Why do liberals always phrase pro-life in quotes? "pro-life"?

Sure you do.

So, what do you want? Receipts? Testimonials? What have you done? Can you prove it? If not, STFU.

I just know that the people who stupidly claim that pro-lifers don't care about children typically don't care about children, themselves. They certainly have no concept of who it is that mans the institutions that support and provide for the most vulnerable...and typically, they assign their own callousness to US. YOU want to kill babies so YOU will not have to care for them...so you assume that even though we want to save them, we, also, will refuse to care for them.

It's demonstrably untrue. Churches and Christians, who comprise the huge majority of pro-lifers, do more for the children of the poor, WORLD WIDE, than any other group on earth.
I'm sure that brigades of "pro-life" people will be out in force to aid the hungry. That is, if they can tear themselves away from protesting clinics and shooting doctors.

I help at our Church food bank four times a month giving out free food to deserving folks. What do you do?

I do the Church food basket thing too. I also donate to food drives and food banks when I am able. I donate clothing and bedding to the Salvation Army. I donate to other charities when I am able to do so. I have been on the receiving end of charity before, and I believe in giving back to the community. Kudos to you and others who give generously of their time, material, and money to those in need.

I do all of that as well, just didn't mention it. And, the folks that are volunteering their time and money to the food bank are overwhelmingly conservative and pro-life. Kudos backatcha! On edit, the Catholic Church is pro-life and give more to the poor all over the world than any other organization. Having said that, I assure you I am not a Catholic, but I have a sister who is.
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******* freaks. Abortion ends a life, how is one opposed to willing abortion not pro-life? Why the quotes?

If a fetus isn't a being deserving of rights, why is she referring to it as her son?

Well that would be because "pro-life" is very much a propaganda term designed to assert that the abortion issue is a pro/anti life issue when it is no such thing. And liberals are not the only ones to think so.
Yes, they are.
Abortion is, by definition, the killing of an unborn child. Sorry, you can't get around it.
Sure you do.

So, what do you want? Receipts? Testimonials? What have you done? Can you prove it? If not, STFU.

I just know that the people who stupidly claim that pro-lifers don't care about children typically don't care about children, themselves. They certainly have no concept of who it is that mans the institutions that support and provide for the most vulnerable...and typically, they assign their own callousness to US. YOU want to kill babies so YOU will not have to care for them...so you assume that even though we want to save them, we, also, will refuse to care for them.

It's demonstrably untrue. Churches and Christians, who comprise the huge majority of pro-lifers, do more for the children of the poor, WORLD WIDE, than any other group on earth.

I have four kids, two natural and two adopted. I certainly do care about children and their welfare. If "pro-lifers" care about the institutions that support and provide for the vulnerable, why do they always want to cut those programs? Food stamps, WIC, and AFDC are all government programs to help the vulnerable. All you hear from the right is how the recipients are leeches, welfare queens, and a bevy of other more unsavory names.

"YOU want to kill babies so YOU will not have to care for them". I want no such thing. I simply maintain that abortion is not anyone's business outside of the mother, father, and physician. I don't want to insert myself into what must be a heart wrenching decision. It is YOUR side that wants to do that.
Yes, they are.
Abortion is, by definition, the killing of an unborn child. Sorry, you can't get around it.

No. By definition it is a fetus or fertilized egg. The "unborn child" BS is more propaganda from the same folks (and for the same purpose) who coined "pro-life".
Would you call a person who gives a man head a cannibal? Same difference.
Shut the hell up, weirdo. And stop plagarizing me or I'm going to start calling you Maddow.

You have not had an original thought in many, many years, loony lady. :lol:

You are anti-life.

Where was it that I posted that the nazis employed propaganda that insisted that death was for life, and where did I share that the leftist loons liked to pretend that killing babies was good for them, and saving them was *cruel*? Oh yeah, about 6 posts above. I'm always torn between thinking you are the most pathetic copy cat in the world...who deserves to be pitied... Or suspecting you are some weird psychotic dude who does it on purpose. Crazy people can be cunning that way.

You are the most deluded woman on the board. The other women who are nice to you do it because they so pity you. Somebody should, I suppose.

[Hands the crazy anti-life lady a bag of bread crumbs for the pigeons she lures to her cats, tips his hat, and keeps on walking]
So, what do you want? Receipts? Testimonials? What have you done? Can you prove it? If not, STFU.

