Why do men..... ?

most women do want serious relationships.... what makes you think they don't?
because dear, many women are simply too willing to lie to us and let us miss our turn. only bad girls do that; nice girls wake us and tell us it is our turn and if we want go with her.

What does any of that have to do with wanting a serious relationship?

If a woman says she wants a serious relationship, the only way it is true is if she wakes you up for "your turn"? Dude, you really are clueless about relationships, aren't you?

Why not just accept a woman's word that she wants a serious relationship but hasn't found the right guy yet?
i can't believe i am reading this from a guy. you must be just a shill.

it is about honesty, dear.

Once again, what does any of that have to do with whether or not a woman wants a serious relationship?

Is she supposed to remain celibate until she finds the one she wants to be in a relationship with? Is her desire for a relationship supposed to be so all-consuming that she jumps for the first offer?

Your claims are, once again, baseless. The ad hominem is just more nonsense.
are you really that clueless? you argue like a wo-man.

it is about honesty for a relationship, dear.

And how is the woman being dishonest?
most women do want serious relationships.... what makes you think they don't?
because dear, many women are simply too willing to lie to us and let us miss our turn. only bad girls do that; nice girls wake us and tell us it is our turn and if we want go with her.

well if girl wants to have sex with you, she will do that... it's not very complicated....
the complicated part is lying about wanting a really really serious relationship under our form of capitalism, dear.

How is it that you make the determination that a woman doesn't actually want a serious relationship? Can you read her mind?
simple dear; i merely play word games online or in person for about an hour.

You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation

So you claim your "word play" can determine what she really wants? Lmao

What a load of bullshit.

But please, tell us how this works.
Come on, Daniel, tell us about this miraculous "word play" that allows you to determine what someone REALLY wants. And tell us how many women you have analyzed in this manner. It must be a considerable number, in order for you to make blanket statements about women in general.
because dear, many women are simply too willing to lie to us and let us miss our turn. only bad girls do that; nice girls wake us and tell us it is our turn and if we want go with her.

What does any of that have to do with wanting a serious relationship?

If a woman says she wants a serious relationship, the only way it is true is if she wakes you up for "your turn"? Dude, you really are clueless about relationships, aren't you?

Why not just accept a woman's word that she wants a serious relationship but hasn't found the right guy yet?
i can't believe i am reading this from a guy. you must be just a shill.

it is about honesty, dear.

Once again, what does any of that have to do with whether or not a woman wants a serious relationship?

Is she supposed to remain celibate until she finds the one she wants to be in a relationship with? Is her desire for a relationship supposed to be so all-consuming that she jumps for the first offer?

Your claims are, once again, baseless. The ad hominem is just more nonsense.
are you really that clueless? you argue like a wo-man.

it is about honesty for a relationship, dear.

And how is the woman being dishonest?
by appealing to ignorance and guile of her true intentions.
because dear, many women are simply too willing to lie to us and let us miss our turn. only bad girls do that; nice girls wake us and tell us it is our turn and if we want go with her.

well if girl wants to have sex with you, she will do that... it's not very complicated....
the complicated part is lying about wanting a really really serious relationship under our form of capitalism, dear.

How is it that you make the determination that a woman doesn't actually want a serious relationship? Can you read her mind?
simple dear; i merely play word games online or in person for about an hour.

You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation

So you claim your "word play" can determine what she really wants? Lmao

What a load of bullshit.

But please, tell us how this works.

How do bad boys "talk a woman to go to bed with them"?
Come on, Daniel, tell us about this miraculous "word play" that allows you to determine what someone REALLY wants. And tell us how many women you have analyzed in this manner. It must be a considerable number, in order for you to make blanket statements about women in general.
dear, it was a quotation by someone much more practiced than myself. only shills don't recognize, self-evident truths.
What does any of that have to do with wanting a serious relationship?

If a woman says she wants a serious relationship, the only way it is true is if she wakes you up for "your turn"? Dude, you really are clueless about relationships, aren't you?

Why not just accept a woman's word that she wants a serious relationship but hasn't found the right guy yet?
i can't believe i am reading this from a guy. you must be just a shill.

it is about honesty, dear.

Once again, what does any of that have to do with whether or not a woman wants a serious relationship?

Is she supposed to remain celibate until she finds the one she wants to be in a relationship with? Is her desire for a relationship supposed to be so all-consuming that she jumps for the first offer?

