Why do Liberals Believe that Higher Taxes cause Economic Booms?

Liberals really don't care about economics. They believe that taking from those that "have", to give to those that "need" is the way we create a more "just" society. If you disagree you are a selfish asshole.

That's what republicans believe only in reverse.

BOTH parties have become obsessed with wealth redistribution toward their base.

The dems and repubs are simply mirror images of one another. And both parties are toxic and cancerous.

The major difference is this - Republicans want you to keep you OWN money - to spend or invest as YOU see fit. Democrats want to take YOUR money and give it to people that will vote for them. :clap2:
The major difference is this - Republicans want you to keep you OWN money - to spend or invest as YOU see fit. Democrats want to take YOUR money and give it to people that will vote for them. :clap2:

THAT'S what republicans want to do!


They are both hell bent on wealth redistribution to buy votes!
How is keeping more of what you earn "wealth redistribution?"

the wealthy don't do "earned income". Take a basic accounting course.

But that's offtopic. Corporate welfare is a far larger part of the budget than poverty welfare. THAT is wealth redistribution! Writ large!
How is keeping more of what you earn "wealth redistribution?"

tax & spend (dems) vs. borrow & spend (repubs).

Dems have been better for the deficit, until Obama, and he is trying to keep the great recession from becoming great depression II, and this was handed to him by the repubs (a near collapse of the economy, according to Greenspan).

August 02, 2009

"There's been a very significant improvement in the financial system and it's been the financial system where the problems have been," he said.

When I asked him about the possibility of a collapse, Greenspan responded, “Collapse now, I think, is off the table.”

When he last appeared on “This Week” in September 2008, the economy was in the midst of the financial crisis which Greenspan then called a "once-in-a-century type event."

This morning, he told me that the U.S. economy had gotten past the crisis.

"We were teetering for awhile,” he said, “but I do think that the TARP program, for example, was very helpful in shoring up the capitals, that stock of banks and the like. And not an insignificant event is the $3.5 trillion increase in the stock market value of American corporations.
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The answer to your question, Mal, can be answered with just a few short words: Because conservatives believe that lower taxes cause economic booms.

Liberals don't have to think about it. All they need to know is what conservatives believe and they choose the opposite. /duck :eusa_whistle:

Who's a deficit hawk? Giving $700 billion in tax cuts to those who will not use that money to stimulate the economy makes no sense.

It's consumer spending that drives the economy. giving as much money to those able to spread it around will stimulate the economy. The rich will not and cannot spend the way the middle class can. Why? Too few rich and too many shelters for their gains.

And the middle class needs the extra money to survive. The rich need the money to hoard. Which plan most drives the economy?
The last time we had marginal tax rates of 70% was in the 1970s, and that was hardly a booming economy. Stagflation anyone?

And that 70% rate applied to incomes over $200,000, which in today's dollars is over $800,000.

From 1940 to 1963 the tax rate on the 2%ers rarely dipped below 90+ percent.

It is the years most cons think of when they think of the good ole days in the US.

We had a great economy, excellent infrastructure and the best schools in the world.
How is keeping more of what you earn "wealth redistribution?"
Wealth redistribution has already happened. The middle class sees stagnant and falling wages. The rich own more wealth than ever. When the top 1% of wage earners own 70% of the wealth while the bottom 90% own merely 25%, I'd say the trickle down program of wealth redistribution has accomplished its goals.

It's time to balance the ledger.
Why do Liberals Believe that Higher Taxes cause Economic Booms?

What it must be like in the Mind of a Liberal... Arguably a Marxist. I had a Discussion with noted Boulder Leftist David Sirota this morning about Taxes and Economic Growth.

His Argument was that since the Economy was good during Clinton that it had to do with Clinton's Tax Rates and that returning to those by letting the Bush Era Cuts expire, will return us to that Boom...

How can anyone be that Ignorant of Economics and be lacking in basic Common Sense?

The rates increased at the top end from 31% to 39.6% under Clinton and the 2-year DemocRAT Congress he had.

