Why do liberals always phrase pro-life in quotes? "pro-life"?

Also, how's the foodstamp thing going? I've talked to several women today who are trying to figure out why their foodstamps have dropped drastically this month.

What should I tell them?

Tell them this: House passes GOP plan to slash food stamp funding

The Republican-backed plan, which would cut about $39 billion in funding for food-stamp programs over the next decade, differs sharply from a bipartisan Senate proposal passed in June, and its passage is likely to further strain relations between the two chambers as they prepare to spend the next several weeks battling over a short-term budget deal and raising the federal debt limit.

Oh, fraid not.

The reason they are being slashed this month has nothing to do with that.

"There's a big automatic cut scheduled for Nov. 1, as a temporary boost from the 2009 stimulus bill expires. That change will trim about $5 billion from federal food-stamp spending over the coming year."

"...even if the cuts in the House bill fail, many states could act on their own to shrink the number of food-stamp recipients."

Food stamps will get cut by $5 billion this week ? and more cuts could follow

brought to you by the stimulus crooks.
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Also, how's the foodstamp thing going? I've talked to several women today who are trying to figure out why their foodstamps have dropped drastically this month.

What should I tell them?

Tell them this: House passes GOP plan to slash food stamp funding

The Republican-backed plan, which would cut about $39 billion in funding for food-stamp programs over the next decade, differs sharply from a bipartisan Senate proposal passed in June, and its passage is likely to further strain relations between the two chambers as they prepare to spend the next several weeks battling over a short-term budget deal and raising the federal debt limit.

Oh, fraid not.

The reason they are being slashed this month has nothing to do with that.

"There's a big automatic cut scheduled for Nov. 1, as a temporary boost from the 2009 stimulus bill expires. That change will trim about $5 billion from federal food-stamp spending over the coming year."

"...even if the cuts in the House bill fail, many states could act on their own to shrink the number of food-stamp recipients."

Food stamps will get cut by $5 billion this week ? and more cuts could follow

brought to you by the stimulus crooks.

I'm sure that brigades of "pro-life" people will be out in force to aid the hungry. That is, if they can tear themselves away from protesting clinics and shooting doctors.
Of course they are. You realize that most food pantries are manned and housed by churches, right?

It's the same people.
It won't be, because the leftist weirdoes are doing everything they can to interfere and prevent them from doing it.

******* freaks. Abortion ends a life, how is one opposed to willing abortion not pro-life? Why the quotes?

If a fetus isn't a being deserving of rights, why is she referring to it as her son?

Because you are not "Pro-Life". You are Pro-Pregnant.

After the baby is born you don't give two shits about the health, welfare or education of the baby.

You lie about not wanting "The Government" invovled in Health Care because you will rant and rave about banning abortion.

You lie out your eye teeth and you know.

If you supported the Wars in Afghanistan and Iraq you are NOT "Pro-Life".

If you support Capital Punishment you are not "Pro-Life".

Jesus (THE MAN BORN OF WOMAN) never said one word about Abortion.

You lie and you continue to lie.
Not true. And irrelevant.

You maintain that babies should be killed if we can't guarantee them a perfect life. Is that about it?

Should we kill you? Is your life perfect? How's your quality of life? I bet I wouldn't be impressed with it. Do yourself a favor now, and die. I mean, isn't that what you suggest for babies?
the 'death for life' club, to which some on the Board here belong, want no abortions period; just forget the mother's health or whatever.
Shut the hell up, weirdo. And stop plagarizing me or I'm going to start calling you Maddow.

Oh, fraid not.

The reason they are being slashed this month has nothing to do with that.

"There's a big automatic cut scheduled for Nov. 1, as a temporary boost from the 2009 stimulus bill expires. That change will trim about $5 billion from federal food-stamp spending over the coming year."

"...even if the cuts in the House bill fail, many states could act on their own to shrink the number of food-stamp recipients."

Food stamps will get cut by $5 billion this week ? and more cuts could follow

brought to you by the stimulus crooks.

I'm sure that brigades of "pro-life" people will be out in force to aid the hungry. That is, if they can tear themselves away from protesting clinics and shooting doctors.

I help at our Church food bank four times a month giving out free food to deserving folks. What do you do?
Oh, fraid not.

The reason they are being slashed this month has nothing to do with that.

"There's a big automatic cut scheduled for Nov. 1, as a temporary boost from the 2009 stimulus bill expires. That change will trim about $5 billion from federal food-stamp spending over the coming year."

"...even if the cuts in the House bill fail, many states could act on their own to shrink the number of food-stamp recipients."

Food stamps will get cut by $5 billion this week ? and more cuts could follow

brought to you by the stimulus crooks.

I'm sure that brigades of "pro-life" people will be out in force to aid the hungry. That is, if they can tear themselves away from protesting clinics and shooting doctors.

I help at our Church food bank four times a month giving out free food to deserving folks. What do you do?

I do the Church food basket thing too. I also donate to food drives and food banks when I am able. I donate clothing and bedding to the Salvation Army. I donate to other charities when I am able to do so. I have been on the receiving end of charity before, and I believe in giving back to the community. Kudos to you and others who give generously of their time, material, and money to those in need.

******* freaks. Abortion ends a life, how is one opposed to willing abortion not pro-life? Why the quotes?

If a fetus isn't a being deserving of rights, why is she referring to it as her son?

Because you are not "Pro-Life". You are Pro-Pregnant.

After the baby is born you don't give two shits about the health, welfare or education of the baby.

You lie about not wanting "The Government" invovled in Health Care because you will rant and rave about banning abortion.

You lie out your eye teeth and you know.

If you supported the Wars in Afghanistan and Iraq you are NOT "Pro-Life".

If you support Capital Punishment you are not "Pro-Life".

Jesus (THE MAN BORN OF WOMAN) never said one word about Abortion.

You lie and you continue to lie.

We adopted two children and had three of our own. That means we give a lot more than two shits about the health, welfare and education of children.

I don't want the government managing health care for everyone in the US because all it does is add a HUGE government bureaucracy to the system that adds billions to the cost of health care.

I supported the war in Afghanistan because the worst attack on the US since Pearl Harbor originated from there. Iraq was a humanitarian effort to depose a despot that killed thousands of his own people and threatened to disrupt the World's oil supply from the middle east.

I support capital punishment in cases where the perp is a mass murderer or kills or rapes a child. Crimes of passion deserve imprisonment, not the death penalty IMHO.

And, I have no reason to lie, I am more conservative than liberal on most positions and you can use the Jesus reference if you are a Christian. If you are not, get lost. And I assure you that Jesus would not condone abortion. There weren't a lot of that going around when he was on this earth.
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Shut the hell up, weirdo. And stop plagarizing me or I'm going to start calling you Maddow.

You have not had an original thought in many, many years, loony lady. :lol:

You are anti-life.

Where was it that I posted that the nazis employed propaganda that insisted that death was for life, and where did I share that the leftist loons liked to pretend that killing babies was good for them, and saving them was *cruel*?

Oh yeah, about 6 posts above.

I'm always torn between thinking you are the most pathetic copy cat in the world...who deserves to be pitied...

Or suspecting you are some weird psychotic dude who does it on purpose. Crazy people can be cunning that way.

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