Why do people hate Liberals?

So, that must mean that the Johnson programs resulted in less people classified as "poverty," right?

Millions of Americans have used government programs to escape poverty. There are few formerly poor Americans that did not use at least some of the programs

Bull shit. How did they do that? How did a government program help one person escape poverty? Everyone I know that escaped poverty did it with their own two hands. Everyone I know that is in poverty got there with the government's help.

Glad you asked...

Government programs allow people to survive while they are getting back on their feet. Food, Shelter, Healthcare
Government programs also provide education, jobs training, childcare while you work or go to school. job placement services
Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country. Yeah that statement is only for the rich republicans. For the democrats that has been replaced with tell us what your country can do for you, belly up to the trough for free money, the drinks are on the house!

It continues to amaze me how conservatives misrepresent that statement to meet their twisted agenda. "Ask not what your country can do for you" was not a condemnation of social programs but a call for public service. It was used to help launch the Peace Corps

In fact, in his same Inaugural address, JFK spoke of a public obligation to help the poor

Yes it was a call for the people to do something for the government because the Government had given much to them.
President Kennedy was a Conservative Democrat compared to his brother Ted Kenney who was a liberal.

What is the difference between a Conservative Dem and a Liberal Dem?
Conservative Dems fund the social programs with the money that is already there.
Liberal Dems don't figure in the funding, add more people on the programs and then kick the can down the road. Then they want to fix the funding much later on by very high taxes.

President Kennedy was more like Bush Jr. on taxes.
President Kenney wanted to reduce income taxes from 20-90% to 14-65%
He wanted to reduce the Corp tax from 52% to 47%.
He also said the soundest way to raise revenue in the long term is to lower rates now.

Not to mention comparing democrat women of today vs Marlyn and Jackie.
Millions of Americans have used government programs to escape poverty. There are few formerly poor Americans that did not use at least some of the programs

But there is a FAR greater percentage of Americans in poverty today than there were before Johnson's programs.

That's what you socialists call "success."

If you socialists ever try to "help" with infant mortality, you'll deem "success" as reducing the rate from the current 2% down to 35% - just as you've done with poverty.

Apples and Oranges

When Johnson was selling his War on Poverty programs he showed reporters families that lived in shacks with no electricity, no running water, outhouses, no heat.....children wearing rags and no shoes

You would be hard pressed to find that standard of poverty today

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Rightwinger writes:
". If by a "Liberal" they mean someone who looks ahead and not behind, someone who welcomes new ideas without rigid reactions, someone who cares about the welfare of the people — their health, their housing, their schools, their jobs, their civil rights, and their civil liberties — someone who believes we can break through the stalemate and suspicions that grip us in our policies abroad, if that is what they mean by a "Liberal," then I'm proud to say I'm a "Liberal."

So let's take it a step further. What does it mean to CARE about the welfare of the people, ie. their health, housing schools, jobs, civil rights, civil liberties?

Does CARING mean that the federal government confiscates property from Citizen A in order to provide healthcare, housing, education, employment to Citizen B?

Does CARING mean that the federal government decides whether Citizen A has a 'right' to defend his person or property when Citizen B threatens either? That government determines what language is acceptable to use to avoid offending Citizen B? That government can force Citizen A to hire Citizen B?

If so, then liberal CARING is looking to government authority to create the sort of society wanted.

That is NOT the definition of liberal provided by say the Merriam-Webster dictionary:

Definition of LIBERAL

1. a : of, relating to, or based on the liberal arts <liberal education>

b archaic : of or befitting a man of free birth

2. a : marked by generosity : openhanded <a liberal giver>

b : given or provided in a generous and openhanded way <a liberal meal>

c : ample, full

3. obsolete : lacking moral restraint : licentious

4.: not literal or strict : loose <a liberal translation>

5. broad-minded; especially : not bound by authoritarianism, orthodoxy, or traditional forms

6. a : of, favoring, or based upon the principles of liberalism

b capitalized : of or constituting a political party advocating or associated with the principles of political liberalism; especially : of or constituting a political party in the United Kingdom associated with ideals of individual especially economic freedom, greater individual participation in government, and constitutional, political, and administrative reforms designed to secure these objectives.
Liberal - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

In other words, pretty much the basic beliefs of the Founding Fathers.

But based on what we read, see n television, hear on the radio, and note from comments on message boards, the modern day American liberal usually favors:
- Obamacare that effectively controls the national healthcare system.
- Affirmative Action
- OSHA, wage controls, and broad environmental restrictions.
- Enforcement of politically correct language
- Forcibly transferring wealth from the haves to the have nots.
- Federal dictates regarding marriage laws, reproduction, education, school lunches, unions, communications, commerce, and industry.
- Federal dictates of what is acceptable to regulate in the private sector re patriotic displays, guns, artistic symbolism/activities, self defense, etc.
- Use of the people's treasury to punish success and subsidize failure. . . just to name a few issues.

