Why Do I Need More Than 10 Rounds?

We'll do it without you while we ignore you.

You can try.

But, no matter how much your try to whip up hysteria about evil guns, Democrats have gone done in flames for trying to force gun control measures on Americans.

Demonizing hardware and law-abiding Americans has never worked out for your and, frankly, I'm a bit surprised that some in the party continue to beat their heads against that particular wall.

Care to look again? Bump stocks are banned with an EO. It looks like the Red Flag Law is going to go either by Congress or an EO. Followed closely by the Universal Background Check by either Congress or EO. What's it take to convince you that those are needed? Does a shooter have to come and murder some of your family?
"Why do I need to justify and/or explain anything that is my right to you, do-gooder?"

Because rights can be changed even if we don't want that to be possible. It's probably a good idea to have a good argument for why it shouldn't happen when they try.
Oh, he wants a good argument....Well, here goes...

Why do I need a reason to speak freely?

Why do I need a reason to freedom of the press?

Why do I need a reason to worship at the church of my choice or not worship at all?

Why do I need a reason to peaceably associate and assemble with people whom I want to peaceably associate and assemble with?

Why do I need a reason to petition my alleged betters for redress of grievances?

Why do I need a reason to know my accuser in legal proceedings?

Why do I need a reason to see a search warrant before my person, property, papers and effects are searched?

Why do I need a reason to demand trial by a jury of my peers?
Because someday THIRTEEN shitlords might decide to smash their way into my house, that's why.

'I Could Die': Suspects Trash House During Md. Home Invasion
....but 2A Guy and a lot of USMB members say knives and cars are just as dangerous as firearms?? why don't you just use a knife--if they are just as dangerous??

Because a knife and a car don't go "Boom, Boom" and make your penis look bigger.

Seriously? You're so desperate to push your agenda that you believe name-calling and ad hominem are going to help you?

If you actually had an argument, you'd be showing that instead of your temper.
Because someday THIRTEEN shitlords might decide to smash their way into my house, that's why.

'I Could Die': Suspects Trash House During Md. Home Invasion
....but 2A Guy and a lot of USMB members say knives and cars are just as dangerous as firearms?? why don't you just use a knife--if they are just as dangerous??

Because a knife and a car don't go "Boom, Boom" and make your penis look bigger.

Seriously? You're so desperate to push your agenda that you believe name-calling and ad hominem are going to help you?

If you actually had an argument, you'd be showing that instead of your temper.

What's the matter, those of us that don't have the penis envy see it as a joke. You penis envy gunnutters see it as an insult. The rest of us just got a good laugh. :bigboy:
You're not going to minimize any body counts by making life for the law abiding more troublesome or blaming the inanimate object, which is what every one of the gun grabbers do.

You are still no help. Try again. This time, without the nonsense. Do I sound like a gungrabber? You mean you can't carry on a reasonable conversation with me?
What do you propose that you consider common-sense gun laws?

I've already said what I thought. It's your turn. What do YOU consider as common-sense gun laws? And the response of "No Gun Laws" doesn't cut it when over 80% of the population would disagree. Be reasonable.
We already have common-sense gun laws nothing else is needed.

Not quite but many states are very close. Some are a bit overboard. Colorado is very, very close now. Until the other states that are very, very lax join in, the states with the common sense firearms regulations are just pissing into the wind. This is why the Feds are looking into the Red Flag and Universal Background Checks. That laxness flows over state lines.
Those states that you were talkin about have mass shootings and a lot of gun deaths
You are still no help. Try again. This time, without the nonsense. Do I sound like a gungrabber? You mean you can't carry on a reasonable conversation with me?
What do you propose that you consider common-sense gun laws?

I've already said what I thought. It's your turn. What do YOU consider as common-sense gun laws? And the response of "No Gun Laws" doesn't cut it when over 80% of the population would disagree. Be reasonable.
We already have common-sense gun laws nothing else is needed.

Not quite but many states are very close. Some are a bit overboard. Colorado is very, very close now. Until the other states that are very, very lax join in, the states with the common sense firearms regulations are just pissing into the wind. This is why the Feds are looking into the Red Flag and Universal Background Checks. That laxness flows over state lines.
Those states that you were talkin about have mass shootings and a lot of gun deaths

The problem is, if one state has universal background checks and the next state over doesn't, all anyone has to do is to jump across the state line, make the purchase showing NO ID of any kind, jump back across the line with their gains and presto. The Chicago Police noticed that in 2015, that over 60% of all illegal weapons were purchased in Illinois. In 2016 they passed the universal background check. When the Chicago Police Chief did a check in 2017, the new figure was 60% were now coming in from Indiana which has lax gun regulations and does not have universal background checks. Universal background checks only works if all states go to it. Since it is a problem that crosses state lines, the Feds can pass laws to require universal background checks and probably will now. Unless Moscow Mitch blocks it, that is. But he can only do it for so long. it's coming.
Because nowhere in the document that articulates that right does it say, "You have the right to firearms if you need them".

Rights can be taken away ... sometimes by force, sometimes by misguided philanthropic zeal.

