Zone1 Why Do Left Wing Blacks Ignore Black-on-Black Crime?

Blacks have a crime rate that is eight times the white rate. If there were no blacks in the United States the crime rate would be much lower. The cost of our criminal justice system would be lower. The downtown areas of our cities would not be crime infested slums. They would be centers of civilization.
We should have gotten Mexicans to pick our cotton.
This is a prime example of the problem in America. Whites commit the most crimes, but they try excusing their problem by saying it's because there are more of them. Then we see idiots creating threads like this. So let's talk about it. I really don't think you want to.

Whites have a history of criminal behavior that started at the very beginning of this country. Whites have elected numerous criminals to make laws in this country. Whites organized crime and made it a corporate business. Whites control the manufacturing, shipment, and distribution of drugs in this country. Whites made two of the most destructive drugs legal, creating millions of addicted citizens. I am talking about alcohol and nicotine. Whites have embezzled and scammed people out of trillions of dollars in the years America has been a country. Whites control the manufacturing, shipping, sales, and distribution of deadly weapons in this country.

So you really have no question that blacks need to answer. Fix crime in the white community so there will be no ability for white organized crime to be wholesale distributors of guns and drugs.
You still don't get it do you.

Take 2000 whites.
Of that 2000, 100 commit crimes, that's 5% of the population

Take 500 Blacks.
Of that 500 75 commit crimes, that's 15% of the population.

Of the above scenario, which ethnicity has the bigger crime population? Bet you won't answer the question.

And no one is forcing the black community into drugs and guns. That personal choice. Stop deflecting. Take personal accountability for your race's vices.
This is a prime example of the problem in America. Whites commit the most crimes, but they try excusing their problem by saying it's because there are more of them. Then we see idiots creating threads like this. So let's talk about it. I really don't think you want to.
I love to talk about black social pathology. This is what you do not want to talk about:

"The Color of Crime," 2016 Revised Edition By Edwin S. Rubenstein New Century Foundation

Crime rates​

  • There are dramatic race differences in crime rates. Asians have the lowest rates, followed by whites, and then Hispanics. Blacks have notably high crime rates. This pattern holds true for virtually all crime categories and for virtually all age groups.
  • In 2013, a black was six times more likely than a nonblack to commit murder, and 12 times more likely to murder someone of another race than to be murdered by someone of another race.
  • Interracial crime​

    • In 2013, of the approximately 660,000 crimes of interracial violence that involved blacks and whites, blacks were the perpetrators 85 percent of the time. This meant a black person was 27 times more likely to attack a white person than vice versa. A Hispanic was eight times more likely to attack a white person than vice versa.
Whites do not excuse or justify criminal conduct by whites. Blacks excuse all criminal conduct by blacks.

IM2 did not answer so I'll ask everyone else. Who's fault is this?

Among Detroit fourth-graders, 4% scored at or above proficient in math and 5% did so in reading. The nationwide figures for proficiency in math and reading at public schools were 40% and 35%, respectively.
The prime problem with America is black criminals. They are destroying every major city because Democrats want their votes. So they allow them to get away with bloody murder. The system won't lock up blacks because they don't want to look racist. They are fine allowing their cities to become Gotham City. You probably live in a safe white town. Then you go and talk out of your hat about my people?
Stop saying stupid shit like this.
They are destroying every major city because Democrats want their votes.
I love to talk about black social pathology. This is what you do not want to talk about:

"The Color of Crime," 2016 Revised Edition By Edwin S. Rubenstein New Century Foundation

Crime rates​

  • There are dramatic race differences in crime rates. Asians have the lowest rates, followed by whites, and then Hispanics. Blacks have notably high crime rates. This pattern holds true for virtually all crime categories and for virtually all age groups.
  • In 2013, a black was six times more likely than a nonblack to commit murder, and 12 times more likely to murder someone of another race than to be murdered by someone of another race.