How does ANY of that square with the definition provided by Merriam-Webster?
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Apples and Oranges

When Johnson was selling his War on Poverty programs he showed reporters families that lived in shacks with no electricity, no running water, outhouses, no heat.....children wearing rags and no shoes

You would be hard pressed to find that standard of poverty today

So you admit that you Obamunists are openly lying about poverty?

Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country. Yeah that statement is only for the rich republicans. For the democrats that has been replaced with tell us what your country can do for you, belly up to the trough for free money, the drinks are on the house!

It continues to amaze me how conservatives misrepresent that statement to meet their twisted agenda. "Ask not what your country can do for you" was not a condemnation of social programs but a call for public service. It was used to help launch the Peace Corps

In fact, in his same Inaugural address, JFK spoke of a public obligation to help the poor

Yes it was a call for the people to do something for the government because the Government had given much to them.
President Kennedy was a Conservative Democrat compared to his brother Ted Kenney who was a liberal.

What is the difference between a Conservative Dem and a Liberal Dem?
Conservative Dems fund the social programs with the money that is already there.
Liberal Dems don't figure in the funding, add more people on the programs and then kick the can down the road. Then they want to fix the funding much later on by very high taxes.

President Kennedy was more like Bush Jr. on taxes.
President Kenney wanted to reduce income taxes from 20-90% to 14-65%
He wanted to reduce the Corp tax from 52% to 47%.
He also said the soundest way to raise revenue in the long term is to lower rates now.

I'm sure current Democrats would be content with taxes 14-65%
and corporate rates at 47%

Would that make them Republicans?
Millions of Americans have used government programs to escape poverty. There are few formerly poor Americans that did not use at least some of the programs

Bull shit. How did they do that? How did a government program help one person escape poverty? Everyone I know that escaped poverty did it with their own two hands. Everyone I know that is in poverty got there with the government's help.

Glad you asked...

Government programs allow people to survive while they are getting back on their feet. Food, Shelter, Healthcare
Government programs also provide education, jobs training, childcare while you work or go to school. job placement services
Since we are talking feds, I'll assume by government you meant federal.

>>> Federal Government programs allow people to survive while they are getting back on their feet. Food, Shelter, Healthcare

So do local food banks, shelters, and free clinics. Can you explain the difference between federal programs for same and local programs? From what I can tell the primary difference is federal programs are unlimited in duration and not designed to wean people off assistance, by contrast they are designed to make people permanently dependent.

>>> Federal Government programs also provide education, jobs training, childcare while you work or go to school. job placement services

I can get all of that for free on the internet. Why do we need hundreds of MASSIVE duplicate federal programs to provide education and jobs training for jobs that are being off-shored?
Bull shit. How did they do that? How did a government program help one person escape poverty? Everyone I know that escaped poverty did it with their own two hands. Everyone I know that is in poverty got there with the government's help.

Glad you asked...

Government programs allow people to survive while they are getting back on their feet. Food, Shelter, Healthcare
Government programs also provide education, jobs training, childcare while you work or go to school. job placement services
Since we are talking feds, I'll assume by government you meant federal.

>>> Federal Government programs allow people to survive while they are getting back on their feet. Food, Shelter, Healthcare

So do local food banks, shelters, and free clinics. Can you explain the difference between federal programs for same and local programs? From what I can tell the primary difference is federal programs are unlimited in duration and not designed to wean people off assistance, by contrast they are designed to make people permanently dependent.

>>> Federal Government programs also provide education, jobs training, childcare while you work or go to school. job placement services

I can get all of that for free on the internet. Why do we need hundreds of MASSIVE duplicate federal programs to provide education and jobs training for jobs that are being off-shored?

Why are you guys obsessed with the Feds?

Government is Government is Government

It all comes out of our pocket
The federal government is VERY different from the state, county, local government.

When the federal government decides to dictate something to all the people, while paying just enough of the people to keep the government in power, everybody's rights are violated. And there is nowhere to go to escape whatever oppressive regulation or laws the federal government imposes on us other than to leave our country or stage another revolution. And if the authoritarianism progresses far enough, we might not even have that option.

But Texas cannot dictate to New Mexico how New Mexico will organize the New Mexican society. Vermont has no power to tell Florida how it must do things. Houston cannot dictate to Dallas how it must run its schools. Our neighborhood association cannot demand that the next neighborhood over go by our rules.