Your claims are, once again, baseless. The ad hominem is just more nonsense.
are you really that clueless? you argue like a wo-man.

it is about honesty for a relationship, dear.

And how is the woman being dishonest?
by appealing to ignorance and guile of her true intentions.

There is no way that you can determine, in an hour of word play, whether or not she truly wants a serious relationship. You might be able to determine she doesn't want one with you, but that is about it.
well if girl wants to have sex with you, she will do that... it's not very complicated....
the complicated part is lying about wanting a really really serious relationship under our form of capitalism, dear.

How is it that you make the determination that a woman doesn't actually want a serious relationship? Can you read her mind?
simple dear; i merely play word games online or in person for about an hour.

You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation

So you claim your "word play" can determine what she really wants? Lmao

What a load of bullshit.

But please, tell us how this works.

How do bad boys "talk a woman to go to bed with them"?

Irrelevant. That a woman is seduced by someone she finds attractive does not mean she does not want a serious relationship. Your post is a logical fallacy. Can you tell which fallacy it is?
i can't believe i am reading this from a guy. you must be just a shill.

it is about honesty, dear.

Once again, what does any of that have to do with whether or not a woman wants a serious relationship?

Is she supposed to remain celibate until she finds the one she wants to be in a relationship with? Is her desire for a relationship supposed to be so all-consuming that she jumps for the first offer?

Your claims are, once again, baseless. The ad hominem is just more nonsense.
are you really that clueless? you argue like a wo-man.

it is about honesty for a relationship, dear.

And how is the woman being dishonest?
by appealing to ignorance and guile of her true intentions.

There is no way that you can determine, in an hour of word play, whether or not she truly wants a serious relationship. You might be able to determine she doesn't want one with you, but that is about it.
That is all i really need to know.
Once again, what does any of that have to do with whether or not a woman wants a serious relationship?

Is she supposed to remain celibate until she finds the one she wants to be in a relationship with? Is her desire for a relationship supposed to be so all-consuming that she jumps for the first offer?

Your claims are, once again, baseless. The ad hominem is just more nonsense.
are you really that clueless? you argue like a wo-man.

it is about honesty for a relationship, dear.

And how is the woman being dishonest?
by appealing to ignorance and guile of her true intentions.

There is no way that you can determine, in an hour of word play, whether or not she truly wants a serious relationship. You might be able to determine she doesn't want one with you, but that is about it.
That is all i really need to know.

If you had said "why to women claim they want a relationship but don't want one with me?" it would be all you need to know.

But not wanting a serious relationship with you does not mean they do not want a serious relationship.
.... well at least a few on here, keep posting (whining?) about what they want for women or what they are not getting out of women? What is the point? Looking for someone to agree or commiserate with?

For example:

"Why can't chicks for free have social morals"?
"I want a young student to sit on me and use me for a couch"

I'm sure there are more but it's like over and over and over .....

I have my own wishes but I'm pretty sure they are not going to come true or even that I'll feel better posting about them on here....

Not a criticism, just wondering......
Their wish is for a hot girl. Your wish is that we'd stop wishing or posting it here.

No your wish isn't going to come true but that didn't stop you from venting, did it?

And all we have to do is find a strip club and bring $100
are you really that clueless? you argue like a wo-man.

it is about honesty for a relationship, dear.

And how is the woman being dishonest?
by appealing to ignorance and guile of her true intentions.

There is no way that you can determine, in an hour of word play, whether or not she truly wants a serious relationship. You might be able to determine she doesn't want one with you, but that is about it.
That is all i really need to know.

If you had said "why to women claim they want a relationship but don't want one with me?" it would be all you need to know.

But not wanting a serious relationship with you does not mean they do not want a serious relationship.
i am being subjectively anecdotal; don't you like it?
.... well at least a few on here, keep posting (whining?) about what they want for women or what they are not getting out of women? What is the point? Looking for someone to agree or commiserate with?

For example:

"Why can't chicks for free have social morals"?
"I want a young student to sit on me and use me for a couch"

I'm sure there are more but it's like over and over and over .....

I have my own wishes but I'm pretty sure they are not going to come true or even that I'll feel better posting about them on here....