  • Interracial crime​

    • In 2013, of the approximately 660,000 crimes of interracial violence that involved blacks and whites, blacks were the perpetrators 85 percent of the time. This meant a black person was 27 times more likely to attack a white person than vice versa. A Hispanic was eight times more likely to attack a white person than vice versa.
And there are reasons Asians and Muslims don't commit crime like blacks do. We didn't cut Muslims and Asians off from any and all economic opportunities. In fact, Metro Detroit put the Arabs in between us and Detroit as sort of a buffer. So blacks do have an argument here.

But also, I don't think anyone cares anymore. Yes a lot of whites are racist in America. Does that mean it's our fault that Among Detroit fourth-graders, 4% scored at or above proficient in math and 5% did so in reading?

If it's not completely our fault, and it's not, then blacks need to do better.
Stop saying stupid shit like this.
No, It's accurate with the demographics changing. Big city's Democrat DA and elected officials have turned a blind eye to crimes blacks commit. They call rioters protestors. They don't care about crimes in NYC unless it is an alleged White perp. Then they throw the sink at white people. Plaster faces and bring up the white race but refuse to identify the blacks as black five teens lied about a White woman and probably ruined her life over a bike she paid for. Democrats are kissing the wrong ass. They are scared of blacks and making everyone less safe by putting targets on White people's heads. They feel like they can do that and get away with it because it's true there was a time blacks would get shot for acting like they were in a purge film or copying GTA in real life. But no more. It's encouraged to be a criminal by the Democrats facts and rules no longer apply all because of BLM.
IM2 did not answer so I'll ask everyone else. Who's fault is this?

Among Detroit fourth-graders, 4% scored at or above proficient in math and 5% did so in reading. The nationwide figures for proficiency in math and reading at public schools were 40% and 35%, respectively.
They might be low IQ. But that would make too much sense, right?
No, It's accurate with the demographics changing. Big city's Democrat DA and elected officials have turned a blind eye to crimes blacks commit. They call rioters protestors. They don't care about crimes in NYC unless it is an alleged White perp. Then they throw the sink at white people. Plaster faces and bring up the white race but refuse to identify the blacks as black five teens lied about a White woman and probably ruined her life over a bike she paid for. Democrats are kissing the wrong ass. They are scared of blacks and making everyone less safe by putting targets on White people's heads. They feel like they can do that and get away with it because it's true there was a time blacks would get shot for acting like they were in a purge film or copying GTA in real life. But no more. It's encouraged to be a criminal by the Democrats facts and rules no longer apply all because of BLM.

Don't you think law abiding blacks would vote against Democrats if they were coddling criminals to get their votes? Let me remind you, these people don't vote. Look at what percent of blacks vote. It certainly isn't the criminal types. So your conspiracy theory is wacky.

OMG are you still trying to make a big deal over that video with the crying pregnant nurse and 5 black kids? LOL. That must be going around the right wing blogasphere.

You sound like the Nazi who crashed his Uhaul at the White House

They might be low IQ. But that would make too much sense, right?

Well if these numbers are true, that would account for why so few blacks are in corporate America or why so few of them have upper management positions. If only 4-5% of them are proficient in Math and reading then it is their fault they aren't getting hired.

Then that explains why their unemployment rates are higher than ours.

That would explain why we pay blacks 75 cents on the dollar.

I think this statistic says a lot about the black community. And it aint good. It's also not our fault.

I mean, it may be our fault why their ancestors were put into ghettos and for centuries we wouldn't hire negros, not even in sports. So we are at fault honestly. But how long is it going to be our fault? I get it that we were responsible for this in 1960 maybe even 1970 but who's fault is it that in 1980 Temiqua raised ignorant children who score below proficient in math and reading.

Fast forward 1990. Is it still our fault black kids in Detroit don't know English or Math?

How about 2000?