But, in order to take away this right, you're going to have to remove the entire amendment from The Constitution. You won't be successful nibbling away at the right by misdirections about "need".

In fact our Christian forefathers called our rights "inalienable" and stated that they were "endowed by their creator".

Invoking the "Creator" has caused more trouble than any of us can imagine. The Creator burned witches at the stake, invaded entire countries, caused wars, strife, hunger and more. I have a God and He hasn't told me to do any of these things. Nor has he told me to arm myself to the teeth either.

Yeah but yours is fake.
What do you propose that you consider common-sense gun laws?

I've already said what I thought. It's your turn. What do YOU consider as common-sense gun laws? And the response of "No Gun Laws" doesn't cut it when over 80% of the population would disagree. Be reasonable.
We already have common-sense gun laws nothing else is needed.

Not quite but many states are very close. Some are a bit overboard. Colorado is very, very close now. Until the other states that are very, very lax join in, the states with the common sense firearms regulations are just pissing into the wind. This is why the Feds are looking into the Red Flag and Universal Background Checks. That laxness flows over state lines.
Those states that you were talkin about have mass shootings and a lot of gun deaths

The problem is, if one state has universal background checks and the next state over doesn't, all anyone has to do is to jump across the state line, make the purchase showing NO ID of any kind, jump back across the line with their gains and presto. The Chicago Police noticed that in 2015, that over 60% of all illegal weapons were purchased in Illinois. In 2016 they passed the universal background check. When the Chicago Police Chief did a check in 2017, the new figure was 60% were now coming in from Indiana which has lax gun regulations and does not have universal background checks. Universal background checks only works if all states go to it. Since it is a problem that crosses state lines, the Feds can pass laws to require universal background checks and probably will now. Unless Moscow Mitch blocks it, that is. But he can only do it for so long. it's coming.

Liberal totalitarianism always has to be imposed by the feds. Like Obamacare.
I admittedly lack sufficient knowledge about guns and gun ammunition to make any declarative statements but thinking about it I don't know if limiting the amount of bullets someone has available to them is going to make as much of an impact as limiting the power of the gun shooting the bullet...
What do you mean by "power"?
What do you propose that you consider common-sense gun laws?

I've already said what I thought. It's your turn. What do YOU consider as common-sense gun laws? And the response of "No Gun Laws" doesn't cut it when over 80% of the population would disagree. Be reasonable.
We already have common-sense gun laws nothing else is needed.

Not quite but many states are very close. Some are a bit overboard. Colorado is very, very close now. Until the other states that are very, very lax join in, the states with the common sense firearms regulations are just pissing into the wind. This is why the Feds are looking into the Red Flag and Universal Background Checks. That laxness flows over state lines.
Those states that you were talkin about have mass shootings and a lot of gun deaths

The problem is, if one state has universal background checks and the next state over doesn't, all anyone has to do is to jump across the state line, make the purchase showing NO ID of any kind, jump back across the line with their gains and presto. The Chicago Police noticed that in 2015, that over 60% of all illegal weapons were purchased in Illinois. In 2016 they passed the universal background check. When the Chicago Police Chief did a check in 2017, the new figure was 60% were now coming in from Indiana which has lax gun regulations and does not have universal background checks. Universal background checks only works if all states go to it. Since it is a problem that crosses state lines, the Feds can pass laws to require universal background checks and probably will now. Unless Moscow Mitch blocks it, that is. But he can only do it for so long. it's coming.
You’re clueless, What works for urban America certainly does not work for rural America and vice versa.
Never has never will
I admittedly lack sufficient knowledge about guns and gun ammunition to make any declarative statements but thinking about it I don't know if limiting the amount of bullets someone has available to them is going to make as much of an impact as limiting the power of the gun shooting the bullet...
What do you mean by "power"?

The strength of the gun itself and the bullet it shoots.
I admittedly lack sufficient knowledge about guns and gun ammunition to make any declarative statements but thinking about it I don't know if limiting the amount of bullets someone has available to them is going to make as much of an impact as limiting the power of the gun shooting the bullet...
What do you mean by "power"?

The strength of the gun itself and the bullet it shoots.
People kill people firearms do not
Dudes. I hope you've got your pearls and fainting couches handy...

New Zealand gun buyback: 10,000 firearms returned after Christchurch attack


Police praise response after thousands of now-banned guns taken out of circulation in less than a month

More than 10,000 firearms have been bought by New Zealand’s government in less than a month as part of its gun buyback scheme following the Christchurch mosque shootings in March.
The governments gun-buyback scheme was launched in mid July. Since then, 10,242 firearms have been handed into police, with an additional 1,269 firearms handed in under amnesty.

The amnesty mean no questions will be asked by police about when or how owners acquired the now-banned weapons, even if they don’t have a current firearms licence or paperwork for the weapons.

Ninety gun collection events have been held around the country, New Zealand police said, attended by more than 7,000 firearms owners. In a statement New Zealand police praised gun owners’ engagement with the process, and said they were “really happy” with the public response.
Anyone can find dozens of news stories from NZ explaining what a fucking joke the 'buy-back' program was.

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