Why do liberals always phrase pro-life in quotes? "pro-life"?

They are not pro life because in many cases, they don't give a shit about the life of the mother.
Again, ‘pro-life’ is a moronic, idiotic phrase, it’s demagoguery and intended only to be divisive. That one is opposed to ‘banning’ abortion because it violates the right to privacy, empowers the state at the expense of individual liberty, and fails to address the problem does not mean one is not opposed to seeing the practice ended.
Again, ‘pro-life’ is a moronic, idiotic phrase, it’s demagoguery and intended only to be divisive. That one is opposed to ‘banning’ abortion because it violates the right to privacy, empowers the state at the expense of individual liberty, and fails to address the problem does not mean one is not opposed to seeing the practice ended.

Why not require the female to have the baby. Then she can decide to have it killed if she thinks it is too big, too small, the wrong gender or color. Or if she can't afford to raise it for whatever reason. Dead is dead, later than sooner.
Why do liberals always phrase pro-life in quotes? "pro-life"?
Sarcasm. Cons pretend to be "pro-life". But you can't be if you're "pro-war", or "pro-death penalty." By forcing women to have kids they can't afford, they cons cause more pain and suffering to the kids and the mother. Cons are all about causing pain and suffering to 98% of this country. The last government shutdown proved that.
Probably because the very same "pro-life" people are also pro-death penalty, pro-war, anti-healthcare, and anti-social safety net. They only seem to value life as long as it's a fetus. Once born, they quickly lose interest.

Protection of an innocent life is not only justified by the protection of the life of a heinous murderer..

And if you were so fucking 'just' in your wish to help others with social safety nets or healthcare, you would give of yourself rather than forcing it upon the earnings of others.. you seem to only value generosity when it is force funded from others

See? Another conflicted pro-life / let him die conservative. Life is important, just not on your dime.

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