why do most blacks support a party that loves Margaret Sanger?


Gold Member
Aug 4, 2014
Living rent free in libs heads
1. I neither know nor care about Ms. Sanger's attitude regarding a certain ethnicity.

a. I HAVE read that her views on this topic have been distorted though.

2. She is one of my most admired people because she fought for family planning.

a. Every woman should have the right to decide whether or not she wants to give birth.

b, Furthermore, many of the problems in this world are due to overpopulation.
I don't care what Margerate Sanger believed. I wouldn't care if she was the Grand Dragon of the KKK and kicked kittens for fun. She is long sense dead, and planned parenthood does not endorce all the bad things you accuse Sanger of, so she isn't really relavant in a discussion of today's planned prenthood. Trying to make her a point of contention is as dumb as trying to say that since some Democrats participated in the formation of the KKK 150 years ago, then today's Democratic party supports the KKK. That's just stupid.
All Blacks on White taxpayer support should be sterilized. As the great Bob Grant indicated, it is common sense.

I don't care what Margerate Sanger believed. I wouldn't care if she was the Grand Dragon of the KKK and kicked kittens for fun. She is long sense dead, and planned parenthood does not endorce all the bad things you accuse Sanger of, so she isn't really relavant in a discussion of today's planned prenthood. Trying to make her a point of contention is as dumb as trying to say that since some Democrats participated in the formation of the KKK 150 years ago, then today's Democratic party supports the KKK. That's just stupid.
It doesn't even occur to Trumpsters to look in the mirror when they ask this question.

What is Trump's support among white nationalists, white separatists, white supremacists? 99%? That might be a good place to start.

1. I neither know nor care about Ms. Sanger's attitude regarding a certain ethnicity.

a. I HAVE read that her views on this topic have been distorted though.

2. She is one of my most admired people because she fought for family planning.

a. Every woman should have the right to decide whether or not she wants to give birth.

b, Furthermore, many of the problems in this world are due to overpopulation.
Family Planning?....Hey Goebbels, is that what you Commie bastards call genocide? Every woman has a choice but that choice is before she ever decides to get knocked up for having unprotected sex...When you create a life,it is your responsibility to nurture it...killing is not an option
Mac1958, all that ridiculous ad hominem name calling pales in comparison to Black and Brown beasts being paid on fake news demanding to kill Whitey right on your on TV set! Very sad!
1. I neither know nor care about Ms. Sanger's attitude regarding a certain ethnicity.

a. I HAVE read that her views on this topic have been distorted though.

2. She is one of my most admired people because she fought for family planning.

a. Every woman should have the right to decide whether or not she wants to give birth.

b, Furthermore, many of the problems in this world are due to overpopulation.
/——/ Spoken like a true racist baby killer.
Don't be surprized if after asking 100 Americans who Margaret Sanger is 98 of them look at you with a blank stare, shrug their shoulders and make a guess of a pop star or actress.
Respond to the damn comment or shut the fuck up! Or you can come at meh bro anytime! Where you at meh neegah?
Democrats today still feel the same way about Blacks as Sanger did. If Democrats really cared about Blacks or illegal aliens for that matter (beyond the value of their votes) they would have it as good as our education cartel, which Democrats have thoroughly bribed for eternity. School choice now.
I don't care what Margerate Sanger believed. I wouldn't care if she was the Grand Dragon of the KKK and kicked kittens for fun. She is long sense dead, and planned parenthood does not endorce all the bad things you accuse Sanger of, so she isn't really relavant in a discussion of today's planned prenthood. Trying to make her a point of contention is as dumb as trying to say that since some Democrats participated in the formation of the KKK 150 years ago, then today's Democratic party supports the KKK. That's just stupid.
You promote the destruction of the founding fathers. Many of the politicians today could not clean their bed chamber pots.
Republicans have 7% of the black vote and 11% when they do well. Instead of asking what’s wrong with 93% of blacks maybe you should look at the Republican Party’s policy positions, rhetoric, and courting of white nationalism.

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