Why Do People Celebrate the Confederacy?

The white boy had a tantrum because I spoke truth about his uncle. He wanted to make some claim about his uncle never owning anyone like that standard white racist excuse is going to have merit.. You pussies talk all day about our ancestors and dare think that yours won't be held to account?

This ain't 1921 bitches and if you haven't noticed, MAGA is dead.
He is correct that you are a scummy low life. Candice Owens is NOT of your ilk for which every decent person is eternally grateful. In fact apart from a few low life scum nobody is of your ilk.

The Vietnam War was lost, yet they still have a monument in Washington DC.
The soldiers in Vietnam fought for America, not against it.
The confederate soldiers fought for Mexico, right? Or was it France?
That's easy info to find. Look it up sometime.
See, that's your problem. You see the Northern states as America, but not the Southern states. YOU are the problem.
When the southern states formed their own country and tried to defeat the U.S., they were not part of the U.S. anymore. Surely, that can't be too hard for you to grasp.
Oh, no. I would call that restorative action. It was the U.S. that left the U.S.

Was the South pardoned and allowed to re-join the union or not?

Were the men who fought for the
Why? You're saying my no-slave-owning ancestor who was conscripted into the Louisiana Cavalry and did his duty as his state commanded was not honorable?

The confederacy, notably the state of Louisiana, was responsible for drafting your ancestor, not the U.S. If he was forced to fight, blame it on the white guys who were running Louisiana at the time. If he went willingly, that was his choice.
Watch out Lys, he'll have another melt down.
But It's fun to tease your prey before you eat it.
I support the Confederacy because they were the last hope of Liberty in America.
The only people in the history of the world to start a war to prove that they were better than the slaves and lose.

You are confused Moon Bat. You must only have a Jr High history text book knowledge of the war.

Secession was not an act of war. The act of war was that piece of shit Lincoln breaking the truce at Ft Sumter that led to hostiles. Of course the real war started when that asshole sent troops across the Potomac River to kill Americans.
IOW, one could make the reasoned argument, that. . . in the long run? The folks that were most hurt by the civil war, were going to be the very folks it claimed to help.
If you are saying blacks are better off being slaves, prolly not ---- it's true they never progressed much, but it's still better to be free even if you don't want to be very prosperous. I figured that out reading about sugar slavery in the Caribbean --- the maroons that ran off never prospered, but when the sugar plantations paid wages eventually after slavery was abolished, they could never get anyone to do the work. (So the Caribbean Islands don't do sugar now. And are solid black. Was this really a GOOD idea? To lose the whole Caribbean to them?) The ex-slaves were okay with a subsistence lifestyle, just like they still are in Africa. They aren't into prosperity. But they don't want to be slaves, either.
We have prospered greatly against continuing white racism.
No, you haven't. And all the crime and prostitution doesn't help.
The Vietnam War was lost, yet they still have a monument in Washington DC.
The soldiers in Vietnam fought for America, not against it.
The confederate soldiers fought for Mexico, right? Or was it France?
That's easy info to find. Look it up sometime.
See, that's your problem. You see the Northern states as America, but not the Southern states. YOU are the problem.
The southern states seceded and formed their own country. So they were not the United States.

Actually, they didn't secede at all.

They ATTEMPTED to secede but failed.
No, they really seceded, made Confederacy money, institutions, government, everything.

They just weren't able to keep it going, because of Northern conquest.
People don’t celebrate the confederacy, Republicans do.

that’s why Marjorie Taylor greene talks about the Anglo-Saxon confederate republican party

I don’t understand why so many Republicans pretend to be embarrassed about Anglo-Saxon and confederacy. Don’t they wave the confederate flag at their trump rallies?
The Vietnam War was lost, yet they still have a monument in Washington DC.
The soldiers in Vietnam fought for America, not against it.
The confederate soldiers fought for Mexico, right? Or was it France?
That's easy info to find. Look it up sometime.
See, that's your problem. You see the Northern states as America, but not the Southern states. YOU are the problem.
When the southern states formed their own country and tried to defeat the U.S., they were not part of the U.S. anymore. Surely, that can't be too hard for you to grasp.
Oh, no. I would call that restorative action. It was the U.S. that left the U.S.

