Why do GOP presidents increase the deficit while Dem Decrease it?

Did you notice just this year that Joe Biteme's deficit is 1.6 trillion dollars, how is that lowering the deficit you retard?

6.06 trillion spent vs 4.385 trillion recieved. 1.6 trillion dollar deficit. You fuckers always god damn lie.
Goto school...

Understand the difference between Deficit and Debt....
Obama reduced spending... Like most Democrat Presidents....

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Bush increased and Obama brought back down again..
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But don't worry Trump pushed right back up again.. Even before COVID

Again with the blinders on eh?


Do me a favor and post the trillions obammy spent! I'll wait.

Here's what I found

View attachment 669346

I always knew you all were blind as fking bats, but thanks for proving it. Too fking funny.

Hey who was president 2008 to 2016? just curious if you even know our presidents. Who's president in 2021? dude, go to sleep and save mankind from your nausea.
First budget written is accounted to the previous administration....
So 2009 belongs to Bush
2017 belongs to Obama
2021 belongs to Trump....

Any polices brought in by the incoming admin wouldn't get in until at least 9 months...
So there was a small increase by Obama but the overall picture looks like a GOP mess..
First budget written is accounted to the previous administration....
So 2009 belongs to Bush
2017 belongs to Obama
2021 belongs to Trump....

Any polices brought in by the incoming admin wouldn't get in until at least 9 months...
So there was a small increase by Obama but the overall picture looks like a GOP mess..
I didn't see anything about spending cuts. anywhere. I'm waiting on you to show where those were under obammy. come on now.

The graph shows the debt just keeps increasing, No cuts. nowhere.
View attachment 669283

Same for unemployment, dems decrease it GOP increase it...
View attachment 669284
rRchest states are blue

Because Republicans constantly tell people they're "better for the economy", but it's just another set of Republican lies. Even the stock market does better under the Democrats.
I didn't see anything about spending cuts. anywhere. I'm waiting on you to show where those were under obammy. come on now.

The graph shows the debt just keeps increasing, No cuts. nowhere.

The DEFICIT is not the same thing as the DEBT. The Deficit is the shortfall in the budget. It goes up and down, but the budget hasn't been balanced since Clinton was in office. The DEBT is the accumulation of the deficits.
The DEFICIT is not the same thing as the DEBT. The Deficit is the shortfall in the budget. It goes up and down, but the budget hasn't been balanced since Clinton was in office. The DEBT is the accumulation of the deficits.
Still waiting for the spending cut under obammy? Why did you respond? You ain’t here in the US?
Because Republicans constantly tell people they're "better for the economy", but it's just another set of Republican lies. Even the stock market does better under the Democrats.
They are! When congress is republicans
View attachment 669283

Same for unemployment, dems decrease it GOP increase it...
View attachment 669284
rRchest states are blue
Where is the link to who controlled congress?
The DEFICIT is not the same thing as the DEBT. The Deficit is the shortfall in the budget. It goes up and down, but the budget hasn't been balanced since Clinton was in office. The DEBT is the accumulation of the deficits.
it's all related canadian. shut the fk up. The dude posted spending cuts. So stay out of my thread with the other dude. fk.

BTW, how do you suppose one gets a debt?
  • Debt can be expressed as an accumulated deficit of the country over the …
View attachment 669283

Same for unemployment, dems decrease it GOP increase it...
View attachment 669284
rRchest states are blue
For the record Trump awarded both the Black and Hispanic
community The Lowest Unemployment numbers in recorded
american history.He also increased average Middle class pay yearly by
$ 4,500.Where Obama decreased average middle class pay by $5,ooo.
Barack Obama's Reign started off with the most ungodly high recorded
Deficits in history.He averaged OVER $ 1.2 Trillion each year of his
first term.For context Bush 43 had a Budget Deficit in 2007 of
$ 162 Billion.
In Biden's 1st year he missed breaking Trump's 'Highest US Budget Deficit' (Trump's final year) by only $360 Billion...

...and Biden and the Democrats
are just warming up.

it's all related canadian. shut the fk up. The dude posted spending cuts. So stay out of my thread with the other dude. fk.

BTW, how do you suppose one gets a debt?
  • Debt can be expressed as an accumulated deficit of the country over the …

You have no critical reading skills. He posted that Democrats REDUCE THE DEFICIT. Nothing about spending cuts. The deficit is the shortfall between revenue and expenditures. There are lots of ways of reducing the deficit that don't include cutting spending:

1. Obama's job creation and increases to wages for lower income workers resulted in more than 5 million people coming off the food stamp program. That's a huge cost saving for that program, which would impact the deficit. There were similar savings under every income assistance program the government runs as more and more people found work, and no longer qualified for assistance.

