Deficit Increased by $7B under Trump, But now the GOP tries to claim fiscal Responsibility????

He's not going to end up being gay. He's not gay. If he was, and admitted it, that would be the manly thing to do. And I'd take it like a man. I'm not worried about the gay thing. It's the pretending to be the opposite sex that's whacko.

Mental health? WTF are you even talking about. The real mental health problems are going to be those men who decide they're woman, and no one in the F'n world will accept them as a woman, because they're clearly men.
Cutting off your dick, putting on a dress and make up isn't going to cover up the sadness of 99% of society thinking you're a weirdo.
I think I'll go with what psychiatry and science and psychology say rather than a bunch of brainwashed ignorant bigots.... people don't decide they are gay or whatever because they think it is going to be fun to do it.... They should be tolerated I don't think it should even come up at school except tolerance end of story.
Just do away with the GOP filibuster and let's let the parties put their policies through and then we'll see what the populace is in favor of. Tax cuts for the rich or solutions for problems

Thing is, the FPTP system is easily manipulated. The people don't get the policies they want because they have two choices. Rep or Dem.

In Germany they get to vote twice on the same day. Once with FPTP and once with PR, they get different results. With FPTP the largest two parties get between 5% and 10% more votes. And this is with people knowing that PR is going to be the deciding factor in the make up of the Bundestag anyway.

The main parties didn't even get 50% of the PR vote this time around, compared to the US where it's something like 95%+
Why don't the useless demtwats make the middle class tax cuts permanent?
I believe they need 60 votes for that kind of thing, so they are doing other stuff like cutting Medicare Medicaid costs college loans and other stuff like that to help regular people. And making corporations pay 15% at least of profits for example.... Did you manage to hear about that lol?
How do you change that, when so many voters are political loyalist? The government officials aren't going vote themselves out of job. Their supporters are going to keep voting for them. America isn't going to vote out this two party system.
So how do we do it?

Thing is, politicians will do whatever it takes to stay in power. If you convince people that PR is what is needed, then politicians might pick it up.

The biggest problem right now is most people reject PR because they have no idea what it is, and are too lazy to even find out. They need to be told why it's better for them, there needs to be a movement of people talking about PR.
That would ruin their slush fund. The parasites who depend on the Dumbocrats would be unhappy.
They used to be known as the unfortunate forever until Reagan made blaming the poor acceptable as Mario Cuomo said.... And of course there is no slush fund or any other conspiracy you believe in dummy.
Thing is, the FPTP system is easily manipulated. The people don't get the policies they want because they have two choices. Rep or Dem.

In Germany they get to vote twice on the same day. Once with FPTP and once with PR, they get different results. With FPTP the largest two parties get between 5% and 10% more votes. And this is with people knowing that PR is going to be the deciding factor in the make up of the Bundestag anyway.

The main parties didn't even get 50% of the PR vote this time around, compared to the US where it's something like 95%+
maybe the United states should stop being so stupid and elect the Democrats with enough power to pass what we need to become a civilized modern country. That is a living wage healthcare daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations ID card to end illegal immigration and mainly taxing the rich again for God's sake. All the GOP has is the brainwash and so far it has worked along with the orange con man. Poor America. Dumbest voters in the modern world easily.
I believe they need 60 votes for that kind of thing, so they are doing other stuff like cutting Medicare Medicaid costs college loans and other stuff like that to help regular people. And making corporations pay 15% at least of profits for example.... Did you manage to hear about that lol?
Hey, stupid. The Republicans passed the tax cuts in 2017. The Dumbocrats would have plenty of GOP support for making the cuts permanent. How about you show us the proof they are trying to cut Medicare and Medicaid. ?
Trump had to spend money to rebuild the US military, after Obongo had left it in shambles. A deficit only covers one fiscal year. It is not the same as debt.
There’s alway excuses for Republican spending. Show us the increased military spending that ate up THREE TRILLION dollars in three years
maybe the United states should stop being so stupid and elect the Democrats with enough power to pass what we need to become a civilized modern country. That is a living wage healthcare daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations ID card to end illegal immigration and mainly taxing the rich again for God's sake. All the GOP has is the brainwash and so far it has worked along with the orange cod man. Poor America.

Problem is the Democrats aren't sensible enough, and give them that much power and all they'll do is try and consolidate power.
With PR you end up changing the mentality of voters, and therefore the mentality of politicians.

Right now voters think negatively. They see they have two choices and many will vote AGAINST the party they don't like. We see this in Germany. This is why smaller parties gain more votes with PR. Because when given a REAL CHOICE, people will vote third party.

Therefore politicians just need to sully the name of the other party, which happens daily in the US, people on this message board seem to revel in the bitching and cat fighting that is now more politics than managing the economy and society.

Democrats do it as much as Republicans.
Thing is, the FPTP system is easily manipulated. The people don't get the policies they want because they have two choices. Rep or Dem.

In Germany they get to vote twice on the same day. Once with FPTP and once with PR, they get different results. With FPTP the largest two parties get between 5% and 10% more votes. And this is with people knowing that PR is going to be the deciding factor in the make up of the Bundestag anyway.

The main parties didn't even get 50% of the PR vote this time around, compared to the US where it's something like 95%+
we just have the stupidest voters in the modern world by far. Well the English have the conservative Tories who are pretty awful too. Savage capitalism and a lot to do with class and the rich. But the English got lucky after World War Two and passed socialism though they had to call it labourism. We got the GI bill which ended...
we just have the stupidest voters in the modern world by far. Well the English have the conservative Tories who are pretty awful too. Savage capitalism and a lot to do with class and the rich. But the English got lucky after World War Two and passed socialism though they had to call it labourism. We got the GI bill which ended...

Well, look at the UK, they also have stupid voters, and yet someone made Brexit happen, by pushing it, and pushing it, and pushing it. People began to believe, because they were continually manipulated.
we just have the stupidest voters in the modern world by far. Well the English have the conservative Tories who are pretty awful too. Savage capitalism and a lot to do with class and the rich. But the English got lucky after World War Two and passed socialism though they had to call it labourism. We got the GI bill which ended...
A stupid voter would be one that votes to have his taxes increased.
Man self and the rest in our legislation you will see that there has been opposed every step of the way by the Republicans show the Republicans potentially taking control of the house with 224 seats and pennsylvania's contentious Senate race democratic candidate John fetterman campaigned in Philadelphia Sunday ahead of this week's debate against republican opponent believes he can buy

Wrong as always, unless you think the IRS lies about taxes, which I suppose you probably do, brainwashed functional moron.

and it has gotten worse with the trump tax cuts and in the future more tax cuts for the rich from the GOP, that is their only argument and policy....
That chart doesn't support your claim, nimrod.
The incompetent Democrat shitheads in charge of the House, Senate, White House and all the worthless government agencies create massive inflation, high cost of energy, recession, decreased family income and let millions of Illegals flood in and they try to tell us that they should continue to run government. LOL!
The incompetent Democrat shitheads in charge of the House, Senate, White House and all the worthless government agencies create massive inflation, high cost of energy, recession, decreased family income and let millions of Illegals flood in and they try to tell us that they should continue to run government. LOL!
Really? Democrats?

So the 7 trillion added to the debt by the Trump and the Republican Congress doesn’t count?

Maybe I ought to post in big bold font huh?
The Republicans haven't been the party of fiscal responsibility for at least 90 years.

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