Why do people support Trump?

Oh, my! Those ubiquitous, demonic "leftists" blaspheming up the wazoo by citing documents, empirical data that can't be refuted.

If it's so empirical, why do all you Communists do the exact same thing? You list a dozen or so lies knowing most people here won't have the time to go through each and every one, and then claim victory because other people have a life to live.

You leftists only think you're slick, but you're as slick as sandpaper. Everybody on the right is aware of your extremely transparent games.
Seriously, I'd like to know. I really don't get it.
He is the opposite of The God Hating, Hair Sniffing, Child Fondling, Alphabet Pedo Lobby Supporting, New World Order Freedom Crushing DemNazi Order.
Americans who love their country will pretty much support any candidate that would put America, American Families and American Jobs first than support a Globalist candidate whose wealth comes from political corruption.

A better question is why do you support Open Borders, a tyrannical oppressive and intrusive more powerful Government who does not serve The People but rather looks at We The People as obstacles to their Global Agenda. We don't want to be part of your Marxist Fascist Global World Order. We don't want your centralized digital currency. We like our greenbacks. We knew you were lying about Russian Collusion, COVID, and Maro Lago. We don't want our children morally and sexually confused and brainwashed. We don't want to be forced to eat TOFU and be forced to buy your Scam Electric Vehicles. We don't believe the lies of Global Warming, but most importantly, we reject your hatred of God and everything good, moral and righteous. We don't believe in your scamdemic, and we don't want to be needle raped by you and we don't want your poisons injected into our bodies.

You can send yourselves to Hell as that is your "choice" but we don't have to follow your delusional path to the eternal lake of fire. Keep your lies and your Satanic Agendas to yourself.
Good call. Mueller only indicted 26 Russians and 6 Tramp advisers. Nobody charged trump with collusion. This is old news.
You can indict a ham sandwich, so who went to jail and for what, Nimrod? And we know now that Operation Russian Collusion was just a failed COUP launched by Obama, Biden, Clinton and The FBI and it was they who colluded with Russia, lied to The FISA Court and committed treason against The United States.
All I see is a corrupt/spoiled con man. It really seems like a cult to me.
Have you ever or do you now engage in suppression of free speech and he dissemination of misinformation?
I mean do you like your job?
Apparently you do a you can't help yourself from posting lies on this site daily.
He is the opposite of The God Hating, Hair Sniffing, Child Fondling, Alphabet Pedo Lobby Supporting, New World Order Freedom Crushing DemNazi Order.
Americans who love their country will pretty much support any candidate that would put America, American Families and American Jobs first than support a Globalist candidate whose wealth comes from political corruption.

A better question is why do you support Open Borders, a tyrannical oppressive and intrusive more powerful Government who does not serve The People but rather looks at We The People as obstacles to their Global Agenda. We don't want to be part of your Marxist Fascist Global World Order. We don't want your centralized digital currency. We like our greenbacks. We knew you were lying about Russian Collusion, COVID, and Maro Lago. We don't want our children morally and sexually confused and brainwashed. We don't want to be forced to eat TOFU and be forced to buy your Scam Electric Vehicles. We don't believe the lies of Global Warming, but most importantly, we reject your hatred of God and everything good, moral and righteous. We don't believe in your scamdemic, and we don't want to be needle raped by you and we don't want your poisons injected into our bodies.

You can send yourselves to Hell as that is your "choice" but we don't have to follow your delusional path to the eternal lake of fire. Keep your lies and your Satanic Agendas to yourself.
But...but....but......he sends out mean tweets....and his face is orange.....
If this is their leader I`d like to see the rest of the Einsteins. I can understand your embarrassment.
You're not very bright if you think I'm embarrassed by some dude's actions in Michigan. That's already apparent from your post history, though.
You're not very bright if you think I'm embarrassed by some dude's actions in Michigan. That's already apparent from your post history, though.
This guy chose 16 years in prison because he`s afraid of masks and vaccines. I don`t think a 2 time trump voter, like yourself can be embarrassed about anything.
There was no Democratic-led insurrection to prevent the peaceful transfer of power in 2016. Both sides are not equal. No where near being equal.
Wot's this, m8?

Yeah, you were counting on everybody forgot that shit, huh? :nono:

Not this cracker. Nor the years of rioting sponsored by Democrats that magically ceased a few

months before 11/2020.
If YOU consider Jan 6 an insurrection well then all the riots of 2020 were insurrections. Meaning if YOU think one is all are.

Both are crimes: An insurrection is a violent uprising against an authority or government; A riot is taken part in a violent public disturbance.
And you're a pussy. At least I'm a man.


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