Why Do Liberals Want More Gun Laws? They Don't Enforce The Ones We Have..and Break Them...

EXCLUSIVE: Obama Rarely Prosecuted Criminals Who Sought To Buy Guns Illegally

"More than 100,000 convicted felons or other “prohibited persons” tried to buy guns each year during President Barack Obama’s administration by lying on their applications, but the Justice Department only considered prosecuting about 30 to 40 people each year.

The Obama administration may have publicly aligned itself with anti-gun activists, but it consistently turned a blind eye to prosecute known criminals who tried to buy guns."

That's understandable / obvious considering Barry ran / sold guns to The Muslim Brotherhood, the PLO, Al Qaeda, ISIS, and Mexican Drug Cartels....
They don't want to slow down criminals. They like criminals. Criminals and crazies are the commie footsoldiers.

They want to make it impossible for us to defend ourselves from them.
It's the same old pattern:

Government corruption and/or incompetence screws something up.

Innocent people are forced to pay for it by having their rights violated by the state.

TSA anyone?
I lived there for 5 1/2 years, and crime there was almost non existent. There were a few stupid liberals(redundant statement again), but they either lost their hand or head, depending on the crime....

Great . Except they trade freedom for that “safety”.
I wouldn't need any guns if the bad guys were executed. Isnt that a fair trade?

Good guys wh guns become bad guys with guns as soon as the gun is used for bad .
Bad guys with cars run over people on a NYC bridge...Shall all cars be banned?

Here we go again with literally the dumbest argument someone can make against sensible gun laws.
/——-/ Hitler had sensible gun laws, only Nazi could own them.
It's the same old pattern:

Government corruption and/or incompetence screws something up.

Innocent people are forced to pay for it by having their rights violated by the state.

TSA anyone?

Your analogy doesn’t make sense . It was the private airline /security failures that lead to 9/11, which led to the creation of the TSA.
To the crazy angry left, the term "gun laws" is meaningless except as a political cliche. Democrats used to get away with political cliches before the internet and the age of information but they still use the same old tired playbook. Maybe that's why they lost most important elections in the last six years.
It's the same old pattern:

Government corruption and/or incompetence screws something up.

Innocent people are forced to pay for it by having their rights violated by the state.

TSA anyone?

Your analogy doesn’t make sense . It was the private airline /security failures that lead to 9/11, which led to the creation of the TSA.
It makes sense to those of us who don't live in an alternate reality.
It's the same old pattern:

Government corruption and/or incompetence screws something up.

Innocent people are forced to pay for it by having their rights violated by the state.

TSA anyone?

Your analogy doesn’t make sense . It was the private airline /security failures that lead to 9/11, which led to the creation of the TSA.
It makes sense to those of us who don't live in an alternate reality.
Don’t live ??? Fine , explain to me how that analogy makes sense .
Let's enforce background checks...100%

Translation: Let's get rid of incompetent and corrupt people in government. The problems with enforcement are the flaws of the government (not gun ownership by law-abiding people, btw.)
They want more guns for the criminals and less guns for people to defend themselves with.
EXCLUSIVE: Obama Rarely Prosecuted Criminals Who Sought To Buy Guns Illegally

"More than 100,000 convicted felons or other “prohibited persons” tried to buy guns each year during President Barack Obama’s administration by lying on their applications, but the Justice Department only considered prosecuting about 30 to 40 people each year.

The Obama administration may have publicly aligned itself with anti-gun activists, but it consistently turned a blind eye to prosecute known criminals who tried to buy guns."

That's understandable / obvious considering Barry ran / sold guns to The Muslim Brotherhood, the PLO, Al Qaeda, ISIS, and Mexican Drug Cartels....

Queasy gets ALL of his education from the Daily BAWLER.......LOL
EXCLUSIVE: Obama Rarely Prosecuted Criminals Who Sought To Buy Guns Illegally

"More than 100,000 convicted felons or other “prohibited persons” tried to buy guns each year during President Barack Obama’s administration by lying on their applications, but the Justice Department only considered prosecuting about 30 to 40 people each year.

The Obama administration may have publicly aligned itself with anti-gun activists, but it consistently turned a blind eye to prosecute known criminals who tried to buy guns."

That's understandable / obvious considering Barry ran / sold guns to The Muslim Brotherhood, the PLO, Al Qaeda, ISIS, and Mexican Drug Cartels....

Queasy gets ALL of his education from the Daily BAWLER.......LOL
/------/ "If you can't refute the facts, attack the messenger." - Saul Alynski.
If it was up to me, there wouldn't be felons any more.


You should move to the Mid East then.
I lived there for 5 1/2 years, and crime there was almost non existent. There were a few stupid liberals(redundant statement again), but they either lost their hand or head, depending on the crime....

Great . Except they trade freedom for that “safety”.
I wouldn't need any guns if the bad guys were executed. Isnt that a fair trade?

Good guys wh guns become bad guys with guns as soon as the gun is used for bad .
How old are you, 10?
It's the same old pattern:

Government corruption and/or incompetence screws something up.

Innocent people are forced to pay for it by having their rights violated by the state.

TSA anyone?

Your analogy doesn’t make sense . It was the private airline /security failures that lead to 9/11, which led to the creation of the TSA.
It was Bill Clinton's Security Advisor Jamie Gorelick who put up a wall betweem the CIA and FBI, because those agencies weren't allowed to collaborate together as one is domestic the other is international. So while the CIA picked up the chatter from Osama Bin Laden that a major event was in the pipeline and the FBI was monitoring Muslims who were taking flying lessons without learning to land, they couldn't put 2 and 2 together and 9/11 happened.

And you liberals are still trying to cover for Bill Clinton's screwup by having Jamie in charge..

It's the same old pattern:

Government corruption and/or incompetence screws something up.

Innocent people are forced to pay for it by having their rights violated by the state.

TSA anyone?

Your analogy doesn’t make sense . It was the private airline /security failures that lead to 9/11, which led to the creation of the TSA.
It was Bill Clinton's Security Advisor Jamie Gorelick who put up a wall betweem the CIA and FBI, because those agencies weren't allowed to collaborate together as one is domestic the other is international. So while the CIA picked up the chatter from Osama Bin Laden that a major event was in the pipeline and the FBI was monitoring Muslims who were taking flying lessons without learning to land, they couldn't put 2 and 2 together and 9/11 happened.

And you liberals are still trying to cover for Bill Clinton's screwup by having Jamie in charge..

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/----/ DemocRATS are the Special Needs kids of politics.
Bernie Sanders Voter.jpg
Gun laws we need enforced and to close loopholes

1. Background checks on EVERY transaction. Gun shops, gun shows and personal transactions

2. Mandatory sharing of information on convicted felons and mental patients restricted from having guns. A single nationwide database that is continually updated

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