Why do people deny science?

BriPat -

He's not right. AGW is a myth. CO2 is not a pollutant and it's not toxic. In fact, it's beneficial to plant life..
This is something that we can test right now.

Water is not toxic, right? Plants need it, right?

Go and drink about 25 litres of water during the next hour, and tell us what happens.

Gee, how brilliant.

You could always breathe 100% oxygen to avoid all the dangerous carbon dioxide. Of course that would kill you, but at least you wouldn't die from the dreaded carbon dioxide.
BriPat -

He's not right. AGW is a myth. CO2 is not a pollutant and it's not toxic. In fact, it's beneficial to plant life..

This is something that we can test right now.

Water is not toxic, right? Plants need it, right?

Go and drink about 25 litres of water during the next hour, and tell us what happens.

:lol::lol::lol: Typical revisionist brainless response. How much CO2 would you need to ingest to equal that 25 litres of water? As a percentage? You guys like to compare apples to elephants but that only serves to make you look foolish. Try better.
It doesn't matter....CO2 is neither a toxin nor a pollutant.....Comparing it with toxins and pollutants is a red herring.....Moreover, even the most outrageous claims by the scaremongers don't have CO2 levels rising to levels anywhere near toxicity.

Of course CO2 levels aren't rising to the level of toxicity. The toxic nature of CO2 isn't the issue. No one is going to die from a toxic level of CO2.

But put enough CO2 into the atmosphere and the atmosphere changes. More water is retained in it. Heat is absorbed by it.

Get your head out of toxicity and look at the bigger picture.

You are absolutely right, of course, and I am sure Oddball also knows that you are right - but don't expect him to admit it.

People invest a lot of pride in their positions on climate change. I often see posters here arguing points they know hold no water.
He's not right and I already addressed his fallacious reasoning.

Try to keep up, Dudley. :lol:
BriPat -

He's not right. AGW is a myth. CO2 is not a pollutant and it's not toxic. In fact, it's beneficial to plant life..

This is something that we can test right now.

Water is not toxic, right? Plants need it, right?

Go and drink about 25 litres of water during the next hour, and tell us what happens.

So the government should begin a program to eliminate water from the planet?
Why do lefties use trite phrases like "deny science"? Who knows, maybe it's the union based education system that forces them to rely on you tube and Huffington for information.
Fascinating, how all the denialists now spout the "it's just a trace" stupidity. No one with a 3-digit IQ would say something that stupid, but pretty much all of them now repeat it. It's obviously yet another of their herd-identity things, because if there's one thing the denialists here do well, it's displaying their absolute unquestioning devotion to their herd. Once any idea takes root with a few of them, they will all start babbling it, no matter how dumb it is, because disagreeing with a fellow herd member is strictly forbidden.
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Fascinating, how all the denialists now spout the "it's just a trace" stupidity. No one with a 3-digit IQ would say something that stupid, but pretty much all of them now repeat it. It's obviously yet another of their herd-identity things, because if there's one thing the denialists here do well, it's displaying their absolute unquestioning devotion to their herd. Once any idea takes root with a few of them, they will all start babbling it, no matter how dumb it is, because disagreeing with a fellow herd member is strictly forbidden.

It's OK admiral...we actually KNOW what we're talking about. When you get a clue please come on back!
Fascinating, how all the denialists now spout the "it's just a trace" stupidity. No one with a 3-digit IQ would say something that stupid, but pretty much all of them now repeat it. It's obviously yet another of their herd-identity things, because if there's one thing the denialists here do well, it's displaying their absolute unquestioning devotion to their herd. Once any idea takes root with a few of them, they will all start babbling it, no matter how dumb it is, because disagreeing with a fellow herd member is strictly forbidden.

You must understand that the vast majority of scientists, especially climatologists are REALLY stupid people. About 97% stupid. There is a tiny percentage, about 3%, who are really really smart, and they all are on the same side of the issue. But what can only be a coincidence, they are all funded by the biggest polluters on the planet...image the odds?
Of course CO2 levels aren't rising to the level of toxicity. The toxic nature of CO2 isn't the issue. No one is going to die from a toxic level of CO2.

But put enough CO2 into the atmosphere and the atmosphere changes. More water is retained in it. Heat is absorbed by it.

Get your head out of toxicity and look at the bigger picture.

You are absolutely right, of course, and I am sure Oddball also knows that you are right - but don't expect him to admit it.

People invest a lot of pride in their positions on climate change. I often see posters here arguing points they know hold no water.

He's not right. AGW is a myth. CO2 is not a pollutant and it's not toxic. In fact, it's beneficial to plant life..
Too much of a good thing...