Was the South pardoned and allowed to re-join the union or not?

Were the men who fought for their states honorable for doing their duty or not?
No, they were not honorable.
Why? You're saying my no-slave-owning ancestor who was conscripted into the Louisiana Cavalry and did his duty as his state commanded was not honorable?

The confederacy, notably the state of Louisiana, was responsible for drafting your ancestor, not the U.S. If he was forced to fight, blame it on the white guys who were running Louisiana at the time. If he went willingly, that was his choice.
I want my nation of originance to be put on there also. In fact it is two nations. I want a bi flag put there. I demand it!
Confederate Memorial Day (called Confederate Heroes Day in Texas and Florida, and Confederate Decoration Day in Tennessee) is a cultural holiday observed in several Southern U.S. states on various dates since the end of the Civil War to remember the estimated 258,000 Confederate soldiers who died in military service.

It is an official state holiday in Alabama, Mississippi, and South Carolina; while it is commemorated in Kentucky, Florida, North Carolina, Texas, and Tennessee.It was also formerly recognized in Georgia, Louisiana, and Virginia. For most states, the official date is or was April 26, when the last major Confederate field army surrendered at Bennett Place, North Carolina in 1865.

Why do people remember this and celebrate it?
Most likely because their ancestors fought for the Confederacy and they have pride in their ancestors. (My ancestors in this nation all lived in New York State and Pennsylvania and if they were here during the Civil War they might have fought for the North.)

I know a lady who right now is flying an American Stars and Bars flag in her front yard and a Confederate flag in her back yard.

Not surprisingly her favorite novel of all time is ‘Gone With the Wind.’
Their ancestors were traitors who declared war on the United States.
Since I am a Yankee my advise to you is that if you are ever in a country western bar in the South you keep your opinions to yourself.
I have relatives in the south and my advice to you is keep your racist ass out of black barber shops and clubs. I don't like country western music and there is no way in hell that you would catch me in some all saltine bar anywhere in the south.
I suspect I am far less racist than you think.

Your statement that you wouldn’t enter an all saltine bar in the South tells me there may be a good reason why you wouldn’t.

To those Yankees who will enter all white bars in the South it is not all that wise to call the ancestors of those in the bar “traitors” if they fought for the South.
I suspect you are pretty much like I think are. I would not go there because I don't want to be around a bunch of racists who think their confederate slave owning ancestors were patriots.
IOW, one could make the reasoned argument, that. . . in the long run? The folks that were most hurt by the civil war, were going to be the very folks it claimed to help.
If you are saying blacks are better off being slaves, prolly not ---- it's true they never progressed much, but it's still better to be free even if you don't want to be very prosperous. I figured that out reading about sugar slavery in the Caribbean --- the maroons that ran off never prospered, but when the sugar plantations paid wages eventually after slavery was abolished, they could never get anyone to do the work. (So the Caribbean Islands don't do sugar now. And are solid black. Was this really a GOOD idea? To lose the whole Caribbean to them?) The ex-slaves were okay with a subsistence lifestyle, just like they still are in Africa. They aren't into prosperity. But they don't want to be slaves, either.
We have prospered greatly against continuing white racism.
No, you haven't. And all the crime and prostitution doesn't help.
Actually we have. Whites organized both crime and prostitution. And they commit the most crime annually. Fuck per capita because when you do the serious math of making those arrested a subset of the population instead of the lazy math that quotes percentages instead of the numbers those percentages represent, you find that whites commit more than double the crime of blacks.
The white boy had a tantrum because I spoke truth about his uncle. He wanted to make some claim about his uncle never owning anyone like that standard white racist excuse is going to have merit.. You pussies talk all day about our ancestors and dare think that yours won't be held to account?

