Why Do Only Liberals Groups Get A History Month?

Explain then this thread by a conservative:

"Sen Joe McCarthy: American Patriot and Hero", by CrusaderFrank, Member, Ministry of Truth.

McCarthy was a drunk and a liar.

Obama is a drug addict and a liar.

Obama used drugs in the past, that does not make him a drug addict. What lies has Obama told (beyond what is customery for an elected offical, i.e. lies of omission)?

True. His past drug use does not make him an addict. Though once an addict, always an addict.

The fact that you have to ask what lies Obama has told after 6+ years of him lying to the public is pretty sad. The fact that you are excusing his lies in the same sentence is even sadder.

If I had the next week to sit here, I couldn't catalog all the lies he has told.

How about some easy ones. He said he was only born because of the protests in Selma, Alabama during the 60s. Yet, he was born before the protests occured.

During the health care debate, he claimed that his mom was fighting with the issurance company while she was recieving treatment for the cancer she eventually died from. The insurance company covered her expenses. There was no fight.

He promised he would shut Gitmo down on the first day he was in office. It's still open.

The man is a pathelogical liar. He will say anything if he thinks it will help him get his way. I just named 3 lies he has told and there are countless more.

Yet, I have no doubt that you will justify his lies and pretend as though it doesn't matter. You've made your choices and that's fine. I hope you have time to change your mind at some point.
in regards to gay history, I will never be able to decipher what makes a man attractive to another man. (yeeccch! I don't even like touching other men) then again I am Italian, therefore I have to hug and kiss my uncles).

That’s likely because you’re not gay.

But the great thing about America is one can freely engage in self-expression with society’s approval or not.
Obama is a drug addict and a liar.

Obama used drugs in the past, that does not make him a drug addict. What lies has Obama told (beyond what is customery for an elected offical, i.e. lies of omission)?

True. His past drug use does not make him an addict. Though once an addict, always an addict.

The fact that you have to ask what lies Obama has told after 6+ years of him lying to the public is pretty sad. The fact that you are excusing his lies in the same sentence is even sadder.

If I had the next week to sit here, I couldn't catalog all the lies he has told.

How about some easy ones. He said he was only born because of the protests in Selma, Alabama during the 60s. Yet, he was born before the protests occured.

During the health care debate, he claimed that his mom was fighting with the issurance company while she was recieving treatment for the cancer she eventually died from. The insurance company covered her expenses. There was no fight.

He promised he would shut Gitmo down on the first day he was in office. It's still open.

The man is a pathelogical liar. He will say anything if he thinks it will help him get his way. I just named 3 lies he has told and there are countless more.

Yet, I have no doubt that you will justify his lies and pretend as though it doesn't matter. You've made your choices and that's fine. I hope you have time to change your mind at some point.

Welcome to American Politics.
It will never change unless we start demanding it change.
I still think we need a Reagan Holiday, aside from Presidents day, besides, we need more Mondays Off! and why isn't there a Monday holiday in August? the hottest month of the year! the agony of having to go two months without a Monday holiday is so painful for those who work full time and so little vacations.
Obama used drugs in the past, that does not make him a drug addict. What lies has Obama told (beyond what is customery for an elected offical, i.e. lies of omission)?

True. His past drug use does not make him an addict. Though once an addict, always an addict.

The fact that you have to ask what lies Obama has told after 6+ years of him lying to the public is pretty sad. The fact that you are excusing his lies in the same sentence is even sadder.

If I had the next week to sit here, I couldn't catalog all the lies he has told.

How about some easy ones. He said he was only born because of the protests in Selma, Alabama during the 60s. Yet, he was born before the protests occured.

During the health care debate, he claimed that his mom was fighting with the issurance company while she was recieving treatment for the cancer she eventually died from. The insurance company covered her expenses. There was no fight.

He promised he would shut Gitmo down on the first day he was in office. It's still open.

The man is a pathelogical liar. He will say anything if he thinks it will help him get his way. I just named 3 lies he has told and there are countless more.

Yet, I have no doubt that you will justify his lies and pretend as though it doesn't matter. You've made your choices and that's fine. I hope you have time to change your mind at some point.

Welcome to American Politics.
It will never change unless we start demanding it change.

Pure BS Pubcrappe propaganda. THAT's what become of GOP politics the last 20 years...while their pandering to the greedy idiot RW rich has ruined the nonrich and the country.
Pure BS Pubcrappe propaganda. THAT's what become of GOP politics the last 20 years...while their pandering to the greedy idiot RW rich has ruined the nonrich and the country.

We can see that the bullshitting little punk has still made no progress in acquiring the English language.
As if you are some scholar about the Constitution. Get some kind of grip on your asinine comments.
When your f*cking hero gwb was in office , remember them passing and signing the "Patriot Act." Try reading that document you simple-minded buffoon. Then get back to the real world.

Talk about having your rights trampled. But then you were so full of shit in your mind about the cowboy bob type in office you where shitting yourself.
Read the damn Act and then tell us more.

I am just waiting for Constitution Awareness Month.. because it is definitely a minority of people that understand the simple writing of it, the limits it puts on government, and just how much it is getting trampled
Obama used drugs in the past, that does not make him a drug addict. What lies has Obama told (beyond what is customery for an elected offical, i.e. lies of omission)?

Obama is an admitted drug addict. Once an addict always an addict. Once a alcoholic always an alcoholic.

Obama always was a pudgy kid. Wonder how he keeps the weight off?

Could it be COCAINE??????

Or exercise.

I don't see him exercising enough to stay so skinny that he has to wear a jacket just about everywhere he goes just to stay warm.

Have you?

Playing golf and shooting a few hoops doesn't keep your weight down. Nether are what we would call fat-burners. To stay that skinny after watching him down hotdogs, French fries, and guzzle down beer I would think that he was on something.
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the NAACP will demand a Barack Holiday in 2016, for all of his endless accomplishments. and may also demand to knock off president Clintons head from Mt. Rushmore and put Obama's head in it's place.
Obama is an admitted drug addict. Once an addict always an addict. Once a alcoholic always an alcoholic.

Obama always was a pudgy kid. Wonder how he keeps the weight off?

Could it be COCAINE??????

Or exercise.

I don't see him exercising enough to stay so skinny that he has to wear a jacket just about everywhere he goes just to stay warm.

Have you?

Playing golf and shooting a few hoops doesn't keep your weight down. Nether are what we would call fat-burners. To stay that skinny after watching him down hotdogs, French fries, and guzzle down beer I would think that he was on something.

Did you get mad when people called Bush a coke head?
Jewish history month, perhaps?

I'm not even sure such a month exists though. This probably has more to do with how the left loves to divide people into groups and play identity politics, whereas the right treats everyone the same.
Jewish history month, perhaps?

I'm not even sure such a month exists though. This probably has more to do with how the left loves to divide people into groups and play identity politics, whereas the right treats everyone the same.

There is a Jewish History Month, but Jews vote almost as monolithically Democrat as black people do, so I don't know that that would qualify as a non-party-affiliated ethnic group.
Jewish history month, perhaps?

I'm not even sure such a month exists though. This probably has more to do with how the left loves to divide people into groups and play identity politics, whereas the right treats everyone the same.

There is a Jewish History Month, but Jews vote almost as monolithically Democrat as black people do, so I don't know that that would qualify as a non-party-affiliated ethnic group.

Jews in the United States, sure. But Republicans tend to be more "pro-Israel" than Democrats and "left-wingers."

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