Liberalism in its purest form is the freedom to live our lives and organize our societies as we choose, to utilize or protect our property as we choose, to breath and live and speak and pursue whatever opportunities we choose.

Any federal dictate that interferes with that in any way is not liberalism but is rather authoritarianism cloaked in the mantle called modern American liberalism.
Glad you asked...

Government programs allow people to survive while they are getting back on their feet. Food, Shelter, Healthcare
Government programs also provide education, jobs training, childcare while you work or go to school. job placement services
Since we are talking feds, I'll assume by government you meant federal.

>>> Federal Government programs allow people to survive while they are getting back on their feet. Food, Shelter, Healthcare

So do local food banks, shelters, and free clinics. Can you explain the difference between federal programs for same and local programs? From what I can tell the primary difference is federal programs are unlimited in duration and not designed to wean people off assistance, by contrast they are designed to make people permanently dependent.

>>> Federal Government programs also provide education, jobs training, childcare while you work or go to school. job placement services

I can get all of that for free on the internet. Why do we need hundreds of MASSIVE duplicate federal programs to provide education and jobs training for jobs that are being off-shored?

Why are you guys obsessed with the Feds?

Government is Government is Government

It all comes out of our pocket

Wrong. Federal government is based in DC. State government is based in state capitals. Local government is based in your county seat and/or city. The closer you get to home the closer you get to people who do things based on a desire for results. The farther you get from home the closer you get to people who do things based on a desire for wealth and power. There is no accountability for money spent by the feds. NONE. Money spent locally is more often than not money that is looked at more carefully. I can live in a conservative town in a conservative state and have much better return on my tax dollars than people who live in liberal towns in liberal states.

What I despise is my hard earned tax dollars being pissed away by idiots in DC voted in by a majority of idiots in democrat inner cities.

We live in a REPUBLIC. Social programs should be reserved to the states not forced on us federally. You want to piss away the economy of this country? Why?

Detroit is a shinning example of where the democrats are attempting to take the entire country.
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Since we are talking feds, I'll assume by government you meant federal.

>>> Federal Government programs allow people to survive while they are getting back on their feet. Food, Shelter, Healthcare

So do local food banks, shelters, and free clinics. Can you explain the difference between federal programs for same and local programs? From what I can tell the primary difference is federal programs are unlimited in duration and not designed to wean people off assistance, by contrast they are designed to make people permanently dependent.

>>> Federal Government programs also provide education, jobs training, childcare while you work or go to school. job placement services

I can get all of that for free on the internet. Why do we need hundreds of MASSIVE duplicate federal programs to provide education and jobs training for jobs that are being off-shored?

Why are you guys obsessed with the Feds?

Government is Government is Government

It all comes out of our pocket

Wrong. Federal government is based in DC. State government is based in state capitals. Local government is based in your county seat and/or city. The closer you get to home the closer you get to people who do things based on a desire for results. The farther you get from home the closer you get to people who do things based on a desire for wealth and power. There is no accountability for money spent by the feds. NONE. Money spent locally is more often than not money that is looked at more carefully. I can live in a conservative town in a conservative state and have much better return on my tax dollars than people who live in liberal towns in liberal states.

What I despise is my hard earned tax dollars being pissed away by idiots in DC voted in by a majority of idiots in democrat inner cities.

We live in a REPUBLIC. Social programs should be reserved to the states not forced on us federally. You want to piss away the economy of this country? Why?

Detroit is a shinning example of where the democrats are attempting to take the entire country.

No shit Sherlock...

Government is executed at the point it is most efficient. Plowing the road in front of your house is most efficiently done by your local government. Defending the nation is most efficiently done at the federal level.
Many programs are executed at multiple levels. The federal government that you so despise is able to reduce redundancy of 50 states trying to execute the same programs. There are also efficiencies of scale of doing something on a large scale vs thousands of small scale effort
So, that must mean that the Johnson programs resulted in less people classified as "poverty," right?

Millions of Americans have used government programs to escape poverty. There are few formerly poor Americans that did not use at least some of the programs

Bull shit. How did they do that? How did a government program help one person escape poverty? Everyone I know that escaped poverty did it with their own two hands. Everyone I know that is in poverty got there with the government's help.

Exactly !

Before President Johnson welfare program there were 39 million Americans in poverty.
Today there are 43.6 million in poverty.
So much for Johnson war on poverty that was suppose to end it. The program has increased it.

We have 46.6 million on food stamps up by 77% in 5 years.
Government hand outs causes more dependency and does not help to get the poor out of poverty.
It continues to amaze me how conservatives misrepresent that statement to meet their twisted agenda. "Ask not what your country can do for you" was not a condemnation of social programs but a call for public service. It was used to help launch the Peace Corps

In fact, in his same Inaugural address, JFK spoke of a public obligation to help the poor

Yes it was a call for the people to do something for the government because the Government had given much to them.
President Kennedy was a Conservative Democrat compared to his brother Ted Kenney who was a liberal.