I just know that the people who stupidly claim that pro-lifers don't care about children typically don't care about children, themselves. They certainly have no concept of who it is that mans the institutions that support and provide for the most vulnerable...and typically, they assign their own callousness to US. YOU want to kill babies so YOU will not have to care for them...so you assume that even though we want to save them, we, also, will refuse to care for them.

It's demonstrably untrue. Churches and Christians, who comprise the huge majority of pro-lifers, do more for the children of the poor, WORLD WIDE, than any other group on earth.

I have four kids, two natural and two adopted. I certainly do care about children and their welfare. If "pro-lifers" care about the institutions that support and provide for the vulnerable, why do they always want to cut those programs? Food stamps, WIC, and AFDC are all government programs to help the vulnerable. All you hear from the right is how the recipients are leeches, welfare queens, and a bevy of other more unsavory names.

"YOU want to kill babies so YOU will not have to care for them". I want no such thing. I simply maintain that abortion is not anyone's business outside of the mother, father, and physician. I don't want to insert myself into what must be a heart wrenching decision. It is YOUR side that wants to do that.

I guess I must be an almost pro-lifer. My criteria is simple. If you can put your ear on a pregnant woman's stomach and hear two heart beats, one of them is hers and the other belongs to baby and aborting it is killing a baby. Any doctor that would be a part of that is guilty of murder IMHO.

And, murder in any form, is certainly the business of society. As an aside, to the best of my knowledge, a father has no say in whether the mother of his child does or does not have an abortion. Further, my guess is 80% of the abortions are performed on single women who don't know who the father is.
Probably because the very same "pro-life" people are also pro-death penalty, pro-war, anti-healthcare, and anti-social safety net. They only seem to value life as long as it's a fetus. Once born, they quickly lose interest.

Protection of an innocent life is not only justified by the protection of the life of a heinous murderer..

And if you were so fucking 'just' in your wish to help others with social safety nets or healthcare, you would give of yourself rather than forcing it upon the earnings of others.. you seem to only value generosity when it is force funded from others
The correct term is anti-choice if someone is opposed to legal abortion.

Nope. The correct term is pro-life, or pro-abortion.

Sorry skippy.


adjective \(ˌ)prō-ˈlīf\ : opposed to abortion

Full Definition of PRO-LIFE

: opposed to abortion

Pro-life - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

As usual, you can't read. I said opposed to LEGAL abortion. The term for that is anti-choice.

One can be personally opposed to abortion without wanting to make it illegal, just as one can be personally opposed to using alcohol or tobacco, without wanting to make it illegal.
You can call it anti-choice if you like. Of course that's not truthful. The real anti-choice are the ones who support the right of mothers, doctors and abusers to limit the choice of the child to life in the first place.

In the real world, pr0-lifers are recognized as anti-abortion...

and pro-abortionists are those who think abortion is a fantastic expression of a woman's right to get laid by men who treat her like shit.
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You can call it anti-choice if you like. Of course that's not truthful. The real anti-choice are the ones who support the right of mothers, doctors and abusers to limit the choice of the child to life in the first place.

In the real world, pr0-lifers are recognized and anti-abortion...

and pro-abortionists are those who think abortion is a fantastic expression of a woman's right to get laid by men who treat her like shit.

Are you against a woman having the legal right to choose an abortion or not?
I'm against the abuse of women by men who don't want her to have a child, or other people who want to hide the fact that they are screwing the young women in their care.

I'm against the taking of innocent life.

Are you for killing via abortion, or not?

So you support the *right* of a woman to hide the fact that she's been raped and impregnated via coerced abortion, in order to protect her abuser?

Of course you do.
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The correct term is anti-choice if someone is opposed to legal abortion.

Nope. The correct term is pro-life, or pro-abortion.

Sorry skippy.


adjective \(ˌ)prō-ˈlīf\ : opposed to abortion

Full Definition of PRO-LIFE

: opposed to abortion

Pro-life - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

As usual, you can't read. I said opposed to LEGAL abortion. The term for that is anti-choice.

One can be personally opposed to abortion without wanting to make it illegal, just as one can be personally opposed to using alcohol or tobacco, without wanting to make it illegal.


No one is ‘pro-abortion,’ all seek to see the practice ended.

The conflict is over how to realize that goal, where those opposed to abortion are also opposed to ‘banning’ abortion not only because it’s un-Constitutional, but because it simply won’t work.

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