But that begs you to actually understand science, so I guess it's hopeless.
Fascinating, how all the denialists now spout the "it's just a trace" stupidity. No one with a 3-digit IQ would say something that stupid, but pretty much all of them now repeat it. It's obviously yet another of their herd-identity things, because if there's one thing the denialists here do well, it's displaying their absolute unquestioning devotion to their herd. Once any idea takes root with a few of them, they will all start babbling it, no matter how dumb it is, because disagreeing with a fellow herd member is strictly forbidden.
Projecting again, eh Gomer?...:lol:
You are absolutely right, of course, and I am sure Oddball also knows that you are right - but don't expect him to admit it.

People invest a lot of pride in their positions on climate change. I often see posters here arguing points they know hold no water.

He's not right. AGW is a myth. CO2 is not a pollutant and it's not toxic. In fact, it's beneficial to plant life..
Too much of a good thing...

But that begs you to actually understand science, so I guess it's hopeless.

the money available for frivilous papers based on the evils of CO2 have tainted not only climate science but other fields as well. a couple of years ago a study came out that blamed the obesity epidemic on rising CO2 levels. CO2 in the lungs is never as low as ambient air and is often orders of magnitude greater. the very fact that this nonsensical paper was approved, funded, peer-reviewed, published, and publicized by the media without any remark about the absurdity of the premise should be a warning to us all about the ease of finding false correlations to rising CO2 levels.
Global warming is a hoax. To real scientists there are no absolutes and everything must be questioned. When science becomes absolute it moves from science to faith.

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Ohhhhh, so the world could still be flat. Unless you are attend the church of round...:smoke:
According to quantum physics, "spherical" is the best explanation our current minds can come up with to describe a planet that also exists in terms of (at least) time, if not other yet-to-be-discovered dimensions.

But thanks for stooping by to, once again, demonstrate what an utterly arrogant ignoramus you are. :thup: :lol:
Fascinating, how all the denialists now spout the "it's just a trace" stupidity. No one with a 3-digit IQ would say something that stupid, but pretty much all of them now repeat it. It's obviously yet another of their herd-identity things, because if there's one thing the denialists here do well, it's displaying their absolute unquestioning devotion to their herd. Once any idea takes root with a few of them, they will all start babbling it, no matter how dumb it is, because disagreeing with a fellow herd member is strictly forbidden.

You must understand that the vast majority of scientists, especially climatologists are REALLY stupid people. About 97% stupid. There is a tiny percentage, about 3%, who are really really smart, and they all are on the same side of the issue. But what can only be a coincidence, they are all funded by the biggest polluters on the planet...image the odds?

97% of scientist understand physics, but may NOT completely understand the complexity of the entire climate system. Even Hansen says that Aerosal and the oceanic storage of heat is a very real break for the republicans to attack the theory to the idiocy(low iq'ed). This must be understood.

Our society was built on those polluters. We just have to be wise in transioning away from the dirty energy means to the cleaner ones. Let's support them as long as we need them...
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This thread was officially killed by this post.

Ohhhhh, so the world could still be flat. Unless you are attend the church of round...:smoke:
According to quantum physics, "spherical" is the best explanation our current minds can come up with to describe a planet that also exists in terms of (at least) time, if not other yet-to-be-discovered dimensions.

But thanks for stooping by to, once again, demonstrate what an utterly arrogant ignoramus you are. :thup: :lol:

Says a flat earther...:eek:
Global warming is a hoax. To real scientists there are no absolutes and everything must be questioned. When science becomes absolute it moves from science to faith.

This thread was officially killed by this post.

Ohhhhh, so the world could still be flat. Unless you are attend the church of round...:smoke:

You really have reading comprehension problems. Perhaps that is the cause of your belief in AGW. In that case you can be excused for your ignorance.
Fascinating, how all the denialists now spout the "it's just a trace" stupidity. No one with a 3-digit IQ would say something that stupid, but pretty much all of them now repeat it. It's obviously yet another of their herd-identity things, because if there's one thing the denialists here do well, it's displaying their absolute unquestioning devotion to their herd. Once any idea takes root with a few of them, they will all start babbling it, no matter how dumb it is, because disagreeing with a fellow herd member is strictly forbidden.

You must understand that the vast majority of scientists, especially climatologists are REALLY stupid people. About 97% stupid. There is a tiny percentage, about 3%, who are really really smart, and they all are on the same side of the issue. But what can only be a coincidence, they are all funded by the biggest polluters on the planet...image the odds?

97% of scientist understand physics, but may NOT completely understand the complexity of the entire climate system. Even Hansen says that Aerosal and the oceanic storage of heat is a very real break for the republicans to attack the theory to the idiocy(low iq'ed). This must be understood.

Our society was built on those polluters. We just have to be wise in transioning away from the dirty energy means to the cleaner ones. Let's support them as long as we need them...

Well these climatologists can't be very smart. I mean the jerks put in years at college studying to get degrees in that science, when all they have to do is come on a board like this. Who needs a degree, just spend a few hours on a BLOG, and you're an expert...
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