Why do not conservatives boycott corporations that are agains conservativism?

Many corporations has vented anti-conservative belifes the last years. Examples are Disney, Facebook, Google and Coca Cola. News outlets like CNN, Huffington post, Slates are also very anti-conservative.

The liberals have done this for years, they even try to take away peoples jobs for voicing opinions they don't like. Why don't we write letters and so forth like them?

This isn't about conservatives, because Trump are a traditional democrat, but shouldn't they also boycott corporations they see are against their belifes, or Trump?

Why don't do like the left?

Because we are better than the left.

Republicans look at liberals and just see another American with a different point of view. When a liberal looks at a conservative, they see their mortal enemy. Just ask Hillary Clinton.

Boycotts can backfire you know. Remember just a few years ago with Chic-Fil-A?

And remember Rush Limbaugh's theory: we need liberals around to remind us of what we don't want to become as a country.

Boycotts only hurt the person doing the boycott for the most part. Why deny yourself because somebody who has a company has a different point of view than ours? Buy what you want to buy. Watch what you want to watch at the movie theater or television. Bill Gates is not going to become a conservative because you don't buy his computers or video games. Starbucks is not going to become conservative because you don't drink their coffee.
Heck, nowadays, a liberal looks at a name written in chalk on the sidewalk and flees in terror.

And you know.......we are the party of the war on women because we think they should pay for their own birth control. The horrors.
You’re the party of the war on women, gays, and Muslims because most conservatives and republicans are intolerant bigots who fear change, diversity, and expressions of individual, who seek to compel conformity through force of law, and who refuse to allow dissent and differing points of view.

Right, and those protesters that go out of their way to start trouble and Trump rallies reminds me of that every time it happens. In fact, your people wanted so many differing points of view that you took God right out of our schools and just about society in general.

So what did you say Republicans with different points of view are again? Oh, that's right: intolerant, bigots that fear change and hate Muslims and gays.
Because conservatives aren't regressive bigots, but actually tolerate people with opposing views. And at least listen to the arguments...

And most importantly, because conservatives have jobs or some type of productive activity to attend to. No time for the regressive bull shit scare tactics.
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Many corporations has vented anti-conservative belifes the last years. Examples are Disney, Facebook, Google and Coca Cola. News outlets like CNN, Huffington post, Slates are also very anti-conservative.

The liberals have done this for years, they even try to take away peoples jobs for voicing opinions they don't like. Why don't we write letters and so forth like them?

This isn't about conservatives, because Trump are a traditional democrat, but shouldn't they also boycott corporations they see are against their belifes, or Trump?

Why don't do like the left?

Because we are better than the left.

Republicans look at liberals and just see another American with a different point of view. When a liberal looks at a conservative, they see their mortal enemy. Just ask Hillary Clinton.

Boycotts can backfire you know. Remember just a few years ago with Chic-Fil-A?

And remember Rush Limbaugh's theory: we need liberals around to remind us of what we don't want to become as a country.

Boycotts only hurt the person doing the boycott for the most part. Why deny yourself because somebody who has a company has a different point of view than ours? Buy what you want to buy. Watch what you want to watch at the movie theater or television. Bill Gates is not going to become a conservative because you don't buy his computers or video games. Starbucks is not going to become conservative because you don't drink their coffee.
Heck, nowadays, a liberal looks at a name written in chalk on the sidewalk and flees in terror.

And you know.......we are the party of the war on women because we think they should pay for their own birth control. The horrors.

You should pay for your wars.

Agreed, and you should fund all the expenses of environment regulations.

You want raw sewage dumped in our streets. Classy.
Because conservatives aren't regressive bigots, but actually tolerate people with opposing views. And at least listen to the arguments...

And most importantly, because conservatives have jobs or some type of productive activity to attend to. No time for the regressive bull shit scare tactics.

And most conservatives are almost as retarded as you are. Everything you posted is horseshit.
Because we are better than the left.