This ain't 1921 bitches and if you haven't noticed, MAGA is dead.
He is correct that you are a scummy low life. Candice Owens is NOT of your ilk for which every decent person is eternally grateful. In fact apart from a few low life scum nobody is of your ilk.

Candace Owens is a joke. White losers like you need her because shes gives you an out to use. 99 percent of the blacks in this coujntry pay her silly ass no attention.
The white boy had a tantrum because I spoke truth about his uncle. He wanted to make some claim about his uncle never owning anyone like that standard white racist excuse is going to have merit.. You pussies talk all day about our ancestors and dare think that yours won't be held to account?

This ain't 1921 bitches and if you haven't noticed, MAGA is dead.
He is correct that you are a scummy low life. Candice Owens is NOT of your ilk for which every decent person is eternally grateful. In fact apart from a few low life scum nobody is of your ilk.

Candace Owens is a joke. White losers like you need her because shes gives you an out to use. 99 percent of the blacks in this coujntry pay her silly ass no attention.
Bulldust!! You lying freaks are pathetic!! In Candice, I mean, you got the second African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking doll. I mean, that’s a storybook, man!!

Confederate Memorial Day (called Confederate Heroes Day in Texas and Florida, and Confederate Decoration Day in Tennessee) is a cultural holiday observed in several Southern U.S. states on various dates since the end of the Civil War to remember the estimated 258,000 Confederate soldiers who died in military service.

It is an official state holiday in Alabama, Mississippi, and South Carolina; while it is commemorated in Kentucky, Florida, North Carolina, Texas, and Tennessee.It was also formerly recognized in Georgia, Louisiana, and Virginia. For most states, the official date is or was April 26, when the last major Confederate field army surrendered at Bennett Place, North Carolina in 1865.

Why do people remember this and celebrate it?
Most likely because their ancestors fought for the Confederacy and they have pride in their ancestors. (My ancestors in this nation all lived in New York State and Pennsylvania and if they were here during the Civil War they might have fought for the North.)

I know a lady who right now is flying an American Stars and Bars flag in her front yard and a Confederate flag in her back yard.

Not surprisingly her favorite novel of all time is ‘Gone With the Wind.’
Their ancestors were traitors who declared war on the United States.
Since I am a Yankee my advise to you is that if you are ever in a country western bar in the South you keep your opinions to yourself.
I have relatives in the south and my advice to you is keep your racist ass out of black barber shops and clubs. I don't like country western music and there is no way in hell that you would catch me in some all saltine bar anywhere in the south.
I suspect I am far less racist than you think.

Your statement that you wouldn’t enter an all saltine bar in the South tells me there may be a good reason why you wouldn’t.

To those Yankees who will enter all white bars in the South it is not all that wise to call the ancestors of those in the bar “traitors” if they fought for the South.
I suspect you are pretty much like I think are. I would not go there because I don't want to be around a bunch of racists who think their confederate slave owning ancestors were patriots.
Thanks for the compliment. I also suspect you are much like I feel you are. It does seem you believe you are superior to people who are proud their ancestors fought for the Confederacy.

My ancestors probably fought for the Union and they may have hated the rebels but I didn’t fight for either side. Ancient history is interesting but I don’t dislike people for what their great grandparents thought or did. I will admit I don’t get into arguments about the Civil War in a southern bar that proudly displays the Confederate flag. That is called common sense or self preservation.
The white boy had a tantrum because I spoke truth about his uncle. He wanted to make some claim about his uncle never owning anyone like that standard white racist excuse is going to have merit.. You pussies talk all day about our ancestors and dare think that yours won't be held to account?

This ain't 1921 bitches and if you haven't noticed, MAGA is dead.
He is correct that you are a scummy low life. Candice Owens is NOT of your ilk for which every decent person is eternally grateful. In fact apart from a few low life scum nobody is of your ilk.

