Why do Liberals Believe that Higher Taxes cause Economic Booms?

You are calling Liberals contraians and I laid out the rational case for the tax cuts to expire.

No, I am simply saying that liberals look at what conservatives believe and choose the opposite. In that post I did not say which one was right or wrong in regards to tax cuts. My personal belief is that there are times when tax cuts work and then there are times when they don't. This all or nothing philosophy that you all seem to have is foolish. I believe that there are times when tax cuts do work and that there are also times when increasing taxes are necessary. At this moment, I believe that whatever it takes to increase tax revenues will be superseded by a foolish congress that will take any increased revenue and spend it and more on pork.

If, in your world, Liberals believe the opposite of Conservatives for no real rational reason other than to be contrary, is the reverse true? Can we then reasonably believe that Conservatives hate a clean environment? That Conservatives find no real reason to keep working class families in good paying jobs? That Conservatives hate the freedoms of speech, religion and the right to collective bargaining?

All or nothing philosophy that (we) all seem to have? Check your history vis-a-vis Conservative dogma.

You will have to actually read the thread to see what I was saying. Here's a synopsis. It is obvious that TM didn't get it, but I am 100% confident that you have more intelligence than she does so I'll bet you understand.

It was a joke
. Understand?

I did not say that conservatives were right and liberals were wrong.

Basically what I said was that liberals simply need to know what conservatives believe and choose the other BECAUSE and here was where the joke came in:

1) they know that conservatives are always wrong and they simply choose the right answer based on what conservatives believe or

2) Liberals simply hate conservatives so much that they don't even think about it and just choose the opposite.

I was picking on both sides and I don't actually believe that all liberals do that nor are all conservatives wrong. It was just a little bit of kidding around with both sides thus the

in my original post.

And the "all or nothing philosophy" does appear to relate to both sides of the political spectrum. Conservatives seem to live in this fantasy world that says if you cut taxes for the rich they will undoubtedly put that money to use in providing jobs for the middle class, while liberals seem to think that cutting taxes for the middle class and the poor is always the answer. My point is, was and always will be that neither one of these "answers" work all the time, nor do either one of these answers fail all the time.

Apparently rdean is still trying to Figger it out.



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