Republicans look at liberals and just see another American with a different point of view. When a liberal looks at a conservative, they see their mortal enemy. Just ask Hillary Clinton.

Boycotts can backfire you know. Remember just a few years ago with Chic-Fil-A?

And remember Rush Limbaugh's theory: we need liberals around to remind us of what we don't want to become as a country.

Boycotts only hurt the person doing the boycott for the most part. Why deny yourself because somebody who has a company has a different point of view than ours? Buy what you want to buy. Watch what you want to watch at the movie theater or television. Bill Gates is not going to become a conservative because you don't buy his computers or video games. Starbucks is not going to become conservative because you don't drink their coffee.
Heck, nowadays, a liberal looks at a name written in chalk on the sidewalk and flees in terror.

And you know.......we are the party of the war on women because we think they should pay for their own birth control. The horrors.

You should pay for your wars.

Agreed, and you should fund all the expenses of environment regulations.

You want raw sewage dumped in our streets. Classy.

So that's what you think backing off of ridiculous regulations are--dumping sewage in the streets?
Because conservatives aren't regressive bigots, but actually tolerate people with opposing views. And at least listen to the arguments...

And most importantly, because conservatives have jobs or some type of productive activity to attend to. No time for the regressive bull shit scare tactics.

And most conservatives are almost as retarded as you are. Everything you posted is horseshit.

Ah a regressive. Sorry that your hate mongering doesn't work on me.
Because conservatives aren't regressive bigots, but actually tolerate people with opposing views. And at least listen to the arguments...

And most importantly, because conservatives have jobs or some type of productive activity to attend to. No time for the regressive bull shit scare tactics.

And most conservatives are almost as retarded as you are. Everything you posted is horseshit.

Ah a regressive. Sorry that your hate mongering doesn't work on me.

America is great already. Truncheon Trump can only do harm.
Many corporations has [sic] vented anti-conservative belifes [sic] the last years. Examples are Disney, Facebook, Google and Coca Cola. News outlets like CNN, Huffington post, Slates are also very anti-conservative.

The liberals have done this for years, they even try to take away peoples jobs for voicing opinions they don't like. Why don't we write letters and so forth like them?

This isn't about conservatives, because Trump are [sic] a traditional democrat, but shouldn't they also boycott corporations they see are against their belifes [sic], or Trump?

Why don't do like the left?

I think that it has long been clear, even back when the left wrong was fairly successful in portraying itself as the champions of “free speech”, and the right as the side of censorship and oppression (back then, “free speech” was mostly about pornography, obscene language, and other similarly degrading stuff), that genuine free speech—in the form of the right to appropriately express sincerely-held opinions and beliefs, no matter how disagreeable others might find those opinions or beliefs—has always been a solidly right-wing value, at best tolerated, if not openly despised by those on the left wrong.

Really, what you are asking, is why conservatives don't behave like liberals.
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And you know.......we are the party of the war on women because we think they should pay for their own birth control. The horrors.

Meanwhile, those on the left wrong have now taken up the side of creepy male perverts who want to pretend to be women, and under that pretense, to go into women's dressing and restroom facilities while actual women are using them. Those are the ones that accuse us on the right of waging a “war on women”. Modern American liberalism has truly become consumed by madness and evil.
These loons look like they are active

They are active, but they probably are not fighting for conservative opinions, just better media corporations. The members probably ranges from left to right.
What about these guys ?
Westboro Baptist is not Conservative. They're lunatics. Try again.

Lunatic Democrats.

  1. Phelps ran for governor of Kansas as a Democrat in 1990, 1994, and 1998. Phelps received 31% of the vote in Kansas's 1992 DemocraticParty primary for U.S. Senate. In 1993 and 1997, Phelps ran for mayor of Topeka. He supported Al Gore in the 1988 primaries.Oct 23, 2014
    Fred Phelps - Conservapedia

Don't you mean lunatic conservative?

Did you vote Democrat?

Is that why you are so fearful of the truth?

