Why do people hate Liberals?

Conservatives love Liberals

They always manage to userp liberal ideals about 30 years after the fact and then claim it as their own

So you haven't answered the question:

Where do modern liberals derive their philosophies from? (The answer is obviously NOT John Locke, a classical liberal)

Answered throughtout the thread

Mine is ....Truth, Justice and the American Way
Conservatives love Liberals

They always manage to userp liberal ideals about 30 years after the fact and then claim it as their own

So you haven't answered the question:

Where do modern liberals derive their philosophies from? (The answer is obviously NOT John Locke, a classical liberal)

Answered throughtout the thread

Mine is ....Truth, Justice and the American Way

Truth? obama has not told the truth about anything in his entire political career, neither has Reid, Pelosi, Maher, Sharpton, Ayers, or any of the other liberals

Justice? Social justice? taking from someone who earned it and giving it to someone who did nothing but vote for obama---------that justice?

The american way? when did marxism become the american way? when did high taxation become the american way? when did millions on food stamps become the american way? when did high unemployment and huge national debt become the american way?

Liberalism is destroying our economy and our culture every day, and half of the population does not give a shit as long as their govt cheese comes every month.
Conservatives love Liberals

They always manage to userp liberal ideals about 30 years after the fact and then claim it as their own

So you haven't answered the question:

Where do modern liberals derive their philosophies from? (The answer is obviously NOT John Locke, a classical liberal)

Answered throughtout the thread

Mine is ....Truth, Justice and the American Way

John Locke is the American way. Your ideologies are not compatible with John Locke. They are however compatible with this excerpt:
Two of the most noted and influential modern political thinkers are John Locke and Karl Marx. John Locke was an English philosopher who was famous for his use of empiricism and his social contract theories. Karl Marx was a German political thinker who was famous for his theories regarding class struggle and is well known as the father of communism. These two thinkers had many conflicting ideas and philosophies. One topic that they had divergent views on was whether private property was a natural right or not.

John Locke that that private property was a natural right, and one of the most important ones at that. One of Locke's most famous quotes is that all men have the right to "life, liberty and property." Locke discusses his theories of property in his Second Treatise of Government. Locke believes that god gave man the earth to hold in common, but when a man adds his labor to the earth it becomes his private property. When a man plows a field than the field becomes his, as well as the fruits of that land. Whatever man adds his labor to becomes private property for their exclusive use.

In Locke's eyes the main purpose of the government is too protect individuals private property. In a state of nature there is no way for each individual to ensure that their property remains safe from every one else. Once conflict over private property starts to occur the people come together and use to their reason to draft a social contract that will protect their property. Locke also says that before the introduction of private property men live in an egalitarian state of nature, but with the introduction of private property it caused a hierarchy to form. it is because of private property that men are forced to form a contract amongst themselves and craft a government. (Locke: Government)

Karl Marx's views towards private are quite different than those of John Locke. In his major work the Communist Manifesto he states that "the theory of the Communists may be summed up in the single sentence: Abolition of private property." (Marx) Marx believed that the bourgeoisie controlled all of the profit creating property and used it to enslave the proletariat, or working class. Marx disagrees with John Locke's theory of property, Marx argues that workers labor doesn't grant them any property whereas the capitalist class has all the property but does no labor. In the Communist Manifesto it is argued that labor has been used throughout history to repress and exploit the working class and that the only things that change are the structures of the exploitation.

Both Locke and Marx's views of private property have been highly influential. John Locke's theories of property have been most influential to capitalist thinkers whereas Karl Marx's work have been most influential to communist and socialist thinkers and governments. The best way to study the way that these two different ideology work in application is too look at the two case studies that best exemplify the divergent theories, namely the United States and the Soviet Union.

The founders of the United States were highly influenced by the thinking of Locke when they wrote their constitution. In the Fourth amendment in the Bill of Rights it states that "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. " This amendment [4th Amendment] guarantees that private property will be protected from the government. Also, obviously, it is against the law for any one to steal or hamper with anyone else's private property. John Locke would probably be happy with this system because it fulfills his government's basic purpose of protecting private property.

In 1917 a group of revolutionaries called the Bolsheviks overthrew the Russian Czar so they could put in a Communist government in place. The person whose thinking was most influential to the revolution, and the government that they put into place, was Karl Marx. In the Soviet System all private property and means of production were, theoretically, owned by the people. How this system worked was the Communist party controlled the industry and private property in place of the people. Under this system it just perpetuated the system of the working class and the bourgeoisie, except now the bourgeoisie were the members of the Communist Party who controlled and exploited the workers who they were supposedly in league with and representing. All in all John Locke's ideas about private property has fared better than Karl Marx's in practical application.