What is the difference between a Conservative Dem and a Liberal Dem?
Conservative Dems fund the social programs with the money that is already there.
Liberal Dems don't figure in the funding, add more people on the programs and then kick the can down the road. Then they want to fix the funding much later on by very high taxes.

President Kennedy was more like Bush Jr. on taxes.
President Kennedy wanted to reduce income taxes from 20-90% to 14-65%
He wanted to reduce the Corp tax from 52% to 47%.
He also said the soundest way to raise revenue in the long term is to lower rates now.

I'm sure current Democrats would be content with taxes 14-65%
and corporate rates at 47%

Would that make them Republicans?

You missed the point entirely.
Millions of Americans have used government programs to escape poverty. There are few formerly poor Americans that did not use at least some of the programs

Bull shit. How did they do that? How did a government program help one person escape poverty? Everyone I know that escaped poverty did it with their own two hands. Everyone I know that is in poverty got there with the government's help.

Exactly !

Before President Johnson welfare program there were 39 million Americans in poverty.
Today there are 43.6 million in poverty.
So much for Johnson war on poverty that was suppose to end it. The program has increased it.

We have 46.6 million on food stamps up by 77% in 5 years.
Government hand outs causes more dependency and does not help to get the poor out of poverty.

Did you factor in that we have twice the population we had in 1965?
Yes it was a call for the people to do something for the government because the Government had given much to them.
President Kennedy was a Conservative Democrat compared to his brother Ted Kenney who was a liberal.

What is the difference between a Conservative Dem and a Liberal Dem?
Conservative Dems fund the social programs with the money that is already there.
Liberal Dems don't figure in the funding, add more people on the programs and then kick the can down the road. Then they want to fix the funding much later on by very high taxes.

President Kennedy was more like Bush Jr. on taxes.
President Kennedy wanted to reduce income taxes from 20-90% to 14-65%
He wanted to reduce the Corp tax from 52% to 47%.
He also said the soundest way to raise revenue in the long term is to lower rates now.

I'm sure current Democrats would be content with taxes 14-65%
and corporate rates at 47%

Would that make them Republicans?

You missed the point entirely.

No I didn't
. If by a "Liberal" they mean someone who looks ahead and not behind, someone who welcomes new ideas without rigid reactions, someone who cares about the welfare of the people — their health, their housing, their schools, their jobs, their civil rights, and their civil liberties — someone who believes we can break through the stalemate and suspicions that grip us in our policies abroad, if that is what they mean by a "Liberal," then I'm proud to say I'm a "Liberal."
Acceptance of the New York Liberal Party nomination (14 September 1960) TurnLeft:What is a Liberal?

Tell me about how JFK would be a Republican today

Because the democrat policies of welfare through socialist programs of redistribution have nothing to do with improving the welfare of the people you dolt.

Of course they do

Johnsons Great Society programs were a continuation of JFKs policies and were sold as his legacy


Both created to keep the blackies in their ghetto slave pens.... Both were racist pigs as well
Millions of Americans have used government programs to escape poverty. There are few formerly poor Americans that did not use at least some of the programs

But there is a FAR greater percentage of Americans in poverty today than there were before Johnson's programs.

That's what you socialists call "success."

If you socialists ever try to "help" with infant mortality, you'll deem "success" as reducing the rate from the current 2% down to 35% - just as you've done with poverty.

Apples and Oranges

When Johnson was selling his War on Poverty programs he showed reporters families that lived in shacks with no electricity, no running water, outhouses, no heat.....children wearing rags and no shoes

You would be hard pressed to find that standard of poverty today


Was that before or after he said he would get those ******* voting democrat?
But there is a FAR greater percentage of Americans in poverty today than there were before Johnson's programs.

That's what you socialists call "success."

If you socialists ever try to "help" with infant mortality, you'll deem "success" as reducing the rate from the current 2% down to 35% - just as you've done with poverty.

Apples and Oranges

When Johnson was selling his War on Poverty programs he showed reporters families that lived in shacks with no electricity, no running water, outhouses, no heat.....children wearing rags and no shoes

You would be hard pressed to find that standard of poverty today


Was that before or after he said he would get those ******* voting democrat?

Apples and Oranges

When Johnson was selling his War on Poverty programs he showed reporters families that lived in shacks with no electricity, no running water, outhouses, no heat.....children wearing rags and no shoes

You would be hard pressed to find that standard of poverty today


Was that before or after he said he would get those ******* voting democrat?



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