2020? It's still our fault? Hey black people. When is this number going to go up? And what can we do to help? Since it's our fault.
I want to help all the little black kids in 2030 score above proficient in Math and English. Or I want to see that number go up from 4% of them are at or above proficient to at least 20% of them. Can black parents do this?

It's pretty bad the national averages are 35-40%. But I'm sure the blacks numbers are bringing the overall number down. Take out blacks probably 65% of white kids are at or above proficient in math and english. Maybe even 70%. I can't believe it's lower than that but I forget about white hillbillies in red states. They're pretty dumb too.
No, It's accurate with the demographics changing. Big city's Democrat DA and elected officials have turned a blind eye to crimes blacks commit. They call rioters protestors. They don't care about crimes in NYC unless it is an alleged White perp. Then they throw the sink at white people. Plaster faces and bring up the white race but refuse to identify the blacks as black five teens lied about a White woman and probably ruined her life over a bike she paid for. Democrats are kissing the wrong ass. They are scared of blacks and making everyone less safe by putting targets on White people's heads. They feel like they can do that and get away with it because it's true there was a time blacks would get shot for acting like they were in a purge film or copying GTA in real life. But no more. It's encouraged to be a criminal by the Democrats facts and rules no longer apply all because of BLM.
Crime and raced are the Democrats' weakest issues, and the Republicans' strongest issues. Democrat politicians who attend the funerals of black criminals killed at the scene of their most recent crimes do not seem to understand that.
Don't you think law abiding blacks would vote against Democrats if they were coddling criminals to get their votes? Let me remind you, these people don't vote. Look at what percent of blacks vote. It certainly isn't the criminal types. So your conspiracy theory is wacky.

OMG are you still trying to make a big deal over that video with the crying pregnant nurse and 5 black kids? LOL. That must be going around the right wing blogasphere.

You sound like the Nazi who crashed his Uhaul at the White House

There aren't many good Samaritan blacks like Tim Scott and Larry Elder when someone kills a black guy or woman. They burn down their entire community and call it a peaceful protest. You must think so little of the holocaust to throw around terms like a nazi. But that's you, and that lady got doxed for her skin color. I hope and pray she' sues and wins. She's innocent, but how typical of you would defend five criminals, right you would have let them take your wallet. Anyone who stands up for themselves is considered racist I don't care what you think. What I said is what I said.
You see it all the time and that is left-wing blacks' refusal to discuss black-on-black crime. Why is that?
The plan of the Democratic Party is to blame everything bad that happens to blacks on the evil white man and demand millions in reparations. Black on black crime doesn’t fit that agenda.

Of course the Democrats will never deliver on the reparations but will blame it on those nasty Republicans. The blacks will buy that bullshit like always and continue to vote for Democrats hoping to score a big windfall.

In a decade or so, American will have the most if not all of the most dangerous big cites in the world. We already have one city on that list.


7. St. Louis, United States - 87.83 Homicides/100K​

Crime and raced are the Democrats' weakest issues, and the Republicans' strongest issues. Democrat politicians who attend the funerals of black criminals killed at the scene of their most recent crimes do not seem to understand that.
You're right. The Democrats don't understand the situation and are always on the wrong side of that coin. They protect criminals and condemn anyone who defends themselves. It's mind-boggling.
Don't you think law abiding blacks would vote against Democrats if they were coddling criminals to get their votes? Let me remind you, these people don't vote. Look at what percent of blacks vote. It certainly isn't the criminal types. So your conspiracy theory is wacky.

OMG are you still trying to make a big deal over that video with the crying pregnant nurse and 5 black kids? LOL. That must be going around the right wing blogasphere.

You sound like the Nazi who crashed his Uhaul at the White House

Oh you mean the black Nazi with the Indian name. Yes. Certainly a white supremacist if ever I saw one.
Mexicans are less likely to cause problems than Negroes. Nevertheless, Southern whites should have grown their own cotton and tobacco.
Or bring in Tamils (being paid for their hard work) just as the British did in South-East-Asia.

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