Phelps is as much a lunatic Leftist as every Progressive and LIberal.

Just one illustrative example.....
Progressives, Liberals, Democrats authorized the idea of a 'Master Race' long before Hitler did.
...:"the Master Race."

It brings the Nazis to mind.
And it was the plan at the heart of Progressivism, as well.

".... the American experience with eugenics, the “policy science” of creating a master race.
.... it was all the rage in the Progressive Era. Eugenics was not a fringe movement; it was at the core of ruling-class politics, education, and culture. It was responsible for many of the early experiments in labor regulation. It was the driving force behind marriage licenses,minimum wages,restrictions on opportunities for women, and immigration quotas and controls.

The more I’ve looked into the subject, the more I’m convinced that it is not possible fully to understand the birth of the 20th century Leviathan without an awareness of eugenics. Eugenics was the original sin of the modern state that knows no limits to its power."
Why the Holocaust Should Matter to You | Jeffrey Tucker

Fact is, the Nazis learned eugenics from the American Progressives...

"Only after eugenics became entrenched in the United States was the campaign transplanted into Germany, in no small measure through the efforts of California eugenicists, who published booklets idealizing sterilization and circulated them to German official and scientists.

Hitler studied American eugenics laws....
Hitler proudly told his comrades just how closely he followed the progress of the American eugenics movement. "I have studied with great interest," he told a fellow Nazi, "the laws of several American states concerning prevention of reproduction by people whose progeny would, in all probability, be of no value or be injurious to the racial stock."
The Horrifying American Roots of Nazi Eugenics

Hitler wrote to the president of the American Eugenics Society to ask for a copy of his“The Case for Sterilization.”
(Margaret Sanger and Sterilization)

German race science stood on American progressive’s shoulders.

Now.....what were you saying about 'lunatics'?
Many corporations has vented anti-conservative belifes the last years. Examples are Disney, Facebook, Google and Coca Cola. News outlets like CNN, Huffington post, Slates are also very anti-conservative.

The liberals have done this for years, they even try to take away peoples jobs for voicing opinions they don't like. Why don't we write letters and so forth like them?

This isn't about conservatives, because Trump are a traditional democrat, but shouldn't they also boycott corporations they see are against their belifes, or Trump?

Why don't do like the left?

Because we are better than the left.

Republicans look at liberals and just see another American with a different point of view. When a liberal looks at a conservative, they see their mortal enemy. Just ask Hillary Clinton.

Boycotts can backfire you know. Remember just a few years ago with Chic-Fil-A?

And remember Rush Limbaugh's theory: we need liberals around to remind us of what we don't want to become as a country.

Boycotts only hurt the person doing the boycott for the most part. Why deny yourself because somebody who has a company has a different point of view than ours? Buy what you want to buy. Watch what you want to watch at the movie theater or television. Bill Gates is not going to become a conservative because you don't buy his computers or video games. Starbucks is not going to become conservative because you don't drink their coffee.
Heck, nowadays, a liberal looks at a name written in chalk on the sidewalk and flees in terror.

And you know.......we are the party of the war on women because we think they should pay for their own birth control. The horrors.
Yup, because in this time of Orwellian speech, refusing to subsidize is the same as denying. Strange days, indeed.

I wonder if we could make the case that refusing to make taxpayers subsidize gun purchases is the same as denying someone the right to a firearm, or refusing to subsidize churches is the same as denying the right to freedom of religion?
Many corporations has vented anti-conservative belifes the last years. Examples are Disney, Facebook, Google and Coca Cola. News outlets like CNN, Huffington post, Slates are also very anti-conservative.

The liberals have done this for years, they even try to take away peoples jobs for voicing opinions they don't like. Why don't we write letters and so forth like them?

This isn't about conservatives, because Trump are a traditional democrat, but shouldn't they also boycott corporations they see are against their belifes, or Trump?

Why don't do like the left?

Because we are better than the left.