Candace Owens is a joke. White losers like you need her because shes gives you an out to use. 99 percent of the blacks in this coujntry pay her silly ass no attention.
Perhaps if you paid Candice Owens and some other conservative blacks some attention you would be better off.

Since Lyndon Johnson and his “Great Society” 57 yeas ago how much have things improved for the blacks in this nation?

Did you ever consider that the Democratic Party is just using you. Plus they get you dirt cheap. Great for them but bad for you.
Confederate Memorial Day (called Confederate Heroes Day in Texas and Florida, and Confederate Decoration Day in Tennessee) is a cultural holiday observed in several Southern U.S. states on various dates since the end of the Civil War to remember the estimated 258,000 Confederate soldiers who died in military service.

It is an official state holiday in Alabama, Mississippi, and South Carolina; while it is commemorated in Kentucky, Florida, North Carolina, Texas, and Tennessee.It was also formerly recognized in Georgia, Louisiana, and Virginia. For most states, the official date is or was April 26, when the last major Confederate field army surrendered at Bennett Place, North Carolina in 1865.

Why do people remember this and celebrate it?
Why do you hate freedom and support the Democratic party of slavery that oppresses you?

Personally, I celebrate freedom. I'm as free as a bird. You're a caged racist idiot.

Confederate Memorial Day (called Confederate Heroes Day in Texas and Florida, and Confederate Decoration Day in Tennessee) is a cultural holiday observed in several Southern U.S. states on various dates since the end of the Civil War to remember the estimated 258,000 Confederate soldiers who died in military service.

It is an official state holiday in Alabama, Mississippi, and South Carolina; while it is commemorated in Kentucky, Florida, North Carolina, Texas, and Tennessee.It was also formerly recognized in Georgia, Louisiana, and Virginia. For most states, the official date is or was April 26, when the last major Confederate field army surrendered at Bennett Place, North Carolina in 1865.

Why do people remember this and celebrate it?
Why do you hate freedom and support the Democratic party of slavery that oppresses you?

Personally, I celebrate freedom. I'm as free as a bird. You're a caged racist idiot.

Wrong. I'm free and the republican party is the one defending the confederacy. So you are supporting those who wanted to expand slavery and you are a member of the party that tried making slavery constitutional.
Why don't you go back and study why folks argued, at the founding, between a strong central government, and letting those most affected by government control their own destinies.
In the confederacy's case, their being affected by government not letting them continue enslaving people.
Today. . . we all agree that slavery is backward and wrong.

There are many things that folks did back then that we feel are loathsome. Hell, no one batted an eye to have small children work fifty hours a week.

Raping women was no big deal. Folks were gunned down for cheating at cards.

It was a savage time.

The fact is, the individual states, according to law, had sovereignty to determine that sort of thing, within their own borders.

Likewise, if the Federal government was not going to uphold that right. . . which was agreed upon in the founding, it was the South's right to withdraw. The federal elites forced them to, and then invaded over it.

One of that nation's most notable abolitionists, Lysander Spooner abhorred slavery, and was one of the intellectuals that helped develop the Non-Aggression principle. It is, with out a doubt, uncontroversial that all human beings deserve dignity, respect, and sovereignty. . . and slavery is an aggression against their person, yes?

So, whose job is it to contest that aggression? The federal and global elites? Or the black man?

If the black man did not free himself at that point in history? Spooner knew, not only would the black man forever be slaves, but the nation too, would also be slaves to those who forced war on all of us.

The best course of action for the dedicated abolitionist, was to let the South go. . . Protest war for the horror and scam it is, and to support Northern underground railroad efforts, clandestine shipment of arms to black revolutionaries, and separatists, ect. But armed invasion? Nope, that clearly would have undermined the black man's struggle to change the culture in the south in the long run.

. . . and clearly? He was right. Now we just have the federal elites that oppress us all.
Some great responses.

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