Why do people support Trump?

Do you even know there's something wrong with you, Stumpy?
Only THE EVIL think The Righteous are WRONG. I am not righteous of my own. I am only righteous because of The Righteouness of
"The Lord Our Righteous Savior!"

Jesus who was God, The Son of God, not only laid down all of his heavenly power but voluntarily came to Earth to lay down his life as a living sacrifice. He came as a man, lived, died and was resurrected gaining victory over Sin, Death and Hell making the gift of salvation and reunion with God a free gift to all, but who also as promised resurrected The State of Israel, as sign of his soon return to establish Justice and Peace upon The Earth.

God is not mocked, and neither should you mock those who believe in Him.

Jeremiah 23

The Righteous Branch​

23 “Woe to the shepherds who are destroying and scattering the sheep of my pasture!” declares the Lord. 2 Therefore this is what the Lord, the God of Israel, says to the shepherds who tend my people: “Because you have scattered my flock and driven them away and have not bestowed care on them, I will bestow punishment on you for the evil you have done,” declares the Lord. 3 “I myself will gather the remnant of my flock out of all the countries where I have driven them and will bring them back to their pasture, where they will be fruitful and increase in number. 4 I will place shepherds over them who will tend them, and they will no longer be afraid or terrified, nor will any be missing,” declares the Lord.

5 “The days are coming,” declares the Lord,
“when I will raise up for David a righteous Branch,
a King who will reign wisely
and do what is just and right in the land.
6 In his days Judah will be saved
and Israel will live in safety.
This is the name by which he will be called:
The Lord Our Righteous Savior.
7 “So then, the days are coming,” declares the Lord, “when people will no longer say, ‘As surely as the Lord lives, who brought the Israelites up out of Egypt,’ 8 but they will say, ‘As surely as the Lord lives, who brought the descendants of Israel up out of the land of the north and out of all the countries where he had banished them.’ Then they will live in their own land.”
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Riots are spontaneous. The MAGA riot was planned, scheduled and incited by the POTUS.

This riot wasn't spontaneous; It was planned, Faggotronius Maximus.

As were all the worldwide "George Floyd" riots. They had it all ready to go and were just lying in wait for a catalyst.

Like people organically gave a fuck about George Floyd in the UK, France, and Australia, and all just by happenstance rioted on the same damn days n shit and all had the same pre-professionally-printed signs. Kick yourself in the ass for me now, pls.
Trump taking credit for the good situation he walked into is nothing new. Obama inherited a 16% unemployment rate for Blacks and it was down to 8% when he left. It dropped 1 (one) more percent under Trump and your Jesus took credit for all of it. He claimed that HE set a record. You slugs are easily played. Will there be another MAGA riot when he`s indicted? I hope so and I hope the cops have more than 1 bullet this time.

Nope, YOU said BLMers committed treason. And when you said that, it had nothing to do with what I said...

Dumbfuck: So when will the BLM antifa leftists be charge?
Faun: For insurrection?
Dumbfuck: Yes insurrection

So clearly, even you believe J6 was insurrection.
And for the 50 th time if you believe jan 6 was an insurrection the riots of 2020 were insurrections
And simp I've never once changed what I have said.
Trump taking credit for the good situation he walked into is nothing new. Obama inherited a 16% unemployment rate for Blacks and it was down to 8% when he left. It dropped 1 (one) more percent under Trump and your Jesus took credit for all of it. He claimed that HE set a record. You slugs are easily played. Will there be another MAGA riot when he`s indicted? I hope so and I hope the cops have more than 1 bullet this time.
In Obama's last 2 years, the economy was sinking like a rock. After Trump took over, it rose right back up again.

Here's some of the numbers >>

Obama - 3.3........2.3........1.3.........0.6

Trump - 1.7..........2.0........3.4..........4.1

Hey idiot no one is impressed with your lame ass copy and paste troll post that doesn’t actually add to a debate. You just hope 1) someone ignores it so you can claim victory or 2) someone only addresses part of that wall of text and you will say “I see you didn’t address X Y or Z. You just don’t have an argument! derp!!!”
YOU are who doesn't have an argument. You haven't addressed a single item of the 55 on the list, Mr DODGE.
See I don’t even think you knew that until that was said now under Biden. Of course, we are still creating 100,000’s of jobs per month. You can pretend that doesn’t matter but it obviously does.
He hasn't created anything but a train wreck all over the country. What Democrats call jobs created are people going back to work after shutdowns and being temporarily unemployed. That is jobs restored, not jobs created,
Your idea of "immigration reform" is letting in all the illegal aliens you can, so as to boost VOTES for Democrats.

There is no need for immigration reform. There is only a need for immigration ENFORCEMENT.

When I tell leftists immigration reform only means letting more of them in, they say it's not true. So I ask them what immigration reform means outside of letting more of them in, and not one could answer me.
Be an adult and make a post with your own wording. Pick one topic at a time.
And let you DODGE the list. Nope. You respond to the list just as it is, Doesn't matter whose "wording" it is. Facts are facts - undeniable.
He hasn't created anything but a train wreck all over the country. What Democrats call jobs created are people going back to work after shutdowns and being temporarily unemployed. That is jobs restored, not jobs created,
Lol hey moron 10 million private jobs have been created since he took office. Some of that was from the economy reopening but definitely not all of it. You actually think the pandemic shut down cost 10 million jobs? Definitely not.
And let you DODGE the list. Nope. You respond to the list just as it is, Doesn't matter whose "wording" it is. Facts are facts - undeniable.
Your dumbass doesn’t get to make a low energy copy and paste post and expect someone else to give a rebuttal to the whole or even the partial list. All you had to was copy and paste a sentence for each item.
Someone else has to explain with a paragraph or more for each item. You’re a goddamn child lol
Lol hey moron 10 million private jobs have been created since he took office. Some of that was from the economy reopening but definitely not all of it. You actually think the pandemic shut down cost 10 million jobs? Definitely not.
You actually think Biden created 10 million jobs ? Based on what ? His word ? HA HA. Maybe you can believe Al Capone or Bernie Madoff too. Biden is the most corrupt creep that has ever infested the White House, who cares about 2 things only - money & votes. And he doesn't care how he gets either one of them.

If you believe any of his numbers about anything, you might be interested in a bridge I have for sale in Brooklyn.

You actually think Biden created 10 million jobs ?Based on what ? His word ? HA HA. Maybe you can believe Al Capone or Bernie Madoff too. Bidn is the most corrupt creep that has ever infested the White House, who cares about 2 thngs only - money & votes. And he doesnt care how he gets either one of them.

If you believe any if his numbers about anything, you migh be interested in a bridge I have for sale in Brooklyn.

I didn’t say Biden created 10 million jobs you idiot. I said 10 million were created under him. Derp! Since you love to talk about shit happening under that orange retard, obviously you’re kidding yourself if you think Biden is completely removed from contributing to that number.

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