Why do people support Trump?

Great, now you're repeating that Trump's thugs are insurrectionists. You realize that works both ways, right? If BLMers are insurrectionists, which YOU said they are...

Dumbfuck: So when will the BLM antifa leftists be charge?
Faun: For insurrection?
Dumbfuck: Yes insurrection

... then Trump's violent mob of domestic terrorists committed insurrection.

No simp I said if you claim Jan 6 was an insurrection. BLM riots were also insurrections according to you.
Great, show the forum where BLM attacked a federal building while Trump, Pence, or some other person being protected by the Secret Service was inside ... or while some special event of national significance was taking place...
Attacking a federal building carries the same penality whether it's occupied by federal employees or not. It doesn't matter. But bad move of the goal post you set.

Why do people support Trump?​

How could any righteous American not support a multiple bankrupt, former shlock-tv performer who rutted with bimbos behind the backs of pregnant trophy wives and incited his goons to attack outnumbered police defending democracy, then pleasured himself by watching for hours, whose legacy is a stealth wall that he made Mexico pay for?


In the quadrennium of trumpery, the economy lost only 2.9 million jobs, and the unemployment rate increased by only 1.6% to 6.3%, (since lowered to 3.7% under his successor) as he raised the national debt by only $7.8 Trillion.

No grievance-driven loser could possibly resist supporting such a character.

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Besides, the tax returns he had repeatedly promised to make public confirm that the American taxpayer has been supporting Ronny Jackson's wet dream for years.

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How could any righteous American not support a multiple bankrupt, former shlock-tv performer who rutted with bimbos behind the backs of pregnant trophy wives and incited his goons to attack outnumbered police defending democracy, then pleasured himself by watching for hours, whose legacy is a stealth wall that he made Mexico pay for?

In the quadrennium of trumpery, the economy lost only 2.9 million jobs, and the unemployment rate increased by only 1.6% to 6.3%, as he raised the national debt by only
$7.8 Trillion.

No grievance-driven loser could possibly resist supporting such a character.

Besides, the tax returns he had repeatedly promised to make public confirm that the American taxpayer has been supporting Ronny Jackson's wet dream for years.

You leftists lie so much you believe your own lies. Then you wonder why we refer to your kind as pathetic?
No simp I said if you claim Jan 6 was an insurrection. BLM riots were also insurrections according to you.

You can keep lying all you want but here's what you actually said...

Dumbfuck: So when will the BLM antifa leftists be charge?

Faun: For insurrection?

Dumbfuck: Yes insurrection

But even going with what you morphed your position into, that still means that J6 was insurrection and BLM riots was insurrection, according to you.
Hunter wasn`t an office holder, but keeping throwing ketchup on the wall and maybe something will stick. You wanted to lock "crooked Hillary" up for using email and now you`ve moved on to a laptop. You clowns are very entertaining. Have you taken notice of how scumbags are drawn to the GQP? George Santos is quite a piece of work. The once respectable GOP was destroyed by "find me 11,000 votes". Hey there Georgie boy.

We'd lock up Joe if we could but that won't happen until he's out of office. However, in spite of his dozens of faults, Joe would do anything for his family. Locking up Hunter for his and Joe's crimes would be worse for him than if we could lock up Joe himself. He'd have no choice but to pardon his son for a serious crime(s) if they are found, and the Democrat party once again sticking up for Joe proving they are indeed pro-criminal.
Maybe because there is so much irrational criticism of him that a lot of Americans figure he must be doing something right.

If Trump was a bad loser in 2020, the Democrats were equally bad losers in 2016. After his victory, many lefists devoted their lives to bringing him down.

There was no Democratic-led insurrection to prevent the peaceful transfer of power in 2016. Both sides are not equal. No where near being equal.
You can keep lying all you want but here's what you actually said...

Dumbfuck: So when will the BLM antifa leftists be charge?
Faun: For insurrection?
Dumbfuck: Yes insurrection

But even going with what you morphed your position into, that still means that J6 was insurrection and BLM riots was insurrection, according to you.
It's your definition of Jan 6 attacking a federal building is insurrection
No according to you.

Nope, YOU said...

Yes insurrection
It's your definition of Jan 6 attacking a federal building is insurrection

Actually, it's not; but regardless, you said the BLMers committed insurrection because the violated 18 U.S. Code § 1752 - Restricted building or grounds, same as Trump's thugs did.

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