Works Cited

"Locke: Social Order." Philosophy Pages. 30 Apr. 2007.
Marx, Karl. The Communist Manifesto. 30 Apr. 2007.
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OP- Why do conservatives (hater dupes) think THEY are the people. Brainwashed morons!

All your "facts" at this point are Pub propaganda and total BS.

Liberal ideas are based on FACTS and long research and history, not BS "common sense" and what a huge BS propaganda machine paid for by megarich greedy idiots inculcate in us...see sig pp3, "banning some guns and regulation is unconstitutional, Obama gutted Workfare and Medicare, etc etc..."
I don't hate liberals, I feel sorry for them. Their genetic defect has been sceintifically proven. All liberals have a defective gene known as DRD 4 (look it up). It blocks rational logical thought from being processed by their brains. We can only hope that medical science will find a cure, but alas, under obamacare that is not possible, but fear not, illegals will get free medical care.
OP- Why do conservatives (hater dupes) think THEY are the people. Brainwashed morons!

All your "facts" at this point are Pub propaganda and total BS.

Liberal ideas are based on FACTS and long research and history, not BS "common sense" and what a huge BS propaganda machine paid for by megarich greedy idiots inculcate in us...see sig pp3, "banning some guns and regulation is unconstitutional, Obama gutted Workfare and Medicare, etc etc..."

obama took 500B from medicare to fund obamacare, he cancelled the medicare advantage program. Now millions of seniors will no longer be able to afford a medicare supplement.

Do you have any idea what a piece of dogshit the obamacare bill really is?

It puts a tax on cruthes, hearing aids, and sporting equipment. Don't believe it, go to Bass pro or Cabelas, and look at the healthcare tax on the bottom of your receipt.
OP- Why do conservatives (hater dupes) think THEY are the people. Brainwashed morons!

All your "facts" at this point are Pub propaganda and total BS.

Liberal ideas are based on FACTS and long research and history, not BS "common sense" and what a huge BS propaganda machine paid for by megarich greedy idiots inculcate in us...see sig pp3, "banning some guns and regulation is unconstitutional, Obama gutted Workfare and Medicare, etc etc..."

obama took 500B from medicare to fund obamacare, he cancelled the medicare advantage program. Now millions of seniors will no longer be able to afford a medicare supplement.

Do you have any idea what a piece of dogshit the obamacare bill really is?

It puts a tax on cruthes, hearing aids, and sporting equipment. Don't believe it, go to Bass pro or Cabelas, and look at the healthcare tax on the bottom of your receipt.

The Ryan Plan takes the same money out. Advantage is a RW giveaway to the well off. 2% tax - BFD.

Romneycare and every other modern country prove it works great- a GOP plan. The system we have now was a disaster that had to be fixed- worst results in the modern world at twice the price. Pubs proved they'll NEVER vote out the big scam, dupe.
I don't hate liberals. BTW they are progressives. They just stole the liberal moniker when people realized how nuts progressives were.

I just want them to stop taking my money and interfering in my life. That's all.

I'm just taking a wild guess, but I'm thinking you don't have any money (worth talking about), and you're responsible for your own life, are you not, interference aside? Do you need a waaaaaambulance?

That is an incredibly stupid post.
Not surprised it came from an entitlement minded lib such as yourself.
I don't hate liberals, I feel sorry for them. Their genetic defect has been sceintifically proven. All liberals have a defective gene known as DRD 4 (look it up). It blocks rational logical thought from being processed by their brains. We can only hope that medical science will find a cure, but alas, under obamacare that is not possible, but fear not, illegals will get free medical care.

DRD4? Another BS Pub propaganda, for dupes only- the liberal theory.

Illegals, thanks to Pub refusal of a good SS ID card, 90+% of males work, 65% pay taxes, 35% own homes. NOW they'll get good CHEAPER care and pay something instead of free ER care- the most expensive kind.
OP- Why do conservatives (hater dupes) think THEY are the people. Brainwashed morons!

All your "facts" at this point are Pub propaganda and total BS.

Liberal ideas are based on FACTS and long research and history, not BS "common sense" and what a huge BS propaganda machine paid for by megarich greedy idiots inculcate in us...see sig pp3, "banning some guns and regulation is unconstitutional, Obama gutted Workfare and Medicare, etc etc..."
Ah...A lib finally admits his ideology is NOT based in common sense.
OP- Why do conservatives (hater dupes) think THEY are the people. Brainwashed morons!