The Boom happened in spite of the tax rates and was based on demand in the Tech Sector, from businesses networking computers, to People wanting computers, gadgets and toys in their own Homes...

It was also a product of Irrational Exuberance and easy/reckless lending and LOTS of borrowing against the unrealistically, ever increasing in value housing market.

The Funny thing is that David Sirota has acknowledged this in the past.

But when it comes to tax rates, clearly Clinton's taxes were what caused it.

But here’s a little secret about that period of time… The 10-year Economic Expansion began in March of 1991 and ended in March of 2001.

Clinton didn't take Office until January of 1993 and his first Budget wasn't in place until almost 1994...

That Expansion began WELL before Clinton or the DemocRATS had ANY impact on it.

What happened in 1994?... That's right, the Republican Rout, followed by a Balanced Budget FORCED by Gingrich and the REPUBLICans that included Welfare Reform, something the DemocRAT Base almost Disowned Clinton for.

It's a LOT more complicated picture than the likes of David Sirota would want to admit.

And I have yet to have a Liberal explain this to me… What did the Federal Government do with the extra 8% in taxes it was getting that directly impacted the Economy and created Economic Growth?

I am Certain David doesn’t have an answer for that, but he does have a hold button and the ability to limit difficult Callers with Context and Substance to (1) minute as to Dishonestly continue his own Narrative.

The funny thing is, I called to tell him to stop referring to the Money that I Earn as something that the Government "gives" me when his discussing tax rates.

It's Offensive and Ignorant, and David is not a Stupid Man… But he’s obviously a Marxist and it shows.

This is how Liberals view your Income... It's the Collective’s first, and then they will see how much they feel that you Deserve of it.

Don’t EVER doubt that about the Left… To one level or another, they all feel this way about your Income and how you are a lucky, selfish son-of-a-bitch for daring to call your money your own FIRST.

If they had it their way, they would put all of the money in a pot and distribute as they feel is Fair and Equitable.

They talk a lot about “Fairness” when it comes to taxes and talk about how the Rich don’t pay their fair share…

50% of American’s don’t pay these taxes on Income…

You didn’t know that?… And what percentage of this 50% do you think Vote for DemocRATS who say they will raise the other 50%’s taxes to Subsidize their Lifestyles?

It’s worse than that… 5-10% of Americans pay the majority of Federal Income Taxes.

True Story.

Another True Story… Obama was for raising EVERYONE’S taxes, not just whatever he defined as “the Rich”, before he and his Party got their asses handed to them in November.

Don’t let these snake-oil salesmen Lie to you any longer.

Inform yourselves… You have the tools that Generations before you did not.

You have NO excuse to be the Ignorant puppets of these Marxists, so don’t…

Seriously, it makes the baby Jesus cry.

Copyright ©2010 - tha malcontent/americanfreepress.org



^ Mal's Best Post Evah!!!
There is only one reason: Liberals think that the Federal government IS the US economy, it plain fucking ignorance
The last time we had a top tax rate near as low as we have now was 1925 - 1931

Does the words great depression mean anything to you people?
The answer to your question, Mal, can be answered with just a few short words: Because conservatives believe that lower taxes cause economic booms.

Liberals don't have to think about it. All they need to know is what conservatives believe and they choose the opposite. /duck :eusa_whistle:

Who's a deficit hawk? Giving $700 billion in tax cuts to those who will not use that money to stimulate the economy makes no sense.

It's consumer spending that drives the economy. giving as much money to those able to spread it around will stimulate the economy. The rich will not and cannot spend the way the middle class can. Why? Too few rich and too many shelters for their gains.

And the middle class needs the extra money to survive. The rich need the money to hoard. Which plan most drives the economy?

What does that have to do with my post?

Is it not true that liberals only need look at what conservatives believe and they simply choose the opposite?

No its NOT true Immie

You would not know the truth if it bit you in the ass.

Also, I did not say that conservatives were right. I simply said that liberals only need to know what conservatives think and choose the opposite... think about it.

Merry Christmas

Because they do.

Simple as that.

Low tax or no tax countries are generally third world countries.

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