Bush 43's $ 10 + Trillion
to Pre Trump's just shy of $ 20 Trillion.
Plus Obama sneakily changed the way the Bureau of Labor Statistics
calculated Unemployment.In order to get at or under 8 % Unemployment.
Starting in late fall of 2011.Knowing that No President in American history
ever won a Re-election with Unemployment over 8 %.
The Bureau sneakily manipulated the number in the Labor force.
The Labor force Participation rate.Which was drawn down from
over One year to just 4 weeks in some months.
Biden is using basically a similar tactic to keep his Unemployment
rate seemingly low.By exploiting the actual number of our labor
participation rate.
Dopey pack of Lies.Newt Gingrich was entirely correct.
Barack Obama WAS the Food Stamp President.Plus the number
47.Used by Mitt Romney at his peril when running for Potus in 2012.
That number { 47 } was leaked as Romney was giving a lecture at a
fundraiser { Closed door }. A Mic was used to record what Romney said.
He made use of the number 47.Meaning 47 % of the population
pays No Federal Income Tax.Those are the same ones who will end up
voting for Obama.
Mother Jones' David Corn earned a Polk Award { for intrepid reporting }
on the use of an undercover video at a Florida fundraiser by Romney
in mid-september of 2012.Considered at the time ...
- The Scoop of the Decade -.

Foolardi living up to his user name.

Why do you think that 47% of the people pay no income tax Fool?????? 32 years after Ronald Reagan rewrote the tax code to favour the wealthy, at the expense of working Americans, 47% of the lowest income Americans were now so little money, that they NEED government handouts to keep a roof over their heads.

Reaganomics have impoverished entire generations of working class Americans. Home ownership by Americans has been steadily declining since Reagan was in office. That's why W was pushing low interest rates, and passes bills to allow people to buy homes with no down payment. W wanted to get the low rates of home ownership back up to the levels in the early 80's.

Today, low income families struggle to buy a first home. Young working class Americans trying to rise up to the middle class are being impoverished by student debt. The Reagan tax code has pushed down working class Americans. Broken the unions which helped them rise to the middle class. Then provided them with no training when their jobs were off-shored or they were displaced by technology.

47% of Americans are dependent on government programs, and you're the only first world nation without government funded health care for all, BECAUSE of the Republican tax code.
Judging by your own links, Obama’s spending was way higher than Bush’s. President Trump’s was way lower than Obama (save 2020 pandemic year). Biden has yet to drop it below pandemic levels of spending, it’s not even close.
why does the dembot not know how to read a graph? oh they are dembot cultist
Foolardi living up to his user name.

Why do you think that 47% of the people pay no income tax Fool?????? 32 years after Ronald Reagan rewrote the tax code to favour the wealthy, at the expense of working Americans, 47% of the lowest income Americans were now so little money, that they NEED government handouts to keep a roof over their heads.

Reaganomics have impoverished entire generations of working class Americans. Home ownership by Americans has been steadily declining since Reagan was in office. That's why W was pushing low interest rates, and passes bills to allow people to buy homes with no down payment. W wanted to get the low rates of home ownership back up to the levels in the early 80's.

Today, low income families struggle to buy a first home. Young working class Americans trying to rise up to the middle class are being impoverished by student debt. The Reagan tax code has pushed down working class Americans. Broken the unions which helped them rise to the middle class. Then provided them with no training when their jobs were off-shored or they were displaced by technology.

47% of Americans are dependent on government programs, and you're the only first world nation without government funded health care for all, BECAUSE of the Republican tax code.
actually Reagan gave us the EETC…which helped take americans off welfare…and helped americans actually move classes…he created the “middle class american”

you’re inability to know american history is noted

go suck your monarchs dick
Foolardi living up to his user name.

Why do you think that 47% of the people pay no income tax Fool?????? 32 years after Ronald Reagan rewrote the tax code to favour the wealthy, at the expense of working Americans, 47% of the lowest income Americans were now so little money, that they NEED government handouts to keep a roof over their heads.

Reaganomics have impoverished entire generations of working class Americans. Home ownership by Americans has been steadily declining since Reagan was in office. That's why W was pushing low interest rates, and passes bills to allow people to buy homes with no down payment. W wanted to get the low rates of home ownership back up to the levels in the early 80's.

Today, low income families struggle to buy a first home. Young working class Americans trying to rise up to the middle class are being impoverished by student debt. The Reagan tax code has pushed down working class Americans. Broken the unions which helped them rise to the middle class. Then provided them with no training when their jobs were off-shored or they were displaced by technology.

47% of Americans are dependent on government programs, and you're the only first world nation without government funded health care for all, BECAUSE of the Republican tax code.
Bush 43 made it possible { with the ushering in of those like
Chris Dodd } to make it possible for Middle Class Blacks to own
their own home.But it came at a price.The 2008 Mortgage Crisis.
Where Lehman Bros. was the first to fall.Then Fannie Mae
when Barney Frank was heading up the Secondary Mortgage Market
as House Financial Services chair.
BTW Reagan doubled tax receipts to the Treasury with his
mixing of taxes and tax cuts.Going from Jimmy Carter's $ 500 Billion
to $ 1 Trillion.
They didnt lose control of it, it was intentional, because without the Kung Flu the Democrats wouldnt of been able to steal the 2020 election, and China would still be under extreme pressures from President Trumps tarriffs.
So you’re saying China intentionally interfered?
Basically doubling our National Debt from Bush 43's $ 10 + Trillion
to Pre Trump's just shy of $ 20 Trillion.
Plus Obama sneakily changed the way the Bureau of Labor Statistics
calculated Unemployment.In order to get at or under 8 % Unemployment.
Starting in late fall of 2011.Knowing that No President in American history
ever won a Re-election with Unemployment over 8 %.
The Bureau sneakily manipulated the number in the Labor force.
The Labor force Participation rate.Which was drawn down from
over One year to just 4 weeks in some months.
Biden is using basically a similar tactic to keep his Unemployment
rate seemingly low.By exploiting the actual number of our labor
participation rate.

