Why do GOP presidents increase the deficit while Dem Decrease it?

You under stand the difference between Deficit and Debt...
GOP president yanks the car to 100mph in the wrong direction and then complains that we are further from out destination when a Dem takes the wheel...
Truth is GOP President have a far worse track record on fiscal responsibility than Dem Presidents.
GOP party always obeys the Reagan Commandment:
Limbaugh always told them that they were brilliant on economics, so they bought it, of course.

On no topic is the arrogant ignorance of the Dunning-Kruger Effect more obvious (or depressing) than Trumpsters discussing economics and markets.
For the record Trump awarded both the Black and Hispanic
community The Lowest Unemployment numbers in recorded
american history.He also increased average Middle class pay yearly by
$ 4,500.Where Obama decreased average middle class pay by $5,ooo.
Barack Obama's Reign started off with the most ungodly high recorded
Deficits in history.He averaged OVER $ 1.2 Trillion each year of his
first term.For context Bush 43 had a Budget Deficit in 2007 of
$ 162 Billion.
For the record the Presidency is a 4 year term not 3 years...

You don't win the Superbowl leading at half time...

Trump has to own how he got it and how did he hand it back...

Trump in that regard he failed in Deficit, Employment, Spending, Inflation, Quality of Life, US International reputation,.... And to top it all off he didn't even know that he got fired...
For the record the Presidency is a 4 year term not 3 years...

You don't win the Superbowl leading at half time...

Trump has to own how he got it and how did he hand it back...

Trump in that regard he failed in Deficit, Employment, Spending, Inflation, Quality of Life, US International reputation,.... And to top it all off he didn't even know that he got fired...
They also aren't aware that Trump not only enjoyed (and took credit for) the benefits of TRILLIONS of stimulative dollars pumped into "his economy" by the Fed, but that he BEGGED them to pump in MORE, AND to drop interest rates.

Free trillions and mashed bond yields from the Fed, and they give their demigod credit for the economy.

But if you tell them that, it's fake news. They are absolutely, utterly fucking clueless.
They didnt lose control of it, it was intentional, because without the Kung Flu the Democrats wouldnt of been able to steal the 2020 election, and China would still be under extreme pressures from President Trumps tarriffs.
Sorry but you are trying to blame the Democrats for COVID... Get this, Trump was President at the time...

He was the one in meant to be in charge of the response.. Remember, when he said he is took no responsibility...
There is that word salad again. Reduced spending, which still he spent 1.25 trillion a year on average, thus increasing the national debt by 9.5 trillion dollars.
Again understand the differences between deficit and debt...

If we go on that a President does change the budget from the previous administrations and thus the first year of his term belongs to his predencessor...

Both Obama and Trump increased the Debt by $8.2tn each approx...
Obama took 8 years and Trump took 4.....
Basically doubling our National Debt from Bush 43's $ 10 + Trillion
to Pre Trump's just shy of $ 20 Trillion.
Plus Obama sneakily changed the way the Bureau of Labor Statistics
calculated Unemployment.In order to get at or under 8 % Unemployment.
Starting in late fall of 2011.Knowing that No President in American history
ever won a Re-election with Unemployment over 8 %.
The Bureau sneakily manipulated the number in the Labor force.
The Labor force Participation rate.Which was drawn down from
over One year to just 4 weeks in some months.
Biden is using basically a similar tactic to keep his Unemployment
rate seemingly low.By exploiting the actual number of our labor
participation rate.
Your unemployment figure was debunked back then... There are numerous unemployment figures and Obama took the same headline one all the way through but of course he looked at the others, every PResident (except Trump) does..
What a pile of shit. Shut up and stay in your own country you lying Nazi.
I know this makes you angry... Being presented with the truth and being angry...


Bargaining Next, Good Luck...
They also aren't aware that Trump not only enjoyed (and took credit for) the benefits of TRILLIONS of stimulative dollars pumped into "his economy" by the Fed, but that he BEGGED them to pump in MORE, AND to drop interest rates.

Free trillions and mashed bond yields from the Fed, and they give their demigod credit for the economy.

But if you tell them that, it's fake news. They are absolutely, utterly fucking clueless.
Not to mention his Oil Supply cut...

Was trying to figure this out... Trump was never that good to get the world to do anything... Generally they said 'Yes off course" then laughed at him when he left....
This has all the hallmark of the Oil lobby doing the work and getting Trump on board... Look at US production 6 months later, there is a massive drop in supply...

I was wondering did the bank on Trump loosing (or possibly loosing) and want to tie the hands of the Democratic President coming in?
If the dis. Seriously smart way they went about it... They have made all look so natural...
They also aren't aware that Trump not only enjoyed (and took credit for) the benefits of TRILLIONS of stimulative dollars pumped into "his economy" by the Fed, but that he BEGGED them to pump in MORE, AND to drop interest rates.

Free trillions and mashed bond yields from the Fed, and they give their demigod credit for the economy.

But if you tell them that, it's fake news. They are absolutely, utterly fucking clueless.
I think they have raised the white flag on this one..
They also aren't aware that Trump not only enjoyed (and took credit for) the benefits of TRILLIONS of stimulative dollars pumped into "his economy" by the Fed, but that he BEGGED them to pump in MORE, AND to drop interest rates.

Free trillions and mashed bond yields from the Fed, and they give their demigod credit for the economy.

But if you tell them that, it's fake news. They are absolutely, utterly fucking clueless.
I think they have raised the white flag on this one..
Neither Tucker nor Sean have covered it for them, so...
I love how you regurgitate this old lie, which was thoroughly debunked years ago.

Obama did NOT change the way the unemployment rate was calculated. That's a Republican lie to deflect from the successful job creation by the Obama Administration. Nor did Trump make any changes in the calculation while he was in office, so it follows that Biden hasn't done anything to the calculation either.

Stop believing the bullshit Republicans tells you.
Neither Tucker nor Sean have covered it for them, so...
why would a conservative argue Trump didn't give out a stimulus check? He did. Wuhan released by China closed our country. I don't think he wanted starvation on top of the concocted virus hoax.

Now how many stimulus checks and what were the package values set at? You know, the ones that won't increase the debt.
For the record the Presidency is a 4 year term not 3 years...

You don't win the Superbowl leading at half time...

Trump has to own how he got it and how did he hand it back...

Trump in that regard he failed in Deficit, Employment, Spending, Inflation, Quality of Life, US International reputation,.... And to top it all off he didn't even know that he got fired...
haha blaming trump for the chinese virus shows how nuts you all are.
why would a conservative argue Trump didn't give out a stimulus check? He did. Wuhan released by China closed our country. I don't think he wanted starvation on top of the concocted virus hoax.
Holy crap. You clearly don't even know what I'm talking about.

Come on.

I wish I hadn't seen that post.
Holy crap. You clearly don't even know what I'm talking about.

Come on.

I wish I hadn't seen that post.
Trump put American lives first and saved many…

Meanwhile under Xiden we have record deaths from covid, unnecessary “stimulus” that caused record inflation
why do you like record covid deaths and record inflation? how could anyone vote for that? i guess people that put their cult before country…”orange man bad” and all
they enjoy destroying life. It's now present for all to see. They even admit how much they enjoy the destruction. Wuhan accomplished the slow roll of evil throughout the world. Xiden was rewarded for his efforts from China as well. Isn't that special?

BTW, Mac can no longer sit on the fence, he fell off on the destruction of life side.

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