All your "facts" at this point are Pub propaganda and total BS.

Liberal ideas are based on FACTS and long research and history, not BS "common sense" and what a huge BS propaganda machine paid for by megarich greedy idiots inculcate in us...see sig pp3, "banning some guns and regulation is unconstitutional, Obama gutted Workfare and Medicare, etc etc..."

obama took 500B from medicare to fund obamacare, he cancelled the medicare advantage program. Now millions of seniors will no longer be able to afford a medicare supplement.

Do you have any idea what a piece of dogshit the obamacare bill really is?

It puts a tax on cruthes, hearing aids, and sporting equipment. Don't believe it, go to Bass pro or Cabelas, and look at the healthcare tax on the bottom of your receipt.

The Ryan Plan takes the same money out. Advantage is a RW giveaway to the well off. 2% tax - BFD.

Romneycare and every other modern country prove it works great- a GOP plan. The system we have now was a disaster that had to be fixed- worst results in the modern world at twice the price. Pubs proved they'll NEVER vote out the big scam, dupe.

No one in the USA was being denied healthcare before obamacare, NO ONE. Even those here illegally were getting free medical care---------there was no healthcare crisis------------If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

I don't recall saying that I agreed with that provision of the Ryan plan. Medicare advantage is a great program for seniors, plus it saves money for the govt, and -------------------------------------------and here's the problem liberals have with it, the insurance companies booked a small profit on it. and we all know that profit is EVIL.

as to the tax on medical devices and sports equipment, even many democrats see that it is wrong and are trying to kill it. Too bad no one had time to actually read the piece of shit bill before it was passed.
So you haven't answered the question:

Where do modern liberals derive their philosophies from? (The answer is obviously NOT John Locke, a classical liberal)

Answered throughtout the thread

Mine is ....Truth, Justice and the American Way

Truth? obama has not told the truth about anything in his entire political career, neither has Reid, Pelosi, Maher, Sharpton, Ayers, or any of the other liberals

Justice? Social justice? taking from someone who earned it and giving it to someone who did nothing but vote for obama---------that justice?

The american way? when did marxism become the american way? when did high taxation become the american way? when did millions on food stamps become the american way? when did high unemployment and huge national debt become the american way?

Liberalism is destroying our economy and our culture every day, and half of the population does not give a shit as long as their govt cheese comes every month.

What a pile of BS propaganda, dupe- change the channel.

No Marxism- a GOP health reform, 5% higher taxes for the bloated rich who've tripled their wealth while the nonrich and the country go to hell under voodoo, dupe.

Thanks for the DEPRESSION, GOP- that's why food stamps and UE are high. Also 3 1/2 years of mindless obstruction. NOW ENDING, DESPITE the GOP.
I don't hate liberals, I feel sorry for them. Their genetic defect has been sceintifically proven. All liberals have a defective gene known as DRD 4 (look it up). It blocks rational logical thought from being processed by their brains. We can only hope that medical science will find a cure, but alas, under obamacare that is not possible, but fear not, illegals will get free medical care.

DRD4? Another BS Pub propaganda, for dupes only- the liberal theory.

Illegals, thanks to Pub refusal of a good SS ID card, 90+% of males work, 65% pay taxes, 35% own homes. NOW they'll get good CHEAPER care and pay something instead of free ER care- the most expensive kind.

DRD4 is real. Look it up if you doubt me. you obviously have it. I feel sorry for you.

obamacare will increase the cost of medical care for everyone, premiums are already going up, doctors are leaving, nurses are leaving, hospitals are closing. its going to destroy the best healthcare system in the history of the world, and you fools are applauding it. pathetic.
OP- Why do conservatives (hater dupes) think THEY are the people. Brainwashed morons!

All your "facts" at this point are Pub propaganda and total BS.

Liberal ideas are based on FACTS and long research and history, not BS "common sense" and what a huge BS propaganda machine paid for by megarich greedy idiots inculcate in us...see sig pp3, "banning some guns and regulation is unconstitutional, Obama gutted Workfare and Medicare, etc etc..."

obama took 500B from medicare to fund obamacare, he cancelled the medicare advantage program. Now millions of seniors will no longer be able to afford a medicare supplement.

Do you have any idea what a piece of dogshit the obamacare bill really is?

It puts a tax on cruthes, hearing aids, and sporting equipment. Don't believe it, go to Bass pro or Cabelas, and look at the healthcare tax on the bottom of your receipt.

The Ryan Plan takes the same money out. Advantage is a RW giveaway to the well off. 2% tax - BFD.

