Why do GOP presidents increase the deficit while Dem Decrease it?

they enjoy destroying life. It's now present for all to see. They even admit how much they enjoy the destruction. Wuhan accomplished the slow roll of evil throughout the world. Xiden was rewarded for his efforts from China as well. Isn't that special?

BTW, Mac can no longer sit on the fence, he fell off on the destruction of life side.

President doesn't hold the nations purse strings, House of Representatives does.

That being said, let us go back just recently in modern history----------->when the Democratic Administration wants more money to spend, and the Republican congress says no, what does the Administration say?----------->Government shutdown coming, it is all the Republicans fault, your Social Security checks will not be sent out, (which is a lie) workers won't be paid, (so the give them a paid vacation because they get all their money back) military will collapse, we will default, (which is another lie) etc. This was used extensively in the Obama years.

And then of course, they use the same argument in reverse when it is a Dem congress, and a Repub Administration. The only Repub Administration who stood up to this blackmail in modern times was Reagans. He forced the Dem congress to back down after weeks of having the government shutdown, and what happened? The good times rolled.

As for Clinton, he ended up going along with Gingrich. What was it Bill Clinton said--------->the era of big government is OVER! What happened? More good times rolled!

This should show everyone that Democrats CAN make the correct call. Even JFK did the correct thing with taxes. Biden is NOT JFK, nor Clinton like at all. Biden and most of his Administration, are the product of the Obama way of thinking; and Obama wasn't JFK or Clintonesqe either. To many partisans want to make this Dem V Repub. It has absolutely NOTHING to do with it. It is about the person and how they governed and ran the country.

The main reason that Dem posters want to push this stuff, is because that is all they have as it is obvious that Biden is NOT good. He is not the guy. One of the other reasons is---------->because the Leftist wing of the Dem party put in policies through Biden, that has helped put America in the position we find ourselves in, and all the deflection by Leftists posters isn't going to change that; from here, or Canada!

It is plainly obvious........by a wide margin in fact.........that Joe Biden was NOT the best man for the job. Maybe, the best person for the job was not Trump, maybe that person was one of the others in the Democratic primary for all we know. But the Democrats RIGGED the primary when Joe had no shot, and basically proclaimed that he was the best person for the job. They ENDORSED him over many others on their own stage. For this, they will be massively punished come November. If they were so politically inept that they couldn't see this disaster coming, then Americans understand that they have no right to hold office!

I, and most Americans concur, wholeheartedly!
I love how you regurgitate this old lie, which was thoroughly debunked years ago.

Obama did NOT change the way the unemployment rate was calculated. That's a Republican lie to deflect from the successful job creation by the Obama Administration. Nor did Trump make any changes in the calculation while he was in office, so it follows that Biden hasn't done anything to the calculation either.

Stop believing the bullshit Republicans tells you.
I guess that meant former CEO and Chairman of G.E. Jack Walsh
was making up what he said the friday morning { right as the
Markets starting citing it's jobs numbers } on Oct.5th,2012 for
September.Where in one month the unemployment rate fell
.o3% Giving Obama the needed cushion to be under 8 %.
Unemployment dropped to 7.8%.It was over 10% a year earlier.
" Unbelievable jobs numbers.these chicago guys will do
anything.can't debate so change numbers. " --
I guess that meant former CEO and Chairman of G.E. Jack *Walsh
was making up what he said the friday morning { right as the
Markets starting citing it's jobs numbers } on Oct.5th,2012 for
September.Where in one month the unemployment rate fell
.o3% Giving Obama the needed cushion to be under 8 %.
Unemployment dropped to 7.8%.It was over 10% a year earlier.
" Unbelievable jobs numbers.these chicago guys will do
anything.can't debate so change numbers. " --
Correction necessary ... That would be
* Welch.
Every recent president has realized that it is a lot easier to artificially juice GDP by massively increasing government spending.

Rather than do the hard and heavy lifting of enacting policies which will grow the economy, they spend, spend, spend, spend.

So long as everyone points their fingers at the opposition party and puts all the blame on them, and we never hold our own team accountable, then these fuckers will keep getting away with it until our country plunges off a cliff.

We get the politicians we deserve. If you want to point a finger at someone, point it at the person in the mirror.

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