Republicans look at liberals and just see another American with a different point of view. When a liberal looks at a conservative, they see their mortal enemy. Just ask Hillary Clinton.

Boycotts can backfire you know. Remember just a few years ago with Chic-Fil-A?

And remember Rush Limbaugh's theory: we need liberals around to remind us of what we don't want to become as a country.

Boycotts only hurt the person doing the boycott for the most part. Why deny yourself because somebody who has a company has a different point of view than ours? Buy what you want to buy. Watch what you want to watch at the movie theater or television. Bill Gates is not going to become a conservative because you don't buy his computers or video games. Starbucks is not going to become conservative because you don't drink their coffee.
Heck, nowadays, a liberal looks at a name written in chalk on the sidewalk and flees in terror.

And you know.......we are the party of the war on women because we think they should pay for their own birth control. The horrors.
Yup, because in this time of Orwellian speech, refusing to subsidize is the same as denying. Strange days, indeed.

I wonder if we could make the case that refusing to make taxpayers subsidize gun purchases is the same as denying someone the right to a firearm, or refusing to subsidize churches is the same as denying the right to freedom of religion?

It doesn't work on our side.

The concept of victory to the left is to divide Americans into groups, and then pick the groups they love and the groups they hate. In that process, Democrats are able to create new classes of victims. And let's face it, victims are their largest group of constituents.

Without victims and government dependents, there would be no Democrat party. As people are able to break the shackles of government, there are less victims in this country and that scares the hell out of the Democrats. Solution? Create more victims be they real or not.

Many people are also getting smarter about liberal politics. That's why the war on women didn't fly so well. I don't know any woman that thinks Republicans waged a war on her. But the Democrats figured they were smarter than the people. The War on Women hit two of their categories: government dependents and victims.
Many corporations has vented anti-conservative belifes the last years. Examples are Disney, Facebook, Google and Coca Cola. News outlets like CNN, Huffington post, Slates are also very anti-conservative.

The liberals have done this for years, they even try to take away peoples jobs for voicing opinions they don't like. Why don't we write letters and so forth like them?

This isn't about conservatives, because Trump are a traditional democrat, but shouldn't they also boycott corporations they see are against their belifes, or Trump?

Why don't do like the left?

Because we are better than the left.

Republicans look at liberals and just see another American with a different point of view. When a liberal looks at a conservative, they see their mortal enemy. Just ask Hillary Clinton.

Boycotts can backfire you know. Remember just a few years ago with Chic-Fil-A?

And remember Rush Limbaugh's theory: we need liberals around to remind us of what we don't want to become as a country.

Boycotts only hurt the person doing the boycott for the most part. Why deny yourself because somebody who has a company has a different point of view than ours? Buy what you want to buy. Watch what you want to watch at the movie theater or television. Bill Gates is not going to become a conservative because you don't buy his computers or video games. Starbucks is not going to become conservative because you don't drink their coffee.
Heck, nowadays, a liberal looks at a name written in chalk on the sidewalk and flees in terror.

And you know.......we are the party of the war on women because we think they should pay for their own birth control. The horrors.

You should pay for your wars.

We're still paying for yours
Many corporations has vented anti-conservative belifes the last years. Examples are Disney, Facebook, Google and Coca Cola. News outlets like CNN, Huffington post, Slates are also very anti-conservative.

The liberals have done this for years, they even try to take away peoples jobs for voicing opinions they don't like. Why don't we write letters and so forth like them?

This isn't about conservatives, because Trump are a traditional democrat, but shouldn't they also boycott corporations they see are against their belifes, or Trump?

Why don't do like the left?

Many corporations has vented anti-conservative belifes the last years. Examples are Disney, Facebook, Google and Coca Cola. News outlets like CNN, Huffington post, Slates are also very anti-conservative.

The liberals have done this for years, they even try to take away peoples jobs for voicing opinions they don't like. Why don't we write letters and so forth like them?

This isn't about conservatives, because Trump are a traditional democrat, but shouldn't they also boycott corporations they see are against their belifes, or Trump?