I love how you regurgitate this old lie, which was thoroughly debunked years ago.

Obama did NOT change the way the unemployment rate was calculated. That's a Republican lie to deflect from the successful job creation by the Obama Administration. Nor did Trump make any changes in the calculation while he was in office, so it follows that Biden hasn't done anything to the calculation either.

Stop believing the bullshit Republicans tells you.
Bush 43 made it possible { with the ushering in of those like
Chris Dodd } to make it possible for Middle Class Blacks to own
their own home.But it came at a price.The 2008 Mortgage Crisis.
Where Lehman Bros. was the first to fall.Then Fannie Mae
when Barney Frank was heading up the Secondary Mortgage Market
as House Financial Services chair.
BTW Reagan doubled tax receipts to the Treasury with his
mixing of taxes and tax cuts.Going from Jimmy Carter's $ 500 Billion
to $ 1 Trillion.

Black people buying their homes had NOTHING to do with the crash, Fool. It was DINKS buying vacation homes, and couples buying McMansions with nothing down. All with subprime mortgages, because brokers make a LOT more money on those mortgages.

These mortgages were at 1% interest for the first two years, and then the rate went up to 4% and payments quadrupled. People couldn't afford the higher payments and since they had nothing down, they had nothing to lose, and they just walked away. It wasn't black homebuyers who crashed the market, it was Wall Street brokers and bankers.

W bailed out the banks and he bailed out Wall Street. Few homeowners were helped when the crash hit.
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Same for unemployment, dems decrease it GOP increase it...
View attachment 669284
rRchest states are blue

You're an economic idiot. Trump's GDP did reach 3% in 2018.

U.S. GDP Growth Rate 1961-2022

But what you fail to understand is that the inflation rate was only 1.9% in 2018.

US Inflation Rate by Year: 1929-2023

The inflation rate is now 8.5%, which pretty much cancels out any economic gains the current morons in office could brag about.


You're such an idiot, you literally claim Trump had a year where GDP hit 3.0% .... butvthen you link an article which states that year was 2.92%.

And of course, if real GDP data is annualized, we find...

Black people buying their homes had NOTHING to do with the crash, Fool. It was DINKS buying vacation homes, and couples buying McMansions with nothing down. All with subprime mortgages, because brokers make a LOT more money on those mortgages.

These mortgages were at 1% interest for the first two years, and then the rate went up to 4% and payments quadrupled. People couldn't afford the higher payments and since they had nothing down, they had nothing to lose, and they just walked away. It wasn't black homebuyers who crashed the market, it was Wall Street brokers and bankers.

W bailed out the banks and he bailed out Wall Street. Few homeowners were helped when the crash hit.
thanks for showing us u don’t know what a subprime mortgage is
Every day, you confirm your abject ignorance and stupidity.

Every area of the economy performs better under Democrats than under Republicans. The only things Republicans do is to reduce taxes for the wealthy, but at this point, they've gone too far. Corporations are awash in cash and using tax breaks to buy back shares, not investing in plant, machinery, or expansion. Companies can't expand in a global economy after Trump tore up all of your trade deals and didn't replace them before he left office.
What a pile of shit. Shut up and stay in your own country you lying Nazi.
Foolardi living up to his user name.

Why do you think that 47% of the people pay no income tax Fool?????? 32 years after Ronald Reagan rewrote the tax code to favour the wealthy, at the expense of working Americans, 47% of the lowest income Americans were now so little money, that they NEED government handouts to keep a roof over their heads.

Reaganomics have impoverished entire generations of working class Americans. Home ownership by Americans has been steadily declining since Reagan was in office. That's why W was pushing low interest rates, and passes bills to allow people to buy homes with no down payment. W wanted to get the low rates of home ownership back up to the levels in the early 80's.

Today, low income families struggle to buy a first home. Young working class Americans trying to rise up to the middle class are being impoverished by student debt. The Reagan tax code has pushed down working class Americans. Broken the unions which helped them rise to the middle class. Then provided them with no training when their jobs were off-shored or they were displaced by technology.

47% of Americans are dependent on government programs, and you're the only first world nation without government funded health care for all, BECAUSE of the Republican tax code.
More bullshit. Best STFU while you’re only six feet under.
Still waiting for the spending cut under obammy? Why did you respond? You ain’t here in the US?
View attachment 669357

I'd burn those talking points, just saying you look foolish.

You under stand the difference between Deficit and Debt...

GOP president yanks the car to 100mph in the wrong direction and then complains that we are further from out destination when a Dem takes the wheel...

Truth is GOP President have a far worse track record on fiscal responsibility than Dem Presidents.

GOP party always obeys the Reagan Commandment:

The Eleventh Commandment was a phrase used by President Ronald Reagan during his 1966 campaign for Governor of California. The Commandment reads: Thou shalt not speak ill of any fellow Republican.

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