Romneycare and every other modern country prove it works great- a GOP plan. The system we have now was a disaster that had to be fixed- worst results in the modern world at twice the price. Pubs proved they'll NEVER vote out the big scam, dupe.

Class envy. "The well off"..Every time one you libs utter those or similar words, your argument turns to shit.
A 2% tax that is passed along to the consumer.
So after state and local sales taxes, the government grabs an extra 2% just to fuck us a little more. And for what? Insurance premiums will go through the roof once Obamacare kicks in next January.
Many medium sized companies will be forced to either lay workers off or eliminate their positions. Some may simply close their doors.
Obamacare is a job killer. THAT is a fact.
Don't think so? Read THIS...
Bakery Owners: Obamacare Will Cut Our Profits In Half
Answered throughtout the thread

Mine is ....Truth, Justice and the American Way

Truth? obama has not told the truth about anything in his entire political career, neither has Reid, Pelosi, Maher, Sharpton, Ayers, or any of the other liberals

Justice? Social justice? taking from someone who earned it and giving it to someone who did nothing but vote for obama---------that justice?

The american way? when did marxism become the american way? when did high taxation become the american way? when did millions on food stamps become the american way? when did high unemployment and huge national debt become the american way?

Liberalism is destroying our economy and our culture every day, and half of the population does not give a shit as long as their govt cheese comes every month.

What a pile of BS propaganda, dupe- change the channel.

No Marxism- a GOP health reform, 5% higher taxes for the bloated rich who've tripled their wealth while the nonrich and the country go to hell under voodoo, dupe.

Thanks for the DEPRESSION, GOP- that's why food stamps and UE are high. Also 3 1/2 years of mindless obstruction. NOW ENDING, DESPITE the GOP.

yeah, right its all about punishing the evil successful rich. punish the bastards, take their hard earned money, give it to the lazy.

Marx-------"from each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs" can you honestly say that obama is not a marxist?
obama took 500B from medicare to fund obamacare, he cancelled the medicare advantage program. Now millions of seniors will no longer be able to afford a medicare supplement.

Do you have any idea what a piece of dogshit the obamacare bill really is?

It puts a tax on cruthes, hearing aids, and sporting equipment. Don't believe it, go to Bass pro or Cabelas, and look at the healthcare tax on the bottom of your receipt.

The Ryan Plan takes the same money out. Advantage is a RW giveaway to the well off. 2% tax - BFD.

Romneycare and every other modern country prove it works great- a GOP plan. The system we have now was a disaster that had to be fixed- worst results in the modern world at twice the price. Pubs proved they'll NEVER vote out the big scam, dupe.

No one in the USA was being denied healthcare before obamacare, NO ONE. Even those here illegally were getting free medical care---------there was no healthcare crisis------------If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

I don't recall saying that I agreed with that provision of the Ryan plan. Medicare advantage is a great program for seniors, plus it saves money for the govt, and -------------------------------------------and here's the problem liberals have with it, the insurance companies booked a small profit on it. and we all know that profit is EVIL.

as to the tax on medical devices and sports equipment, even many democrats see that it is wrong and are trying to kill it. Too bad no one had time to actually read the piece of shit bill before it was passed.

A GIVEAWAY, and a broken system costing 18% GDP, with 45k DEAD a year and 750k bankruptcies, ruining our competitiveness. Open your eyes, dupe.
The Ryan Plan takes the same money out. Advantage is a RW giveaway to the well off. 2% tax - BFD.

Romneycare and every other modern country prove it works great- a GOP plan. The system we have now was a disaster that had to be fixed- worst results in the modern world at twice the price. Pubs proved they'll NEVER vote out the big scam, dupe.

No one in the USA was being denied healthcare before obamacare, NO ONE. Even those here illegally were getting free medical care---------there was no healthcare crisis------------If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

I don't recall saying that I agreed with that provision of the Ryan plan. Medicare advantage is a great program for seniors, plus it saves money for the govt, and -------------------------------------------and here's the problem liberals have with it, the insurance companies booked a small profit on it. and we all know that profit is EVIL.

as to the tax on medical devices and sports equipment, even many democrats see that it is wrong and are trying to kill it. Too bad no one had time to actually read the piece of shit bill before it was passed.

A GIVEAWAY, and a broken system costing 18% GDP, with 45k DEAD a year and 750k bankruptcies, ruining our competitiveness. Open your eyes, dupe.

care to prove that every one of those bankrupcies was due to medical expenses? Not one of them had to do with running up credit card debt? not one?

you post bullshit talking points like they are fact, you are a LIAR, just like your kenyan messiah.:cuckoo:

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