Why don't do like the left?

Because we are better than the left.

Republicans look at liberals and just see another American with a different point of view. When a liberal looks at a conservative, they see their mortal enemy. Just ask Hillary Clinton.

Boycotts can backfire you know. Remember just a few years ago with Chic-Fil-A?

And remember Rush Limbaugh's theory: we need liberals around to remind us of what we don't want to become as a country.

Boycotts only hurt the person doing the boycott for the most part. Why deny yourself because somebody who has a company has a different point of view than ours? Buy what you want to buy. Watch what you want to watch at the movie theater or television. Bill Gates is not going to become a conservative because you don't buy his computers or video games. Starbucks is not going to become conservative because you don't drink their coffee.
Heck, nowadays, a liberal looks at a name written in chalk on the sidewalk and flees in terror.

And you know.......we are the party of the war on women because we think they should pay for their own birth control. The horrors.
Yup, because in this time of Orwellian speech, refusing to subsidize is the same as denying. Strange days, indeed.

I wonder if we could make the case that refusing to make taxpayers subsidize gun purchases is the same as denying someone the right to a firearm, or refusing to subsidize churches is the same as denying the right to freedom of religion?

It doesn't work on our side.

The concept of victory to the left is to divide Americans into groups, and then pick the groups they love and the groups they hate. In that process, Democrats are able to create new classes of victims. And let's face it, victims are their largest group of constituents.

Without victims and government dependents, there would be no Democrat party. As people are able to break the shackles of government, there are less victims in this country and that scares the hell out of the Democrats. Solution? Create more victims be they real or not.

Many people are also getting smarter about liberal politics. That's why the war on women didn't fly so well. I don't know any woman that thinks Republicans waged a war on her. But the Democrats figured they were smarter than the people. The War on Women hit two of their categories: government dependents and victims.

as usual, you people have it backwards. it is the radical rightwing vision of america that is divided. calling you on your hatred and bigotry is not divisive....it is inclusive.

maybe you should stop pretending that you're conservative when you're a bunch of radical regressives who want us back in the 1950's when blacks couldn't eat at your lunch counters, women were property and gays were closeted.

beyond that, you fight for nothing.
Many corporations has vented anti-conservative belifes the last years. Examples are Disney, Facebook, Google and Coca Cola. News outlets like CNN, Huffington post, Slates are also very anti-conservative.

The liberals have done this for years, they even try to take away peoples jobs for voicing opinions they don't like. Why don't we write letters and so forth like them?

This isn't about conservatives, because Trump are a traditional democrat, but shouldn't they also boycott corporations they see are against their belifes, or Trump?

Why don't do like the left?

Why do not conservatives boycott corporations that are agains conservativism?

because unlike the leftists conservatives are not fascists
Many corporations has vented anti-conservative belifes the last years. Examples are Disney, Facebook, Google and Coca Cola. News outlets like CNN, Huffington post, Slates are also very anti-conservative.

The liberals have done this for years, they even try to take away peoples jobs for voicing opinions they don't like. Why don't we write letters and so forth like them?

This isn't about conservatives, because Trump are a traditional democrat, but shouldn't they also boycott corporations they see are against their belifes, or Trump?

Why don't do like the left?

Because we are better than the left.

Republicans look at liberals and just see another American with a different point of view. When a liberal looks at a conservative, they see their mortal enemy. Just ask Hillary Clinton.

Boycotts can backfire you know. Remember just a few years ago with Chic-Fil-A?

And remember Rush Limbaugh's theory: we need liberals around to remind us of what we don't want to become as a country.

Boycotts only hurt the person doing the boycott for the most part. Why deny yourself because somebody who has a company has a different point of view than ours? Buy what you want to buy. Watch what you want to watch at the movie theater or television. Bill Gates is not going to become a conservative because you don't buy his computers or video games. Starbucks is not going to become conservative because you don't drink their coffee.
Heck, nowadays, a liberal looks at a name written in chalk on the sidewalk and flees in terror.