2. The Affordable Care Act made changes to Medicare and Medicaid to reduce the costs of these programs overall, and the bill made essential changes to health care structures which both stabilized the programs, and reduced the costs. Trump cut the taxes which paid for the ACA thus increasing the deficit.

3. With corporations having record profits under Democratic Presidents, and the stock markets reaching record heights, both corporate and personal income tax revenues rose accordingly, and the deficit is reduced.

The economy is a huge and complex system and there are many ways of impacting both costs and revenues. Republicans always dumb down their economic points to a slogan that says "Republicans are better for the economy than Democrats". But they really are not better for business. Not by any economic measure: job creation, stock market growth, unemployment, wages. They just lie and say they are.
Because Republicans constantly tell people they're "better for the economy", but it's just another set of Republican lies. Even the stock market does better under the Democrats.
Republicans are better again why do you care ? Doesn’t affect you
Goto school...

Understand the difference between Deficit and Debt....
Bwaaaahhaaaaa....You are such a pussy who plays with words. I am a master of words and know when dicks like you try to twist them to your advantage. That is why the brown turd Obammy put over 9.5 trillion dollars of debt, with another 4.5 trillion borrowed from the Federal Reserve thus increasing the debt by 14 trillion total dollars. Dumbasses like you think deficits matter, but notice how inflation is higher because debt causes inflation, dumbass.
First budget written is accounted to the previous administration....
So 2009 belongs to Bush
2017 belongs to Obama
2021 belongs to Trump....

Any polices brought in by the incoming admin wouldn't get in until at least 9 months...
So there was a small increase by Obama but the overall picture looks like a GOP mess..
Hmmm, 2021 wasnt there a pandemic released by the Wuhan Laboratory, funded by Xi Fauci, that made President Trump look bad? I think there was, but he was on a economic rebound when the Democrats stole the 2020 election....Thank Joe Biden for fucking up America in 2021.
Republicans are better again why do you care ? Doesn’t affect you

Every day, you confirm your abject ignorance and stupidity.

Every area of the economy performs better under Democrats than under Republicans. The only things Republicans do is to reduce taxes for the wealthy, but at this point, they've gone too far. Corporations are awash in cash and using tax breaks to buy back shares, not investing in plant, machinery, or expansion. Companies can't expand in a global economy after Trump tore up all of your trade deals and didn't replace them before he left office.
You have no critical reading skills. He posted that Democrats REDUCE THE DEFICIT. Nothing about spending cuts. The deficit is the shortfall between revenue and expenditures. There are lots of ways of reducing the deficit that don't include cutting spending:

1. Obama's job creation and increases to wages for lower income workers resulted in more than 5 million people coming off the food stamp program. That's a huge cost saving for that program, which would impact the deficit. There were similar savings under every income assistance program the government runs as more and more people found work, and no longer qualified for assistance.

2. The Affordable Care Act made changes to Medicare and Medicaid to reduce the costs of these programs overall, and the bill made essential changes to health care structures which both stabilized the programs, and reduced the costs. Trump cut the taxes which paid for the ACA thus increasing the deficit.

3. With corporations having record profits under Democratic Presidents, and the stock markets reaching record heights, both corporate and personal income tax revenues rose accordingly, and the deficit is reduced.

The economy is a huge and complex system and there are many ways of impacting both costs and revenues. Republicans always dumb down their economic points to a slogan that says "Republicans are better for the economy than Democrats". But they really are not better for business. Not by any economic measure: job creation, stock market growth, unemployment, wages. They just lie and say they are.
Dopey pack of Lies.Newt Gingrich was entirely correct.
Barack Obama WAS the Food Stamp President.Plus the number
47.Used by Mitt Romney at his peril when running for Potus in 2012.
That number { 47 } was leaked as Romney was giving a lecture at a
fundraiser { Closed door }. A Mic was used to record what Romney said.
He made use of the number 47.Meaning 47 % of the population
pays No Federal Income Tax.Those are the same ones who will end up
voting for Obama.
Mother Jones' David Corn earned a Polk Award { for intrepid reporting }
on the use of an undercover video at a Florida fundraiser by Romney
in mid-september of 2012.Considered at the time ...
- The Scoop of the Decade -.

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