Not a criticism, just wondering......
why do many women complain they can't find a good man? over and over and over again?

at least guys, as a gender, have some solutions.
And how is the woman being dishonest?
by appealing to ignorance and guile of her true intentions.

There is no way that you can determine, in an hour of word play, whether or not she truly wants a serious relationship. You might be able to determine she doesn't want one with you, but that is about it.
That is all i really need to know.

If you had said "why to women claim they want a relationship but don't want one with me?" it would be all you need to know.

But not wanting a serious relationship with you does not mean they do not want a serious relationship.
i am being subjectively anecdotal; don't you like it?

It is nonsense. You make a statement and then attempt to cover your ignorance by claiming more bullshit.
by appealing to ignorance and guile of her true intentions.

There is no way that you can determine, in an hour of word play, whether or not she truly wants a serious relationship. You might be able to determine she doesn't want one with you, but that is about it.
That is all i really need to know.

If you had said "why to women claim they want a relationship but don't want one with me?" it would be all you need to know.

But not wanting a serious relationship with you does not mean they do not want a serious relationship.
i am being subjectively anecdotal; don't you like it?

It is nonsense. You make a statement and then attempt to cover your ignorance by claiming more bullshit.
don't recognize irony, dear; it was your anecdotal evidence that leads you to your fallacy of false Cause, in that Case.
There is no way that you can determine, in an hour of word play, whether or not she truly wants a serious relationship. You might be able to determine she doesn't want one with you, but that is about it.
That is all i really need to know.

If you had said "why to women claim they want a relationship but don't want one with me?" it would be all you need to know.

But not wanting a serious relationship with you does not mean they do not want a serious relationship.
i am being subjectively anecdotal; don't you like it?

It is nonsense. You make a statement and then attempt to cover your ignorance by claiming more bullshit.
don't recognize irony, dear; it was your anecdotal evidence that leads you to your fallacy of false Cause, in that Case.

It might have been irony, had the situation been the same.
That is all i really need to know.

If you had said "why to women claim they want a relationship but don't want one with me?" it would be all you need to know.

But not wanting a serious relationship with you does not mean they do not want a serious relationship.
i am being subjectively anecdotal; don't you like it?

It is nonsense. You make a statement and then attempt to cover your ignorance by claiming more bullshit.
don't recognize irony, dear; it was your anecdotal evidence that leads you to your fallacy of false Cause, in that Case.

It might have been irony, had the situation been the same.
how, anecdotal of you.
If you had said "why to women claim they want a relationship but don't want one with me?" it would be all you need to know.

But not wanting a serious relationship with you does not mean they do not want a serious relationship.
i am being subjectively anecdotal; don't you like it?

It is nonsense. You make a statement and then attempt to cover your ignorance by claiming more bullshit.
don't recognize irony, dear; it was your anecdotal evidence that leads you to your fallacy of false Cause, in that Case.

It might have been irony, had the situation been the same.
how, anecdotal of you.

Awwww, are you trying to be cute? Sorry, it doesn't work. You made a ridiculous claim and them made an insane one to cover for it. Too many laughs.
.... well at least a few on here, keep posting (whining?) about what they want for women or what they are not getting out of women? What is the point? Looking for someone to agree or commiserate with?

For example:

"Why can't chicks for free have social morals"?
"I want a young student to sit on me and use me for a couch"

I'm sure there are more but it's like over and over and over .....

I have my own wishes but I'm pretty sure they are not going to come true or even that I'll feel better posting about them on here....

Not a criticism, just wondering......
why do many women complain they can't find a good man? over and over and over again?

at least guys, as a gender, have some solutions.

Depends on what the woman is looking for. I never had a problem finding a good man. I found that *I* was normally the problem......

I don't think men are as picky as women are either. But that's just how it is - women, as a general rule, are more high maintenance.

Men are happy if they have a woman that is pleasant, good in bed and can cook (and the cooking part is option in modern times) ;)
i am being subjectively anecdotal; don't you like it?

It is nonsense. You make a statement and then attempt to cover your ignorance by claiming more bullshit.
don't recognize irony, dear; it was your anecdotal evidence that leads you to your fallacy of false Cause, in that Case.

It might have been irony, had the situation been the same.
how, anecdotal of you.

Awwww, are you trying to be cute? Sorry, it doesn't work. You made a ridiculous claim and them made an insane one to cover for it. Too many laughs.
what doesn't work is your special pleading, dear.

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