And you know.......we are the party of the war on women because we think they should pay for their own birth control. The horrors.

You should pay for your wars.

We're still paying for yours

English please, Njambo.
Because we are better than the left.

Republicans look at liberals and just see another American with a different point of view. When a liberal looks at a conservative, they see their mortal enemy. Just ask Hillary Clinton.

Boycotts can backfire you know. Remember just a few years ago with Chic-Fil-A?

And remember Rush Limbaugh's theory: we need liberals around to remind us of what we don't want to become as a country.

Boycotts only hurt the person doing the boycott for the most part. Why deny yourself because somebody who has a company has a different point of view than ours? Buy what you want to buy. Watch what you want to watch at the movie theater or television. Bill Gates is not going to become a conservative because you don't buy his computers or video games. Starbucks is not going to become conservative because you don't drink their coffee.
Heck, nowadays, a liberal looks at a name written in chalk on the sidewalk and flees in terror.

And you know.......we are the party of the war on women because we think they should pay for their own birth control. The horrors.
Yup, because in this time of Orwellian speech, refusing to subsidize is the same as denying. Strange days, indeed.

I wonder if we could make the case that refusing to make taxpayers subsidize gun purchases is the same as denying someone the right to a firearm, or refusing to subsidize churches is the same as denying the right to freedom of religion?

It doesn't work on our side.

The concept of victory to the left is to divide Americans into groups, and then pick the groups they love and the groups they hate. In that process, Democrats are able to create new classes of victims. And let's face it, victims are their largest group of constituents.

Without victims and government dependents, there would be no Democrat party. As people are able to break the shackles of government, there are less victims in this country and that scares the hell out of the Democrats. Solution? Create more victims be they real or not.

Many people are also getting smarter about liberal politics. That's why the war on women didn't fly so well. I don't know any woman that thinks Republicans waged a war on her. But the Democrats figured they were smarter than the people. The War on Women hit two of their categories: government dependents and victims.

as usual, you people have it backwards. it is the radical rightwing vision of america that is divided. calling you on your hatred and bigotry is not divisive....it is inclusive.

maybe you should stop pretending that you're conservative when you're a bunch of radical regressives who want us back in the 1950's when blacks couldn't eat at your lunch counters, women were property and gays were closeted.

beyond that, you fight for nothing.

Wow, such a prime example of irony and you don't even realize it. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Many corporations has vented anti-conservative belifes the last years. Examples are Disney, Facebook, Google and Coca Cola. News outlets like CNN, Huffington post, Slates are also very anti-conservative.

The liberals have done this for years, they even try to take away peoples jobs for voicing opinions they don't like. Why don't we write letters and so forth like them?

This isn't about conservatives, because Trump are a traditional democrat, but shouldn't they also boycott corporations they see are against their belifes, or Trump?

Why don't do like the left?

Why do not conservatives boycott corporations that are agains conservativism?

because unlike the leftists conservatives are not fascists

Don't kid yourself. They boycott corporations as well but like all half-baked and whiny moans it usually fails. Most people don't give a shit that Coke has a commercial with queers hugging or whatever. lol
Many corporations has vented anti-conservative belifes the last years. Examples are Disney, Facebook, Google and Coca Cola. News outlets like CNN, Huffington post, Slates are also very anti-conservative.

The liberals have done this for years, they even try to take away peoples jobs for voicing opinions they don't like. Why don't we write letters and so forth like them?

This isn't about conservatives, because Trump are a traditional democrat, but shouldn't they also boycott corporations they see are against their belifes, or Trump?

Why don't do like the left?

Why do not conservatives boycott corporations that are agains conservativism?

because unlike the leftists conservatives are not fascists

Don't kid yourself. They boycott corporations as well but like all half-baked and whiny moans it usually fails. Most people don't give a shit that Coke has a commercial with queers hugging or whatever. lol

who are they boycotting

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